What Miscavige is Trying to Stop

You may have seen that I informed “OT VIII” OTA John Allender, his three companions, and their boss David Miscavige by extension, that they were interrupting the delivery of Scientology services at Casablanca. Allender annoucned that they would be here “for weeks and weeks” and his Sonny Barger wanna be sidekick, added “for as long as it takes.”  Based on information from excellent sources, the “it” is very clear. Miscavige has ordered me closed down by any means necessary. Even if that does inestimable damage to the image of Scientology in the process.  Miscavige is reading the successes, he is seeing that his institutional implants are being remedied and exposed in short order here in a very safe environment. Therefore, he “reasons”, make the environment unsafe.  

 Just so people are not confused about the intentions and PRODUCT of David Miscavige, let’s see an example of what it is that he is investing millions in trying to STOP.

April 6, 2011

What I’m about to write may not seem like such a big deal. And the truth is that it may only be a big deal to me. After all, it’s about my life and my freedom.

I’m clear.

I am clear. Simple statement. I am clear.

But one week ago, I could not say or write those words. One week ago I thought I had a difficult case that might never be resolved. You see, I attested to clear at Flag in 1979 and again in Washington, DC after a DCSI in 1981. After that, I was repeatedly sent to the bottom of the Bridge to fill in what I had missed, until 2001, after 11 weeks on a CCRD at Flag, when I was told I was not clear. Once again, it was back to the bottom of the Bridge, after a few sessions of Dianetics to “prove that I can run Dianetics.”

That day, I was made small and I was told that my own knowingness, my own perceptions, were just not true. One week ago, I was confused about my case and about myself. But what’s worse is that I started wondering if I could know anything and I started wondering if the tech could work for me. One week ago, I made long explanations and excuses about where I was on the Bridge. One week ago, I thought I needed strange and complicated tricks and props to get into and out of session.

That was one week ago.

Then, last weekend, I went to Casablanca, where Marty Rathbun gave me back what the church took from me.

I am clear. I have been for a long time.

I’ll write it again in case anyone missed it. I was clear. The church took that from me and drove me into confusion. Marty Rathbun, probably the most on-source and effective auditor I have ever met, gave it back to me.

Everything about my trip to Casablanca aligned to provide one remarkable experience. To say that Mosey is an exceptional hostess who creates a safe and caring environment is to give her half the credit she deserves. She was that and much more.

To say that Marty has Act One in, is a weak understatement. With the standard tech that LRH gave us, and superior auditing skills, Marty audits as I imagine LRH audited. He didn’t audit the meter, or a folder or a piece of paper, or even my body; he audited the being that is me. I truly understood for the first time how the auditor and the PC work together.

And if David Miscavige, or any other SP for that matter, has trouble sleeping at night, it is because he knows that Mosey and Marty Rathbun are freeing people. He knows that Marty is undoing the church’s carefully constructed suppression. He knows that Marty is something David could never be: a great auditor. And what did LRH say about auditors? I think it had something to do with them being valuable, yes?

“There is a higher goal, a better goal, a more glorious victory than gutted towns and radiation-burned dead. There is freedom and happiness and plenty and a whole Universe to be won.” — L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health

Thank you, Marty, Mosey, Chiquita and Cat.



And I leave you with this, just because it feels right:

170 responses to “What Miscavige is Trying to Stop

  1. Well done to you Marty!

    To DM, all I can say is – you truly are a little wet noodle.

  2. Mother of Grendel

    Beautiful success story! Thank you for giving us something truly wonderful and uplifting in place of the muck and filth provided by the C of M.

  3. That’s a wonderful success story Cindy, such a valuable accomplishment to realize for the last time your true state of existence. Congratulations!
    Marty, great job. One more beautiful product. There are many out here in the independents who are working hard as well to clean up and correct the out tech which many have experienced. Thanks for your part and all you do.


  4. WOW………….

  5. “Let there be songs to fill the air.” (Ripple by Grateful Dead)

    Cindy, your success IS a big deal and thanks so much for sharing it. Your song fills the air!

    Marty, Mosey, Chiquita and Tinkerbell, thank you! L, H

  6. Congratulations, Cindy.

    Your story is quite believable. I know of two Clears who, after GAT, were told they were not. One was sent hysterically crying out of the org. The other also attested to Clear at Flag in the early 90’s, and was later told they were not, after GAT, at a lower org. He has since blown the Church – DM and his GAT alterations at work.

    It does my heart good to hear of your attestation.

    Somewhere on the outer rim, LRH is smiling.


  7. martyrathbun09

    Thanks Mat. We are overdue for a freakin’ fishing trip.

  8. Awesome win! 🙂

  9. Watching Eyes

    Miscavige has ordered me closed down by any means necessary.

    That’s a scary statement. Could this mean murder? Arson? Frightening really. I can only hope his goons know at what point to put the brakes on and aren’t willing to risk spending the rest of their live in prison “for the greatest good”. I also hope the FBI is keeping an eye on things.

    Now to Cindy! Congratulations many times over. I loved reading your story.

  10. Cindy – Thanks for the beautiful success story, and welcome to a new state of being. I hope your certainty of your state of Clear is strong enough that it can never be invalidated again. Also thanks to Marty for posting my favorite Grateful Dead song.

  11. George White

    Great , great work. Wonderful story.

  12. Marty,
    Thisay be the time to offer the “wee one” some sort of a deal. Such as, if he makes public the ‘number of Class IV auditors made’ for each week, during the last 3 decades, from each CL V Org on each continent, you will in turn do………(fill in the blank.)

    Really slam the ball back in the little prick’s court. Well, I guess you’ve doing that already.

    Keep up the good fight. We’re all amazed at what you’re doing.

    BTW, I’d love to know how much you paid for all those micro video cameras strung around outside. They’re incredibly tiny. You sly dog!

  13. Fantastic success story! Congradulations Cindy! Enjoy the win and I am sure the Texas sized smile is still there and not going away any time soon. This is what LRH wanted – wins and gains from the application of the tech.

    Seems like the Grinch and crew just can’t stand anyone having a win from the application of the tech. Notice the the people of earth – we are Independent Scientologist’s. That means we are free to use the tech and have the wins. One can be a Scientologist without being a churchie. VWD to the auditor, Marty, and the rest of the crew at Casablanca Tejas.

  14. If LRH’s legacy is the tech, it is all available in HCOBs and Lectures. There is no hidden data line. And with the multitude of LRH lectures now released, the full tech is available to anyone. Again, there is no hidden data line.
    Standard Tech is available for anyone who wants to avail themselves of it.

    In other words, the corporate Church does not have a monopoly on Standard Tech. Therefore it is now up to each of us to demand Standard Tech, and not some shoddy substitute.

    Only once we abdicate our responsibility to a hidden data line, or to RTC, or to DM, or to the corporate Church, to think for us and tell us who can and cannot deliver Standard Tech, do we get into potential trouble. It is really our responsibility now.

    There is no crime in questioning authority. There is no crime in verifying actual statistics. There is no crime in being an individual, and holding those in positions of power responsible for their actions and their statistics. Don’t let the corporate Church, or anyone else for that matter, think for you. And it is no crime to ensure, as a PC or Pre-OT, that you only receive Standard Tech. The best way to ensure that: get trained!

    Tom Price

  15. Kathy Braceland

    Beautiful Cindy! You wonderful Clear you!!!!!!!

    Beautiful Marty! You wonderful auditor you!!!!!!!

  16. Gary Morehead - a.k.a Jackson

    Just B E A U T I F U L !!!!!

    Love to all involved!! Even the “Cat”!

    — Jackson

  17. one of those who see

    Hi Cindy. I am sitting here crying in joy. I love you guys!!! and I love The Dead too! This is just beautiful. You reminded me that one of my goals was to be able to say where I am on the bridge. Never got there in the Church. Such a simple thing that never happened.
    Your success story is a really big deal to me. Very Very Well Done to all!

    DM is torturing clears.
    Marty is freeing beings.

  18. Cindy, that was a lovely success story. Good on you.
    Miscavige has made the “Church” the laughing stock on Internet bloggers and wider but is too stuck in his Evil Intentions against Marty to think straight.
    He does not care what Barnum Bailey show he ringmasters with his Clowns with mounted cameras.
    He is making OT VIIIs look like Cuckoo’s nest inmates.
    John Allender OT VIII indeed.
    Remember this OT VIII George Baille.
    A normal six-pack Joe guy on the Flag ship Apollo in the 1970s.
    Now see what he is like after decades in the Church.
    He is mesmerizing in his insane babbling “Ha Ha Ha..you are stuck in an electronic incident ! (hysterical laughter).
    These are DM’s “OT VIIIs”

  19. Cindy wrote: “I’ll write it again in case anyone missed it. I was clear. The church took that from me and drove me into confusion. Marty Rathbun, probably the most on-source and effective auditor I have ever met, gave it back to me.”

    You are so right, Cindy. I had the same experience on my Clear status for 13 years and finally Marty in one session, 5 months ago gave me back what David Miscavige and his squirrel auditors took away from me.
    Keep winning Cindy.
    Marty, you are an amazing auditor and thank you for being there and helping people.
    🙂 🙂

  20. Way to go Cindy. Lovely product Marty.
    It just seems to be the more DM fights & resists the more it indicates there’s lots of gains available for Freedom. There’s been heaps of asshole SPs on the track & he’s just one more of ’em. The fact he’s tried to take over and destroy the tech LRH worked out is simply the negative to your potential positive. Never disparage your power – you’re far more capable than you’ve been led to believe.
    Florish & prosper, it’ll drive the little twerp batty.

  21. Cindy,
    Extremely well-articulated. I feel so fortunate to have been able to experience this with you at Casablanca. I watched you blossom each day and I continue to see you stretch since these correct indications and correct acknowledgements of your own perceptions that the good ole COS had been invalidating for such a long time.

    Thankfully each of us have tweaked with whatever it was, that drove us to ‘look’ and now we have the opportunity to amass our energy, power and freedoms to take back and be cause over our futures , because now we are on alert and will not let this crap happen to us again.

    Whether DM has trouble sleeping at night – most likely not. He has this all so justified and he is so right about it – that he can probably sleep on queue.

    These low tone, SP cats have this uncanny talent for fooling people into following them – mesmerizing them with just enough apparent theta and truth that good people fall right into the trap. Extreme level of evil.

    I know our theta and the wins are driving DM to drink, or worse. So let’s all step up our own responsibility for having more wins & making those wins known here. Nothing an SP hates is having things go right, stats truly rising and people winning. So let’s bring it up a notch in our own personal realm of influence and just overload DM and his bots reading our theta wins.

    Flourish and prosper at a level this little shrimp could never ever imagine possible by a group if renegade Independents.

    Now, all you know I am a true-blue Texan so I gotta say : That’s my story and I am definitely sticking to it. You’ll just have to indulge me on such things.

    Marty, you are the bomb. Ain’t nobody able to touch you on auditing and us Indies have your back. Just know that. We love you & Mosey very much.

  22. Wow Cindy! 😀 Excellent job y’all did getting that sorted out for good!
    Truth ~ It does a thetan good!

    Kudos to you all for getting great results!
    😉 Lagniappe*~driving the Suppressive/Antisocial bully psycho!

    *la·gniappe/ˌlanˈyap/Noun: Something given as a bonus or extra gift.

  23. Tommy,
    You got it exactly! You know you are getting Standard Tech or not by the results you are experiencing. If it is working, you know it. Or not. From the auditor’s perspective, it is following the HCOBs to the letter. From the C/S’s it is in the worksheets and exam report. But from the pc chair, it is entirely subjective.
    Being told, “Sorry, you’re not Clear,” can actually be a relief and bring in VGIs, if it is the truth. VBIs followed by “Like it or lump it,” is NOT Standard Tech. Since the advent of Dianetic Clear in 1978 there unfortunately were many misdeclares of the state. The whole Dianetic Clear-DCSI-CCRD section of the Bridge has been badly handled in many instances. I did Obs missions in 1978 and 1980 on the subject and found much confusion on the part of C/Ses who subsequently did not hold the line as they did on other aspects of tech. Then there was an impulse on the part of some public to get onto the OT levels as rapidly (and inexpensively) as possible and a Clear attest opened the gate to the OT levels. Before 1978, there was one way to OT III–Dianetics, Grades, Power, VA, R6EW, CC, OT I and OT II. Many folders I inspected in 1978 were old Power Releases who had stalled for years after hundreds and hundreds of hours of R3R. Less than 2 years later I was finding people who had attested Clear from “garbage eating or psychiatry,” to quote LRH. In any event, it can all be straightened out.

    Congratulations to Cindy. And to Marty for a product of Standard Tech.

  24. Wow Cindy,

    We now know where what is truly “the happiest place on Earth”.

    Even though other places try to claim this very same moniker (is it Flag or Disney Land I’m not quite sure though both places have their similarities) Marty’s seems not only that but the place to be as well.

    Very well done Marty, Mosey and of course Chiquita ,the Cat Supervisor and *actual* squirrel buster extraordinare 😉

    As far as the suppressive rodents Allender and Co. I hope “as long as takes” means a long time in hell.

  25. Yvonne Schick

    Cindy, I have tears of joy reading your success. I am so happy, happy, happy for you. IF I needed any evidence for myself of the validity of my decision to kiss-off DM in favor of independent practice of Scn, you are all the proof I needed. Knowing you personally and knowing what you went thru, then to know you had this kind of win restores my faith in the tech and auditing.

    Marty, thank you for all you have done for my friends. You may never know the joy it brings me to have my friends winning like they are, and you are the auditor producing those results. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. It doesn’t seem to say enough. I feel a bit at a loss for words. Surely, LRH would be very proud of you for keeping his work ALIVE.

    Much love, Yvonne

  26. Congratulations to Cindy and to you, Marty, for standing up to suppression…

  27. Lucky Dilettante

    “Miscavige has ordered me closed down by any means necessary. Even if that does inestimable damage to the image of Scientology in the process. ”

    Keep up the great work, Marty. You are getting to him.
    Miscavige needs to get a message from the world at large pointing out his extreme egocentricity and delusion. He may regard himself as the new Messiah and the savior of mankind in his own mind, but he needs to know that he is just simply harming people with his twisted views. In 1952 LRH wrote a book and developed a technology to help mankind. Miscavige has just superimposed his own altered version of it on the world.
    The proof of this on the internet now in total words probably exceeds the written work of L Ron Hubbard himself. The stories of blatant destruction by the great Miscavige are too numerous too ignore. There are just too many testimonials of his brutality. The tide had turned against David Miscavige.
    David Miscavige seems to think that he is not to be reviewed by others. He
    seems to think he is under no one’s control. This rabid desire of his to shut down Marty and the independent movement is very elitist. Miscavige has no right to shut down the truth.
    I have also realized that as a dilettante I had minimal connection with Scientology. In fact, I don’t really practice it. However, I have had to take time to clean up the messes left by Miscavige. Many people who have been mangled by the ” Miscavigeolgy” showed up on my doorstep because of connections from the distant past. I have helped these people. Their stories to me have been nothing but horror and brutality at the hand of actions initiated by Miscavige. These insane actions by Miscavige are what must STOP.

  28. Karen#1-That was a very scary video of George-Yikes!!!!! He’s the one stuck in an incident.
    Now onto a more theta subject-Cindy-Incredible win! I am so glad you got your Clear state validated. And now you can get the Bridge and have fun!

  29. Wow! Congratulations to all of you! Fabulous!
    So clear I can feel it all the way over here…. 😀

  30. Cindy Pinsonnault

    Dear One of Those Who See;

    I know what you are feeling. For years, I would have settled for almost any label from the church just to be able to know where I was on the bridge. I suppose that’s one of the reasons I let them send me down to the bottom of the bridge over and over again as I plodded along at a snail’s pace. But all those wins and all the freedom they represented were just being squashed.

    Lately, I keep noticing things that I used to be aware of, but since all the confusion was piled on, it got lost for me.

    Well, I’ve got it back. And it’s not a wild win. I’m not feeling giddy about it. What I feel, finally, is certain. And stable.

    And I realize what a horrible thing it is that the church is doing to good people. It’s knocking the pins right out from under them. It’s filling them with doubt and fear and confusion. And then it’s setting up a poser as the stable datum that will fix it all.

    I am so grateful to to Yvonne Schick who sent me some information that opened my eyes. And I will be forever thankful that I found this wonderful independent field and auditors in it who are truly dedicated to keeping LRH’s tech pure and who are applying that tech in the world and in their lives and in the lives of others. And I’ll always love my auditor for restoring me.

    To anyone reading this: If you are an auditor, applying LRH’s real tech in the independent field, speak up and make it known. You are so valuable and there are people who need you.

    And One of Those Who See, if you still think you might like to know where you are on the bridge, you can.

  31. Marty,

    How long would it take you to guide someone fresh off the street, as in no prior experience with Scientology at all, to Clear or even OT?



  32. What eloquence, Cindy. You’ve said it complete.

    Marty, Mosey, Chiquita and Cat………….keep on keepin’ on!
    Love to you all.

  33. Congratulations Cindy, Nothing like getting that acknowledgement of what you’ve known for some time after all the suppression in the church. Pay it forward.

    ml, Mark

  34. Cindy: so happy you got your certainty restored! It’s a wonderful thing.

    Marty: is it time for Crockett, Bowie and company to form a perimeter and keep the Stretched Midsection Boys in line? SMBs may not be a real worry to you, but words like “for as long as it takes” sound like a Santa Anna wannabe scratching a line in the sand.

  35. Congratulations, Cindy. If it isn’t fun, it isn’t Scientology.

    Marty, I think you are correct on all counts. The granddaddy of whole track implanters is getting the epic beat down of all beat downs.

    You know — I remember LRH talking about the trademark deep, deep feelings of contempt that victims of implanting have for those who implanted them.

    Is there a single Indie who does not feel that way toward David Miscavige and by extension, toward his merry band of misfits? Once they realize WHO he is? I’ll wager not. I’ll wager too that HCOB best characterizes the feelings of disgust, revulsion and pure enmity we as a group feel toward that little now cockroach frozen in the daylight with nowhere to run. I feel his influence slipping fast, slipping away into the eternity of obscurity.

    We as a group are causing this SP to shatter with confront alone. And those dumb, dumb, dumb last bozos who tried to side with DM will likely never live down their mistake. How intensely stupid.

  36. Congratulations Cindy on getting the right indication to validate your knowingness and state of being. It should be smooth sailing for you from here on out.
    Great Job Marty by doing what you mean to do – help people go free-while having to put up with those nut jobs. It couldn’t be easy to ignor those barking dogs, uhhh I mean squirrels, right in your face. I hope the court bust them!

  37. Marty, very well done! Cindy, very well done!

    Now what’s the next step?

  38. Happy for you that its finally over, and you got the product verified.

    Congratz … another Clear in the Game of Clearing this Planet.

    On another note, I hear Ship OT-VIII completions now get a ballcap and cam along with their cert.

  39. Agree! Maybe later this year. I might be doing another cross country trip
    which always has a stop over at your place!

  40. I could have written almost the same except the happy end.

  41. Grateful Dead Ripple Lyrics

    If my words did glow with the gold of sunshine
    And my tunes were played on the harp unstrung,
    Would you hear my voice come thru the music,
    Would you hold it near as it were your own?

    It’s a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken,
    Perhaps they’re better left unsung.
    I don’t know, don’t really care
    Let there be songs to fill the air.

    Ripple in still water,
    When there is no pebble tossed,
    Nor wind to blow.

    Reach out your hand if your cup be empty,
    If your cup is full may it be again,
    Let it be known there is a fountain,
    That was not made by the hands of men.

    There is a road, no simple highway,
    Between the dawn and the dark of night,
    And if you go no one may follow,
    That path is for your steps alone.

    Ripple in still water,
    When there is no pebble tossed,
    Nor wind to blow.

    You who choose to lead must follow
    But if you fall you fall alone,
    If you should stand then whos to guide you?
    If I knew the way I would take you home.

    La dee da da da, la da da da da, da da da, da da, da da da da da
    La da da da, la da da, da da, la da da da, la da, da da.

  42. Beautiful story, Cindy & incredible application of Standard Tech in Casablanca! Really like that Dead song.

  43. Thanks Cindy for posting this, and thanks Marty and Mosey and the zoological crew at your house, for making it possible for Cindy to get herself back!

    There is no greater gift.

  44. Cindy, congratulations on your now (finally) acknowledged state of Clear and your continuing wins.

  45. Cindy — so wonderful to hear that you, with your auditor confirmed what you knew. You are clear!!

    Wonderful and lovely state of being that no one can ever take from you. dms crew simply covered it over with TONS of inval and eval but with the right touch that cloud cover disappeared.

    Now – for evermore, you’ll have those moments at Casablanca you can recall at will when you might feel a cloud or two billowing over – you can just recall those moments at Casablanca and VOILA — shining and bright again.

    Clouds are just clouds — the sun is ALWAYS above them 🙂


  46. It is nice to get Standard Tech. Well done Cindy.
    Keep winning and enjoy….

  47. martyrathbun09


  48. Thanks for sharing Cindy!

    Marty and mosey. WOW!
    What a team!

    Sorry, David. Time to wake up.

  49. Dm does not want freed beings.

  50. Congratulations Cindy! This is truly what it’s all about — giving people the chance to go free, for real, through standard tech.

    I can attest Marty did the same fantastic service for me and others, and long may he continue, which I’m sure he will because he has three things Miscavige doesn’t have and never will:

    1. Actual LRH tech.
    2. A pair.
    3. Real friends (more than Misacavige can count).

    And that says it all, really.

  51. Here’s another thing that’s being targeted: the formation of a true group that will further the purpose of Scientology.

    I’m going to just throw out an idea that might upset a few here, but in many ways Scientology under LRH never became a true group. Why? Because groups are individuals who form around an idea, agreeing to that idea and making that idea a reality.

    But, isn’t that what Scientology was doing under LRH? Yes and no. A true group has a life of its own, independent of any members. But, as it existed, Scientology was dependent on a single individual. Scientology could at that time only serve as a collective of individuals who acted as agents for LRH, who acted as extensions of LRH.

    He tried his best to form up a group, but his personal authority always overwhelmed the group itself, always overshadowed the ability of members to form unbreakable bonds that make a group powerful.

    A group of thetans will always be stronger than the combined strength of the individuals who comprise the group. A group will tend to be stronger than an individual. Get a large enough group and it will take out an individual. If the net power of the individual is equal to the net power of the group, the group will win.

    The net combined power of all the individuals who joined the SO and became Scientologists was far greater than LRH himself, but LRH was always the authority or cause point of the group. A group requires all its members to be cause points. A group will be successful to the degree that individual members are mocking up the group and being responsible for what is created.

    But, Scientologists have tended to not consider themselves cause points over the group, tended to not create the group and accept responsibility for being knowing cause over the group.

    Of course, there are groups within groups. And Scientology had groups within groups. There were terminals operating as group members, as responsible cause points operating as knowing cause to create the group.

    And those were the primary targets of the initial take over. Get rid of anyone who held a position of power–not just because of the personal power, but because taking out the generating terminals of the group cut off the group’s power.

    And once you’ve shut down a group’s power sources, you could establish a new organization by setting up substitute terminals operating from a new basic consideration. And a new “authority” could be established. A new boss could take over, using his own terminals who were willing to act as extensions of his assertions.

    DM was masterful in eliminating power terminals because he was able to muster an agreement that they should be unseated. He could gang up on a terminal and that terminal would have little or no support system to fall back on.

    In a true group, all members support all members. You could not attack one member without getting a push back from other members. DM says, “That old Bill is one hell of a suppressive, we have to get rid of him, look at all the horrible things he’s done!” But, in a true group, the members would listen to this and say, “Bullshit, Bill’s a great guy, look at all the great things he’s done. Why are you saying this crap?”

    But, because Scientology wasn’t a true group, but merely an extension of LRH, members could not really come to the aid of one another. DM, acting as “LRH’s agent” was enabled with the power to eliminate terminals at will by fabricating whatever he choose. No group support. Or very little, just that residual support from sub-groups within the group.

    But, an embryonic group is forming here. Members come to one another’s aid. Marty is not just a sitting duck that a fabrication will undo. No one here is going to believe the lies. And most people here are going to come to the defense of Marty as a member of the group.

    It’s not a group that is an extension of Marty. It’s a group. Not everyone agrees with Marty. Some here probably don’t even like him. But even those who don’t like Marty will likely offer up support.

    And that’s got to be terrifying to COB. He’s got no defense against a true group.

    My wife just leaned over the rail and smiled that siren smile that just let me know there are things more important than writing you guys a message. I’m just weak. Here I extoll the virtue of the 3D only to be dropped back one.

    “Coming in a sec, babes.”

    Oh well.

    But, a characteristic of a survival group is attention to all the dynamics, not just the third. A survival group enhances an individual across the dynamics, not just theoretically but actually. All the dynamics come into play and are encouraged. The importance of the group does not supplant the importance of other forces in one’s life.

    Thus a distance knell of death.

    But, a child is born. And another. And parents look to the future. Ah, what will be?


    ps. as to what I might have written further, a true group will fill in for me.

  52. 2ndxmr: “For as long as it takes” turned out to be about 10 minutes. What he actually said (may not have been recorded on his Acme hatcam) is “We will be here for as long as it takes for us to fuck it up and make laughingstocks of ourselves all over the internet and in media around the world.” According to Deep Fax, he then went on: “Then we will hightail it out of town like all the other losers who have been sent down here to ‘handle’ Marty, until we have to appear for our arraignment.”

  53. Cindy, thank you so much for writing up your wins with Marty! So wonderful to read, my heart swelled with joy for you.

    Marty and Mosey, again – thank you for being there and doing what you do so well!

    Michael, what you write is so true for me – I saw exactly what you describe. I don’t know if it is due to LRH’s authority or not, but I can tell you that the mechanism is exactly as you describe. I felt I was alone even in the midst of all those Church members from about 1979 on — no community, no recognition of rightness, no loyalty, power terminals just being wiped down to the ground. So long as they were “upstat” they were not molested much, but the second their stats faltered they were jumped on. Somewhere along the way their very real contributions of years would just be forgotten, their love maligned and they would disappear from the scene leaving the rest of us hurt and baffled and wondering what the hell happened.

    There is a eulogy over on scientology-cult.com to a long time and beloved auditor/CS. I didn’t know him, but I am so glad that in this independent field, his love and work and effectiveness has been recognized and he didn’t just disappear with no one having any idea what the hell happened to him.

    This new group has heart!

  54. More proof then that the dim one is a Santa Anna wannabe: a bunch of hot air that fades quickly.

  55. Cindy Pinsonnault

    Kay — I wouldn’t have gotten there without you. Seeing your genuine joy for my wins is a memory I treasure. I hadn’t seen anything like that in the church for a long time.

  56. Cindy Pinsonnault

    Yvonne, you should be proud of yourself. Your reach is helping a lot of people get out and get help. I’m very grateful to you for helping me wake up and holding my hand when I thought all might be lost.

  57. Michael,
    Part of that data, the early material on Groups, is that idea of the Goal Maker. I seem to recall a bit about the beingness coming into its own after the living Goal Maker leaves the body. Perhaps that’s what we’ve got going now, and so the True Group can form.

    It IS forming. There is a True Group now. We’re members.

    Now, eat shit and piss off you garrulous smarty pants. Ooops, that’s me. No, you. No, me.

    P.S. On that BEINGNESS lecture, from Dec 53, the transcript guys have an MU on ‘Black Band’. They say it has to do with sound or somesuch gibberish. It has to do with a theoretical Black Body. That item can absorb at all wavelengths and so can theoretically emit at all wavelengths; its wavelength is infinite, from the shortest to the longest. The context in the tape is referencing the shortest and then goes to the mechanics of telepathy, matching wavelengths. That’s in the context of granting beingness, and the willingness to have all sorts of viewpoints of dimension.

    DM is an ‘only one’, and nobody else, nothing else, is granted beingness. So he comes up with nonsense like the ‘Squirrel Busters’ and has no grasp of Marty. He can’t be Marty. Marty is an auditor. Marty is auditing beings and they are recovering innate ability, achieving states of being that are magnificent and let loose upon the universe a whole creative source. DM is terrified of all this freed creativity, all this randomity and no restraint on who creates what and shares with whom.

    Dave, the shit you pulled before, it don’t work now. We, this True Group, ARE and there’s waaaaaay too many to quash now. LRH found the key to trap, he gave it to us, freely. We have it, and we’re giving it out a plenty.

  58. Michael, You’re my favorite ‘groupie’. You know thats exactly how DM did it. He used LRH’s ethics presence to take out the people in his way. Love

  59. Wow! Congratulations Cindy and Marty. Another wonderful success story!

    I know someone who had FOUR (count them – 4!!!!) attest and unattest clear cycles. Spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, running through Clear attests and unattests, OT levels that he was told he didn’t make, lower levels done – and at the end you know- he just walked away in COMPLETE DISGUST. This is corporate Scientology at work. Just one attest/unattest -wrong indication can serious mess with someone’s waa – but 4 of them???? This is the result of the King of Squirrels “technical” dictates. This is how dedicated people are rewarded- this guy devoted his life to it, put his commitment above it to everything else. Did everything and MORE than was asked. And for what???? To be left several thousand dollars poorer, and left with a sense of enormous failing, deflated sense of worth, the sabotaging of one’s self-certainty, lack of accomplishment in his life, financial hardship. This is the product. And so sadly, he is just one of so very many.

    So when I see that and then see what you are doing Marty, I say, go for it!!! And I hope that more and more ARE following your example in cleaning up the gynormous messes manufactured from the Scn Inc madness machine.

  60. You’re right Karen,

    I’ve known George for about 30 years and really like the guy … what a change! It’s really unfortunate that a Class Vlll OT Vlll and many others up the bridge have gone that far south.

    I hope they take a moment to think what it was they yearned for when they first got in – what was it that they envisioned when they first stepped thru the doorway of that Mission or Org?

    Hopefully they still have enough sense to evaluate *that* Ideal Scene and the Existing scene to realize that all is not well in the world of the Church.

    Cindy: A great success story and beautifully written!
    Thank you and well done on the Clear cycle!

  61. Congratulations Cindy,
    Wonderful story, communicates very well what Scientology is about. It also shows the enormous contrast between the Church and Scientology. I can’t think of any better illustration of the dichotomy. I think it gives a lot of hope to a lot of people now desperate about their case and how to make it on the Bridge. It shows very well what the Church does to its paying customers and how they keep them in eternal turmoil.

    Marty, this is about one of the best demo’s you’ve given so far; those who are really setting people free and getting them up the Bridge are most harassed by the Church. This leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination and clears away all doubt anyone may have on the Church’s intentions and actions. It’s a wonderful demo of confront versus cowardice, setting people free versus doing them in, tone 40 versus 1.1, sanity versus insanity, impossible to mistake for the world.

  62. Cindi, Thank you for this wonderful success story. Certainty, knowing is what standard tech produces. I have no doubts you are clear! Congratulations! Love

  63. Cindy,
    Congratulations! Wow! Clear!
    I’m so happy for you! I’m also happy for you that you could experience this in the most theta, distraction free place in the world, Marty and Mosey’s place! I’m looking forward to hearing more wins of your future progress UP the bridge. Thank you for sharing your theta news with me today, ml, Laura

  64. Cindy,

    That is one great success story, Congratulations!
    One of the definitions of Freedom is “lots of space, and knowing what to do with it.” I do hope to see you take advantage of this, and continue on with the next great adventure….solo and the OT levels. And of course, you will want the best auditor you can get on Solo…..;)

    Marty, Mosey, Chiquita and Tinkerbell have got one grooved in production line. Keep it up!

    – Tom F

  65. Oh, and just because:

  66. Cindy
    Your story brought tears to my eyes.
    Suffice to say I know EXACTLY how you feel.
    Very well done on finding Marty and having enough faith to pick up the cans again. Enjoy your wins!
    As for you Miscavige – Go find a rock to suppress. You’re so pathetic you’ve ceased to become even a worthy opponent.

  67. Too correct Marty. Gotta stop showing off that C of $ dirty laundry that got cleaned pure white at Casa Blanca. What a beautiful win.

    “The point where a thetan goes mad is very exact. It is the point where he begins to obsessively stop something. From this the effort becomes generalized and he begins to stop lots of other things. When this includes anyone who or anything that would help him as well as those people and things that help, the being is suppressive. His intentions counter any other intention, particularly good intentions.”

    God I wish DM would go away. I miss having things the way they were when LRH was around. Because:

    When LRH ran things he promoted training in orgs so that the orgs would expand.
    DM invalidates training with GAT and expands the physical org instead.

    When LRH ran things he would impart data to us in HCOBs and Tapes.
    DM takes things out of tapes and HCOBs so that he is not discovered.

    When LRH ran things he bought a bus for Sea Org staff in Clearwater so they could go to the mall or movies on libs days.
    DM solved that by cancelling libs and any time off.

    When LRH ran things he would give news briefings of happenings around the world via OODS.
    DM forbids ANY outside data from coming in.

    When LRH ran things he would grant leaves when people needed them and wished them all the best.
    DM calls anyone who leaves the Sea Org “DBs”.

    When LRH ran things he used to allow his friends to write him and would answer them with friendly advice.
    DM has no friends and therefore no comm line to him.

    When LRH ran things he ensured staff were taken care of and he granted beingness to them.
    DM belts and strangles staff around him and invalidates them.

    When LRH ran things stats went up and orgs expanded and he promoted this data.
    DM lies about the dwindling production and shrinking orgs.

    When LRH ran things he told Sea Org staff they could leave with no FL bill if they didn’t want to stay in the Sea Org.
    DM refuses to let anyone leave and enforces it with razor wire that keeps them in.

    When LRH ran things he asked us to stop sending him presents and wished only for increased production in orgs, calling it the birthday game.
    DM staff demand that org and Sea Org staff spend their own money to buy him lavish gifts and he could give a rats ass about production (after all it’s a PRO world and all you have to do is lie about it).

    When LRH ran things he used to demand management handle down statistics in production.
    DM just ignores downstats and has them hidden from public.

    When LRH ran things no one would dream of squirreling.
    DM not only dreams of squirreling, he promotes it.

    When LRH ran things SPs like John Allender are declared.
    DM hires weirdoes like Allender to rep him.

    When LRH ran things he wrote an HCOB that said “What has hurt me most in Dianetics and Scientology is the phenomenon of the rise and sudden fall of executives.”
    DM causes the sudden fall of executives because LRH said that’s what hurt him most.

    When LRH ran things Scientology = Love and ARC.

    ML Tom

  68. Wow, Cindy congratulations and I am so happy for you. Thanks Mosey and Marty for being there and creativing a SAFE space. THE king of squirrels would have NO idea about creating a safe space. Those who follow him will be so sorry…very very sorry.

    We all deserve the best life has to offer. Marty you provide that in your delivery of the tech.

    ML Carol

  69. For as long as it takes … for these guys to get their commendations from our little Pol Pot in Hemet, a discount on their next Dev-T/Black Scientology auditing action and maybe even a free upgrade to IAS Patronius Gluteus Maximus …

  70. Marty,
    What DM is trying to stop, the application of Standard Tech to wonderful results, is way out of his hands at this time. Actually, LRH ensured that by making sure the remedy was widely distributed. You, along with so many more around the globe, are freely applying what was freely given.

    Dave, you CAN’T stop all this application of Scientology outside of your greedy, suppressive control. Evidence of that is that you sent the Busted Squirrels instead of a Cease and Desist from the lawyers. That you did, and that you haven’t worn the actual RTC hat, is proof positive – you got nuttin’ (THAT pun is clear).

    G’head Dave, try now to go to court. Laches dude, laches. It’s game over. Scientology wins, Independent or otherwise, and with that, even you, you sorry ass excuse for a man, have a chance to win too.

  71. Firebreathing Frog

    Thank you so much for this post.

    That’s what I love to read.

    I don’t care about stupid fciukng asses trying to stop for few place on earth where real scientology is being delivered.

    I read the post about all the squirreling David Miscavige is enforcing to all Scientology orgs. They make lot of senses and help de’PTS’ing from the biggest SP this planet ever had.

    But what really makes my day is reading some real success made by real people – not forced to write the few wins they’ve got from a tech that could have delivered so much more if it was not squirreled to that extant within the church.

    That’s the only hope I have to have standard tech one day.

    Please, keep posting those wins. It helps so much to keep the faith.

    Very Much Love

  72. I love it Cindy. Way to persist. Truth wins out again. Good on you Marty. Code of honor in, obviously. Three times they checked me. 3rd time they said I wasn’t clear. What happened the other two? The EP given at the end was so ridiculous and a such a non-changer of anything, I was stunned. You’ve got to be kidding me. I mocked up an FN to get the hell out of there. The action used up all my hours up. Naturally. It was painful auditing. Full of effort. No fun. I went back one more time to see if I had somehow made a mistake. Nope! Flag is not the friendliest place in the world anymore. I don’t trust the C/S, the D of Ps were like keystone cops, the reg line was from everyone, including the cafeteria workers. It never stopped. One top FSO exec was falling asleep in front of me at 10:30 pm while she was asking me for $2K so she could finally secure to bed. Sad, sad, sad. When will this madness end? How can parishioners be so blind and not see what is in front of them. LRH said to LOOK.
    John Allender said he reads the blog. This command is for you John. “Take a look, boy. You just might begin to see. Miracles will follow.”

  73. That is so awesome, Cindy! Marty, beautiful!

    Well Done John Allender and Mr. David Miscavige! Your actions are directly aiding and abetting the magnitude and spread of Independent Scientology. This latest “Squirrel Buster” “campaign” was masterpiece!

    Mr. David Miscavige – we are everywhere. All over the US. All over the world. You can see here who is contributing to the spread and safeguarding of real Scientology. You can see that there are no borders. And, on top of that, you can see that despite your DIRECT efforts, your Danger-assigning bypass of your own staff, your own management of this campaign against Marty PERSONALLY, YOU HAVE FAILED!

    Now, imagine the rest of us. We don’t have your goons and hired minions knocking at OUR doors. We are NOT distracted by this foolishness. We are FREE to practice this wonderful subject without ANY direct interference from you or your overt-product “OT VIIIs”.

    You could have Allender and crew camp out and put up road blocks, but that will not dent this. We are talking about this not because we want to recruit people to our cause – that is happening because of YOU, not us. We are talking about it because it is interesting and because it is good for the people in Scientology to know what kinds of people are “leading” the church, and what kinds of activities supposed supporters of a sane society actually DO.

    We are also talking about it to give HOPE to the people, like Cindy, who have been BUTCHERED in your “church.” The tech lives, and it is Independent.

    Great chess players, like Garry Kasparov and Bobby Fischer, can see mid-game that they are going to lose. What do they do? They resign rather than play out an obviously losing game. Mr. David Miscavige, that is exactly the situation you are in right now. Of course, you are NOT a great chess player. You are incompetent. So, naturally, you are continuing the game. However, the other players in the game know the inevitable end. The end is already here. Independent Scientology is flourishing – not only in Corpus, but all over this planet. Flourishing and prospering. Which is more than I can say for the “official” churches.

  74. “and with that, even you, you sorry ass excuse for a man, have a chance to win too.”

    Glad I’m not married to you!

  75. Freedom Fighter

    Now THAT’S a success story!! Great product, Marty, and VWD, Cindy, for hanging in there!!

    I would not want to be on the receiving end of the motivator that is most certainly headed your way, Davey boy, ’cause oh my lord it’s going to be a whopper!!

    For those of us who have gotten standard Auditing on the outside now, the difference, as illustrated in Cindy’s success story above, is crystal clear. My hope for getting up the Bridge — hope that was bashed on the rocks repeatedly while behind the walls of the torture chamber that masquerades as Scientology — was restored after just a couple of sessions with my Auditor on the outside. My purpose to be an Auditor was also rekindled on the outside despite all of the make-wrong and wrong indications I’d received during my training in the Church of Squirrelology.

    Yes, a new civilization is truly being made out here and my hat is off to those of you making it happen.

  76. Michael: Another brilliant essay. Thank you.

    Another point to consider is group structure. As an analogy, consider graphite and diamond: two groups with the same members, just different structures.

    Neither structure is perfect for all occassions: diamond, seemingly perfect, will shatter when hit with a hammer. The same blow would be absorbed by graphite – not perfectly, but not as catastrophically as a blow to diamond.

    The perfect structure would be one that could be diamond hard for doing one task, become soft enough for another, and yet be able to flow for some other task. A martial artist applies these principles to his fighting technique. The great ones apply it to life. I believe Ron would have wanted Scientology to operate in this manner. He certainly commented at length on flows and ridges – the basis of this idea.

    It may well be that the limiting factor on why the Scientology organization was unable to stably attain and maintain that structure is yet another analog of the physical universe: in order for a molecular structure to be stable, the component atoms must be in a stable valence.

    It is notable in nature that atoms are not always in the same valence – from molecular structure to molecular structure an appropriate valence has to be adopted in order to bring stability to that structure. However, for a molecule to be stable, each of its atoms must be in a stable valence.

    In terms of beings, when a being is “in valence”, the being is at its most sane operating level. The being will, however, have to adopt different beingnesses for different situations. As part of a group, a structure, if the being can sanely shift beingness (i.e. valence), the being can adopt the valence appropriate to the structure, and the structure can be stable.

    On the other hand, just as free radicals (charged atoms or molecules, a charged valence) can bring destruction to a molecular structure, so too can an individual, out-of-valence or in a charged valence, bring destruction to the group structure, and ultimately the group itself. (While nothing more needs to be said as this boney finger points directly at the dim(inutive) one, I will add that grounding rods won’t restore one to native valence.)

    Now, to get back to expanding on Michael’s group theory, we have a group but, as yet, only a watery structure. Currently that allows us to flow with any hard blow, but the effectiveness of that structure is limited. On the other hand, as far as the potential power of the group, we already have an energy capability that exceeds the output of dynamos.

    What will undoubtably occur as we put our attention to it is that we will evolve a flexible structure that is adaptive. One of these days it’s going to coallesce and when the dim one strikes it with his chrome steel hammer, that hammer will shatter.

  77. +1

    Love you Jimbo!

    ML Tom

  78. Extraordinary Win and Success story Cindy.

    Well done Marty.

    Another Clear invalidated Miscavige’s church that has been corrected and validated in the Independent field.

    If there are any more out there reading this blog it is recommended that you visit Marty or one of the other independents making good on LRH’s promise.

    The promise of the tech is avaialble here.

    Good luck to you Cindy on your journey and thank god you found out.


  79. はいどら

    I have a question, I’m curious what you guys think the answer is. If DM is an SP, and I am inclined to believe he is, it’s fair to say Marty would be his biggest threat. Why hasn’t the SP reacted violently yet? i.e., assassination?

    I don’t mean to rock the boat or anything, it’s just an honest bit of communication.

  80. Thanks for these lyrics Sinar! I chose a line; you played the whole darn song. It’s beautiful … L, H

  81. Howard Roark

    They’re robotic and capable of anything. Ever talk to an SO recruiter?

    Be safe Marty.

  82. Fantastic success story Cindy! Very happy for you!
    DM is cracking right down the middle. It is so obviously by his desperate attempts to slander and foil your theta activities. With each move, more join the independents and leave his cult for real help, enlightenment and truth.
    With his recent “order” to stop you maybe someone should tell him, you are no longer in the SO, a free man and protected by the Constitution. We know for a fact he is severely out of present time and I think he missed this point.

  83. I would hope to fill in, Michael, that LRH wrote in terms of ideal scenes. If we work together to achieve any given ideal scene or a set of agreed upon ideal scenes, we will become a true group. Sorry, no reference to hand, but isn’t there a datum that “absolutes are unattainable?” So, we continue to strive to be a true group which will attempt to achieve ideal scenes. Pretty dynamic, huh? L, H

  84. Ditto, Cowboy – on the married bit 🙂

  85. (ha! think they can hide stuff like this from me, do they?)

    Office of COB
    To: All OTAs, PIs, Attorneys


    Purpose: Wipe the Kingpin off the map.

    Data: Marty Rathbun, known in coded circles as ‘The Kingpin’, a dangerous megalomaniacal apostate who’s been luring our parishioners to his lair and stirring up their cases using who knows what kind of peyote-simulating half-crocked discarded 1952 processing techniques, is a living, breathing, walking, talking, acting, distracting, impediment to our mission of taking this planet and delivering Total Freedom to every single man, woman and child on the planet whether they like it or not.

    The gloves are now off with this op and it is now considered Priority One, with carte blanch financing, no time restrictions, hourly reporting required, 24/7 supervision, performance bonuses doubled for completion by July 4, 2011.


    Tremendous strides have been made in the advancement of this technology’s ability to affect the emotional state, thought process and decisions of people bombarded with these frequencies. Once again, we will have to use the resources of our enemy, the electro-thought manipulation psychiatrists, but as with several other of our operations they have proven effective for our purposes. Hire one from either the CIA, MI-6, ex-KGB agents, or General Dynamics or Halliburton.

    Using clandestine launch points, such as leaching onto cell phone transmission towers, saturate Rathbun’s entire geographical region of South Texas with frequency waves that have been proven to cause apathy, panic, delusions, headaches, hemorrhoids and a sense of worthlessness.


    One of our most effective, albeit occasionally exposed ops, but this time being very careful and thorough, acquire and paint a truck exactly like Rathbun’s, complete with counterfeit license plates and drive around his town running down old ladies, women with baby carriages, girl scouts, nuns, guard crossings, small dogs, blind people, construction workers and anyone else who can be flattened quickly. Make sure there are plenty of witnesses before beelining it back to the semi-trailer ramp where you can make the truck disappear. Shouldn’t take too long before this op step by itself is able to successfully bring the demon Kingpin to his knees in a court of law, begging for mercy.


    Using TC’s tight Hollywood connections, get a Rathbun rubber dummy suit made, one that can be easily slipped on and off quickly but is a perfect duplicate of him. Gear up with false driver’s license and SS card. Have agent frequent local establishments such as the library, mayor’s office, hospitals, police station, boat clubs, grocery stores, fishing gear outlets, nursing homes, children’s day care centers and the like, and cause all sorts of havoc which should include:

    a) Induced projectile vomiting while checking a book out of the library before announcing your name and loudly chastising them for not providing readily available vomit bags.
    b) Taking a dump on the sidewalk outside an upscale restaurant.
    c) Walking into the police station and asking if permits are available for machine guns.
    d) Getting a gig at a nursing home as a comedian and then telling a series of vulgar, raunchy jokes, especially about old people dying and crapping themselves and stuff.
    e) Dancing outside the windows of the children’s day care center with a rubber dildo hanging out of your pants and then running away.


    Advertising on untraceable Craig’s List posts, put a solicitation for hookers and another for ‘johns’ giving Rathbun’s address.

    Johns: “Hong-Kong Tantric-trained exotic and tantalizing hot-bodied massage therapy students willing to give totally free massages and other services to the first 1000 horny men who show up. First come, first serve. Satisfaction guaranteed. No tipping. Educational purposes only.”

    Hookers: “Large convention of generous Middle-Eastern Royal Family oil men convening for private party at (Rathbun’s address) needs entertainment, psuedo-guests, dancers, surrogate-dates, bikini-models and massage therapists.”


    Using a phone number simulator in the vicinity of Rathbun’s home, make a series of calls to the fire department, police department, FBI, CIA, NSA, Taliban, hospitals, Pentagon, Homeland Security, TV stations and people at random, that there is a giant induced Tsunami coming with thousands of Al Qaeda surfers on powered surfboards with back-packs that look like they could be weapons of mass destruction, headed for the Corpus Christi area.


    Faced with another attack by one of our confidential and undercover mobile Squirrel Buster Squads, Rathbun is sure to rip the cord out once again, but this time a surprise will be in store for him. We have rigged a batch of recorders filled with killer bees that are trained to attack once the cord is pulled out, opening a trap door that will cause an air-born squadron of kamikaze dive-bombing African killer bees. Agents should be armed with the flip-down bee-keeper hats and make a speedy get-away once the bees start their attack.


    Gaining surreptitious entry to Rathbun’s vacant home, locate and identify his underwear. Swiftly obtain duplicate underwear, only in three sized too small and replace them. This will make him feel fat and lower his self-esteem, or at least he could blame his wife, causing untold marital strife which hopefully will lead to the destruction of his marriage.


    Kidnap his dog and PDH it so it only barks at Rathbun and will continually poop on the floor and only in his auditing room. This will act as another nail in the coffin of our Enemy Number One.


    Rent the roof of the highest home or office building in Rathbun’s area. Using source-untracable high-wattage long range wall-penetrating holographic imaging laser projection, run constant 3-D images into Rathbun’s living room, bedroom, bathroom and hallways of new Ideal Org opening ceremonies, COB in full dress regalia, derogatory images of LRH with long hair, RPF workers, his dead relatives, the devil, Mayo, Anonymous Masks, his New Orleans mugshot, Mosey with her previous boyfriends, better looking dogs than his, John Allendar staring him down, and of Rathbun himself in full Sea Org dress regalia standing at attention saluting COB.


    Tried and true, this has been known to cause immense emotional turmoil to the point of breakdown if done consistently.
    a) Place bag of shit on doorstep
    b) Light afire
    c) Ring doorbell
    d) Run & Hide

    All agents should be armed with mace, a Scientology religious cross, head-cam, good running shoes and carry with them at all time a Voluntary White Flag Cease & Desist Affidavit that Rathbun is going to be willing to sign once these ops start biting. All agents need to be Notary Publics, carry a pen and be willing to confront evil.

    David Miscavige
    Operation Marty-Wipe I/C


  86. Mighty Midget must have caught on to all the counter-effort related to de-attesting people, because the new strategy is now, “You ARE Clear (OT V, VIII, whatever), and your next action is Objectives! (Purif, or OT IV).

  87. Anna,

    I can assure you that the purge that started in the late 70’s early 80’s and the power push or putsch that followed had nothing to do with Ron’s authority.

  88. はいどら,

    Contrary to popular myth not even the CIA resorts to actual assassination of an opponent or what the KGB once called “wet work” under SMERSH for the simple reason that by doing so they create a martyr which is not what they want.

    What they want is to attempt to assassinate his character by discrediting him.

    As with most if not eventually all such programs as you can see by reading the PR series they have a tendency to back fire.

  89. +1 Mike

    Forgot about the arraignment so “as long as it takes” could be 1 to 5 years.


  90. Gunner (Independent)

    Reading Cindy’s statement has the impact of the freshness and power of LRH’s KSW
    (KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING), Marty pulls it off! Why? ETHICS.
    Without it, TECH does not work. What are the other qualities of beingness that Marty
    emanates? COMPASSION and UNDERSTANDING! These highest levels of Communication, Reality and Affinity (CRA – journeying up the Bridge into the pre-OT bans passing through great barriers to FREEDOM FROM OVERWHELM).

    “As one’s ability to confront increases, his level of responsibility
    increases, and an OT cannot be an OT in a world which is insane or a
    universe which is mad.” – LRH

    The time has now arrived for us to join together and use our OT abilities to
    eliminate the destructive forces – those individuals who pervert the Tech and
    destroy the Road to Freedom.

    “It possibly is a bit above your reality to say that we intend to salvage this sector.
    No one has been able to do it for seventy-five million years.” – LRH

    “We do not have any enemies, except suppressive, dramatizing men, who are themselves the victims of something that happened here.” – LRH

    “An essential difference between us and those who make mock of such efforts is: we know where we’re going, we know what we’re doing, and we are moving forward on a very positive, laudable, decent track. We are doing our jobs. That can not be said for others.” – LRH

    “Thank you very much for being here; I appreciate what you are doing; I need your help. And I am very grateful for what you have done.
    Goodbye for now. I will see you up the line, at the other end of the Bridge.”
    – LRH

  91. LOL, risky post though OTDT; you’ve given Davey ideas he never even dreamt about. Did you know that he never originated any of the newly invented Tech himself? He always stole it from some not too bright personnel that thereafter got wasted.

  92. I realize I’m very lucky to have been decleared while Mighty Midget was at the helm. My chances of actually being Clear have just improved considerable.

  93. “In any event, it can all be straightened out.”


    This was what I believe what the Ol’man was doing with the CCRD pilot in ’85.

    In any event it can be straightened out even if the person falsely attests to Clear and goes up the OT Levels with tech that was developed in ’68 known as the OT IV Rundown as covered in C/S Series 13R.

    All angles are covered.

    Therefore there is no reason we can’t make actual OTs out here in the field since the monopoly has already been broken.

    All we have to do is apply the Tech we have and it will eventually come out all right.

  94. Marty, thank you for doing all that you do! I never get tired of hearing about the miracles of standard tech!

    Cindy, I am so glad that you were able to get your state of clear validated once and for all. Your perserverance is remarkable despite all the stops and suppression thrown your way. Wonderful to hear your wins. I truly am happy for you!

  95. Bert Schippers

    First, congrats Cindy on your wins and Marty for facilitating that!

    Next, another viewpoint on “What Micsavage is Trying to Stop” is simply, Freedom of Religion! Come on, we’re in the USA for christ’s sake!

    The CoS is malevolently denying the rights of individuals to Freedom of Religion!

    Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
    Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

    ‘nuf said.

  96. martyrathbun09

    Yeah, Tony Ortega hit that nail pretty square on the head the other day.

  97. Tory Christman

    I’m always happy to hear that another finally got free of C of $ and/or people very happy because some of the creepy stuff has been stripped off.
    Congrats Cindy!

    Tory: You ought to email me about how the rest of this post of yours is not disresepectful of someone’s day in the sun. I never even got to the video, but the message itself – by the very nature of its message, beginning “However” came across as an invalidation and disrespect for something very meaningful to a lot of people, least of all the author. – Marty

  98. Yup, DM is trying desperately to shut down any attempt to offer people an alternative to being under his control.

    Wonder Boy holds the illusion of people’s “eternity” as the carrot and the stick to try to control people. What I never got was this: if someone is threatening to cut people off of their spiritual salvation, why in Hell would you look to that someone as a spiritual guide? Seems to me that someone willing to do that is a first class son of a bitch, and has ZERO business trying to sell others spiritual enlightenment, as they are no where near enlightened, themselves.

    So yes, for people who believe in Scientology, for you to offer them an alternative is a BIG threat to Wonder Boy’s control, power, money and ability to stay out of prison.

    It most definitely IS an attempt to deny people’s freedom of religion. Davey boy, the hammer is coming down. You are a dinosaur in the age of the internet. I am sooooo looking forward to reading about your conviction.

  99. That’s a correct estimation of chances !

  100. はいどら

    RJ, thanks for the response. That makes sense.

    I just kind of assume that SPs don’t think that far ahead, though. Especially one that’s already committing violence.

  101. Kay,
    you have stated very well “These low tone, SP cats have this uncanny talent for fooling people into following them – mesmerizing them with just enough apparent theta and truth that good people fall right into the trap.”

    And yes, DM has highjacked LRH’s theta to fool his followers with it.

  102. That’s not too far from OSA reality …

  103. becomingAware


    Congratulations on being you and knowing it!!!!
    I can see the smile from here.


  104. RJ,
    it really surprises me that you originate such a whitewash on the CIA.

    Here are just 2 links that tell quite a different story :



  105. Marty closed down by any means necessary? Ain’t gonna happen. First we get to hear about “The Insignificance of Marty Rathbun” on a pro Church website named after Marty’s site and layed out to look just like Marty’s site. Yes, he is so insignificant there are not 1, not 2, not 3 but several sites set up to discredit him and now it is ordered to close him down. I believe someone is VERY SCARED of Marty Rathbun and what he is doing and can do. If not, why so much effort put into stopping him and his pc’s? I’m sure this is very evident to anyone watching. I think it makes the church and it’s leadership look very ineffective. In fact I believe anyone watching is going to think that Marty must be VERY POWERFUL to deserve so much attention or that someone is OBSESSED with him. My advice, just leave Marty alone and worry about business. If he is so insignificant why waste your time?

  106. Watching Eyes

    Laura Ann,

    Marty closed down by any means necessary?
    I think the best comment I’ve seen so far is the one by Jim Logan. I think he hit the nail on the head when he wrote:
    Dave, you CAN’T stop all this application of Scientology outside of your greedy, suppressive control. Evidence of that is that you sent the Busted Squirrels instead of a Cease and Desist from the lawyers.

    In other words, the dwarf has no legal power to do anything at all. The only means that leaves him is “criminal power” (new phrase). OSA should wake up to that fact. The harassment, intimidation and threats aren’t legal. Maybe at some point the ACLU will pipe in. After all, we as Independents do have First Amendment rights.

  107. Tory Christman

    It was not an “Invalidation”—in any way. I’m sorry you see it that way.
    That was not my intention, in any way. I would have e-mailed you, but I don’t have your e-mail address, and I lost the account that I was able to communicate with you on, due to time lapse. May you all have a happy week-end. I will, I love this week-end. 🙂

  108. Thoughtful,

    I hear you, and like most of the regulars around here I completely duplicate and understand what you say and mean. We’ve all felt that.

    I’d like to add a small footnote: I also think most of the regulars here have moved on up a little higher than that too, and we’ve moved beyond contempt and hate. DM is being HANDLED, no doubt about it. What does that take? Those doing the handling are likely up at about Action or thereabouts.

  109. True.

  110. Mike and Marty ~~

    The big missing elephant in the room is that DM does not sue. Does not use the law courts. Does not sue Marty. Does not sue Mike.

    RTC is empowered to handle and was famously litigious. The absence of suing has the SOUND of SILENCE.
    Send some buffonery off the wall Hollywood Comic Characters instead of suing legally.
    WHY ?
    I am guessing so very many lies LIES LIES were sent in those LYING affidavits to the TRUTH Rundown that DM has locked himself in handcuffs.
    Of course he cannot sue. 20 people can testify to DM beatings, DM’s robots so flatly denied to St. Pete Times.
    DM is in hiding and I will even put a forthright guess that he is being advised by his $1000 an hour lawyers to NOT litigate…..

  111. WA,
    Thanks. ml, Laura

  112. Cindy,

    Wonderful news, another Clear in the world!

    I’m searching for a reference I think is very appropriate, but can’t find a copy right now – Ron’s Journal “From Clear to Eternity”


  113. Re the previous column: can’t you just imagine someone like TC’s son going to course and learning about the 3rd party law and looking up at his dad and saying, “But isn’t what you say about Mom 3rd party?”

    Or perhaps they’ve taken that out of the tech too.

    But there are enough koolaid drinkers who have read the 3rd party law in days past that they should be able to recognize what’s going on. Oops, I guess I shouldn’t be too hard on them, it took me long enough. LOL

  114. Cindy,
    that’s a great and uplifting success indeed 🙂

    All’s well that ends well … but people have to leave the Church of Arbitraries for that.

    There are probably ten thousands who have suffered from unnecessary rip-offs of their well deserved Clear certificates (or OT certs, or non-golden auditor certs etc. ).

    Tolkien would have said it this way : the world is divided into those who have found true Standard Tech and those who are going to find it.

    And Tolkien about Dave :

    One “Tech” to rule them all, One “Tech” to find them,
    One “Tech” to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
    In the Land of Miscavige where the Shadows lie.

  115. OTDT, you awe me.

  116. Dear Deep Fax,

    You’ve hit it again. Satire meets reality. Or is that: Reality meets satire?
    Whatever…… Where do I send the cleaning bill? And how the hell do I get coffee snot out of my keyboard?

  117. Laura Ann,
    Exactly right. So insignificant. So very insignificant. Not worth the trouble. Doesn’t bother anyone at all.

  118. はいどら,

    Not really forward thinking per se more like trial and error 😉

    Also 1.1s tend to be averse to direct violence unless they have the upper hand and can get away with it.

    See Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation はいどら.


    “White wash”?


    Like the KGB they learned that assassination just wasn’t as effective as “neutralizing” your opponent by other means like black propaganda or as they call it “active measures”.

    If you can a provable connection between the CIA and Clinton’s death list.

    You’d be up for a Pulitzer Prize Han babe.

    Trust me many from the “vast right wing conspiracy” (of which I was a former card carrying member of) have tried and have uncovered nothing but speculation.

    In fact it’s easier to prove CIA’s involvement with Scientology than it is to prove that they had any connection to Clinton’s mounting body count.

    I suggest casting a wider net like investigating the Clinton’s connections to privately run security and intelligence agencies like Wackenhut for example.

  119. Interesting stuff. I doubt even a Swiffer could sweep that clean.

    As to the CIA being the perpetrator(s), that is a stretch, but it does show the practice of enemicide to be workable if you have money, power and a penchant for a clean house. Not saying the Clinton house cleaners couldn’t have been ex-CIA, para, or somesuch, but the dim one would probably prefer a Fowler. Better deniability.

  120. WE: “I also hope the FBI is keeping an eye on things. ”

    When there is stalking – harassment & intimidation in two different states – Texas and California, by one perp, one would think that this would cross into the Fed’s jurisdiction. Multiply the one perp by 4 in Texas, perhaps it would be a more serious crime. Wiki notes that, “Prosecutors often find it difficult to prove stalking beyond a reasonable doubt compared to other crimes.”

    However when the same guy stalking in California and Texas, both reported to the local police, uses the similar non-sequitor line of auditing without folder in both places, it kind of removes any doubt for prosecutors. The KoS mixed video mistakenly posted on You Tube clearly links the Mecca in Florida with the criminal action in Texas suggesting Fed jurisdiction.

    Perhaps it’s a bigger footnuke by the King of Squirrel’s criminal actions in attempting to stop any case gain from being made, and adding another point to the Fed Investigation fat folders.

  121. ….”the Church of Arbitraries”……. I’m still laughing outloud!!! Thanks!

  122. Cindy that makes me so happy that you came to Casablanca and Marty and you cleared up ALL that confusion on your state of Clear!!!
    Congradulations and Very Well Done!!!
    🙂 Lori

  123. And an outstanding parody of Tolkien.

  124. Scott Campbell

    Hey, I resemble that remark!

  125. Scott Campbell

    Is that what I was doing when I was recruiting in the S.O.?

  126. Scott Campbell

    Me too Jimmy. I mean you too. I mean… Awwww – you know what we, I mean you, I…

    Something shiny…

  127. Scott Campbell

    Hi Cindy,

    I’m very happy that you finally got to validate your knowingness and rehab your wins on the state of Clear!

    Marty’s great, isn’t he? What a fantastic service these beings provide.

    L, Scott

  128. “The chaos and confusion that created this trap still beckons to some while we, with our tech, soar above them and beyond where even the stars seem small.

    “Yes, the future is ours and never was it brighter, more real or more within our grasp than today.”

    — LRH, May 9th Message, 1984

  129. Mrs. Friend of Ron

    Cindy, I’m speachless. My heart is pounding. I am so happy for you and so proud that Marty is there restoring what was taken from you and so many.
    From my experience recently having been able to audit again, not much speaking up is necessary. Being here, available to audit, with a real purpose to help, well, people contact me. Isn’t that the way it happened for you, Marty?
    It’s really so good to read your success – both of you. Keep those Texas grins glowing! 😀

  130. You’re really fabulous!!

  131. We’re about to celebrate Easter, the Christian holiday celebrating Jesus’s rise from the dead–is exterior, I suppose. (Theologians might dispute my one sentence explanation but we’ll use it.) So now if one were so bold as to examine Christian history with the Church of Scientology history, he would find history repeating itself a thousand fold.
    I mean how many people here, people of good intention, were crucified and later went exterior when they figured out the truth of the matter?
    I rest my case. Happy Easter!!!!

  132. martyrathbun09


  133. Holy Moly, OTDT!

    Wherever this genius comes from .. it’s damn funny!

    The depictions are crystal clear and ridiculously hysterical!

    That you just whip this stuff out is mind-boggling!

  134. Yes Jimbo!

    LRH in RJ 38 from 1984 says it quite clearly, distinguishing that those ruled by the cold chrome steel Dear Leader are separate from Standard Tech of LRH.

    “I did not found the Church. I founded the subject and that’s what Founder means when you see the title used. Organizations including the Church, were begun by groups of founding members who then requested my help.”

    Sue Wilhere is not even close when she said DM = Scientology. She must’ve forgotten LRH said the above, or had a misunderstood on the tape!

  135. @RJ: what position did you hold in the CMO at that time which would make your assurance meaningful, please ?
    Michael A. Hobson

  136. Not to worry TEG,

    My research department is working 24/7 on a quick cleaner for those embarrassing coffee snot stains caused those who are caught unaware by Deep Fax’s comments.

    In the meantime this warning should suffice:


    Avoid consuming food and imbibing hot or cold liquids while reading Deep Fax comments

  137. Cindy Pinsonnault

    I just want to say thank you to everyone here for sharing my win. I’m so happy to be a part of this fabulous group.

  138. Cindy, congratulations!! Welcome home to your self!

    Would you hear my voice come thru the music,
    Would you hold it near as it were your own?

    I hold your successes near as if they were my own.
    Cheering for you! as is the theta universe.

  139. Absolutely epic, Michael.
    Seems to ring true on all fronts, on all dynamics, in all sages.
    All the way back! lol
    Could be a post in itself. Friend-of-Ron shared an LRH quote in the last thread, which bares repeating, I feel…
    (just another gem)

    Friend Of Ron | April 21, 2011 at 8:36 pm | Reply


    Here is an on point LRH reference:

    LRH quotes from a lecture called “Attitude and Conduct of Scientology” …(4th London ACC, 3rd November 1955):

    “…the arduous lesson along this line is that no-communication lists, revocation/suspension of certificates, court action of any kind whatsoever within the realm of Scientology and so forth, is not only not only difficult to do but does not work. That’s just the end of it. It just doesn’t work.It’s for the sea gulls. That might work in Gestetner Limited or Westinghouse, but it does not work in Scientology. Got that?”

    “It’s because they are people of good intention. And by saying that these people are not fit to associate with us anymore, we have told a lie of magnitude. This is not true. It’s never true. You got it?”

    “Our inability to understand the actions of other Scientologists has a very fascinating barrier. The limitation on our understanding is simply this: we say they have bad intentions, and that is a lie. Got it?”

    “So the whole situation is liable to enturbulate around that postulated bad intention. That’s what enturbulates the situation. That makes a lie. “The situation then becomes unsolvable. Because we’ve entered a changing factor called a lie into it.”

    “The most valuable asset we have, actually, is our ability to understand, to do the right thing, to be kind, to be decent.”

    “Well, I hate to unsettle a very stable datum, if it does unsettle it. But the only way anything ever does resolve is by letting your own kind heart reach through. That’s the only way it ever does solve. “And it never solves by being tough.”

    “What do we really have of value in the organizations of Scientology? The only thing we have of value, actually, is Scientology, an understanding of life, increasing ability to communicate, a good concept and grip on reality and the ability to like guys. That’s all you got.”

  140. p.s. Not sure why this was playing for me in the background while I was here, funny how that works… I found then the Tag for my friends who may simply lerk with us: Rudy

    Rudy’s on a train to nowhere, halfway down the line
    He don’t wanna get there, but he needs time
    He ain’t sophisticated, nor well-educated
    After all the hours he wasted, still he needs time.
    He needs time – he needs time for livin’,
    He needs time – for someone just to see him.
    He ain’t had no lovin’
    For no reason or rhyme
    And the whole world’s above him.
    Well it’s not as though he’s fat-
    No there’s more to this than that-
    See he tries to play it cool-
    Wouldn’t be nobody’s fool.

    Rudy thought that all good things comes to those that wait
    But recently he could see that it may come too late.

    All through your life, all through the years
    Nobody loved, nobody cared.
    So dim the light, dark are your fears
    Try as I might, I can’t hold back the tears
    How can you live without love, it’s not fair?
    Someone said give but I just didn’t dare.
    What good advice are you waiting to hear?
    Hearing’s alright for them that’s all there
    You’d better gain control now
    You’d better show’em all now
    You’d better make or break now
    You’d better give and take now
    You’ll have to push and shove now
    You’ll have to find some love now
    You’d better gain control now.
    Now he’s just come out the movie.
    Numb of all the pain,
    Sad but in a while he’ll soon be
    back on his train…

  141. Joe Pendleton

    Marty, as you know, one of the greatest effects a being can produce is to make ANOTHER being feel more at cause and more free and more able to postulate a theta life. So VWD and as we say………..OK, CONTINUE!

  142. Firebreathing Frog

    I wonder why David Miscavige didn’t fire the LRH biographer and offer you 10 M$ to have you write his speach.
    That would definitely make his event far more entertaining and he will not need to paid people to attend (like they did for the last IAS event).
    God bless you.

  143. Joe Pendleton

    As a “by the way” on the “Allender Affair.” I spoke to him about 7 years ago for maybe 5 minutes, and that was the first time I’d seen him in 25 years. So I can’t say I really “know” him. But I’m guessing that HIS viewpoint is straight out of “Keeping Scientology Working.” Marty has been labeled a “squirrel” by some senior people in the CofS, and when “ethics presence” speaks in the church about such matters, it is time to (as per KSW) to “INSTANT ATTACK” (in a “savage” way per KSW). Anything Allender is doing (with his creampuff Sonny Barger brigade) can be justified because he is “CLOSING THE DOOR ON” and “HAMMERING OUT OF EXISTENCE” incorrect technology and applications. Don’t y’all understand? The CofS is an extremely authoritarian organization. It runs on fascistic policies based on “orders”, backed up by a uniformed elite and a concentration camp like prison system, not to mention a system of reports written on each other, which keeps Scientologists in lock step with whatever official thought is issued from the top. Anything deemed by the power to be working to stop the progress of Scientology is a SUPPRESSIVE ACT (per policy) and when the power decides someone is doing this, then that someone is declared guilty of this suppressive act and loses all their family, friends and work conncections who happen to be in the CofS.

    This was the operating principle behind Operation Snow White in the 70s which landed Mary Sue in prison (an absolutely insane operation, not to mention the breaking of numerous federal laws) and the criminal harassment of author Paulette Cooper before that. And others.

    These actions are all very well justified by the policies of the 60s (also Fair Game and the idea that anyone who is opposing the church has “crimes” themselves which must be exposed).

    Now we see the danger of a church persecuting individuals. My prediction is that the Independant Movement will in maybe 100 years or so result in more than one “Reformed Church of Scientology”, which will use full standard auditing procedure, a high level of ARC, but will weed out of use much of the harsh and oppressive ethics policies written in the 1960s. Ideas/actions like “when ethics are savage, groups thrive” (HCO PL Conditions, How to Assign), the whole investigate/punish someone because their “stats” are down, the whole Comm Ev, Court of Ethics, Executive Court of Ethics, Board of Investigation (I dare any of you veterans out there to quickly define the differences between these) “justice” system, etc will be consigned to the “interesting, but primitive past” as most Jews now view the nutty laws in Leviticus (capital punishment for cursing your parents, etc).

    This is the beginning of a new church (or churches, or really just viewing Scientology as a life philosophy) which will keep the workable and theta and get rid of the parts of Scientology policy which were kind of obviously wrong and crazy (but of course, we can’t REALLY say any of that out loud if we still say we are followers of Scientology). Christianity attempted this with Judaism (getting rid of what is referred to as “The Law” of Leviticus), and was generally successful at it, but we still have small sects of very “orthodox” Jews who will follow (so they say) every little crazy part of the Mosaic Law. We’ll probably see that in 100 years in Scientology too. You know, a group of 10 people, wearing replicas of old Sea Org uniforms, hunched over some graphs:

    “Is it Emergency or Danger?”

    “Do we change our operating basis or bypass normal habits and routines?”

    “Should we Court of Ethics this person or Comm Ev him?”

    “OW write-up or Sec check…let’s do both!”

    “Treason or just Liability for masterbating when he should have been watching the new video feed of COB V’s brilliant new take on The Golden Age of Ruds?”

    And as all as people aren’t destroying each other, I say “Viva la difference.”

  144. Sinar,
    That LRH statement of course aligns perfectly with LRH’s Estate Planning as covered on savescientology.com.

    On the other hand, it’s data DM has tried to bury with the false picture he presents on the ‘official’ Scientology pages – DM as ‘anointed’ by LRH – what a laugh.

  145. Sara Finning

    Cindy, I love the simplicity of your statement: ‘ I am clear.’

    The state of Clear (capitalized because it’s IMPORTANT) is a VERY BIG DEAL, so take a huge win and many many congratulations.

    I’ve never understood why there is so much invalidation about Clear, as opposed to say, NED or any other grade chart action. Is it because it’s a state rather than a series of processes and can be subjective rather than objective?

  146. Watching Eyes

    Good points. When DM (or his minions) posted that video on Youtube they pretty much gave the goods to the Feds. They were bragging to their followers about what they’d done but didn’t stop to realize they were actually connecting the dots for the Feds.

    Typical criminal conduct: boasting about their illegal activities. A lot of criminals get caught that way. One of these days we’ll all be sitting at our computers reading one hell of an indictment.

  147. Steve,

    Hate to be contentious (all right, so that’s a lie) but I’m scratching my head over anyone thinking this guy is more than mid-level management quality as an implanter. He may seem skilled by Earth standards, but he’s really semi-skilled by galactic standards. Kind of a piker.

    He’s a parasite to the system. Has little power of his own. Without having attached himself to LRH’s works, he would have been a nobody. He was dependent on others following his lies.

    And without others, he would not have succeeded. He’d have ended up like hundreds of other sociopathic bureaucrats–craving a little more power inherent in whatever organization he clings to; reveling in causing anyone and everyone misery.

    But, he just doesn’t have the creativity and personal power to bring about much on his own.

    My guess is we’ll be running up against more formidible beings in the future.

  148. Yeah, I only should have worried if he hadn’t decleared me.

  149. Anna,

    Yes, I was always surprised by how easily beings with good intentions could be cast aside and disparaged. There was this crazy obsession with dramatizing “ethics presence” which really had nothing to do with ethics.

    If ethics is contemplation of optimum survival, and if the tone scale is a reflection of an organism’s drive to survive, then antagonism and fear would be indicative of poor ethics.

    The greatest ethics presence imaginable would be that which embraced us all and brought us up tone. It would be filled with affinity and communication, granting us being, enhancing our reality.

    In the company of high order ethics presence, I want nothing more than to contribute all that I can to make the world better. I don’t fear. I’m not confused. I have no deadlines. There are no limits.

    I understand the principles of raising a person’s necessity level, but…


  150. Jim,

    “Garrulous?” You libelous turd. I could show you mental diarrhea by which your concept of garrulous were a puddle of spit compared to an ocean. Garrulous, my ass.

    Yes, about the Goal Maker. Always a problem when the group members defer causation rather than going upscale and holding a position.

    By the by, I’ve been looking at perception. Like water has a surface tension, perception seems to occur at the “point” of surface tension between awareness and event. Both theta and human perception. Both theta sensory channels and physical sensory channels.

    After noting this about sensory surface tension, effort processing took on an entirely different twist. I finally understood the breadth of what LRH had envisioned with that type of processing. It goes all the way up to static and involves any type of perception channel/sensory channel/awareness channel.


    Ps: if you ever level such pathetic curses at me again, I’ll go all limpwristed on you. How in the fuck do you ever expect to run with the big boys on their custom-painted motorcycles if you can’t get more MACHO. Jeeeez!

  151. Sarge,

    My bad if you’ve tried to email me lately. I let that hushmail account go dormant. Just too many distractions. And I hate keying in that twelve -billion character code.
    So, it’s back up and running. For you and anyone who wishes: originalpicovolt@hushmail.com

  152. 2ndxmr,

    I just love the diversity here. All the great contributions and viewpoints.

    I’m wondering if the dim one’s wrist will have the energy left to lift his chrome steel hammer when we’re finished. Shattering that hammer would require a degree of force greater than that holding the hammer together.

    I imagine a bit of tension is forming within his organization which will act much like the force of a compressed spring.

    By then, his attention will probably be trapped in some weird OTDT loop blaming every phantom in his mind, with no attention left for anything left in this universe. No external force left available to him. All of it occupied elsewhere.

    The madness of madmen only becomes reality because there are those who will agree with his ideas and assertions. As he loses more and more agreement, his reality will shrink and fade. All that will be left to him resides in his own imaginings.

    A personal hell.

    Unless he wises up, comes clean and gets back in valence so he could benefit from the auditing he’s tried so manically to destroy.

  153. Hallelujah,

    I’d go so far as to venture that absolutes are absolutely unattainable.

    Joking aside. Gradients come in all shapes and sizes. While I was talking with a friend, he patiently explained how the fact that we had a third dynamic automatically made our involvement with others a group effort. Ah, I wanted to know, “if you’re talking to a girl, does that automatically mean you’re having a 2D with her?”

    He thought I was being flip. I was just trying to figure out a good way to get laid.

    When does the dynamic urge begin to manifest in a universe as a reality? When do you get your foot in the door to bringing about the actual reality? And what do you do then?

    Love those ideal scenes and gradients. Wish we had more of them. It’d make me happy enough to pay for the beer.


  154. 1982,

    Thanks for the quote (missed it the first time) and the Supertramp. It always baffles me what individuals believe LRH meant or intended. How a casual comment suddenly gets interpreted as an ironclad LAW!!!!.

    But, the static is capable of considerations, postulates and opinions. Nothing said any of these had to be logical, reasonable, true, accurate or otherwise.

    And, if we were all more skilled at observation and duplication, we first of all wouldn’t need Scientology and second of all wouldn’t be in the trap we find ourselves in.

    Maybe the first should be second. Or not. I don’t know. I’ll just have to think about it a bit. Hmmm. My head’s starting to hurt. Grrrrrr! I’ll get this figured out if it kills me. Ouch! Ah, the hell with it.

  155. 40 Yr Scientologist

    How appropriate to Cindy’s fabulous win. Very aesthetic.

  156. RJ,
    did you look at the other link ? Or google “mena train deaths” ? Or try this one :


    Leads straight towards CIA drug smuggling and murder to cover it up. Just one excerpt:

    “On August 23, 1987, two teenage boys stumbled upon a drug smuggling operation that was sanctioned by federal officials and protected by local law enforcement. The boys, Kevin Ives, 17, and Don Henry, 16, were murdered. Their bodies were laid across nearby railroad tracks and mutilated by a passing train.

    Most of you are familiar with this nationally-publicized story which has become know as the “train deaths.” Most of you also know that the murders are officially unsolved, because every investigation (seven in all) has been either controlled or shut down to prevent exposing the CIA-operative drug-smuggling based in rural Mena, Arkansas.”

  157. I’m somewhat familiar with the “train deaths” as they are called and yes I’m aware of the Government’s effort to stone wall or shut down the investigation.

    Also that CIA operatives were involved.


    And I’m not writing this in defense of the CIA but the fact is that these people are *agents* who were hired by the Agency at one time not actual CIA Officers.

    Same as those who were used by the Plumbers to breech the Democratic Watergate offices.

    And probably like Watergate you’ll find that orders probably came from individuals who are high up the Government food chain but you can look and look but you won’t find *direct* CIA involvement.

    No orders from the DCI or any of his deputies etc.

    In other words these guys are *freelancing*.

  158. I’m getting your point.

  159. I didn’t hold any position in the CMO.

    However I was *there* when the coup took place and saw the original EOs declaring various terminals based on Comm Ev that were approved by the International Ethics Officer.

    *None* of them approved by Ron personally.

    In other words I was paying attention.

    Obviously you weren’t.

  160. What a beautiful Success Story — gave me chills and tears to my eyes. Guess that’s the greatness and true essence of Scientology. The technology is tenacious in that, standardly applied by anyone, anywhere, wins result and no one has the power to trip it up.

  161. CIA: traders of weapons and drugs and trusted advisors for dictators.

  162. Also stands for the Criminally Insane Association of which Dave is a life time member 😉

  163. Karen#1

    Yes Karen I think you are pretty accurate on that one. Miscavige CANNOT sue because I believe that opens the door to depositions. He cannot afford to have anyone actually able to “inspect” what he is doing, or what he has done. Right now he is probably back pedaling as fast as he can to cover up his activities. He is basically “stalling”, likely to give himself time to do a thorough “cover up”. The really ironic thing about that is that it is FAR too late. Every action he takes to “cover his tracks” will be used to take him down or nail his coffin closed. It is one of the attributes of the SP that they have no real sense of “cause and effect”. They really cannot perceive the outcome of their actions.
    To handle DM, it seems all you need to do is prod him from time to time and watch him self-destruct. It would be truly sad, except in his case, it is so well deserved. And his “friends” (those PTS to him) are often so far out of valence,they are actually, unknowingly, shoving him to his doom.

    Note to David Miscavige:
    Those around you who you have suppressed and cowed, are actually your worst enemies. Robots (those out of valence and PTS) cannot be trusted because they are totally unable to think for themselves. They are insane to that degree. You will get no real help from them. (have you noticed this?) Unfortunately for you, I guess, the very thing you fear most, “free beings”, are the only ones who can actually be trusted, and the only ones who could truly help you to handle the situation you find yourself in.
    You KNOW you are out of control. No one around you is apparently able or willing to help you to handle that. Notice that what you are doing is NOT WORKING, and consider that maybe you ought to rethink your strategy. The longer you spend on this path of yours, the more pain you will inevitably experience. It is totally impossible for you to ever get any relief from your sufferings by heading further down that path. Please, for your sake and the sake of others, just STOP, TURN AROUND and then start on your way back to sanity, and the pain and confusion WILL lessen.
    There are competent auditors and ethics specialists in the field who could help you. Some may still be willing.


  164. Michael,(OnceUponATime)

    Hmmm…. You make my heart soar….

    That was wonderful, and I am totally with you. You communicate to my core being.

    You bring to mind a poem by Keats, I believe, called “Ode To A Skylark”.
    I may have taken liberties with it, but I would like to share a few lines.

    “Hail to thee blithe spirit,
    Bird thow never wer’t,
    That form Heaven, or near it,
    Pourest forth thy full heart
    in profuse strains of unpremeditated art.”


  165. 2ndxmr

    Nicely said. A very interesting MEST analogy.
    It seems that Theta, as a group venture, or by group agreement, created the MEST universe, as we experience it, and as a “group venture” has, perhaps, the best route to it’s resolution.


  166. Jimbo,

    The problem is that the media has portrayed Miscavige as the “Spiritual Leader” or “Pope” of Scientology.

    Also he has internal and external support to propagate this myth as well and I don’t mean any vast Government KoRNspIrAcY though they may be responsible to a degree.

    But even here and on many of the various discussion boards and blogs he’s accepted as the “unquestioned” leader of Scientology and it *is* basically a lie.

    A *perception* that has been carefully *managed* for almost 2 decades beginning with Ted Koppel’s ‘Night Line’.

    Before that he was part of a conspiracy to seize control the entire Scientology network.

    Who worked at wresting control of the Organization from the GO, WW with its Exec and Advisory Counsels.

    Thereby eliminating all the checks and balances that existed within the Church and upsetting the balance of power that existed between the Sea Org and the GO.

    Creating an autocratic structure that initially began as an oligarchy and which eventually became a virtual dictatorship.

    Virtual by virtue of the fact it is *agreed upon* but in truth exists only as an *apparency* since there is no actual Policy ever written or approved by the Ol’man according to the HCOPL ‘Policy the Source of’ supporting the allegation that Miscavige is the “undisputed leader” of Scientology.

    I invite anyone here to find a single policy where RTC is even mentioned.

    (I’ve been through the most recent OEC Volume index and I can’t even find any mention of “RTC” or “Religious Technology Center” never mind a “Chairman of the Board” for any such entity.)

    Just as Ron says in the HCOPL ‘The Hidden Data Line’:

    “If it isn’t in an HCOB or an HCO Pol Ltr or recorded on a tape in my voice it *isn’t tech or policy*.” (emphasis added)

    Thus in my opinion we give this person more legitimacy than he deserves which is none.

    As far as I’m concerned he is a none entity a figment of our collective imagination a bogey man used to scare children or like those slates used by the fishermen on Lake Tanganyika to trap fish in the shadows that Ron mentions in ‘Self Analysis’.

  167. Joe

    “the whole Comm Ev, Court of Ethics, Executive Court of Ethics, Board of Investigation (I dare any of you veterans out there to quickly define the differences between these) “justice” system, etc ”

    Actually I think there are several out here who could pass that test, but of course, that wasn’t your point. Unfortunately “justice” in the hands of most humans is very quickly turned into “injustice”.

    But, at the core of it, and administered by sane individuals, there is some value there. I would not be so quick to throw it all out myself. But I consider ethics and justice has to be administered with the same humanity and codes as apply to auditing. Act one needs to be IN. If “ethics” or “justice” is not producing observable progress toward “moving on up a little higher” it is simply an “invalid process” at best, or downright suppressive at it’s worst.

    My 2 cents.


  168. Windwalker,

    Liked the poem.

    sniff, sniff.

    Ah, you touched my heart, damn you.

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