The Nerve of Minerva by Samantha Domingo

We’ve been a bit distracted of late dealing with David Miscavige’s robots carrying out his orders to run us out of our home and town.  Part of the program includes defaming us with lies both on his 28 anti-Marty sites and individually to officials and citizens of our home town and region.  I have been remiss lately in not keeping the vacuum filled on what goes on at Casablanca that causes the waves of cult members and PI’s swirling about attempting our demise.  I began the process yesterday and continue it today with the inimitable Samantha Domingo.  Sam likes to joust with Minerva (handle for Miscavige’s oracle of entheta – vicious lies).  Sam wrote the following recently to put the lie to one of Minerva’s oft-repeated propaganda lines. It tends to fill the vacuum of what goes on here while all the noise goes on in the streets.


The Nerve of  Minerva

By Samantha Domingo


A  recent post on the OSA inspired anti-Marty Rathbun website (really a character assassination) lays claim to the invented idea that I would not trust Marty Rathbun to audit me.

Well then. Time to fill the vacuum!

The data from ‘Minerva’ (OSA operative) that became twisted into my not being desirous of auditing from Marty stems from an email I sent to ‘her’ challenging her claim that I had gone to receive auditing from Marty. Not that I care whether anyone thinks I am or am not receiving auditing from Marty, but it simply wasn’t true. I went to see Marty for an ethics handling.

The reason I didn’t want auditing? Not because I didn’t trust Marty. But because the last year I spent at Flag (being ‘audited’ by Class IXs and XIIs) was so engramic I didn’t know if I could face ever going back in session again.

The out-tech my ex-husband and I endured at Flag included (but was not limited to): Robotic TRs, enforced ethics handlings, enforced items, refused items, running an OT on squirrel FPRD processes (neglecting to handle the OT case correctly), evaluation, forced auditing over exterior, forced auditing over tiredness, being audited after 10pm or before 8am, frequent (often weekly) changes of auditors, overrun, suppressive refusal to call valid F/Ns, suppressive reasonableness on out 2D, Gang bang regging, enforced repairs that were not needed, invalidation of the state of clear, invalidation of the state of OT, enforcement of NED after OT III, 3rd party (from the CHAPLAIN), Auditing a PC over a PTS condition, Auditing a PC (on the OT levels) with PT crimes, Marriage Counseling over a continuing out 2D situation, telling the PC what his overts are, refusing to accept valid overts, waiting for the meter to play Dixie, enforced interpretations of words (in session), evaluation that you haven’t made it (after attesting), evaluation that ‘there’s something wrong with your F/N’, end of endless rudiments ‘sessions’, end of endless FPRD sessions, executive C/Sing, enforced (incorrect) conditions handlings, being regged heavily after session by my auditor, being regged heavily after session by the board I/C, being regged heavily after session by the D of P, Reg visits by my auditor to my house, waiting at the examiner, MAAs falling asleep mid ethics interviews, auditors falling asleep mid session, DTS in tears daily if I didn’t help make their hours quota (guilting me into session), being told that all beings are always exterior (as an excuse to take me in session while still exterior), examiners and auditors staring at the e-meter (causing dirty needles), lengthy enforced and un-necessary sec checking at our own expense while not under ethics or justice actions…I could go on.

The reason I never wanted to go near an org or in session ever again? The squirrel technology developed by David Miscavige and in full use at Flag. I got my ‘ethics interview’ from Marty. Actually it was a 10 minute chat (and didn’t cost me a dime). In that 10 minutes I blew 2 years of frustration and grief charge, fully handled my own PTSness and rehabilitated my willingness to continue on up the Bridge.

OSA would love to insinuate that I wouldn’t trust Marty to take me in session. The fact of the matter is, he is the ONLY person I would trust to take me in session and I would be happy and willing to go in with him. Problem is. I’ve been so keyed out just by disconnecting from  the suppression of the Cult of Miscavige that life got a bit too interesting and fun to worry about such things. I’m over it now but If I fall on my head or need a repair I’ll be knocking on Marty’s door.

Incidentally the Cult of Miscavige squirrel tech almost killed my 12 year old daughter. I may not have received formal auditing from Marty but I sure as hell trusted him to handle my own child. And he did. In less than a week. At the time OSA was heavily on the lines trying to get my ex-husband to talk me into giving my daughter ‘free auditing’ from a class XII. It is David Miscavige’s army of squirrel auditors at Flag I wouldn’t trust. They probably would have handled the problem by finishing up the job of destroying my child completely. ‘Pocahontas’ is still doing great Marty and of all the places in the world she can go, she told me she just wants to come back to Texas and see you both again.

The nightmare went on even after leaving the cult. Throughout the last two years, my ex-husband and I have had to endure constant attempts from the Cult of Miscavige to destroy my family. It wasn’t personal. It was cold and calculated and it was all about the ‘Domingo’ name and money. Marty was there for all of us every step along the way. He has been a rock of sanity, safety and comfort for all of our family members. I have no words to thank him.

Casablanca is a second home for me. It is where I go to feel safe and loved. It is where I go when I need help. It is my org. I’m crying now as I write these words. I’m only just realizing how much of my strength actually came from knowing that Marty and Mosey had my back and were there for me always. I was never alone even though sometimes it felt that way.

No words of admiration could be enough for the way I feel about Marty’s wife Mosey.  I love you Mosey. You have endured far worse attacks than I have and for the same sin I was guilty of – loving and protecting your husband despite any and all attempts to destroy your love for each other.

Last I checked Maty’s auditing schedule was crammed with PCs and the phone was ringing off the hook. A sure sign that people are winning wouldn’t you say?

I can’t wait to return to Casablanca. Marty – please give your amazing neighbors a hug from me and ask them tell their love story to every person who comes to visit you! They truly were an inspiration to me.

I assume that fills the vacuum?

Feel free to post this on your Casablanca website or anywhere you like as my success story Marty.


Samantha J Domingo

Blogger note: Yeah, I’m kinda fond of Mosey too.  Brian Culkin turned me on to this little ditty that sorta captures my feelings these days (the girl I met near Brownsville Texas):

Well there was this movie I seen one time
About a man riding across the desert and starred Gregory Peck
He was shot down by a hungry kid trying to make a name for himself
The town’s people wanted to crush that kid down and string him up by the neck.

Well the Marshall now he beat that kid to a bloody pulp
As the dying gunfighter lay in the sun and gasped for his last breath
Turn him loose let him go let him say he outdrew me fair and square
I want him to feel what it’s like to every moment face his death.

Well I keep seeing this stuff and it just comes a-rolling in
And you know it blows right through me like a ball and chain
You know I can’t believe we’ve lived so long and are still so far apart
The memory of you keeps calling after me like a rolling train.

I can still see the day that you came to me on the pinked desert
In your busted down Ford and your platform heels
I could never figure out why you chose that particular place to meet
Ah, but you were right it was perfect as I got in behind the wheel.

Well we drove that car all night ’til we got into San Anton’
And we slept near the Alamo your skin was so tender and soft
Way down in Mexico you went out to find a doctor and you never came back
I would have gone on after you but I didn’t feel like letting my head get blow off.

Well we’re driving this car and the sun is coming up over the Rockies
Now I know she ain’t you but she’s here and she’s got that dark rhythm in her soul
But I’m too over the edge and I ain’t in the mood anymore to remember the times
when I was your only man
And she don’t want to remind me. She knows this car would go out of control.

Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls
Teeth like pearls shining like the moon above
Brownsville girl show me all around the world.
Brownsville girl you’re my honey love.Well we crossed the panthandle and then we headed towards Amarillo
We pulled up where Henry Porter used to live. He owned a wrecking lot outside of
town about a mile
Ruby was in the backyard hanging clothes she had her red hair tied back. She saw us
come rolling up in a trail of dust
She said “Henry ain’t here but you can come on in he’ll be back in a little while”.

Then she told us how times were tough and about how she was thinking of bumming
a ride back to where she started
But she changed the subject every time money came up
She said “Welcome to the land of the living dead”. You could tell she was
so broken-hearted
She said “Even the swap meets around here are pretty corrupt”.

“How far are you all going ?” Ruby asked us with a sigh
“We’re going all the way until the wheels fall off and burn
Until the sun peels the paint and the seat covers fade and the water moccasin dies”
Ruby just smiled and said. “Ah you know some babies never learn”.

Something about that movie though well I just can’t get it out of my head
But I can’t remember why I was in it or what part I was supposed to play
All I remember about it was Gregory Peck and the way people moved
And a lot of them seemed to be looking my way.

Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls
Teeth like pearls shining like the moon above
Brownsville girl show me all around the world.
Brownsville girl you’re my honey love.

Well they were looking for somebody with a pompadour
I was crossing the street when shots rang out
I didn’t know whether to duck or to run so I ran
We got him cornered in the churchyard ? I heard somebody shout.

Well you saw my picture in the Corpus Christi Tribune. Underneath it it said:
“A man with no alibi”
You went out on a limb to testify for me you said I was with you
Then when I saw you break down in front of the judge and cry real tears
It was the best acting I saw anybody do.

Now I’ve always been the kind of person that doesn’t like to trepass but sometimes you just find yourself over the line
Oh if there’s an original thought out there I could use it right now
You now I feel pretty good but that ain’t saying much I could feel a whole lot better
If you were just here by my side to show me how.
Well I’m standing in line in the rain to see a movie starring Gregory Peck
Yeh but you know it’s not the one I had in mind
He’s got a new one out now I don’t even know what it’s about
But I’ll see him in anything so I’ll stand in line.

Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls
Teeth like pearls shining like the moon above
Brownsville girl show me all around the world
Brownsville girl you’re my honey love.

You know it’s funny how things never turn out the way you had them planned
The only things we knew for sure about Henry Porter is that his name
wasn’t Henry Porter

And you know there was something about you baby that I liked that was always too  good for this world
Just like you always said there was something about me you liked that I left behind in the French Quarter.

Strange how people who suffer together have stronger connections than people who are most content I don’t have any regrets they can talk about me plenty when I’m gone You always said people don’t do what they believe in they just do what’s most convenient then they repent And I always said. “Hang on to me baby and let’s hope that the roof stays on”.

There was a movie I seen one time I think I sat through it twice
I don’t remember who I was or where I was bound All I remember about it was it starred Gregory Peck he wore a gun and he was shot in the back
Seems like a long time ago long before the stars were torn down.

Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls
Teeth like pearls shining like the moon above
Brownsville girl show me all around the world
Brownsville girl you’re my honey love.

269 responses to “The Nerve of Minerva by Samantha Domingo

  1. Wow. Time to revise the C/S 53. Flag has dreamed up new things that can be made to be wrong with a case.

  2. Summer Wind

    Again, another great story of putting in ones Code of Honor!
    I guess in DMs Scientology you’re not allowed to have one any longer!

    God save the code!

  3. scilonschools

    Sam… 🙂

  4. scilonschools

    Hell of a jump Sam, forgive me was it OTV CoM?…. anyway now OTIX Trainer/Auditor REAL Scientology, can I be the first to congraduate you!!!

  5. Fellow Traveller

    Sam is awesome folk. No one with a lick of sense would consider messin’ with her, much less actually attempt it.

    So, by their actions, OSA pseudo folk have demonstrated they are void of any sense. (Probably some kind of crashing mu on sense vs cents…)

    Since she considers Casablanca second home, Sam definitely qualifies for Operatin’ Texan. She be operatin’ on a whole other level too.

    LRH wrote a little non religious moral code which the current Cult of Miscavige has apparently tossed under the bus along with the author. Some still attempt to follow it, like Sam, Marty, Mosey, Sam’s daughters, a whole other army, growing by the way, of soldiers of light.

    I am referring to the “Way to Happiness” . The precept that comes to mind most in with Sam and most out with Davie and his vampiric cult followers and enablers, 7. SEEK TO LIVE WITH THE TRUTH.
    The “Church” has posted this on the Internet for one and all to refer to:

    Rather than post the who passage here, I just want to note the following from that code:

    What is true is what is true for you.

    No one has any right to force data off on you and command you to believe it or else. If it is not true for you, it isn’t true.

    Think your own way through things, accept what is true for you, discard the rest. There is nothing unhappier than one who tries to live in a chaos of lies.

    7-1. Do not tell harmful lies.

    7-2. Do not bear false witness.

    The way to happiness lies along the road to truth.

    Thanks to the Casablanca Tejas folks, which includes the well meaning individuals of Ingleside on the Bay for the safe and rejuvenating harbor.

    Sam, I can not tell you what an honor it is to even walk in your shadow. I have tried. That aint’ propitiation, it’s a fundamental recognition of awesome ethics presence, not perfection, among other factors.

    Bruce Pratt

  6. Bert Schippers

    Wow, what a post!

    It is horrific what you (and others) have been put through at Flag. The walls must come tumbling down. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

  7. Sam — Thank you. This is why we love you so much: Your honesty, your integrity and your boundless enthusiasm for life — all of which are so apparent in this posting.

    Let me add that POB has also announced broadly and with considerable fanfair that “If Rinder thinks Marty is so great, why hasnt he gone in session with him.” This tells you how willingly and gleefully they will lie to try to discredit Marty. The auditing I had from Marty was the best auditing I have EVER had. An auditor who is ONLY interested in my well being, who has flawless TRs and comm cycle. That first session was a revelation. I could not recall a time when whoever was “auditing” me was not more worried about whether they would be slaughtered after the session because they didnt get some pre-ordained withhold I was supposed to have had (Miscavige’s usual direction to the “auditors” was “This guy has evil purposes towards me, dont come out until you get them”) or they “let me natter” (if I mentioned any disagreement about anything). These “sessions” by definition were not auditing. And I had thousands of hours like that. Marty’s sessions ARE auditing — the best I have ever had (and through 40 years I have had a LOT of auditors including Class XIIs and LRH trained Class VIIIs).

    This is not a big lie in the overall scheme of things. But the fact that they would allege it is proof that POB will say virtually ANYTHING and he requires NO evidence…

    But his lies will all be exposed in the end.

  8. Wow Sam, your in great hands with Marty and Mosey and for that I am grateful. The crimes against the human spirit that the church has put forward and has justified is deserving of many hells. You have my total respect and love.

  9. Can you list the 28 anti-Marty websites? I would like to refer to them as evidence of harassment when I’m called by SO recruiters and Tours registrars to let them know that they need to take responsibility for the behavior of their organization and act to stop the unsavory antics of their organization before I even consider talking to them further. I would like to hand the list to friends who are still participating and look down on me for my disinterest and ask them to take a look and come up with a plausible defense for what their church is doing. These are intelligent people, but due to DM’s restricting access to the Internet, I’m guessing that they really don’t have a clear understanding about the level of hate that their Church directs at people via the Internet and how much “entheta” about their church is out there for full viewing by non-Scientologists, ex-Scientologists, and teetering Scientologists.

    P.S. I want to remind all of you Texans that the San Francisco Giants beat the Texas Rangers in the 2010 World Series. Just saying.

  10. That’s a perfect description of the “service” one can expect at Flag. There isn’t a drop of Scientology left there. Their promo should read “Come to Flag and get your bank account, mind and life destroyed!”

  11. Mother of Grendel

    Thank you, Sam! This is the truth, and beautifully said. It has been years since I’ve heard such an heartfelt “win” come out of the C of Miscarriage. If asked, I could honestly say that, yes, I would want to achieve this ability.

  12. OMG, Sam. You made me cry, girl! Same experiences here with Flag and my ex, almost exactly, (as you know.) There’s only ONE way to apply the tech correctly but millions of ways to screw it up. Far from being the friendliest place on earth, Flag is the most evil. They’ve got the implant station dramatization down pat, however. Ugh.

  13. Hug for mommy Sam

    “Incidentally the Cult of Miscavige squirrel tech almost killed my 12 year old daughter.”

  14. scilonschools

    This ‘trailer’ for the upcoming CoM Scientology Expose by Mr Bunker is a Blast!

  15. Samantha,

    As I read your article, I am looking at the cover of the latest AOLA news. Of course, it is full of pictures of smiling faces, crowded spaces and “successes”. But, go to one of the orgs on any given time and it is not the same. It’s just a big PR gloss over. We know what lies beneath all that.

    Your story is far, far closer to the truth about what goes on there and Flag, etc.

    The golf cart goons know, deep down, that people go to Marty because he is NOT a squirrel. People go to him on their OWN determinism, not because of reges or high pressure squeeze plays.

    To walk towards ones own spiritual goals on their own determinism, to me, is 95% part of the success of it. You cannot be pushed or forced, and we know that DM is all about pushing and forcing.

    Thank you for sharing.

  16. Sue: Surely you aren’t serious. List the 28 sites. Do you doubt they exist?

    If you are truly curious and truly wish to provide the links to your friends – a bit of your own research would serve you well.

    Curiosity and a healthy desire to get to the bottom of things is always good.


  17. Sam, you are living proof that “that which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” You, my Dear, are as strong as it gets!

  18. Thanks Sam,

    Minerva violates the creed and very foundation upon which Scientology was built.

    How can people be so blind?

  19. Good God! That suppressive crap is FLAG’s SOP? I knew it was bad in the 90s but geeze… what a hell hole!
    Thank you for the headsup Sam and best wishes for the future, you deserve it.

  20. Michael Fairman

    Dear Sam
    When I read the horrific series of violations you endured at Flag in the name of help it literally turned my stomach. And then to suffer the continual attacks after leaving was and is unconscionable. What brave souls you and your daughter are — shining examples for all of us. Calling out Minerva for its lies, is also calling out Miscavige for his. That has to continue on a minute by minute basis, until it and all it represents are gone. Minerva, who in the deepest of ironies was the Roman God of Wisdom, feeds on lies, as a vampire feeds on blood. The truth is the stake that will be driven through its heart.

    When I wrote about my success with Marty, that was viciously ridiculed by Minerva, and it was an attempt at a double assassination. Like your experience Sam, it was the best four days I had ever had under the banner of Scientology; and I will return to Casablance as soon as my schedule permits. Like you Sam, I felt safe and loved by both these extraordinary people, and I count them now among the best of my friends. During the decade of my periodic visits to Flag I cannot say that about a single staff member I met there. I always sensed an agenda, an ulterior motive.

    I met Marty and Mosey in LA , a few months before I visited them in Texas. I had read so much about the “kingpin”, the “insanely rabid squirrel” and I admit I had some trepidation waiting for him to arrive at our meeting place. He and Mosey walked into the room and believe me when I say this, in an instant I knew that everything that had been said about them was a lie. I decided right then I would see them in Texas. It was amazing, but that night I felt we had been friends for years.

    That friendship grew at Casablanca. Like you, Sam, through Joy’s and my travail these last months, we have felt that Mary and Mosey have our backs: that they are there for us no matter what. Before I was to leave, I told Marty that he was the kind of friend I have been searching for throughout my life. There is only one other person with whom I share such a degree of friendship.

    You haven’t been audited by Marty yet. Let me tell about my experience. The sessions were so easy and light and conducted with such high ARC, that just hearing “This is the session.”, blew me out.. It was a conversation with friend I completely trusted at the end of which I felt better and was better — permanently. The wins I’ve carried with me from those four days are still with me and are still expanding. From what you and I and others experienced at Flag, it is clear that Minerva and the robots know nothing about this.

    Sam, thank you for writing this. The comparison of what goes on in the current world of Scientology with what I experienced at Casablanca (and my wife Joy has experienced with Ingrid Smith here in LA) cannot be stated often enough. It is with the expansion of the standard application of LRH’s Scientology that beings will reach the goals he said we could attain.

    And Marty, I hope this also adds to the vacuum.

    Sam, you are glorious!

    With love, Michael

  21. Tony DePhillips

    Yep, that sounds right Sam.
    My wife and I love you and we know you are heading for brighter horizons.

    Marty and Mosey we thank you daily for what you are doing and have to go through.

    That was a beautiful song. I was never that big on Bob Dylan, but I have to admit that was sweet.

  22. Sam, like I said earlier, the ‘Gators” are running. I’m not talking about the ones in Lake Livingston either. These reptilian predators done messed with the wrong being and are going to get it in the end by the “Dingo ‘Gator Hunter.”

    I got your back Sam every day of the week.

    ML Tom

  23. Hey, easy now.

    I have searched and found the Minerva site and a couple of others, but didn’t go further because it was such a turn off. I just thought that if there was such a list, then I wouldn’t have to search, read the postings on the site, have my blood pressure rise, search again, read the postings, get mad, search again…you get the picture.

    It’s OK, if there isn’t a list. The few I’ve found are enough. I just thought that having the 28 listed would show an overwhelming pattern of harassment directed at one individual by the CoS and hard to defend or excuse.

  24. Mike: I’d like to second that emotion. Best damn auditing I’ve ever had was also at the hands of Marty and I’ve had auditing from top class auditors trained under LRH.

    Whereas the Flag built under LRH’s direction, many many years ago, was the place that would crack any case, it’s now a butcher’s shop. They cut you up and send you away in bits. It’s ironic that Marty has had to take over their mantle. He’ll put you all back together again and then some.

    Great product Sam! An example to all. Real application of Scientology with increased survival across the dynamics!


  25. “If Rinder thinks Marty is so great, why hasn’t he gone in session with him.”

    I could also ask, if the Church thinks Marty is such a bad auditor, why did they stick Tom Cruise in session with him? Sorry, the fact that they only trusted the one DM considers the “most valuable person in Scientology” with Marty for an auditor cannot be undone. The stamp of Marty’s value has been etched in stone already by the Church. The fact that they work to discredit him on public lines where Tom Cruise could read it one day or his fans may see it only makes them looks fragile and wobbly.


  26. You can google Marty or Mike and find the sites but it’s no fun. If you’re still harrassed by regges and recruters question Davey’s real stats and Tech perversion and declares. They won’t last you more than a minute or two before they’ll hang up. If you like more fun don’t let them know in the beginning that you think Davey is an SP; they’ll hang on until they find out because they can’t have the overts that makes them pull in someone telling them Davey is an SP.

  27. Gee Sam, Thank you for sharing all of that with us. You aren’t alone in what you experienced. But when you go through these things within that group where nobody else seems to notice what you see, you feel very, very alone. There will be many times as the future rolls out, that you, me, and them, and us, will be very, very alone here and there. The difference between us and them, us who could not be bent, us who could not be broken, us who chose not to be blind no matter how discomforting it was, is that in those alone moments we will have peace.

  28. I have been blessed with having had more “good” auditors than bad, and C\S’es who held the line on the Ivory Tower rule through my years in Scn. Marty is right up there with the best, and not being encumbered with alter-ised off-policy admin squirrels makes the CasaBlanca experience the ultimate in case gain per amount of time spent here. Things I thought would take intensives to handle melted so fast that I could not believe it.

    It really is kinda funny that DM is trying to re-inject atler-ising off-policy admin squirrels into the environment there. He NEEDS to, as without a constantly confused present time environment, it is easy to see him for the pathetic wanker that he is.
    Props to Mosey, Chiquita and Thundercat as well…..a truly winning team.

  29. I think we’ll need a COM repair list actually…

  30. Yes it was.
    Thank you 🙂

  31. LOL
    Bruce! No shadow walking!
    Realize your own greatness and walk beside me. As I walk beside all others here.

  32. Tory Christman

    Thank you, Sam, for putting into words many of the “out tech” things that happened at Flag, on OT 7, for me, too. (Note: I also repetitively wrote to David Miscavige asking to be let off the level as I was “auditing over Present Time Problems which LRH Says one will NOT have Case gain if doing so”. All I ever got back was, “OK, continue”.)
    Literally, there was SO much out tech, I honestly haven’t been able to sit down and list it all down, so I thank you. I think my auditor for years before I left–who OSA Flew in to “handle me”, Bill Yaude, said it best then: “Tory–what’s happened to you is THE WORST thing that could happen to anyone, case wise, on the planet”. He insisted they’d “Fix it all” and I said, “you couldn’t pay me 1 million dollars to pick up those cans. Now–get off our lawn”. That’s the last time he ever talked to me, despite he promising “Never to disconnect”.
    My congratulations to you, Sam, and thank you for sharing the details!!!
    If you’re “in” and lurking: Bail while you still CAN!!!

  33. Thanks Bert.

  34. Sue,

    Look at this post: Miscavige Wants to be Like Mike at

    Marty listed all the urls the church had registered to use.

    I think this is where the 28 sites comes from.

  35. Sam…that you made it out of there after all that, without succumbing or selling out, is a sign of just how powerful you must be as a being. You are an inspiration, truly. DM must be soiling himself rotten knowing you and your family are free, truly free and at cause, whilst flourishing, prospering and telling him where to stick it. 🙂

    “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” — Mark Twain

  36. OMG!
    “I could not recall a time when whoever was “auditing” me was not more worried about whether they would be slaughtered after the session because they didnt get some pre-ordained withhold I was supposed to have”
    I missed that one completely Mike.
    That happened to you as a Sea Org Member? Well it happened to me as public. Over and over again. Auditor looking for overts that weren’t there.
    It happened during marriage counseling too (which the Chaplain Edina had insisted we have so that Placi could find out my hidden crimes – her 3P cost us 4 intensives at Class IX rates).
    At the end of the marriage counseling Placi whispered to me ‘Some of those overts were really stupid! I swear it felt like you were just making stuff up at the end to keep the auditor happy!’. And we actually laughed 😀
    Mike – you and Christie are an inspiration to me.

  37. Sara Finning

    Sam is such a powerful being, that even when she is operating/coping at, I don’t know, say a fraction of her usual self, it would be around a lot of other people’s top speed.

    I don’t read the other web sites, but would not mess with Sam. Ever.

  38. Thanks Haydn.
    I’ve loved and respected you and Lucy since our Birmingham days.

  39. ‘I could also ask, if the Church thinks Marty is such a bad auditor, why did they stick Tom Cruise in session with him?’
    Good point! I bet that’s the best auditing Tom Cruise ever had too! 😀

  40. Sam-You have really spoken from the heart and what a beautiful heart you have-I am so glad you found Marty-He is our living statue of liberty as people come over from the continent of insanity.

  41. Thank you. Right back atcha.

  42. Sue
    Just google. You’ll find them all. Enter at your own risk. It’s educational but really icky stuff!

  43. Sam, what a good list of the out-tech. It’s hard to think of all of those at one go without starting to spin–LOL.

  44. “Come to Flag and get your bank account, mind and life destroyed!”
    Spot on.
    And OTs – report back frequently for continued implanting.

  45. Thank you 🙂

  46. mrinder, wow that is awesome. i will share that for me auditing with Marty was like being audited by LRH. Just me and LRH. Awesome auditing and I also had some great class XII’s and lX’s.

  47. I do know. And I know we’re both only really communicating about the tip of the iceberg.

  48. Thank you for the hug CD. You’re my favorite Anon

  49. Centurion,
    I couldn’t wait to see Marty! I don’t recall having felt that way about an org for a very long time. Of late it was more a feeling of ‘let’s get it over with then’. Should have been a clue back then that it wasn’t on my own determinism anymore.

  50. I got by with a little help from my friends 😉

  51. Bryan
    I don’t know. I was trying to figure that out myself.
    I’ve tried to communicate with ‘Minerva’ but….
    ‘She’ stopped talking to me LOL. Do you think ‘she’ disconnected’?

  52. Thank you.

  53. Hey Micheal.
    Thank you! I think you and your wife are equally glorious and it is a joy to know you both.
    I think if I didn’t have Marty Ingrid is the first auditor I’d go looking for. I think you’re in really good hands there.
    We’ve all found our friends through this difficult journey. And we’ve found out who we ourselves are as friends to others.
    Ain’t it beautiful??? 🙂

  54. I love you both too.

  55. Ditto Tom. For eternity or however long it takes.

  56. Tony Dephillips

    I actually think that’s a great idea. I really do. No joke.

  57. Tory you know how much I love you.
    Gotta love those promises never to disconnect.
    I just laugh when someone tells me that now.

  58. As they say to their OT Asses:

    Your 6 month CHEQUE is overdue.

  59. I think he’s more angry than anything else Jack.
    DM doesn’t like to get beat up by girls 😉

  60. LOL. Love you girl. Come see me!

  61. Ingrid
    Marty found me.
    I walked away from the church and bumped straight into his blog 🙂

  62. Don’t do it!
    LOL – I’m still in recovery!

  63. Hahahahahaha
    OK! That one was a coffee-spitter!

  64. Claudio Lugli

    Dear Sam
    Marty is A REAL MAN and Mosey like you is a REAL WOMEN.
    David Miscavige is a coward and uses only Vias because he cannot confront Marty & Mosey himself.
    The same for his goons and whomever finance his deadly operations.
    David Miscavige uses Scientology to enslave people and make them worse.
    The subject is secure till Marty, Mosey and you exist – thanks for being yourself and being 100% honorable.


  65. Maybe.
    All joking aside LRH had the basics covered with PTS/PS tech.
    That’s what I’ve been applying full on. Including how to handle Black Propaganda.
    Anyone who really knows their PTS/SP tech well should be able to pull out of it and if they can’t… I know a GREAT auditor who can give them a tech handling!

  66. Good on you Sam! That list was all too familiar to me. And expensive. You reminded me of some I had buried deep and forgot. I went from loving Flag to hating Flag fast.

    But independence brings resurgence and I wish that for all of us here and for all will soon discover it as they extirpate themselves from the stickiness of dried koolaide all over their thetans. : – )

  67. Tony DePhillips

    I still think that handling BPC on specific points would help the case a lot. Being able to fully itsa the suppression would help the person a lot in my opinion.

  68. Fellow Traveller

    Like you said earlier Sam, LRH did not leave us with a half assed package, contrary to what the Lunatic Antichrist of Hemet would have us believe. It may be a tough package to assimilate, duplicate and understand, but that is our problem.

    PTS/SP Tech, Questionable Auditing Repair and a ethics/tech/admin terminal who has his/her act together, like Act One, which also implies having a comm cycle. Oh, yeah, somewhere like Casablanca Tejas.


  69. Thank you, Mike. This is perfect. I find that it is always better to be specific when talking to Church representatives. It avoids the accusatory, “That’s a generality” response.

  70. Brian Culkin


    I really and truly identify with your experience at Flag. I had many similar experiences. I think the most deadly thing is the wrong indication. That was used on me too many times to count. I was is deep despair when I left Flag. Its hard to describe the feeling of betrayal to anyone but people who have been through it as well. “Strange how people who suffer together have stronger connections than people who are most content.” -Bob Dylan

    VVWD on getting off the mat and fighting back.

    I am convinced the great leaders and souls have in them the common experience of great suffering and loss. There are tremendous wins to be had in these experiences. Athletes, social leaders, artists. You see these experiences across the board.

    All the best,


  71. Sammie!!!
    You know how much I adore and admire you and the lovely Poco!!! Yes I will Always, Always, Always stand by my Man and our dear friends. I do have a bit of advantage though……unlike most of our Indy friends and family, the church does not have any carrot/stick material to use on me!
    So in reality ……You guys are the brave ones who keep my “stremph” up 😉

  72. Wow Sam, fantastic write-up of a walk through Hell. I’m so glad you guys made it through! You have looked Satan in the eye and he is crumbling in the light of day. Thank you for being able to do this!

    I would say this is now the official definition of that place:

    Flag: The Mecca of Technical Perdition

    a state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul; damnation.
    the future state of the wicked.
    hell ( def. 1 ) .

    perdition (pəˈdɪʃən)

    — n
    1. Christianity
    a. final and irrevocable spiritual ruin
    b. this state as one that the wicked are said to be destined to endure for ever
    2. another word for hell
    3. archaic utter disaster, ruin, or destruction

  73. Sam,

    Here’s one especially for you and all Independents.
    Be free.
    No Matter What!

    The Gunn

  74. Love you Sam. 🙂

  75. Sam, as I read your list of Flag overts, outnesses & crimes, I kept thinking when is this list going to end. Then you have got to be kidding ….. how did she survive all that B.S. By the end of your post I felt ‘that is one OT lady’ . VWD on your courage to survive. Don’t mess with Sam!

  76. Man that is pretty damn *suppressive*.

    Not only do they offer the public *no auditing* but they try to actually *prevent* auditing from occurring anywhere else.

    Flag has become such a fraud these days which is why I call it “The Mecca of Technical Deception”.

    I remember when I was there on the internship back in the late ’80’s that they were more interested in whether the auditor “dressed for success” than whether they could audit or not.

    Nuttin’ but PR.

    The original so called “Ideal Org”.

    No surprise its become Squirrel Tech Central.

    Yet Flag is yet a perfect example of how long an organization can exist on nothing but its reputation.

    Yes “Come to Flag” and get your case totally fucked up.

    Maybe even losing your sanity and your life.

    (Maybe they could get funding from NIMH when they run out of PCs and Pre OTs who are willing to put up with that psychological torture and abuse)

    Well at least you’re lucky Sam that you or your daughter didn’t end up like poor Lisa.

    And Minerva.

    I know you’re reading this is some undisclosed OSA office somewhere.

    Did you know that sullying an auditors technical reputation is a *suppressive act*?

    Or do you even care?

    It’s right there in the “Ethics and Justice Codes” if you care to read them some day.

    I’m surprised that Marty hasn’t hauled your sorry ass into court and nailed you for libel and slander which he has every right to do.

    Maybe he’s just too busy handling the detritus that your friends at Flag churn out on a daily basis.

  77. Jean-François Genest

    Mr. Rinder,
    Once again, thank you for setting a desirable example and always answering the public’s questions.

  78. And the taxpayers pays half of it….

  79. Jean-François Genest

    Thank you for your testimony. You are a BIG inspiration. I am happy you are recovering for the horror you suffered. I too will fully trust Marty with my auditing, when possible. I fully trusted him the 1st time I met him (and DM) in 1990. Miscavidge on the other hand exuded evil and make-wrong from the get-go. My best wishes Sam! Θ

  80. Fellow Traveller

    “DM doesn’t like to get beat up by girls”

    Ouch! Oh ouch!

    What a wuss* you are, Davie!

    * definition 3 especially

  81. Wow Sam!
    I’ve known some others who went through much the same at Flag. But add in some time and reasons/excuses and they just stayed effed up and confused and caved and flounder around.
    You’re an inspiration, to say the least! I’m very happy to have met you and to be part of your world!
    Awesome job Marty, Mosey and all who keep LRH tech working despite the constant BS you endure!

  82. Yvonne Schick

    A brilliantly written article and a brilliant decision to post it here for all to read.

    Samantha – I have a hard time finding the words to express my admiration. You are a warrior goddess in my book. Honor and integrity in the face of evil combined with a killer instinct for communication.

    Marty – Once again, hard to find the words. So many of my friends have been helped so profoundly by your application of LRH.

    To all of you helping others with auditing, ethics and admin – thank you. And that includes everyone providing support and encouragement. I brings me such great joy to know that so very many people have genuine caring for their friends.

  83. Michael Fairman

    That’s how it was for me too

  84. There is a list called “Questionable Auditor Repair List.”
    What I do with a pc or pre OT who has been mis-audited in the Co$ is a D of P interview to isolate the worst blocks of auditing or the worst auditor and do the QARL on those areas.
    Other C/Ss in the independent field have added their own questions to the list based on common areas of bypassed charge that they have seen from people receiving the squirrel auditing and ethics actions which are so common inside DMs cult.

    What’s amazing is how quickily those areas can be handled with standard auditing.

    Thanks so much for all the comm, Sam. And thanks for being such a brave and stable terminal.


  85. Sam,
    You are one tough lady to pull through all that out tech and bullshit. I want you on my side in a bar fight (although it has been 40+ years since that has happened.


  86. Mike,

    I do echo your posting fully, having been audited the past 35 years by many with all my expanded grades audited by an LRH trained, Class XII. Rundowns & reviews by CL 8, Class XII and CL XII CS etc.

    The worst actually was from RTC auditors, several of them just pounding in O/Ws, W/Hs, MWHs and FPRD on all forms and truth rundown. These were in total terror of not “getting everything” and were totally fixated on their meters & and cleaning cleans, getting false reads seem to be a matter of course. One of these RTC auditors even disclosed my session information, to my 2D at the time which was a total 3rd party and created conflict immediately. PoB himself created the gang bang sec check which is squirrel beyond belief.

    I echo your statement: “The auditing I had from Marty was the best auditing I have EVER had!!!” (I added the exclamation points). And I’m also looking forward for more the next time the schedules permit. The difference is that Marty’s purpose is purely to help the PC, not some other fish to fry or being careful of. I’m still getting wins in my life and flying high due to the auditing of the original and real LRH OTV level at Marty & Mosey’s a month ago!

    I do not bother to check out Minerva or any of these entheta, lie creating, bottom dwelling PoB created sites as it’s a waste of time to get unnecessary and inapplicable proximity of slime to my life. But the truth is as above, and it is not possible to get up the Bridge within the PoB’s sphere of influence, where even an RTC Rep at the Mecca cannot recognize an F/N for real!

  87. And since all of the OSA Bots and OTasses are so in awe of the glorious standards of their beloved leader, why aren’t they paying double the money and requesting miscavige as THEIR auditor?????

    Any takers?????

  88. My guess is, that False Data Stripping is “lost” tech on Flag.
    Think about the consequences for dm if this mind blowing tech is used.

  89. Ditto. You know it 🙂

  90. Mike – How very true that is!

    A good friend who’s been at that level for a decade says it costs him upwards of $50K every six months for him and the wife, yet still quaffs this vintage expensive Kool Aid still refusing to look sideways past the blinders, though it was his origination of the problem!

    Perhaps a new Porsche every year would be more therapeutic in terms of Mest and glitzy Idle Orgs.

  91. In an LRHED from the mid seventies, LRH says that orgs should be an island of succor in a sea of madness.

    Miscavige has created the exact opposite. Fear of speaking the truth, incessent regging, make-wrong ethics, a totally unsafe environment along with the deliberate mis-application of the tech.

    Miscavige is desperate. As more and more people seek and find tech correction in the independent field, the word of mouth spreads far and wide. You just can’t squash the long term effects of good results. The word of mouth re: Marty’s actual tech delivery is spreading. Other islands are being created around the country. Auditors are being trained. Delivery is occuring.

    Miscavige will go more and more psycho as we flourish.

    Miscavige’s kool aid drinkers (the real dedicated ones) will dramatize his psychosis. The less dedicated ones will silently or loudly slink away and pull the plug on his little implant station.

    He’s only got a few thousand left. The hole in the dike is a hell of a lot bigger than their guilty little fingers.

    Keep up the good work, Marty et al. Keep talking about it Sam.

    The times they are most definitley changing.


  92. I got to know Marty through reading his blog. Somehow, I knew that anyone who could devote that kind of energy and time to getting the truth out in order to help others understand, would be the auditor for me. I never doubted it. I was afraid though, that he would be so booked that I might not get a spot. This is why I secretly made my reservation in January for March this year. I say secretly because I didn’t want anything to interfere with me going to get my auditing. When I arrived my knowingness was confirmed. Being in Marty and Mosey’s space is like walking into bright, warm sunlight.
    I didn’t even realize how robotic most of the auditing I had was until I went in session with Marty. It was like having the most interesting conversation, I had ever had with no attention on anything else. I finally understood what it meant to be truely in session. Not having my attention distracted, I was able to sort out my impossibilities with Marty’s help, lickity split.
    I can honestly say without any doubt what-so-ever, my auditing with Marty was the absolute BEST auditing, I have EVER had! He knows the basics for real and applies them better than I have ever seen.
    I am still having realizations from that short visit. It’s like the saying goes, the Truth will set you free!

  93. I would like to add that I experienced Marty as a flawless auditor ~~ impeccable TRs, safe space, spot on CSing and contrary to any malicious comments about his practice, it is even better than expectations and
    Mosey is a perfect host.

    Thank you Sam for this hard-hitting essay and the overview of what Flag Service Org has morphed into.

    This part really hit home for me ~~
    being regged heavily after session by my auditor, being regged heavily after session by the board I/C, being regged heavily after session by the D of P, Reg visits by my auditor to my house, waiting at the examiner, MAAs falling asleep mid ethics interviews, auditors falling asleep mid session, DTS in tears daily if I didn’t help make their hours quota (guilting me into session),

    False “auditing” sessions
    False Well Done auditing hours
    False auditor beingness
    False pretense of “service”
    False slogan “Mecca of Technical Perfection”
    False positioning as “Religion”
    False Donation Scams to Save the Planet
    False Donation scam for “Super Power” Building
    False Donation scam for “Libraries”
    False Donation scam for “IAS”
    False Pretense that the “Church” threatens your eternity
    False pretense ‘The only game in the universe where everyone wins’
    False Declares with lie after lie
    False malicious tabloid Websites
    False malicious campaigns against Sea org Vets.
    False propaganda site and CDs on”:Human Rights”
    TRUE extorting $$$ out of the Public
    TRUEly acquiring Real Estate at the expense of slave labor
    and rape of parishioner’s money.
    TRUE daily and consistent abuse of SEA Org Members
    TRUE SLEEP DEPRIVATION (see Sam’s note on staff falling asleep on post)
    TRUE Disconnection Of Families.
    TRUE Fair Game ~~ even breaking the law.
    TRUE “OT results” on OT7s and OT8s that flee the Church in ever growing numbers.
    TRUE Gallop Poll survey that Scientology is below Atheism and Radical Muslim in popularity.
    TRUE: Miscavige is a black propaganda machine churning out cookie-cutter character assassination (Long before Marty and Mike, on all previous CO CMO INTS including Dede and Gail.
    TRUE: Thuggery, beatings, assault and battery, banishment to Freewinds for sadistic punishment outside of US jurisdiction.
    TRUE: Repeated bragging of Real Estate acquisitions gotten from gang bang reg cycles as “proof” of Church expansion.

  94. Sam,
    Thank you for sharing your story. You are one tough girl to have made it through all that and still be here trying to straighten things out. I also went through a 2D co-audit from hell at Flag during which, I had a car wreck and fell down crossing the street (Ft Harrison) on the way to session and almost got run over twice!
    What you did do though, that I didn’t do, was jump up right away and fight for what you believed in. You have been here commenting on Marty’s blog since almost the beginning. You have taken a lot of hits, some of them low blows, for the rest of us. I just want to thank you for caring as much as you do for others. You are very courageous!

  95. Mosey,
    Thank goodness you were never in. You give us all a perspective we need to put the puzzle pieces together and sort this mess out. You are very important to me and Mike. You think in future!

  96. PJ,

    In my opinion it’s not just FDS Tech but Standard Tech that is “lost” tech at Flag.

    They are the ones that exported that other tech known as the “Golden Age of Tech”.

    Funny they call their mag “Source” because they are basically the *source* of squirrel tech these days.

    Recently I read that they were instituting and institutionalizing “Quickie Grades”.

    Not only that but bragging about their speed of delivery in this regard.

    Guess KSW and Tech Degrades are “background”, “historical”, “no longer used” etc…. these days.

    Of course getting anything called “Flag ‘Auditing'” currently is like hitting your head against the wall or lighting your hair on fire and beating it out with a mallet.

    I guess the idea is quite popular among FCCIs who just want the torture to end which is the typical response to Flag’s Abuse of cases.

    (what they call “auditing”)

    I can’t tell you many how many PCs and Pre OTs I’ve come across who got a dial wide persistent F/N from just getting the fuck outta there!

    Talk about a release!

    Man all you got to do is rehab that point and you’d have a booming Field Practice.

    Aptly they call themselves a “Spiritual Retreat” because once a spirit or thetan gets there.

    All it wants to do is retreat!

  97. John Fennessey

    “walk beside me”, says you. Your a class act and you make Bruce’s point.
    I had the good fortune to know some fabulous people in Scientology (and some not so fabulous). You remind me of those whom I considered very special. I admire a person who holds their position when it is grounded in their code of honor, and is willing to suffer the slings and arrows. I admire you Sam, as well as many others here. This is quite a collection of beings. I appreciate the opportunity to post now and then and dwell amongst some real giants.

  98. Laughter! Laughter!

  99. I have heard that name Minerva before on this blog but I have not had the time or the desire to go and look up all of the 28 hate sites David Miscavige put up about Marty Rathbun. I am sure they cannot be that popular. Most people have better things to do with their time. But I do know that someone spewing lies or gossip about others is a bad idea. I am not going to look for the sites either because they are probably church run, and posted to by church members making them in my opinion, absolutely worthless for those two reasons alone. Good luck in your endeavors as an Independent Scientologist.

  100. John Fennessey

    Tony, Dylan cannot compete with Sinatra, Perry Como, some anisette and a cigar. I get it.

  101. Tom Gallagher

    +1 Les

    Thanks Sam, Marty and Mosey!

  102. You know I had that exact thought. If Marty was sooooo bad where are the lines of PC’s complaining about how bad he was in session and why isnt TC shouting out from the ramparts about how Marty screwed up his case. Then again if that were to happen there would be some reason for TC to doubt Micabbage’s ability to create top auditors. See when you lie and try to align that lie with truth something doesn’t add up. If marty is a squirrel then he screwed Cruise. But know we cannot admit that so he can’t be a squirrel. Wheres the outpoint.

  103. Same with me when I was in the SO. Always being accused of having OW’s and spent hours locked in a EO office because I couldn’t find anything. Then being SEC Checked by the CLO ethics officer to try to find my out ethics. All the while the AO was false reporting bodies in the shop for over a year.

  104. TheWidowDenk

    Wow, Sam … What a great write-up! It really lays some concrete data on the line.

    Anyone remember the name of the biography of Jim Morrison of the Doors? “No One Here Gets Out Alive” That’s what came to mind after I read this posting.

    Really good job, Sam and family! Continue to flourish and prosper!!

    L, Rachel

  105. And now, about the squirrel revisions in the tech in use in the church. Yes there are, many at any org or mission one goes to Sea Org run or not. It is obviously out-ethics so it is obviously out tech. I was terrified when I first encountered squirrel tech at the org I was supposed to be receiving auditing and training at. It created an unshakable stable datum for me in this universe: “Out-ethics staff are best examples of SP’s one can find anywhere” and upon that I just gradually distanced myself from them and it as-is’d. They are gone. What caused them to be there in the first place is gone. But, the corrupt church is still there as a reminder of what to do and what not to do should problems arise and so turning the church for help would obviously no be an option these days. Find the tech. Use it and things go right. Do what churches do and all goes wrong. My humble opinion.

  106. Tom Gallagher


    Your description of the horror show at Flag of tech delivery is akin to hiring Jeffrey Dahmer to babysit ones children.

    The results are equally dangerous if not totally catastrophic. Not surprising though considering POB is in charge.

    Thanks for a great write up and ack to Mosey and Marty. Onward and upward!

  107. Jethro Bodine

    ” suppressive reasonableness on out 2D”

    Sam – Can you clarify what you mean by that, like an an example? If it’s too personal, no worries. I know what suppressive reasonableness is, and I’m guessing you’re referring to an ethics officer of some kind, but usually my ethics cycles at Flag were the exact opposite – highly evaluative and judgemental. LRH said that there were not supposed to be any “2d rules”, and that processing not ethics actions handles the 2d case. Just curious what your experience was.

  108. Sam, look at the Est Repair list. You are going to blow out because it actually looks like it was made for the current church. In fact, I am going to use it for those who have lots of BPC on the squirreling.

    ML Tom

  109. While on CCRD C/S training at Flag in 2006 and the wacky Grades of 2009/2010, we weren’t even allowed to crack a case. If your Progress Program was more than 6 hours long, it’d get kicked – which then limited us to a C/S 53, Ruds and a PTS Handling on virtually every PC. The cookie-cutter programs we used to get in trouble for.

    I’d hate to see how they’d program a new guy off the street who just received a ton of hidden standards from the Life Repair reg (“Oh, yeah, you’ll be exterior and will definitely contact past lives…”)

    I have to admit, it was fun to see the floundering Cl VI C/Ses asking a “lowly” Grad VA C/S with a decade of experience and baptism by fire who actually programmed and delivered XDN how to program cases. Except, my programs were always too long and handled too many things, but only the things that were charged from a redone searching D of P Interview and C/S 53. Oh well, I just was not Flag trained as I was there only for the CCRD Apprenticeship.

    So, I learned to keep my head down and my mouth shut to get the hell outta there.

    Oops, sorry for the rant! I guess I do have some things to get off my chest! 🙂


  110. ΘTater/GaryLerner

    Sam, You ARE and amazing BEING! Thank you for recognizing what LRH gave to us all… Truth and awareness of ourselves!

    Love and So Much ARCU!

    Gary (putting the torches to Minerva’s [aka daffy dave’s dramatization] feet.)

  111. Very sooth Lawrence.

    These days “Ideal Orgs” (“Ideal” probably in SMERSH’s opinion) are the datum of comparable and the actual *ideal* of how *not* to do it.

    I mean let’s face it.

    If they were anymore “ideal” they’d probably be supported ( some of us think probably *are*) by CIA like Dr Cameron’s lil’ deep sleep facility.

    Aside from any possible “conspiracy theories” the fact is that “Ideal Org” has nothing to do with the RED or PL by that name.

    It’s just a typical false flag.

  112. Sam, all the crap the “Church” is doing- they think it has an effect- that there is power in it (the power of suppression), but what they are too stupid to see, or are just not wanting to confront is that there is no more power in that.
    Any power that was in that is vanishing before our very eyes like an illusion. They used to be able to suppress and silence people with this crap, but it just doesnt work anymore. And you are a part of the reason it doesnt.

  113. What’s fun to do on occasion is to email Minerva tidbits of what might be happening somewhere in Co$ World, as if they’re news. Some OT is about to blow from a big org! A protest will happen in a major city! I imagine they must scurry around and devote a lot of resources trying to track down specifics of rumors I feed them. The funny thing is that, in the current state of the Co$, rumors like that are always true.

  114. Awesome Sam! Thanks for that.

    I thought I heard it all. Auditors falling asleep in session? I’ve heard of that happening, but it’s “junior,” i.e. the guy’s still on course and hasn’t learned to deal with his or the PC’s case. MAA falling asleep? That’s a first for me.

    But, my favorite is this piece of hidden data line crap: “being told that all beings are always exterior (as an excuse to take me in session while still exterior)” Wow.

    Lots of Gross Auditing Errors here. Minerva and team have a hell of a nerve calling anyone “squirrel.”

    You know, OSA and Mr. David, you may want to rethink your strat here. This constant pointing the finger at Marty as the so-called “who” just ain’t working. It is just making your scene more apparent for all to see.

    Call Marty a squirrel? A thousand cases come up where people tell about how Flag, the so-called “Mecca of technical perfection,” screwed up their case.

    Say that Sam or Mike are “afraid” to let Marty audit them? Well, I am here to tell you that no CofS auditor will ever touch me or mine, because the last intensive I had was a waste of money, and got no result, to the point where my reg apologized to me. This was at AO. My last non-session session at Flag (“Not auditing you” assess and indicate a C/S 53 and Green form. Not sure how that would be done HCO style, but this is the warped world of Mr. David Miscavige) was worth… nothing.

    People who are the products of Scientology are uptone. You are not. They are able to deal with life and occasional disappointment. You are not. They show love for their fellows. You do not. They respect their families. You do not. They are tolerant of people who do not agree with them. You absolutely do not. They respect the Founder. You do not. They know what the Founder wrote and said. You do not.

    It is a fact that the CofM has grossly violated KSW. They not only failed in 7, 8, 9 and 10, they actually went backward and killed numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 (within the church, anyway). Ron had the tech (#1) in 1965. The “Church” no longer does. It is altered – and you can tell by the products, and by the actions.

    Sam, Minverva is a waste of a thetan. That site is so offensive and snarky that it proves the point: That the church has indeed gone squirrel.

  115. Cindy Pinsonnault


    The last time I came back from Flag (2001), I was quite certain there was something wrong – with me. I absolutely hated “the friendliest place on Earth.” And because you’re not allowed to have an independent opinion in the cult, I thought I was the only one who felt that way and the problem must be me.

    But that was the beginning of my awareness that something was terribly wrong. When I finally left the cult, I wasn’t sure there was any chance of continuing my bridge, but I also knew that I couldn’t continue with the squirrelly wacko crap that Flag was trying to pass off as standard tech. (By the way, what is 100% standard tech and how come only Flag delivers it, and why can’t Flag trained auditors deliver it unless they’re at Flag when they deliver it – what bull$%@#!)

    So, knowing I wasn’t going to make it in the cult, I took a chance and went to see the best auditor I have ever had – Marty Rathbun. Now, THAT was standard tech. Better, easier, bigger wins, more expansion, MUCH more ARC than I had ever experienced at Flag or any other org. Safer, calmer environment — even WITH the idiot OSA scum hanging around. Even the accommodations were better!

  116. False Flag….

    Get it?

    Never mind 🙂

  117. RJ, thanks! My tone has even come up a bit in the last few days, hence the sooth! 🙂 These article are for me. Maybe David Miscavige should put Joanne from the world famous “Texas Squirrel Busters Team” in charge of all the Ideal Orgs so their stats can go up! 🙂

  118. Cindy Pinsonnault

    Laura Ann — I had a similar experience. Finally understanding what it means to be “in session” with no distraction and no effort. BEST!!!

  119. Watching Eyes

    Wonderful. That huge long list of outnesses run on you, blown away in a 10 minute ethics interview. FANTASTIC.

    Ethics tech has long been forgotten, misused, altered etc. in the current regime and understandably so. When the game turns into making people effect the last thing they’d want is to use a technology that, when properly applied, will enhance someone’s life.

    We can add Black Ethics to his list of Davey’s sadistic tools.

  120. Scott Campbell

    Hey Samantha,

    Great write-up. Wow, what a list. Nothing but crimes, high crimes and suppressive acts. No wonder you didn’t want auditing.

    I’m glad that Marty helped you get that sorted out. Him and Mosey are the best.

    And I bet they are grateful to have a great big being like you on their side too!

    L, Scott

  121. Laura Ann, exactly – great summation!

  122. Wow,

    It never ceases to amaze me that Mighty Midget is working so hard to defraud the wins people are experiencing with Marty auditing. I am sure that he hopes that all the in people will still drink the kool aid he is giving them which is full of delusions, lies, and outright attacks on good and decent people who forward the Independent movement. I am mystified by his immaturity, his hateful personality, and his egotistical manipulation that is killing his church and the wellness of the people who follow it.

    If you are reading this message, and you are in, please consider leaving. You can get back on your bridge, get well, and live productive lives outside the dead tech that he issues. You can get out and become free to follow the Independent path or not, there are many people out here who will help you through what seems like a lonely, scary, path. It’s not. Independent thought is freedom. There are people who are out that are waiting to welcome you with open arms and more love than you ever thought possible. Reach out. Get out. Be free. Just takes one email. One hope.

  123. Here is what I (as a way outsider) question. Wtf were they thinking, letting Mike Or Marty leave. Everything I’ve ever seen w Rinder doing an interview, he has defended the Co$ very calmly and cooly. Go YouTube any countless interviews with Mike and tell me he wasn’t the perfect spokesman for the Co$. I mean especially when we compare it the best interview ever, which is David Mismanage on Nightline. Holy crap, that guys looked in effing sane.

    And as bad/great as that interview is, I’ll bet Mismanage walked around like he had just hit a walk off grand slam in the bottom of the ninth in the 7th game of the World Series.

    Anyone here that can testify to that?

    I just see this moron as way to narcissistic to think that he did anything but make Ted Kopple his b–ch.

    All the rest of saw was a unfunny comedy, thinking to ourselves, this guy can’t be serious. How did this kook, who kept jumping from place to place and making stupid claims become the leader of anything bigger than a Winchells Donut. He looked insane, spoke insane and I’m confused how he framed or blackmailed or whatever the case was and got the IRS exemption.

    I pray that story is truly revealed some day.

    I know Mike And Marty know “where the bodies are buried” I’m just afraid David Mismanage has hired the best people in the world to make sure he is shielded with dummy corporations and go betweens.

    I really hope the Feds get this case made and destroy what’s left of that zzz holes freedom. May he and Tommy the Tard and Thomas Mapother be cell buddies at a true federal PMITA prison.

    Whens the book coming Marty? Stop toying with us!,

    Bed man Mike in OKC

  124. Spot on Les!

  125. Isn’t it interesting that the Church keeps volumes of folders on PCs forever, Personally, as an auditor I’m not interested in the Overts or the with holds only in gettting them off the case.
    Actually I think it would be a good idea to have a “ceremony” of burning the folders of the PC as the PC progresses up the bridge. The Overts and W/Hs in the folders are nobody’s business but the PC’s. The Auditor is there for the PC, the session is the PC’s not the auditor’s. and likewise the folders are the PC’s not anybody else’s.
    Culling folders for OW’s or W/H’s is blatantly suppresive, Priests have died protecting the sanctity of the confessional, and others have been imprisoned and suffered torture. Auditing should be just as jealously guarded. How can anybody make case gain in the face of such out ethics on the part of the auditors, CS’s or anybody else on the lines.
    If DM is looking at PC folders or the OWs or W/Hs of PC’s he should be treated like the the Scapegoat he is emulating and be driven into the desert alnong with the sins he has loaded himself with.

  126. BMOK — 100% confirmed. POB was strutting after Koppel — he even stated “he” won an Emmy for Koppel because the show was so riveting because he was such a fabulous interviewee. They probably still say that on his hagiographic internet site…

  127. Sam,
    Roomie as you know I think you are an absolute amazing person and mother. I am in awe how you have been able confront with grace the chaos that has been thrown your way.
    I to have had the pleasure of going into session with Marty over the last years. I find that Marty is an absolutely fabulous auditor/friend and I have had fantasic life changing gains with just a few short sessions.
    Marty and Mosey have created an awesome refreshing enviroment for Indys to go to and receive real standard LRH tech.
    ML, Jan

  128. Watchful Navigator

    This terrorized and terroristic style of RTC-supervised auditing was long ago exported to Flag, as Sam’s story covers so well. From there it has been exported to orgs and missions who have received what can only be called overt products, back from Flag training. No ARC. Freezing the needle with meter watching and then fishing for false overts, cleaning cleans and driving pcs out-List and even out-Int.
    So glad to have tech terminals coming forward and blowing the whistle on that insanity. So glad to find real LRH auditing being done and so many winning at it.
    What a great example Marty is setting of the power and simplicity of putting ARC and TRs first. I hope he succeeds in training and sharing this with others.

  129. Don’t forget, we can thank OSA for giving Mark Bunker this game. If they had just ignored him, he would have gone on his merry way and would be doing something completely different with his life.

  130. Cindy, it is not the “Friendliest Place In The Whole World”. I am not saying that I know where is, but I know Flag is not. Can I prove this? Sure. In a different way than you. When I was at Flag a little before the last time you were there I was followed about (when other entheta at Flag was not active at the moment) by a Class IX C/S that to this day I still do not know his last name, and he was not MY C/S, he was just A C/S. He followed me about and would say things like “Fucking Fag!” under his breath in such a way so that I could not help but “overhear” and “consider he meant me” this was usually when his girlfriend there was not doing the same thing at other times that he was either laughing about or learning from. And this is just the tip of an iceberg. I am not a fag, or at least I don’t think so and no one I know says so or has, just the Flag people, at “The Friendliest Place In The Whole World”.

  131. BMOK. Just checked POB’s official site and it proclaims the following as one of his most important accomplishments: “Although not a spokesperson for Scientology, David Miscavige is frequently mentioned by media in relation to the religion. He was interviewed by Ted Koppel in a 90-minute segment of Nightline in 1992, which earned an Emmy Award.”

  132. Lawrence,

    You were probably followed by Bill Yaude OSA clown extraordinaire “Class IX” by certificate only.

    But whoever he was.

    The guy sounds like he has overts against gay people and I’d say people in general.

    Yeah “The Friendliest Place In The Whole World”.

    Compared to what?


  133. Watchful Navigator

    Yep – berry punny, RJ! =>
    one could also say, “False FLAG: SMERSH’s favorite op”
    where you report in to write 6-month $cheques$
    in the between-wives area

  134. I’m coming to the party late – I’ve said it many times on this blog and others have too, but for sure I will repeat, Marty was the best auditor I’ve ever had ever. He handled my Clear cycle, which had been botched by the church and I wasn’t even expecting it to be handled. Had no idea that was going to happen! 🙂 It was a total bonus and I was blown out of my head. And not only that, but he’s come to my rescue when I was in need at a later time and really dropped everything to do it too & Mosey backed him up. She is selfless. And Marty has done similar things for others, and come out to help others who couldn’t get to him. It doesn’t matter what the church says, Marty has hundreds of PC’s that will of their own accord, stand by his side and watch his back because he has helped them immensely. He is a true friend who really cares about others.

  135. Sam,

    You and your family have endured so much and are still standing strong, more united than ever. I love that about you darling!


  136. Sam, all I can say is Holy Crap! That is a long list of gross out tech and arbitraries. Thank you for sharing it. Maybe it will help some of the sheeple to take a look and have a cog and start applying KSW. What is mind blowing is that so many staff (especially at FSO that is supposed to be the mecca of technical perfection) are actually doing this crazy shit. LRH made it very clear in this excerpt from KSW Series 1, how damaging it is to not apply KSW.

    “Note: Neglect of this Pol Ltr has caused great hardship on staffs, has cost countless millions and made it necessary in 1970 to engage in an all-out International effort to restore basic Scientology over the world. Within 5 years after the issue of this PL with me off the lines, violation had almost destroyed orgs. “Quickie grades” entered in and denied gain to tens of thousands of cases. Therefore actions which neglect or violate this Policy Letter are HIGH CRIMES resulting in Comm Evs on ADMINISTRATORS and EXECUTIVES. It is not “entirely a tech matter” as its neglect destroys orgs and caused a 2-year slump. IT IS THE BUSINESS OF EVERY STAFF MEMBER to enforce it.





    Note to Davey….your utter disregard for KSW is going to blow up in your face sooner or later. Underneath all of your insanity, you know it. Also, any OSA bots reading this, it is time for YOU to re-read KSW and open your eyes and look at the outpoints and quit being PTS to the little midget.

  137. Even the people at Auschwitz ate better than the people at Flag! 🙂 I hope! 🙂 For me saying that! 🙂 But, one thing really rubs me “the wrong way”. If somebody asked that Class IX C/S/ “Who did you just say that to?” you would get for an answer “I don’t know. Just some guy that was here!”. Perhaps in the minds of Sea Org members that may be an answer, but in my mind it is not. No, it wasn’t Bill Yaude though, because I have seen a picture of Bill Yaude. His name was Mark but I didn’t get his last name. If he cared enough to single me out for an attack like that, what must the people’s folders at Flag be like that he C/S’s? So, the church has to somehow prove all they do is correct at all times so things like this don’t stand out. Well, they stand out anyway, regardless of their own rant.

  138. Cindy,
    Good for you! You are one smart girl. I wasn’t able to comment on Rosalie’s post but, now you bring up the same issue she did. I find it absolutely heart breaking that you or anyone would give up on making it. It also infuriates me that the bridge is only available to those with ways to come up with large chunks of money. In my opinion it should be available to everyone who wants it at reasonable rates without sending anyone to the poor house. I am so happy for you that you overcame these obstacles and made it! This is probably the issue that will put the church under and make the Independents thrive. The bridge is available out here! And the auditing talent is superb!

  139. Samantha,
    My father commented years ago when I’d been declared by DM that it wasn’t a good idea to just wound a tiger.

    A tigeress, with cubs, well that’s just foolishness Dave, foolishness.

    Alas, you are a fool aren’t you.

  140. That C/S? He was a real big guy, like about 6′ 4″ tall. And I am 5′ 10″ so what was his big problem? Right?

  141. Samantha, and that is the bottom line for me as of tonight. Although I have never experienced it myself your is the first report I have ever heard of it to date of “auditor’s falling asleep mid session”. If that were to happen to me ever I would literally get up and walk out, even if it was in the middle of an engram! I don’t think I could deal with it in real life. How does anyone explain this? Complaining that a pc or pre-OT is not sessionable and then their auditor falls asleep in the middle of auditing them? I have a new reality in life since reading this blog.

  142. WN,

    That’s 6 month cash, check, Amex,Visa or Master Charge.

    Yeah and ya gotta be careful of that between wives area 😉

  143. Rinder: I just spit water all over my keyboard after reading that, which you just wrote.

    HE won Keppel any Emmy.


    In a word, that is


    DM is definitely a CS

  144. Michael Fairman









  145. At the examiner one is asked “How did the session go?” and a pc says “Well, I am not exactly sure because my auditor fell asleep!’ and the examiner says “Your needle is floating”!

  146. Coulda been Mark Hamilton.

    A guy I was on the BC with about a million years ago.

    Doesn’t matter.

    Anyone who’d do that sorta thing to you Lawrence is neither an auditor or C/S.

    Just a poser with a certificate.

    Seems they have a lot of ’em these days at the Flub Land Base.

    BTW most “Class IXs” in the Orgs these days haven’t done their Cl VIII course.

  147. And that is bad thing. At one point in time the only pre-requisite for becoming a Class IX auditor was that one be OT III & Class IV. That was BEFORE New OT IV was released. So, afterwards, those people, got a “100% standard flub re-hat”. It is almost as if this tech has never been applied correctly by the church at all even though L. Ron Hubbard put it there himself a long time ago.

  148. Michael and Sam_i feel very acknowledged and validated-Thank you !

  149. Lawrence-How disgusting- He had the “sneering and the lying” part down.

  150. You all will probably kick me off the blog for this one, but the only thetan that would go in session with DM is someone with an unflat FPRD case, seeking some S & M!
    All kidding aside, Sam, your write up was fantastic! You’re a tough cookie and VERY theta. I admire your integrity and fortitude.

  151. You have a group here who will love you for being wrong.

  152. Perfect Karen. Hard hitting and true!

  153. Right,

    Only they weren’t pretentiously called “Class IXs” back then but Advanced Course Specialists instead.

    And the level was known as NOTs.

    Not “New” OT V, VI (which is basically a redo of the fricken’ Solo Course fer christs sakes) and New OT VII (personally I don’t think the Ol’man had any idea that the knuckleheads would cancel “Old” OT VII or any of the other original OT Levels when he called it that) and “New” OT IV which was originally known as the OT DRD as if the “Old” OT IV RD was somehow canceled.

    So you’re right Lawrence the tech ain’t been right for a long time!

    In fact it’s been one tech degrade after another interlaced with a million arbitraries.

  154. The “funny” thing is, RJ, it’s not a joke! It really is a “False” Flag they are running out there in Clearwater – David Miscabitch, where’s the REAL Flag Land Base? What have you done with it, you twittering moron?????

  155. Lawrence, don’t bother looking for those sites! But if you do, have a barf bag handy!

  156. Good point. You could keep the C/S and the auditor’s report form + plus a note on any R/S (for potential future XDN) and indeed burn the rest. If repair of past auditing is required, the pc will know what went wrong.

    Finish a grade – burn a grade.

  157. Mike Hobson

    OK, Mr. Robin Adair:

    You just went way too far black PRing Mark Hamilton who used to be my CO at ASHO Foundation along with his wife Lisa are highly valued Independents.

    How dare you slime Mark by suggesting that he would such a thing to Lawrence or anyone else??

    Just who the hell do you think you are?

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  158. Sam,

    You are a brave and worthy warrior. Thank you for having the courage of your convictions.

    Question for you: Could that C/S have been MARK CAMPBELL? Mark is a NOTs C/S, and is the only C/S named Mark currently at Flag as far as I know. He also fits your description; i.e., TALL.

    Glad to see you both out!

  159. Ah, the “some guy” defense. Like when you’re walking down the street with a TV in your hands and the cops stop you and you say “some guy said I could have this.” Sometimes I guess it works. Like when “some guy” who’s just wandering around Flag says some offensive stuff to a paying customer.

  160. Marty,

    I probably am not the only one who follows your blog and who posts here who is not and has never been a Scientologist. In the interest of full disclosure, I am an athiest and materialist who nonetheless believes in religious liberty. I support you and anyone else who wishes to practice their spirituality in a non-coercive environment, and because you are standing up to a coercive cult, I support that as well.

    Having said all that, for people like me who are getting more interested in Scientology as a result of reading your blog, where do we start? I assume we should read Dianetics and then go from there. Obviously we shouldn’t set foot in a Co$ org after that, though.

    Brian S

  161. scilonschools

    As Tory C Always says “They make their own enemies!” 🙂

  162. Thanks John.
    I enjoy your posts 🙂

  163. Great rant.
    “I learned to keep my head down and my mouth shut to get the hell outta there”. Yeah – me too!

  164. Nooooooooooooooo!

  165. You know Sinar all this hunting for ‘O/W’s on staff and public could be very easily simplified if the question were to be:
    “Have you run across any information that would tend to incriminate David Miscavige?”
    That would save a lot of time and single out immediately those staff members and PCs who should be lined up for immediate annihilation with black dianetics.
    I was told by an OT VIII at Flag that David Miscavige personally goes through EVERY OT VII folder at Flag. If there is any truth to that claim at all (even if he’s looking at a few specific folders) what do you suppose he’s looking for? Out tech?

  166. Karen…
    Trying to figure out which of the two of us has the bigger mouth….
    LOL – no offense – I’ve always taken that ‘accusation’ as a compliment 😉

  167. “If you like more fun don’t let them know in the beginning that you think Davey is an SP”
    Anyone who wants to get out of the church with little fuss – this is the key phrase to use.
    I was having a fun game flying under the radar until I said that. Ooops!
    You don’t need to leave the church. That phrase will generally get you kicked out so fast your feet won’t touch the ground.

  168. Well yeah, but APART from a bit of thuggery, squirrelling, sleep deprivation, terrible TRs, false propoganda, enforced disconnection, fair-gaming critics, abuse of staff, crush-regging, slave labour, malicious lies, false testimony, endless black propaganda, fraudulent donation scams, untrue statistcs, spiritual blackmail, staff doping off on post, malicious whispering campaigns and mental and physical abuse… it’s not that bad is it?

  169. Thanks for posting that link SS
    Don’t know if you’re reading this but thank you for all you do.
    DM watch and learn. Mark’s talent as a camera boy far exceeds yours.

  170. I forgot to thank Chiquita for the comic relief at Casablanca.
    Watching Chiques run her game of mooching biscuits from the neighbors is one of the funniest things I’ve seen. She’s a pro!

  171. And thank you Claudio and your lovely family.

  172. Yeah. The Koolaide does wash off.
    Comes off in layers.
    Some of it takes a bit of scrubbing 🙂

  173. Hey Brian
    I read your story – what blew me away was how quickly you absorbed, understood and were able to apply Scientology and with relatively little experience you were able to almost immediately recognize that Flag was off-source. It took me years to do that!
    You are an incredible spiritual being and I learned from looking at your work the effect and control a thetan can have over his body. Fascinating.
    I’m very happy to have a spiritual connection with you. I admire you greatly.

  174. Hugs hugs hugs!!!
    I’d like to say that all of my carrots and sticks are gone but I left friends and old Sea Org comrades behind in the church so I’ve still got a way to go to pull them all out of the water to safety (or let them happily drown if they absolutely refuse to climb out). I consider it damage to be made up because of the years I neglected to apply KSW.
    You’re a beautiful, noble, honorable, clean being Mosey. And that only adds to your power and unkillability.
    Left a message for you in the guest book.

  175. Sad but true.

  176. Gunner
    You have no idea how much that communicates to me on a personal level. Beautiful. Thank you!

  177. I survived it because I found Marty and Mike.
    When I left all trust and hope was destroyed and I had little purpose in life other than to get my ex-husband the hell out of the church and help my children recover from the devastation.
    When I first met with Marty and Mike in London I was very wary of ever trusting anyone again and had given up all hope of ever continuing up the Bridge. It was over for me.
    I sat in front of Marty and Mike. A friend commented that they were supposed to be the devil incarnate.
    Marty and Mike grinned. Marty stuck his hands above his head and mocked up his devil horns.
    A couple of times while I was watching Marty and Mike I saw a deep look of understanding and compassion flow between them. It was then I trusted them.
    I knew there was hope.
    And then Mosey showed up, looked Marty in the eye and pointed to her watch. Marty got up to leave. That’s when I knew Marty was in really good hands.
    The rest is history as they say.

  178. “they were more interested in whether the auditor “dressed for success””
    My favorite auditor in the C of M (Ken Markin) used to sport a handlebar moustache when he audited at CCInt.
    It was gone years later when he became and auditor at AOLA.
    I asked why he had removed it and he told me that he had been ordered to shave it off at Flag because it wasn’t professional.
    I was always sad he did that. It was such a part of his beingness.
    But then I suppose you’re no-longer allowed to have any of that…

  179. “I fully trusted him the 1st time I met him”
    Me too!
    A public at Saint Hill asked me 2 years ago if I thought Miscavige was an SP. I asked her where she had gotten this idea from (had she read something on the internet?)
    No. She wasn’t allowed to read the internet. She had seen David Miscavige in the reception area at Saint Hill. He had looked at her and she had ‘just felt the evil’.
    That person was quickly gotten back under control (her family has a lot of money) after it was discovered she was in communication with me. She promptly disconnected. She is still drinking Koolaide right now. But not for too much longer. She already knows the truth.

  180. Tara
    You’re a strong woman too.
    We have quite a connection. Will have to send you a photo of those PJs I told you about.

  181. Thank you Yvonne.
    Next Indie party we have to find more time to chat! So many new friends to get to know.

  182. I’m on your side David 🙂

  183. “My guess is, that False Data Stripping is “lost” tech on Flag”
    Jesus! Where would you start???????

  184. “The less dedicated ones will silently or loudly slink away and pull the plug on his little implant station”
    I hope there are enough left inside to do that before any good left in the church is destroyed from the outside by the enemies it has made.
    I can hope. But the fate of those left inside is up to them.
    Clean up from the inside or die enmeshed in an engram of it’s own creation. Their choice.

  185. “I am still having realizations from that short visit”
    Laura Ann
    A mutual friend (you know who I’m talking about) discussed the ripple effect of the wins at Casablanca.
    While I was still there I hadn’t quite grasped the magnitude of what was occurring. It wasn’t until a week or two later that the massive changes in my life became clearer.
    It’s still happening!

  186. “2D co-audit from hell”
    Yeah. That’s what it was.
    And I want to thank you too. I know what you did 😉

  187. “Most people have better things to do with their time”
    I make time. You have no idea how many of Miscavige’s crimes are exposed in his vicious, if not lurid accusations about others.
    the criminal mind accuses others of what he himself is doing:
    It’s like reading a signed confession that he’s a money-motivated squirrel with some SERIOUS sexual issues. 😉

  188. Thanks Rachel.
    I love that you are fighting back for yourself and for Gene.
    I’m sure he’s out there somewhere and he knows.

  189. “Find the tech. Use it and things go right.”

  190. Great analogy!

  191. Jethro
    It’s not personal for me but giving you all the details would be exposing other Koolaide drinkers and I’m not ready to do that (yet) and this wouldn’t be the forum.
    What I can tell you is that out 2D was actively condoned at Flag and there were MANY (and I’m not exaggerating) serious out 2D situations going on involving OT VIIs and VIIIs. And enough instances of cancer for me to recognize that the situation was very messed up. I was informed by a Flag MAA that ‘the 2D is ‘personal”, that there ‘weren’t enough MAAs to deal with 2D situations’ and that I ‘must had done something to pull in a husband going out 2D’ (and I can only reveal that data because ‘Minerva’ gave out my ex-husband’s PC data so know it’s generally known).
    The rest is far far more sinister. But that’s for another time and may be someone else’s story to tell once they have recovered their own personal integrity in the matter.

  192. Oops ‘now’ not ‘know’ 4th line up.
    Typing too fast!

  193. Gary
    Keep the torches burning bright. You make me laugh.

  194. Together we are all the reason it doesn’t work. Thanks for being here.

  195. “What’s fun to do on occasion is to email Minerva tidbits of what might be happening somewhere in Co$ World”
    Ha ha! me too!
    A comm line to Minerva is a comm line directly to DM by the way. So if you’ve got anything you want to say to him.. oops sorry I mean ‘her’ go for it.

  196. You got it GH

  197. “I was quite certain there was something wrong – with me”
    We all did Cindy.
    Well done on finding Marty… or did he find all of us? 🙂

  198. WE
    Black ethics to me is more destructive even than black tech.
    I would recommend anyone leaving the church in a bad condition or flying under the radar still out of fear to start in on RPEC on the 1st Dynamic.
    The ‘Church’ has to make you give up who you are and what you know in order to make the implants stick. It takes a lot of force to do that.
    I started with Confusion. It’s exactly where I was at.

  199. Lots of great big beings!
    Havingness 🙂

  200. Beautiful message.

  201. “If DM is looking at PC folders or the OWs or W/Hs of PC’s he should be treated like the the Scapegoat he is emulating and be driven into the desert alnong with the sins he has loaded himself with”
    He is. And he should.

  202. Jan
    I felt like I was in the Sea Org rooming with you. The REAL Sea Org.

  203. And it was…. fun! OMG! LOL

  204. Christie
    Mosey once looked at me with tears in her eyes and told me ‘Mark would take the shirt off his own back to help someone in need’. She knows her man well.

  205. Nat
    You are the most insouciant thetan I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Hugs to you and the stud muffin.

  206. It’s all right there in KSW isn’t it?
    Is there anything that DM could possibly do that Ron didn’t have covered already? For that very reason DM should have figured out by now that he doesn’t stand a chance.

  207. Hi Tigger!
    Yeah. Now you come to mention it, I’ve got a thorn in my paw that’s been kind of bothering me 😉
    I take it your scars are healing nicely?
    Would love to have met your father. Sounds like he knew you well.

  208. Lawrence
    It’s worse.
    Bizarre as it may sound I didn’t walk out because I didn’t want to get the auditor into trouble or sound critical! I just kept talking until the auditor woke up and then pretended nothing had happened.
    Is your reality still changing? LOL.

  209. That Micheal, sounds like a really good place to start.

  210. So much comm to answer I didn’t add my own response to this post.
    Minerva. I know from our email discussions that you follow the blog closely and I know report back to DM either directly or on a via.
    I seriously did want to get in comm with you but you crossed the line a couple of times. The first time was to do with personal comm line with my ex-husband and the case evaluation – you know what that was about and I won’t mention it out of respect for the fact that it was a private comm line at the time.
    The second time you crossed the line was by publishing my ex-husband’s confidential PC information on your blog.
    The third and final time you crossed the line was when you tried to malign Marty using me as a weapon.
    That’s one too many and this posting is my response.
    You were warned.
    Please heed my warning on the other cycle I mentioned also. I am deadly serious about that regardless of my humor.
    Anything further you post about me or my family or my friends I will not ignore. I will publish it far and wide to illustrate the callousness you will stoop to in order to keep dear leader happy and I will retaliate. And you will lose.
    I don’t want to fight with you. I think from some of our email traffic that there is a good being buried underneath the confusion. But as long as you continue to do evil under the banner of ‘Scientology’ I will expose you and the master you slavishly serve for the cowardly frauds that you are.
    May you wake up and find peace for yourself one day.

  211. And ‘Joe’ (Minerva’s temporary stand-in).
    I know you’re not supposed to forward an enemy line but I thought the good people here would have a good laugh at your response to this posting now that we’ve all filled the vacuum as a team.
    Are you ready?
    “…His TRs are very lousy to say the least. Nothing of what Marty is doing resembles Standard Tech. Look at the track of his “PCs” – they all have crashed and burned.”
    You’ve gotta really love Black PR handling tech 😀

  212. You know that thought had occurred to me also. I will check it out. Thanks.

  213. Very true Sam,
    And as long as you gradiently give the regges true data you might even get them to start on their own way to salvation. You may not get instant results but it’s the flow that counts. This post of yours btw, is a huge impuls for lurkers to take their next step, kudos!

  214. Guess not… and the Ideal Orgs ARE very pretty (those that have been completed)… even if there’s little if any actual Scientology delivery going on.
    And the computer graphics for the Idea Orgs (that don’t exist in reality) are very good.
    It’s a very pretty… aesthetic… trap.
    Problem is with all those ‘Ideal Orgs’ it takes a lot of money to keep them running and without public to deliver to (and staff to deliver to them) how will they stay afloat?
    Eventually the ever dwindling coffers of the few remaining Koolaide drinkers will run out.
    And then what? Shall we see our beloved Saint Hill finally sold off one day to pay off the debts of the church when Miscavige is done with his rampage of destruction?
    Think about it Koolaide drinkers. That’s what you’re contributing to with your ‘nothing to do with me’ attitude! It has EVERYTHING to do with YOU!

  215. Expelled4Life

    I’m not sure what it is but there’s something very wrong with your comment. IMHO the vast majority of Sea Org members I knew were wonderful, sincere people who were trying their best to help others. That they have been mismanaged and do not see what is going on to one degree or another is self evident but the same was true at one time or another for most if not all who post here. Your “Auschwitz” comment is over the top (and false) and IMHO degrades the serious and truthful discussions that occur here. If comments were uttered at me as you describe when you were at Flag I’d have found out who it was and gotten a KR off. Why you didn’t do so seems very odd.

  216. Fellow Traveller

    You’re not far off the mark, Les.

    They are paying at least double if we consider IAS donations, Idle Org donations. Library donations. And if we consider the state of tech in the vampiric cult o’ Davie, they do have him as their C/S…..


  217. Sam,
    That’s incredible! Isn’t it amazing how simple and powerful true straight Scientology is? I love this! It really works!

  218. Sam – thank you for sharing your story. You are one of the most un-PTS people I know.

  219. Wow, Sam, that list of out-tech forced on you and your family is horrible to read. When you sorted things out with Marty in just 10 minutes it truly blows me away….Following your personal journey from the famous ‘jump’ onward and where you are today, I want you to know you really have been – and are – an inspiration to me!! With all my love, Kirsi

  220. Agreed. I make time too — not often but just to keep up with what’s “new” —

    Some startling discoveries can be made as Sam said — just see where OSAs/dms attention is riveted. Takes boat loads of confront though as there is subtle (not so subtle really) 3rd party in every expose.

    This post by Sam shaming Minerva is classic dead agent! Wonderful job, Sam.


  221. scilonschools

    Profound vs Fundamental

    CoM Black Dianetics Weasel Words & Wedges

    (Dedicated to all Souls or Families Split by the CoM)

    There are many dictionary entries for these words but I choose to use the following understanding from common usage.
    Profound – completely to the core
    Fundamental – messy around the edges but complete at the core

    These are powerful words, but even more powerful with the suffix of ‘ly’ and used as the Pronoun!
    Most lives and families that are functional fall into the bracket of fundamental(ly), it is impossible and unhealthy to be normal and be truly profound.

    Let me illustrate, say you win a prestige car in the lottery and you are ‘profoundly happy’, at some point that car will cause you ‘grief’, you may come back and find a small parking dent in it, you are no longer profoundly happy, but you are still fundamentally happy.

    The CoM uses these small imperfections and blows them out of all proportion to justify it’s own existence.
    Ie. You think you are happy but what about xyz…
    You think you have a happy marriage but what about xyz…
    You think you have a good business but what about xyz…

    These are Weasel Words and Wedges, designed to introduce a ruthless middleman into the situation, the CoS!

    Before the unfortunate incursion of the CoM into my family and our lives we were ‘fundamentally happy;’ , We are all now Profoundly Sad, Heartbroken and Miserable.
    That is the effect of the CoM and Black Dianetics!!

  222. Hi Sam,

    Your courage and clarity are wonderful.

    You certainly have added yet another nail into the coffin of PoB’s perverted scene.

    Well done and thanks!

    Vic K.

  223. Sam — I’ve done the same thing. I’ve had more than one auditor fall asleep on me. It would have just begun another “down the rabbit hole” to make anything out of it (as in: “what did you do to your auditor” and “what withhold did your auditor miss”) AND the auditor would have been scrubbing dumpsters with a toothbrush. I was in a better position than you as I wasnt paying cash — so I just took a cat nap too! This was all sec checking, so it didnt really make much difference to me….

  224. Sapere Aude


    Your story, your survival and rise above the insanity, is but an example of wide variety of gross outnesses. The good intentions of the many who walked on this path expecting assistance has been so abused. But, writing the specifics, writing the truth will be the utter downfall of those who hide behind the lies. There are those on the outside looking in as independents; those on the inside who are blind; those are on inside who are assisting and forwarding the anti-LRH/anti-freedom as a being movement. You, Marty, Mike and the multitudes who have communicated their stories are bringing about a new age of enlightenment. There is so much power in words. Evil is helpless before the truth.

    Thank you for being here – thank you for continuing to communicate. This continued flow of communication is what makes the trickle become a stream become a torrent and it will erode away the very foundations of the evil empire. Those who refuse to acknowledge the truth will be swept away with the remnants. And with that life continues and we all have the opportunity to move on up a little higher. You, Sam, one who can stand there and hold your position in space. A very worthy ability my friend. That is a true OT ability.

  225. Ah Sam. So much water under the bridge since then (and what a wonderful day that was). It’s funny, after that quick get together, we said to each other how much we liked you and knew you were the “real deal.” How right we were!

  226. You know, I realized, finally after months of reading dozens of horror stories of people on the bridge in the C of S, that the C of S blames pcs. All of this garbage of people on OT VII having to go back onto objectives (!) or sec checks or folks having to redo this level or that level or redo the bridge or “you’re not clear” in the middle of OT Sections vilates C/S series 42 C/S RULES. LRH says:
    “Too many times one blames the pc only to find later that the auditors TRs were ghastly and that a major action had been run twice. Such discoveries make a C/S out of a C/S.”

    So these “blanket C/Ses” by by DM and his “Case Supervisors” is DESIGNED to introvert pcs and pre OTs who are on the bridge into thinking that there is something wrong with them, hence more money can be squeezed out of them. It seems that DM went to the John Allender school of recycling people on the bridge for more money.

    I just reread C/S Series 1-10 and LRH is adamant that one find “The Bug” in a case and remedy it and this usually means folder study, not throwing people back down the grade chart in hopes of solving some unknown or non-existant problem.

    ML Tom

  227. Sam, WOW! You are one ‘gutsy’ woman! I am proud to call you my friend. I have to agree with both Sinar and Mike about Marty as an auditor. I have never had a better auditor. He makes everything so easy. Its obvious he knows the tech cold but its also his beingness. Its like being audited by your best friend. Sam, I do hope you get an chance to get in session with Marty. Much Love, Sarge

  228. Sam, I’m late to comment here, too. But all I want to say is how very happy I am that you are doing so GREAT! Anyone reading your original post and comments that follow can tell you are having a blast in life. I could not be more tickled for you!

    This morning, I had one of those mind-blowing realizations that the point to life is living! Which is what you seem to be doing the hell out of right now. 🙂


  229. Brian S., As a librarian-type person, here’s what Iwould recommend:

    Yes, DMSMH is a must-have reference.

    Beyond that, get a few books from Ebay, pre-1980 editions when possible to do it inexpensively:

    1. Dianetics, The Evolution of a Science
    2. Self-Analysis in Scientology (any publication date is fine)
    3. Advanced Procedure and Axioms, or Handbook for Preclears
    4. Scientology: Fundamentals of Thought
    5. Any book that grabs your fancy! LikeScientology 8-8008 or Creation of Human Ability forexample

    Beyond having some of these for reference, the #1 thing I would recommend is to actually get to know the person of L.Ron Hubbard through his recorded lectures! Lectures he gave between1950 and1960 are excellent.

    These are available on CD dirt-cheap from Ebay, or download some free from here: 11714c8fa7de627b1a324c2935cbde7375ca78c

    There are something like 1,056 lectures available at the above link, all from 1950 through 1960.

    The virtue of having some on CD is the CD sets come with transcripts and glossaries.


  230. PS – If that link to the lectures doesn’t work, you can access them through the link here: d-fill-their-tape-library-56630/

    There should be 1,057(!) “items” showing!

  231. Either way, it may be necessary to check the above links for breaks, but they were working for me at the time of posting.

  232. There was supposed to be a big private party for the POB with an “Emmy” ice carving wanted by Shelly as a centerpiece at the “Officer’s Lounge” which was a private hang out of the POB. It never happened due to some other “flap” needing to be handled at the time, but that was the sentiment in those days. The Emmy was attributed to the POB’s contribution (barf).

  233. Yvonne Schick

    Must do that. Let me know if you are back in Texas. I’m not that far from Casablanca.

  234. Luis Garcia


    You are a tough and brave being. It is evident you are also quite able and OT. I’d go to battle with you anytime.
    It is entirely left to us, Independents, to put in ethics on the church. Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for doing your part.


  235. Yvonne Schick

    Fortunately, my husband and I never had any 2D handlings by the gang. However, I did have close friends who did. Seems the gang would take the side of the one who was most prone to making large donations. One partner getting off overts like “I let her stop me from making larger donations”. And I saw this more than once.

  236. Not just staff and not only at Flag any longer.
    I have a friend that is or was your typical long haired biker who was told he had to get a haircut before he could set foot on the Failwinds.
    This guy was public!

  237. Valkov,

    As I wrote Flag was going that way before Miscavige personally intervened.

    All he did was push it over the edge.

    Before that I could tell that Ron had definitely left the building and wasn’t coming back.

  238. Oh sit on it and rotate Mike.

    Black PR?

    Get real!

    I took a stab at guessing it might have been the Mark Hamilton that was on the BC with me.

    Not the one who ran Spec Courses back then.

    BTW did you know there were two people with the same name?

  239. Since I left the church I have not had auditing as well. I doubt I could trust an auditor and It is part of my issue. I no longer look at auditing like I used to.

    I may try again at some point but I am more aware that auditing can go only as far as the person has knowledge of life and how the universe works. Past personal experience is part of this.

  240. Actually I thought the “Auschwitz” comment was pretty funny.

    Too bad you don’t have a sense of humor.

    And who says our discussions always have to be ****serious***?

    If you want ***serious***you should go back to the Church.

    (Well actually they’ve passed that point and have gone into total glee.)

    Or maybe you and Mike Hobson could read the article “Spirit of Play” and maybe clear the word insouciant.

  241. The only problem with burning the PC’s or Pre OT’s folder is that there may be lists that need repair, actual items given in 2wcs or PTS Interviews that may need to be addressed, whys found etc.

    Not to mention possibly the clear cognition and/or stated power and grades eps, EWs run, what items were run R6GPMI on CC and II.

    Things like drug lists and Flows run on Dianetics.

    Yeah sure you can get away with what is called “Blind Repair” which is covered in C/S series 19 but that adds time to auditing.

    There is a lot more than just O/Ws in the folder.

    As far as I’m concerned it’s a bad idea and is akin to throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    Aside from being *out tech*.

    I suggest anyone suggesting this read “Folders Omissions in Completeness” and “C/S Series 78”.

    It’s also an *unusual solution* since there is no reference that says you *have* to write down the PC or Pre OT’s overts.

    What I do is just apply ExDN Lecture 3 and put “PC Itsa” there instead.

  242. martyrathbun09

    Not sure what this is in response to, but I consider Church of Scientology folders USELESS. They are conceived, created, and maintained for the wrong purpose and are chock full of error, detour, and false report. Not to mention far too much personal detail.

  243. I think you put your finger on it Tom.

    That “philosophy” (if you can call it such) doesn’t just occur on tech lines but on “ethics” lines as well.

    I found that when I wrote an ethics chit on any out tech or off policy perpetrated by management and RTC I’d end up being routed to Qual or Ethics to handle any “disagreements” I had with the way they were running things.

    In other words it was insinuated or implied that there must be something wrong with me because I spotted these blatant out points and reported them to the proper terminals so that they could correct them.

    Worse they started labeling these reports as “Black PR”.

    Can you believe that I was directly reporting to these morons on how badly they were screwing the pooch using standard Staff Member Reports *per policy*

    Yet I was being accused of “Spreading Black PR”.

    I didn’t know how much more Kafkaesque it could get!

    That is until I ended up on the so called “‘Truth’ Rundown” an action more likely redesigned by the CIA.

    (Truth be told there is actually a Truth Rundown that was developed by the Ol’man we piloted at NWC but it isn’t anything like what they are calling the “Truth Rundown” in the “Church” these days)

    Actually at that point I did uncover the truth but it wasn’t exactly the “Truth” they expected me to come up with.

    But that’s another story.

    Suffice it to say that what Ron says in Science of Survival about enturbulation and education is very true.

    Also what Ron says about the “last straw” is very true as well.

    Because for me the so called Truth RD was that final straw for me because after that I began looking for a way to slip out the back door as quietly as possible and get the fuck away from all those crazies over there.

    So I guess I can at least thank ’em for that 😉

  244. I agree Marty,

    A friend of mine who did his OT Levels back in the Late ’60’s early ’70’s totaled 6 folders.

    I’ve since seen cases who hadn’t received any major auditing after the coup with more than 100 freaking folders!!!!

    I mean WTF!?

    I can personally tell you after having worked in some of the top FES Units on the planet that much of the “data” actually more accurately added inapplicable data is ***useless***.

    Actually in many cases worse than useless as it gave me, the C/S and any later auditor a false picture of the case.

    I don’t know how many auditors I personally crammed on the HCOB Stenographic Auditing while in the WUS Flub Catch but it was a lot.

    Much of it stems from many an auditors visceral fear of being nailed for a “false” auditing report.

    (like the old Joni Mitchell song “I’ve seen that from both sides now.” plus a lot of the 3rd flow as well)

    So they’d put everything in the W/Ses and so you’d end up with a 20 minute session going on for over 100 pages!

    That said.

    There is still a lot of valuable data in the PC’s folder or should be as I listed above even if you have to vet everything else to get to it.

  245. I agree Barb,

    The best thing to do is get trained and coaudit.

    The next best thing is to find an auditor that you can trust.

    I can’t think of any that are still part of the Organization that I’d trust with telling them my feelings about the weather.

  246. Brian, it was a frequent thing. I was always “some guy?” “that guy?” “maybe he’s who somebody?” It helped me to make a decision to walk out. There was really no critic group to talk about it with so I just kept silent, which is kind of proof that they were tolerated up to a point. Today, they evidence of church wrongdoing far exceeds the church’s good deeds, in spite of how much money David Miscavige believes the church is bringing. If the Church of Scientology had been following L. Ron Hubbard’s written scriptures to the letter they would be the biggest most powerful organization on the face of the Earth today. And, take a look at them. It is obvious they aren’t doing anything L. Ron Hubbard said.

  247. That is incredible Sam. Your integrity for the group is admirable. But that would never have been me. I would have put down the cans, got up, and walked out, and when that auditor woke up and found out there wasn’t anybody there any more, he might ask “Hey. I wonder what happened to the person I was auditing? They were just right here a moment ago!” A moment ago! What if the auditor was asleep for an hour and with the IN-SESSION sign on the door it is the same thing as being in a hotel as a guest with a sign on the door “DO NOT DISTURB”. The staff oblige.

  248. Yes it is all right there in KSW Sam. Unfortunately, DM may never figure it out. The only saving grace is that he will eventually cave himself in. Per LRH, this is how he thinks:


    One of the reasons he does this, of course, is to justify injuring others. Because everyone else is useless, worthless, criminal, an animal and insane, why then, he reasons, it is perfectly all right to injure them.

    Thus, we come to another datum:


    One, therefore, has to get down to the basic evil intentions as in Expanded Dianetics.

    There is another approach in that same area of technology which is finding what act the person really can take responsibility for. It is a gradient approach.

    The criminal is basically so subjective that an auditor will find, in the short run, that improving the reality of such a person is needful before any effective, overall improvement is obtained through pulling withholds.

    Thus, TRs and 8-C and even ARC Straightwire are indicated as first steps. If these are done, and as responsibility rises, expect that overts could begin to pop up almost of their own accord.

    It is interesting that if a criminal were to face up suddenly to the enormity of his crimes he would go into degradation and self-destruction. Thus a gradient scale is definitely indicated.

    As the person has more R (reality), he can take more responsibility and only then with pulling withholds can he have any real benefit.

    This HCOB is simply some data on the criminal mind that might help.

    At the very least it should give some understanding of why some individuals insist with such apparent conviction that all men are evil, why all men are insane, why all men are criminals.

    And it also tells you how silly it is to try to argue with them. Who’s there?

    The criminal mind is a bitter and unsavory subject. The percentage of criminals is relatively small but the majority of grief and turmoil in the world caused by criminals is a majority percent. Thus, the criminal mind is a subject one cannot avoid in research as it is a major factor in the distortion of a culture.

    It is a mind like any other mind but it has gone wrong. It is motivated by evil intentions which, even if idiotic, are greater than the possessor’s ability to reason. The criminal, even when he seems most clever, is really very, very stupid. The evil intentions get dramatized by senseless overt acts which are then withheld and the final result is a person who is more dead than alive and who faces a future so agonizing that any person would shudder at it. The criminal, in fact, has forfeited his life and any meaning to it even when he remains “uncaught” and “unpunished,” for in the long run, he has caught himself and punishes himself for all eternity. No common judge can give a sentence as stiff as that. They know down deep that this is true and that is why they scream with such ferocity that men have no souls. They can’t confront the smallest part of what awaits them.

    When you understand what the criminal mind consists of you can also understand how ghastly must be the feelings or lack of them with which the criminal has to live within himself and for all his days forever. He is more to be pitied than punished. Neither bold nor brave, for all his pretense, he is really just a panicky, whimpering coward inside. When he bares his breast against the bullets, he does so with the actual hope that he will be killed. But of course that doesn’t save him. He’s got an eternity of it left to go. And his scoff of any such data hides the whimper, for he knows, deep down, it’s true.

    Thus, we have another datum:


    If you have to work with criminals in pastoring, recognize what you are working with. He can be helped—if he will let you near him.

    Fortunately, there are still a lot of decent people left in the world.

    L. Ron Hubbard
    HCO BULLETIN OF 15 SEPTEMBER 1981 – The Criminal Mind

  249. My ethics folders? If the Church of Scientology were to publish my ethics folders online they would be the ones getting arrested not me based on the folder contents. I have always thought the church realized this somehow but they don’t. Most people get concerned about what others may find out about them if the church were to release their folder information to people (which is an overt in itself). I am so relieved I don’t feel that way and never did. So go ahead OSA, spread lies about people, at least you know better than to tell the truth.

  250. RJ, If I had a crush on someone they would make a good auditor and I would trust them! 🙂 25 Auditors come to mind instantly! 🙂 Regardless of classification! 🙂 But, if I really had a lot of affinity for someone and it was a 2-Way Comm kind of thing I would trust that person as my auditor because properly trained a good auditor is a good auditor.

  251. You make me blush

  252. Using pc folders for the wrong purpose or stuffing them full with inapplicable BS is so out Tech that Davey’s cronies can be fully expected to do just that. But to then start burning folders compounds the felony as that violates another zillion LRH refs. Just because Mr. Idiot alters Tech, we don’t have to follow that example and do some more of it.

    In desperate times the answer is of course the usual like keeping worksheets and folders according to LRH. Overts once known loose all their power of potential black mail and forced control. It guides the pc over to full cause, fearless, to witness: Karen #1, Marty, Mike, Sam, Amy, etc. It brings those people into huge ARC and group acceptance with sheer unbreakable bonds.

    If Davey wants to create some more enemies faster, he just has to release some more folder data. In other cases the pc will do it himself during the conditions in the field, get in ARC with the right group and still become Davey’s nightmare. This blog is filled with people volunteering up and getting over their 1D overts of forfeiting their integrity.

    Getting Kool Aiders to commit overts and then KEEPING THOSE SECRET is the only weapon that wields power over them and the very reason their confront is out the bottom so they can’t break free despite knowing that staying in kills them. The only answer to having committed overts is to own up and make up. Sorry, but that’s just the way the game is rigged.

  253. That’s one way to pick ’em Lawrence 🙂

    Affinity is a big factor.

  254. I cannot say for sure but something about that last name sounds familiar. I never got his last name or his first because I never asked anyone about him or him. He was a real big guy, about 6’4″ or 6′ 5″, wasn’t overweight but HWP, and always in a blue shirt with stipe bars on the shoulders, blue pants and black shoes. I was sitting in the NOT’s HGC during course breaks because the course room was located right next to the NOT’s HGC. The only thing I recall about him is one time he was standing over me and I just noticed his shoes were black like the kind my father used to wear, same kind. Someone came in the door and called him Mark. He said “I don’t remember us” and remember 100% for sure not being certain if he speaking to me or not so I didn’t answer because I wasn’t sure and haven’t any business with a Class IX C/S anyway.

  255. I made slight typo, it should say “and I remember 100% for sure not being certain if he speaking to me or not so I didn’t answer because I wasn’t sure and haven’t any business with a Class IX C/S anyway”.

  256. But at the time he said he didn’t remember us there was no one else there but me sitting and him standing in front of me by the wall. He had already finished talking to the lady that came in that called him Mark.

  257. Erwin, there are two sides to that coin and the topic is open for debate but this blog may not have sufficient enough space to house the complete text of such a debate. Right? So, to make a brief story shorter 🙂 a Class VIII auditor today is able to audit the new OT IV Drug Rundown after completing the course. The original Class VIII was released when ther was no New OT IV OT Drug Rundown. So the Class VIII packs were recalled because in truth they were no longer up to date and shouldn’t be used becasue this new rundown was not included in them yet, right? This may or may not have become a source of alter-ising the tech as that particular OT level is now needed in order to things that come after {in the church that is not oustside of it} so, is that alter-ising or updating? If you have done the new OT IV in the church, then you know they will not let you go on to NOT’s until that rundown is done and NOT’s auditors deliver NOT’s a Class VIII auditor delivers OT IV. And, before the new OT IV was released there were people that got their NOT’s before the new OT IV came out and they had to go back and get a special version of that rundown called the NOT’s Drug Rundown (for people that completed NED for OT’s before new OT IV was released).

  258. Tom, the C of S blames ANYONE that is available for their own overts. If you have never had an Ethics Officer sit in front of you for hours over days and invent L. Ron Hubbard references to use to make up programs for you to pay for at the registrar’s office that not only don’t even apply to you but don’t even work, you haven’t lived a full life! 🙂 At one point in time in Scientology I still wasn’t even sure what PTS meant and my EO ignored it and starting explaining to me that my problem was implants not out-ethics. Like Marty told his friend over at the general store the other morning I should said “Hey EO, get a life!”.

  259. Erwin,

    I agree with you completely here.

    Folders are important records of the PC or Pre OT’s case progress.

    Correctly kept they tell the auditor and C/S what has been done and what needs to be done.

    In my opinion the PC or Pre OT’s confessions have been given altered importance.

    What’s important is what moved the TA or the needle, the PC or Pre OT’s indicators on certain actions, what actions were taken and whether these were run correctly and if not if they were repaired.

    Anything else is extraneous BS including whether the PC or Pre OT masturbates with the right or left hand or uses a vibrator or even if they masturbate at all.

    Ref: is the SH lecture “Craftsmanship, Fundamentals”.

    Yet there are many “auditors” in the “Church” these days who are obsessed with the Preclear or Pre OT’s sexual habits like a sick bunch of pervs.

    Maybe they’re are trying to get a few pointers for themselves since many of them are sexually repressed SO members.

    Who knows?

    That said.

    I’d trade a million dreary confessions to find out if the PC or Pre OT finished their drug rundown and got the expected EP.

    And on that note.

    Lawrence ol’ buddy.

    What does this story about the OT DRD have to do with the topic of PC Folders?

  260. Right, good points on the altered importance of overts and and the contamination of abberation by repressed SO members. Maybe Lawrence needs some help in sorting out which OT levels to discard, LRH’s or Davey’s….

  261. Erwin,

    I don’t think DM2 developed any OT Levels.

    All he did with the “help” of RTRC was squirrel ’em up with “The Golden Age of OT”.

    The only thing he claims is that he somehow “corrected” any “flaws”.

    DM1 on the other hand claims he developed NOTs because he happened to be Ron’s auditor at the time.

    Auditing the rundown under Ron’s direction.

    Much like Mary Sue when she helped him develop Technique 88.

    Like any of the hundreds of the auditors who worked on any Pilot Rundowns directly under Ron’s direction and supervision.

    Yet Mayo was (I don’t know if he still is) claiming that because he worked on the original NOTs pilot that he somehow “developed” it which is a silly assertion.

    I mean any of us who worked on the original CCRD pilot could claim we “developed” the Clear Certainty Rundown by those lights.

    Anyways the fact that Mayo was later declared and labeled a Squirrel has been used to spread uncertainty about NOTs and certain individuals who will remain nameless have used this uncertainty to say to Pre OTs and OTs that they have to redo NOTs because they originally did the “Mayoized” version simply to *cannibalize* their existing NOTs public.

    The same thing they were accusing those awful Franchises of doing before they “moved in” and *destroyed* the whole Franchise Network.

    Funny how that goes.

    As I wrote the current Scientology wrecking crew isn’t claiming to have developed new OT levels they just claim to have “perfected” them which is just another degree of squirrelliness.

    It’s like comparing Idenitics to say R3X.

    Squirrel rundowns are either based on Scientology like Idenitics ,Knowlegism, EST, Amprinistics, Primal Scream, etc. and a new one which has become the current favorite of CIA called Matrix Energetics which uses mock ups (a technique that was abandoned in the early ’50’s because it caused what was called “Step 6 phenomena” in many cases) that they call “visualization” instead.

    Or supposedly an “improvement” of existing technology like R3X, Excalibur and many of the rundowns that were offered at the AAC FKA Church of the New Civilization.

    The one we spent so much time trying to shut down when I worked in the original “Squirrel Busters”.

    Irony of ironies being that the current Church of Scientology has pretty much gone into their valence to the degree that like the AAC they both had or now have this mission to “improve” or “perfect” the technology.

    Making DM1 and DM2 both squirrels of the same mold.

    No wonder they optermed each other!

    Regarding the OT Levels.

    Neither of them developed any new ones. They just squirreled, altered or reinterpreted the original work.

    In fact they both committed the same tech degrade of dumping the original OT Levels including a subsection of section VIII OT that was developed in late 1968.

    That and the omission of the original OT Levels plus the Pre OT’s lack of actual training (seems the Scientology wrecking crew have convinced most public that they no longer have to get trained per the HCOB Training and OT because the GAT drills on the Solo Auditors courses supposedly handle this factor) in my opinion pretty much ensures that the Pre OT will never stably make it to full OT at which point contrary to the HCOB Case Gain Completing Levels they will tell them it was because they didn’t do their Ls or they have to redo their NOTs or do the PTS/SP Course or Objectives or NED because they weren’t really clear or whatever other *wrong why* they can think of and a round and round they go like squirrels in an endless squirrel cage.

    So based on the above they don’t have to develop any new OT Levels or compile any of the higher levels. All they have to do is invalidate the Pre OT’s gains and have them do them again and again and….

    Sorry for the long winded response but I just got on a roll 🙂

    Now in regard to the OTDRD and the NOTsDRD.

    Basically they are both the same RD except that the latter addresses the Pre OT’s “Drug Case” using NOTs Techniques instead of OT III.

    In fact it was developed *after* the OT DRD when there were various cases who ended on NOTs with unhandled drugs.

    The one you’d use on the case is dependent on whether the Pre OT was on NOTs or not.

  262. Interesting!
    It looks like Davey started to rehash and revolve the OT levels already THE MOMENT HE KICKED MAYO OUT. He declared Mayo to regg again his OT’s for the levels they had honestly completed, pretending Mayo’s OT levels were squirrel. He made big bucks from that cycle and got stuck in it ever since; Church SOP.

    The OT’s, overrun to no end got stuck as well and revolved in their endless OT merry go round, aided and abetted by some handsomely rewritten Tech and dropped out training. The release of OT VIII didn’t change one iota in the grand revolving OT chopping and GAT compounded the crime.

  263. Actually DM2 didn’t really impinge on tech lines until around the mid 90’s.

    Before that he was probably too busy with a power push against Broeker, selling out to the IRS and making “friends” with the neo-nazis at InterPol.

    He also might have been responsible for the sudden influx of “former” spooks at AOLA in the late ’80’s but these things really didn’t affect tech delivery

    (We seemed to be getting a lot of PCs and Pre OTs who had high GS pay grades or Top Secret clearances for some strange reason back then.
    But maybe that’s just my paranoid delusion.
    I mean there would be no way that management would ever collude with Intelligence agencies against the Ol’man’s advice.
    Just look how well they listened to him about never getting involved with PR fron…er I mean firms like H&K.
    Now where was I…..
    Oh yeah.)

    Most of our Technical Advices came from Mithoff’s Snr C/S Office and they’d come with the relevant HCOBs and PLs attached.

    RTC was mainly concerned with metering and TRs.

    In fact every week if we audited in the HGC we had to submit a video to them and I couldn’t complain about any cramming I got back then.

    Most of it was pretty spot on.

    The system seemed to be working fine according to the RED Scientology The Future and RJ 38.

    Back then the RTC rep who was a good friend of mine wasn’t dressed in black like a Gestapo Officer and walking around intimidating the tech staff like they do now.

    There was some evidence that things were about to turn squirrelly.

    For instance RTRC issued the “Auditor Admin Series” as “HCOBs” that were formerly BTBs something I thought at the time was kinda odd since many of them contradicted actual HCOBs written by the Ol’man.

    They also issued a revised 40X that was amended by some moron who thought you ran E Purps and Intentions narrative!

    I can proudly say that I was the auditor who pointed out the error in their ways and they quickly rerevised the 40 after receiving my report.

    In other words something totally unheard of now in the Church these days.

    They actually admitted to making an error and corrected it!

    Then near the end of ’89 they started to terminate the Non SO staff which was interesting because at AO most of them were Class VIIIs and for the most part the only ones who were familiar with OT Review and delivery the original OT levels.

    To say that management at that time sabotaged technical delivery is probably being melodramatic.

    I mean so what if 75% of the technical staff in the PAC area were Non SO and for the most part the highest trained auditors there!

    Funny how the ax came about the same time PSITech came on line.

    Probably just serendipity.

    Anyway around this time they ceased delivering the original OT levels at all as in completely.

    Before that they were being audited and solo audited on a case by case basis even though they were no longer listed on the New Grade Chart that came out in the mid 80’s.

    My wife is one of the last people to do OTIII X at AOLA.

    (By the way most of the cases who completed OT VIII back in the late 80’s had done the original OT Levels which was about the last time I remember seeing any *real* OTs coming off the line.)

    DM2 was still only background noise back then.

    He may have been busting heads at Int but in my zone no one heard much of the lil’ rodent till after he busted Loyal Officer Broeker.

    Until then he was pretty much eminence gris. Behind the scenes up to the point Koppel billed him as the so called “Religious Leader” of Scientology which I personally thought was some kind of joke.

    I mean the brain dead moron didn’t know what a comm cycle was and was completely ignorant of the fact that yes the except Ted played was indeed from an actual LRH Lecture.


    What an ignoramus!!!!

    This guy is our “Religious Leader”?????

    Is it management or Ted Koppel who is on drugs?

    You’re kidding right!?

    Sorta the same way I felt when the Electoral College gave George Bush the presidency.

    Unfortunately many Scientologist took Ted and management seriously especially after his glorious Pyrrhic “victory” over the IRS when he literally became Scientology’s “Golden Boy” which proved to actually be pyrite instead like his “Golden” Age of Tech.

    And this is the point when the Tech went totally ***squirrelly****.

    Not just the OT Levels but the lower levels as well.

    DM1 had only altered a handful of HCOBs as “Assisted by Snr C/S Int” and had an ……..inventive way of “C/Sing” by mixing Major RDs and Repairs.

    DM2 altered the whole lot under the *False Flag* of “drills”.

    He is by far the biggest *Squirrel* in Scientology.

    I mean move over Warner Erhard, Jack Horner, David Miscavige and all the rest!

    The “Story of a Squirrel” could have written about him with only a few minor changes.

    Personally I think the reason that management is in the hole is because deep down inside they are aware of the huge overt they’ve committed and because DM2 is a “no overts” irresponsibility case he doesn’t.

    I wouldn’t be surprised that the lil’ guy’s been PDHed.

    Scientology’s Manchurian Candidate as far as I’m concerned. Only instead of being blown away by Lawrence Harvey he gets the Presidency.

    So to conclude Erwin he didn’t just screw the pooch on the OT Levels but *all* the lower levels as well and not only that but he totally killed any releases with his new “definition” of “F/Ns”.

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