Germany Update

Last night Ursula Caberta and I were the lead interview on arguably the most popular tv talk show in Germany, the Markus Lanz show.  Some have posted links to a Youtube download in the comments section to the last post. I am providing a direct link to show’s webpage here,–.   At least here in Germany you can hear my voice better than on the youtube versions.   If someone comes up with a subtitled version Mike Rinder might be able to substitute it here today. Mosey and I will be out and about Germany today. From the reaction of German audience members and Mr. Lanz and other production crew I have a feeling this might wind up having more far-reaching effects than day one’s events.

For any Indies who can make it to Hamburg by Saturday a.m. you are invited to join us for a briefing by me and a meeting amongst us.  It will be held at 10:30 am. in a reserved conference room at the Hamburg Ministry of Interior: 4 Johanniswall, at the corner of Johaniswall and Altstadterstrasse.   Be sure to bring your passport as you will need it to gain entrance to the building. Any potential OSA agents, recognize attempted infiltration will constitute a felony which will be prosecuted.  If you think you might make it contact Steve Hall – text at 214-450-1355 or email   He is here in Hamburg making waves.

We should wrap up the meeting by just after noon.  We will then hit the streets and parks and just rap.  We may even take you to a wonderful, circa 19th century authentic German Pub and Grille Mosey and I discovered while wandering the streets last night, for some mean schnitzel, fish soup and Deutschland Riesling.

Have a great day.

Here is a version with not very accurate captioning of my responses. Hopefully, someone may come up with more accurate ones.

accurate translation of the second video:

MARKUS LANZ: What is difficult to understand is this: You’re sitting here telling what’s happening and complaining about it and rightly so in my opinion. At the same time you’re saying “I am adhering to the teachings. I’m still a Scientologist”. Why?

————PART 2————

MARTY: Because I’m talking about conduct, I’m talking about secular conduct and how they interact with the world, and how they deal with people in the world who know about them, such as Ursula Caberta … VERSUS … belief, practice, how you follow your path to a higher place. These are two separate things.

And that’s my message.

And I think that what I’ve found in Germany is that Ms. Caberta, contrary to what they’re alleging against her, feels the same way. If you want to go into the privacy of your home and do what you want to do that’s going to help you spiritually, go ahead and do it. But if you go out onto the street, and you start doing coercive tactics, if you start playing politics, if you start ruining lives … that’s, that’s not protected.

And so I see they’re two different things, I’m differentiating.

Markus, let me tell you. I don’t think anyone has attempted this before, because I get attacked from both sides. It’s a difficult place to be, in the middle. But I’m going to tell you something. Ultimately, it is probably the most effective thing from her perspective too, because for the first time in the history of Scientology, inside active Scientologists are listening to my message, because I’m not attacking the practice, the belief, and the peaceful practice of what they’re there for.

And so … You know, there’s a big ban on listening to the Cabertas, or the people that don’t [have familiarity with] the organization. They don’t read the papers, they won’t watch this show. But, because I don’t go after that, a lot of people get the message who wouldn’t otherwise get the message.

[Conversation between Markus Lanz and Ursula Caberta, transcribed directly from German into English in the video.]

MARKUS LANZ: Fanaticism is the cue. As a conclusion I’d like to have Marty tell about the inner life of the organization again. Is it true that employees are regularly exposed to vicious physical violence?

MARTY: Yes sir, and as a matter of fact, Vaughn Young, who she [Ursula] talked about, turned out to be prophetic because — and this is partly why I left — because he [Miscavige] got to be more zealous and more zealous … into fanatical … into maniacal.

But from the year 2000 on, Miscavige literally began to regularly use physical violence on the highest managers in Scientology. And ultimately — and this kept escalating over time — during the early 2000s up to a point … by late 2003, he literally locked 80 Church of Scientology managers in a room about the size of this studio, and he made them stay there 24/7. They couldn’t go out to eat. They couldn’t go out to … to go to bed. They had to sleep on the floor. And then they had to do these group confessional situations, where they would have to get up and confess “thought crimes” against David Miscavige. If he didn’t like the “thought crime” — if he didn’t think it was juicy enough, if he didn’t think it was sexy enough, if he didn’t think it was evil enough — he would BEAT the person in front of everybody.

THEN he began to make everybody else do the same to others. In fact, I was asked if that was an incident for me. I was finally put in there only for three days, because by the third day, I escaped. Because I just … to me …

MARKUS LANZ: So you beat employees back then?

MARTY: Yes, as a matter of fact, my own good friend who I worked with for many many years, Mike Rinder, and I … I was directed specifically by Miscavige to do it to him. And the second time — and it was shown on the opening video — there was a point where I realized I was doing things that were against my nature, and against my rationale … and stepped out of it. And shortly after that I got on my motorcycle and escaped through the security gate. And I’ve never been back.

[Audience clapping]

MARKUS LANZ: What is your recommendation to people who say “I want out” after this appearance, but who fear possible reprisals?

MARTY: What I recommend to them is go to my blog That’s an effective way to deal with this sword of Damocles that they have over everybody’s head, this fear.

If more and more people stand up, then ultimately they [the CoS] won’t have the resources and means to do this to everybody.

And I think if we clearly hit that point, now with so many people standing up, and standing courageously, and then creating a network, that they can’t effectively do this [create the fear].

I think what’s going on — and the reason why they’ve put so many people on me now — I think Miscavige has decided that the only way to make people afraid of this kid [Miscavige] … is to take out the guy who said: “the best way to combat him, is to not be afraid of him”.

MARKUS LANZ: Thank you very much for visiting our studio, to you Ms. Caberta and to you, Mark [Marty]. I wish you all the best and that the worst fears won’t come true.

122 responses to “Germany Update

  1. Free Will, Scientologist.

    “Hi Dave!”

  2. Hallo Mr. Rathbun,
    very well done this tv show. Better than anything else in tv about Scientology in Germany. Especially mentioning the influence of TC to Clinton administration blew a group engram here.

  3. Many, many thanks, it’s been a long, long time between between theta bursts like this. Enjoy the hospitality of Germany, your false data stripping of that wonderful country from the Cof$ vested interest has gone a long way to the reinstatment of true Scientology.

  4. Thank you so much Marty!!
    ‘From the reaction of German audience members and Mr. Lanz and other production crew I have a feeling this might wind up having more far-reaching effects than day one’s events.’
    Exactly! You made a conquer of german hearts!! You did so great!!

  5. “Here is a version with not very accurate captioning of my responses. Hopefully, someone may come up with more accurate ones.”

    It’s a pretty exact translation of the what the translator said in German. Live TV translating always is a bit of a gamble, fuck-ups happen easily there. You got one of the better simultaneous translators around, still nobody will ever be able to do a 100% perfect translation on the fly w/o notes.

    Good interview by the way.

  6. great to have you on UK/EU time!

    Was considering making the trek, but then realized the baby doesn’t have a passport….

    If you make it to the UK, Sam Domingo can get ahold of me, although probably quicker for me to get to Hamburg than to visit her!

  7. Marty, get these translated. I can’t udnerstand what you’re saying.

  8. I made the captions. Let me assure you that they are accurate, except for some minor mistakes that are bound to happen when you’re at this in the middle of the night. The captions are what the simultaneous translation is saying, not what you are saying.

  9. Simultaneous translation is bound to have many things lost in translation, and in my opinion the translator was not perfect but he did a superb job of nailing the gist of what you were saying, better than the translator at the press conference.

    What you’re effectively seeing is the effect of an English-German-English translation.

  10. DMs GIANT decades long, Mega dollar negative PR campaign against Germany is wiped away by Marty applying Scn and bringing understanding to a whole country in just a few hours, without high pressure reging or any other type of reging or elaborate campaigns.

    Now that’s integrity and application of the tech. That’s OT.

    Thanks Marty!

  11. wow just wow..!the audience clapping and acknowleging marty says it all.
    they can relize the difference between marty and DM…DM has no option now but to negotiate with the indies..!the indies have got social media on their side and are not afraid to go onto mainstream media and express themselves and there right to practice scientology..!DM pushed marty to far and marty had no choice but to go public with his acusations…DM YOU NEED TO PUT A TRUCE TOGETHER WITH THE INDIES…!YOU CANT WIN!

  12. John Fennessey

    Marty, your actions have helped arrest the downward spiral of the subject of scientology in Germany. On behalf of those who want to see the subject survive I congratulate you. On behalf of those who will benefit from the subject in the future i thank you. Its a bare knuckle fight to Keep Scientology Working and salvage its reputation. Well done. If LRH were here I think the status of Kha Khan would be yours. Not that you need it.

  13. Listened to every word, understood or not and enjoyed! Another VWD another nail for DM’s coffin. Wish I could join y’all for schnitzel & reisling in the land of my grandparents. Have some fun.

  14. FAO Mark Rinder
    I have forwarded this to the Free zone Indepts Germany North of Germany the contact I have, aswell to Frankfurt and a sub section of Frankfurt . Hoping some show intrest and could be there, Sincerely Hadley all know my email address. as a referral

  15. Martin Padfield

    There is a floating needle spreading out across Europe and the world today. If one ever wanted a “live demo” of what auditing out a 3D engram looks like in practice – here it is.

  16. Impartial English Girl

    Mr. Rathbun – this is very encouraging. Wish I could whizz across to Germany to join you. Make sure you like your stomach with some creamy milk before quaffing too much Riesling…! Viel Spaß!

    You’re looking good on ‘proper’ TV too… 😉

    Keep smiling – and have a WONDERFUL (DM-free) weekend everyone!

    Much love,
    IEG xx

  17. Impartial English Girl

    Oops! I meant LINE your stomach, not “like”. Silly me. Whilst typing, my mind was preoccupied as to the whereabouts of Shelly Miscavige, Heber Jensch and Tommy Davis… Come on DM: what have you done with them?!
    IEG. x

  18. FBI, Justice Department, ET AL:
    That this man has to go to Germany to seek justice in an effort to bring about needed reform is something, as an American, I’m very ashamed about. You have been very well apprised in irrefutable form of criminal acts such as human trafficking, income tax violations, fraud etc. by the Church of Scientology and yet have failed to respond.
    Is that not a lapse in government’s primary function: to assist in creating a safe environment wherein its law abiding citizens are protected and can go about their lives?
    Certainly it is.
    In recent days the US Environmental Protection Agency was used as a Gestapo agency to break the back of Gibson Guitar Corporation. Closed it right down. Seized all bank accounts and assets so as to render them defenseless. No laws were broken—all their paperwork is in order showing no violations of any statute. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO BROKE LAWS.
    Even seizing guitars from private individuals purchased lawfully.
    You are emulating precisely what the Germans are so diligent in keeping themselves safeguarded from.

    Vielen Dank für das richtige tun!

  19. George M. White

    A whole nation standing up to David Miscavige. Something like this needs to happen again in the USA. Anderson Cooper are you reading the blog?
    When Marty returns, the real documentation of the “Siege in Texas” will begin.

    Message to Mr. Miscavige: Sue for peace, resign or seek refuge in the Buddha.

    “May all living beings look after themselves with ease” The Buddha

    Much loving-kindness,

  20. Marty, this is such good stuff. In speaking truth (and saying it to power) you are helping so much. Truth is the elixir of freedom.

    Ackerland’s translation of Markus’s and Ursula’s comments are quite good, btw — your English comments simply need to be transcribed. I am on the road myself this week with work (and traveling evenings) and cannot do it – sorry. Ackerland can be reached via PMs at ESMB or WWP.

    Y’all enjoy yourselves this evening and tomorrow at the meeting. And safe travels home.


  21. Martin Padfield,

    You said it! 🙂

  22. Shine the light of truth…..that’s how stop an SP.

    Nice job.


  23. Correction — per Dr. Faust’s comments above, he (not Ackerland) translated into English the German translator’s German translation of your English remarks. To both Ackerland and Dr. Faust (and other Anons, surely), many thanks for the great work you did to make the videos available so quickly.

    Nonetheless, this community and others will be interested in reading Marty’s actual words in another closed captioned version of this video.

    Again, Marty, Ursula (and this time, Marcus), wonderful stuff.


  24. Chapeau, Marty!!
    May those waves in Germany have BIG repercussions in the US, too!! Though I long since quit the views you hold on LRH, I salute you for your brave decency and smart “political” moves. Kisses to Mosey!!


  25. ….. aahh – and enjoy the German Labskaus, Schnitzel and Riesling and don’t forget about some fresh beer…..
    Kudos to Mrs. Caberta!


  26. Martin Padfield

    I’d be grateful to see any captions or subtitles – none as yet.

  27. markthehungarian

    Great interview and what a wonderful forum for you to set things out clearly. This is epic stuff that should bring epic consequences.

    The question remains… where is Miscavige now? If he indeed is the true head of CoS, then shouldn’t he climb out from under his rock and defend the actions of the church? Or does he know that they are indefensible?

  28. You made a great impression. The truth communicates even across the language barrier. I feel you and Ursula accomplished much on this visit.

    Have a safe trip home.

  29. George M. White

    Much loving-kindness,

  30. Excellent work, Marty… presence with the right touch of authority and perfect comm cycle… translation made in a “high tone” voice…
    You got ack, of course… Mrs Caberta was acknowledged, too, finally…
    Sie ist strahlend!… she looks beaming… thruth is winning…
    As usual, Italy comes last but not least… ciao a tutti!

  31. I hear you. Most people would have trouble just repeating what one person said, ‘simultaneously’, in the same language. I think I’ll try it with the TV, to see how long it is before I get lost. When one has to go from one language to another it is even more difficult. Good translation is not easy. I heard something once about the U.N. having three translators for important speeches just to make sure no one translated “we will go to work on this” as “we will go to war over this”.

  32. George M. White

    Mr. Miscavige,
    Yesterday, 30,000 Buddhist monks were ordained in Thailand.
    See picture. You have no choice but to resign, sue for peace or seek refuge in the Buddha.
    Much loving-kindness,

    Press release:
    “Carrying the simple garb of a monk, more than 30,000 men spread out across the plaza in front of Dhammakaya’s Cetiya temple, as a lengthy ordination ceremony approaches its climax. The men will soon take their vows and then don the saffron robe that signifies their acceptance into the monkhood. Afterward, they will be assigned roles in temples across Thailand, where they will follow the sacred Buddhist precepts.”

  33. David, I agree with you. I watched the vids again with my husband. It actually was very enlightening, since you couldn’t understand the words you had to look at the energy of the people involved. We both commented on the energy from interviewer, Marty and Mrs. Caberta was so clean and free flowing, no ridges …. just truth. Answers and questions were non-combative.
    Also, interesting is the pics the show producers showed of DM were very Hitler like and Germany in no way wants to be aligned with that type of energy. Bad times for Travolta and Cruise ….. very bad PR.
    Also, the adds on Google taken out by Freedumb mag (can’t help the slap it is such drivel) made me think, if churchies are not supposed to read internet/newspaper/tv stuff, who does the CO$ think their audience it. Certainly not the Indies or FZrs. And if you did read the Freedumb ad wouldn’t you be curious to read the other side, so you could make them wrong? I think the church has set up a big mystery sandwich with all roads leading to people reading the truth on Marty’s blog. Funny!

  34. I updated the subtitles for the second parts which fixes a few errors that would distort the sense of some of what has been said.

    Also, Markus Lanz’ question used to read as if he asked Rathbun whether he beats employees in present time. Fixed that, too.

  35. Martin,
    You might have to turn on captions. On youtube versions at the bottom right of the screen just to the left of “360P” is a small box with “CC”. Click that and the captions should come on. I believe “CC” is for closed captions. Hope that helps. It worked for me.

  36. Search for the “CC” button on the video’s menu bar. If it does not show up consider updating your version of macromedia flash.

  37. Yes remarkable to see the ligthness of Ursula Caberta, and How well at ease she appeared to be, and others there aswell . Marthy you came across very well, and the whole presentation was extremly at ease. It was nice to see those there listening with intense intrest, You have done an ammense step to set the record straight putting it there to them.
    Fantastic. !!!! Because Scientology in German has not had the rights facts for a long time and this is excellent.

  38. +100. 3D engrams are run out by exposing false data. Only false or non analyzed data is in the reactive mind. These interviews and actions expunge the false viewpoint and replace it with one of understanding. Whether agreement on the subject or not at least an understanding that Scientology is a subject in itself distinct from any organizational actions. This is a great thing for all Scientologists, whether inside or Indie.

  39. I think it was said before about the Indies working with Anonymous, LMT (M Bunker et al), and some old time Critics, but add Ursula and the Ministry of Interior Germany (and they clearly have learnt about totalitarian states the hard way!) and mix in understanding and empathy …. WOW

    Soper Enturbubot or what!!

    Well done all for finding common ground and understanding! , to quote Neil Armstrong “That’s one small step for man, but a giant leap for mankind”

    “This may have been a small step for man

  40. the power is coming every day it creates speed, truth can go through 20 inches of steel, and the cos now knows it is not bullet proof anymore. bring on the wind and rain and storms to come, just classic stuff for a true person to speak aloud. thank you………….

  41. Hi Everyone, As Marty said, I came over to give him a hand. And in the last two days I’ve published three articles on my own blog (on to keep everyone updated with the latest news. What is happening is very exciting to say the least. Check out the three articles there incluing the latest one, What is an Independent Scientologist? — a subject that needed to be covered due to the suppression here (created by the Church) against “Scientologists” who are members of the Church.


  42. Excellent job!!! Thank you so much! 😀

  43. parting is such sweet sorrow

    Word is a major series of articles coming out in a certain Florida paper in the nearest future. This will have major ramifications and many national media outlets will pick up on this series.

    To all the readers of this blog.

    You aint seen nothing yet.

  44. Let it be known, I am Ackerland.

  45. “Ackerland’s translation of Markus’s and Ursula’s comments are quite good, btw”

    Thank you for this compliment.

    “Nonetheless, this community and others will be interested in reading Marty’s actual words in another closed captioned version of this video.”

    That will probably turn out to be difficult, since the translator talks over most of what Marty is saying. Maybe a lip reader could do it.

  46. Let us hope this is the first of many dominos to fall. Unfortunately, I could not follow much of what was said. My German teacher in high school was an old Luftwaffe pilot from Köln who taught us Karnival songs. If I ever make it to Germany I will fit right in at the beer hall. Congratulations, Marty for making a HUGE impact. Now, THAT is something the IAS could do an IMPACT mag about. Not.

  47. Beautiful interview! Well done Mr. Rathbun!

  48. Tony DePhillips

    Plus 2.

  49. Marty what you and Ursula are doing is getting the TRUTH out there and there is no better purpose in my opinion. This is so awesome and it soothes ones soul! Thank you. Love Carol

  50. +1000000000

  51. FBI, Justice Department, et al. you have continued to turn a blind eye to the injustice that continues to occur with this so-called church. You have continued to pay NO attention to what the people are saying and are writing to you about.People have written to your so-called agencies for help and there is no help. Your response “we will file the report”, or “there is nothing we can do because of the church’s status”. Well Bullshit. You can do something and you are not doing it. This technology is valuable and it works. What is not valuable is the person running it and using people, such as celebrities to do his dirty work. Wake the hell up people.

  52. The Truth about Scientology; simply and clearly stated for all of Germany to hear.


    It is so apparent that the Church took up the banner of OP-Terming a long time past.

    Op-term- Germany
    Op-Term France
    Op-Term Spain
    Op-Term Russia
    Op-Term Psychs
    Op-Term Medical Dr.’s
    Op-Term Veteran Sea Org members
    Op-Term Those that write knowledge reports on outnesses
    Op-Term Public that question out tech and off policy
    Op-Term Their own members that don’t give into bankruptcy
    Op- Term Those that don’t buy altered books and tapes
    Op-Term Those that don’t raise their IAS Status
    Op-Term LRH (covertly)
    Op-Term family members against each other
    Op-Term Business associations

    It appears the Church has decided to not only be OUT ARC with the environment but to create a Scientology GPM. Now that’s a way to destroy a subject.

    This simple cycle of honest communication handles the charge.
    Excluding those with culpability that is. Their heads will be exploding.

    Well done Marty.

    CoS withholds are being exposed. Since the CoS is NOT taking responsibility for these withholds; full Missed W/H phenomena to follow.

    If only the CoS would organizationally avail themselves of Ron’s tech, their own misery could be avoided. Sigh!

    This is terrific work Marty. You may well have handled Germany.

  53. I have to ask why the program started with subliminal flashes in this order:
    The Scientology double triangle in a circle
    A Naked woman
    The meter cans

    What is that all about?

  54. And then the English was buried under the German dubbing and the subtitles were in German so I guess I will have to wait for maybe a transcript…?

    However, it was funny to see the squirrel busters exposed on German airwaves. Richard Hirst, you are famous! Perhaps not for anything anyone would want to be famous for, but you gotta take what you can get, eh?

  55. When an individual tries to report the abuses of Miscavige and his flying monkeys, no expense is spared in an effort to ruin the person. PIs and duped members of the cult are sent to harass the person. Magazines, videos, blogs, radio ads, fliers, etc are created to spread lies about the person in order to discredit and ruin the persons reputation. This has been well documented and is not – new news.

    What is new news to many is the extent that this has been done to the German government. Miscavige and his flying monkeys have been working hard, for decades, to spread lies about the German people and their government. They have spent tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars over the last 3 decades to create and spread these lies. They have used celebs and legal firms to carry their black PR campaign all the way into the oval office of the White House.

    It is bad enough that this tax exempt cult is using millions of dollars per month in an effort to ruin individuals but now its being shown that they are doing this to governments. They have intentionally been creating conflict between two of the main powers of the world – the USA and Germany.

    Is this not a form of international terrorism? Is this not illegal?

    Radical Scientology was already convicted of the largest act of government infiltration in American history. This cult will stop at nothing and is a threat to both citizens and their governments. It’s time that governments join together to remove this threat.

    David Miscavige is an international criminal running a well organized cult with a billion dollars “war chest”. Wake up world!!!

  56. John In Austin

    Great job Marty & Co!

    It’s sadly ironic that we live in a nation supposedly founded on Religious Freedom, yet this is one of the very few countries in the entire world where you are UNABLE to freely practice your chosen religion of Scientology because of constant harassment and interference by street thugs hired by the “official” church!

    If the hired $cientology goons who brazenly chase you from one end of the United States to the other–constantly breaking laws, violating human rights and impeding your religious freedom–tried to even come near you in a country like Germany (or Japan, or Israel, or Australia or virtually any civilized country in the entire world), they would arrested on the spot and locked up for a good long time until that government figured out a way to punish them so severely that they’d never try that crap in their country again!

    Sadly, we have become so numbed to the very notion of Religious Intolerance that the public goon squads of the Cult of $cientology barely raise an eyebrow in America today. I think maybe, just maybe, Independent Scientologists can help change that and wake people up!

    Big Love,

    John in Austin

  57. VWD, Marty! A giant leap.

    LRH tech works when applied correctly. We know this, but so few others do. There is bound to be fresh interest from some Germans now, which can’t be met because of the stranglehold DM has on the tradmarks and copyrights.

    I want to train, audit and communicate freely myself, and have others do the same. This is not possible while DM is still thrashing about and frothing at the mouth. So no sensible result can come from negotiations with him or any church entity.

    The church has been radicalised. DM’s idiocy cripples anyone who comes near. You cannot benefit from contact with the church.
    It isn’t a benevolent religion, it’s a creepy cult. And anything useful in Scientology is tainted by association with this wretched little man and his unfortunate followers. As a third dynamic group, it is a total failure. Perhaps some of you, dear thetans, might spot our former group on the Awareness Scale, where it once was, and where it is now.

    We have to stay strong and be Scientologists ourselves, because the church can’t do it.

    This might all be gloomy, but for one thing:



    Perhaps a private little session for Ms Camberta before you go, Marty?

    Love, Rich

  58. Carol — Agree with you 100%

  59. Thank you for your work Herr Ackerland. Greatly appreciated by all here.

  60. Carol Agree 200% (Stats was always my weakest subject)

    Wake up Agencies , There are going to be alot of red faces one day when all comes into the light!!!

  61. This is amazing stuff. Finally the truth is blowing away the lies we perhaps all believed for far too long!!! I felt relief just watching this story unfold in Germany. THe truth…ahhhhh what relief it brings. Just like in session!!!

  62. Wow, Marty. Incredible job. Keep up the good work.

  63. Martin Padfield

    Thanks Doctor. That did the trick. Now, while I got your attention I wonder if I could just have a quick chat about my Dad’s piles…

  64. Tony Dephillips

    Excellent point Mat.
    I think it would be easy to make the case that Dm is an international terrorist and should be prosecuted for his crimes.

  65. Dr. Faust/Marty,

    I also speak German, perhaps not well enough to do the closed caption, but well enough to understand the original interview and translation and of course read the closed caption. The talk show translator did an excellent job for a real time translation, and I find Faust’s translation good and accurate for a CC which must be abbreviated by its nature.

    The German language has a very different structure to English and American English which is again somewhat different. For example, in this type of discussion, there is no translation for “Yes Sir”, a proper and polite cordial response in the southern US. The talk show translator changed this phrase, repeated by Marty several times into proper conversation, one time “Javoll” (sp?) and another time “Yes Absolutely” or something similar. The translator also added some context to statements that helped communicate the concept into German language, and as such abbreviated others.

    This is over all a pretty accurate translation. The only way I can see to to better is a line by line transcription, which is not legible in a CC application.

  66. Marty I love your new look, with the glasses and beard. Very professor like. 🙂

  67. Another +100000000000

  68. Many years ago I lived in Munich for a year-great beer halls! I would never have guessed it would be a sanctuary for my religion. America-come on -get your act together !!!

  69. Marty -you are my hero!

  70. Tory Christman

    Well put, scilonschools! I love seeing this coming together,too. It is THE
    absolute thing C of $ and OSA work tirelessly to destroy. To the degree we
    all *out* (and Critics, and Anonymous) can work together, things get VERY, VERY tricky for “Dave”. Granted, each of us has our own views, and that’s even better. Thank you Marty and Ms. Caberta! 🙂

  71. Tory Christman

    Thanks, Steve, for going and helping. This has been a new turn
    in the history of exposing the abuses of C of $ and,
    “Dave- the- slave- driver”, as I call him.

  72. Been real busy, but…..WOW!
    Who would have imagined that someone would mix the 3rd party tech with PR? But then, IAS Reges have always been masters at the Art of AgitProp
    ( Looks like the celebs were sucked in to that vortex as well.

    That is a pretty heavy thing…..I can only wonder if TC’s “Valkyrie” project was “inspired” from the recoil of that overt…. Instead of running his case in public, I would think that some Standard Sessions (solo or otherwise) would be a better approach. But then, oh yah,his ethics would have to be in first….

    Carry on!

  73. Tory Christman

    First, Dr.Faust–thanks for explaining how to get the subtitles on. (For those who still don’t have them, just look above the # of Views on YT. Right above that is “cc”. Click on *that* and bingo, they are ON.

    Also, again: Great job Marty and Ms. Caberta! The horrors of people locked in a building is beyond belief, even for me, and I go out there and picket, and write to our Gov’t officials, asking to help.

    German TV came to American and interviewed many of us. By the time they got to LA, and interviewed me, they told me of their “shock” that their was “Such utter lack of emergency, re these Scientologists locked up” and yet “So much security” here. I know, I live here.

    Why can’t our “Security/police” etc. just go in and Help these people? The brave lady working on this told us:
    “THEY DID. Years ago we out heard of this, contacted the agency in Hemet that would check this out. They went…and all “in” said: “We are here on our own determinism”. Due to “Freedom or Religion” so strong here in the USA, someone “in” HAS to call and ask for help. At that point, they can begin to interview everyone. IF by any chance you are somehow reading this, and can contact those locked up: PLEASE TELL THEM TO CALL THE POLICE AND ASK FOR HELP. I know, from all Marty and Mike have described, this is a life threatening action—but what is your life to be, knowing this is going on, and doing NOTHING?

    Lastly, I think it’s important that when they are asking about “Scientologists getting beaten” remind them, again and again, that you are speaking of the Management and staff out at Gold, not the public members. I mention this as often I have spoken with people who were never “in”, but still think random people “in” were beaten. As far as I know, having been “in” for 30 years, and worked with staff, Executives and OSA for 20 years (in the PR area, so I did not see or know of their dirty tricks dept) as a volunteer, I believe this is germane to the Executives and Staff out at Gold, as you have said, Marty. If I’m wrong, please correct me. And of course—even IF only out at Gold–it should never, ever happen…and someone DOES need to do something about this: TODAY.

    One thing to remember: Every media who can expose this, every politician, every government agency employee, every American citizen needs to do whatever we can to shine the light on this atrocity, and get it stopped, finally, and forever. Always remember: “Sunshine Disinfects”
    “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” — Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania (1759)

    Blessings to ALL 🙂 Tory/Magoo

  74. The ZDF itself should be asked for a fully accurate translation into English as subtitles of Marty’s speech, so that nothing gets lost.

  75. Marty, truly impressive work.

    It is one of the hallmarks of a cult that they have to have enemies who are out to get them. Thus any criticism can be deflected with the thought-stopping idea that “anyone who criticizes us is an enemy (SP, religious bigot, terrorist, etc.)” This is how they keep the true believers from listening to any criticism, including valid criticism. One could go as far as to say that if someone wants to control you, they tell you who to hate.

    One of the major shocks I had after leaving the Church was the discovery that the super-evil SPs I had been told about were not actually evil at all. They were, for the most part, human beings, many of whom were objecting to the same things I was – abuse, fraud, disconnection, fair-gaming. Ursula Caberta is a good example. Once you actually got into communication with her (something the Church is incapable of, ironically), you found that you shared much common ground, and she did not have horns and a tail.

  76. And oh! They’re gooooood!
    Yeap, that’s what we got to do.

  77. Ditto! Especially, how speedy it was done!

  78. Martin

    That brought a tear to my eye. Thank you for that communication.

    Eric S

  79. Rich, very well stated. I agree with you 100%. If all the naysayers were able to receive just one standard session on any subject that was real to them, they’d quickly understand why so many of us remain fervently loyal to the subject and its Founder, despite all attempts to discredit and invalidate them – which attempts for the most part are the result of DM’s 30 year reign of terror (and incompetence).

  80. “I find Faust’s translation good and accurate for a CC which must be abbreviated by its nature.”

    Thank you sir. Actually there is little abbreviation. Only expletives and repetitions were left away.
    Sometimes the translation may seem inconsistent and sentences missing parts. This merely reflects the original. Hardly anyone speaks sentences that would be ready for printing.

    Your other observations are correct, though I don’t recall the translator using “Jawoll”, as this strikes to be a bit militaristic when speaking casually.

  81. Lolwut?

  82. martyrathbun09

    Yes, a German explained the language structure differences to me tonight. Wish I’d have known that a couple days ago, it might have helped.

  83. How ironic and what a condemnation of our justice system that the German government does FAR more to secure Marty’s right to free speech and his right to exercise it without a bombardment of inane harassment.

  84. All the words went away…but I got a BIG smile that just won’t leave my face. Thanks!

  85. theo Sismanides

    I love this!

  86. theo Sismanides

    thanks Steve, what a great Mission guys…. and the MOs were not needed… It was ALL OT stuff… i go check your site!

  87. A VWD to Marty, Mosey, Steve and any helpers in Hamburg. You guys are just awesome!
    May the big effect you are creating now have many more ripples and even bigger waves in the future to change to the better what MUST BE CHANGED in the Co$.
    To those who are in a position: Please fly, ride a train, car, bicycle, horse or whatever to Hamburg to attend the Indie meeting Saturday morning, Sept 10.
    Beam me up Scottie, to Hamburg!

  88. martyrathbun09

    Thanks a lot. I learned a bit about the German language tonight and how the original translator couldn’t possibly keep up with the speed of my talking. So, please don’t take my original comment as a criticism.

  89. theo Sismanides

    Marty, Mosey, Steve and anyone who came from overseas to help Marty… Great to have you on EU time… It is sooooo good to see you here and see as many said here what a success your interview was.

    Marty you are a high classed auditor so you can audit 3Ds too and whole countries… this brings me back to remember how LRH was auditing people and validating people by mere communication.

    This was a great Mission and more are needed Marty… of course I know you have a lot on your agenda but we want to see you more often here.

  90. Beautiful Marty, simply beautiful!

  91. I think possibly the RICO Act could be applied against David Miscavige and the CoS.

    I am no lawyer, but RICO stands for “Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations”.
    That certainly seems to fit Miscavige and his cronies.

  92. Who is the Lombar Hisst ?

    …………the best product here is, that Caberta had to admit publicly that the exercise of Scientology is ok to her and that we have religious freedom in Germany. This is not only good for us as scientologist, but also for all the other minority religious groups like the Jehovah´s Witnesses, Universal Life, Unification Church, TM etc. etc. etc…….Thank you Marty for this !

  93. Germany was at one time a powerhouse of expansion. Germans were very interested and grasped Scientology’s potential very well.

    Miscavige no doubt seized on the opportunity to rape the German Scientologists and milk them for every cent they were worth. When they fought back and the German government began investigating the abuses, Miscavige put into play his BlackPR campaign against the German government.

    And here we are. Now Marty has exposed the Black PR for what it was all along.

  94. WitLH,

    There is a difference between Scientologist and Independent Scientologist – Steve has clearly laid out the difference between the two in no uncertain terms:

    …”An Independent Scientologist is a Scientologist who PUBLICALLY condemns the criminality and corruption of David Miscavige and his supporters. One has to actually DO something to PUBLICALLY expose the conspiracy within the CoS to ruin lives for the sake of money and power.

    “If one refuses to do that, then naturally in the publical eye one still retains the color of an enemy. No one is going to trust you and you will be viewed at best as a coward. Why? Because you are condoning the violation of human rights.” … click the above link for the full article.

  95. It was interesting to hear that Germany is particularly sensitive about artistic freedom, freedom of thought. I can understand this. I can also understand how Germans would be equally sensitive to leaders of organizations that do not allow people to think for themselves and create fanaticism. I also appreciated how Robert Vaughn Young was acknowledged for his efforts.

  96. Operation Valkyrie is ressurected and completed.

    The little dictator has been royally outmaneuvered. Now we have Germany saying Scientology/Scientologists are not a problem as long as DM’s version of it is not forced on anyone. All it took was ARC, and not a billion dollar war chest assembled by the merchant of chaos in Hemet.

  97. CP, I like what you said! A toast to you good health and happiness!!

    To Davey… Up your’s, shorty!

    P.S. Davey, where’s HEBER??????

  98. Marty, The winds of freedom are blowing this week across all lands with you in Germany. Well done on all the interviews. And you really looked good on TV..and Ursula looked very good also.

  99. SHAME ON FBI for supporting David Misacavige’s crime by not doing anything to stop it and US GOVERNMENT, Client (president) and other officials who allow Celebs such as Tom Cruise and John T control their thoughts.
    Any government who stays silence to abuse and crimes of such cultish system is accessory to their crimes.
    Hopefully US government & FBI will learn something positive from Germany and Australia and start investigating the Church of Scientology.

  100. Dr. Faust, I had a bit of time today, and did my best to parse Marty’s words out from behind the translator. I decided to do the 2nd part first, and will try to get to the 1st part later today or another day. I’ll post the transcript (of Part 2 and the last question from Part 1) in a separate message below. Feel free to use this if you’d like.

  101. Here’s a first shot at a transcript of Marty’s (english) words from behind the voice-over translator. This is the very end of Part 1, and all of Part 2 (not including the brief conversation in German between Markus Lanz and Ursula in the middle of the video, already directly translated in the video):

    [From end of Part 1]

    MARKUS LANZ: What is difficult to understand is this: You’re sitting here telling what’s happening and complaining about it and rightly so in my opinion. At the same time you’re saying “I am adhering to the teachings. I’m still a Scientologist”. Why?

    ————PART 2————

    MARTY: Because I’m talking about conduct, I’m talking about secular conduct and how they interact with the world, and how they deal with people in the world who know about them, such as Ursula Caberta … VERSUS … belief, practice, how you follow your path to a higher place. These are two separate things.

    And that’s my message.

    And I think that what I’ve found in Germany is that Ms. Caberta, contrary to what they’re alleging against her, feels the same way. If you want to go into the privacy of your home and do what you want to do that’s going to help you spiritually, go ahead and do it. But if you go out onto the street, and you start doing coercive tactics, if you start playing politics, if you start ruining lives … that’s, that’s not protected.

    And so I see they’re two different things, I’m differentiating.

    Markus, let me tell you. I don’t think anyone has attempted this before, because I get attacked from both sides. It’s a difficult place to be, in the middle. But I’m going to tell you something. Ultimately, it is probably the most effective thing from her perspective too, because for the first time in the history of Scientology, inside active Scientologists are listening to my message, because I’m not attacking the practice, the belief, and the peaceful practice of what they’re there for.

    And so … You know, there’s a big ban on listening to the Cabertas, or the people that don’t [have familiarity with] the organization. They don’t read the papers, they won’t watch this show. But, because I don’t go after that, a lot of people get the message who wouldn’t otherwise get the message.

    [Conversation between Markus Lanz and Ursula Caberta, transcribed directly from German into English in the video.]

    MARKUS LANZ: Fanaticism is the cue. As a conclusion I’d like to have Marty tell about the inner life of the organization again. Is it true that employees are regularly exposed to vicious physical violence?

    MARTY: Yes sir, and as a matter of fact, Vaughn Young, who she [Ursula] talked about, turned out to be prophetic because — and this is partly why I left — because he [Miscavige] got to be more zealous and more zealous … into fanatical … into maniacal.

    But from the year 2000 on, Miscavige literally began to regularly use physical violence on the highest managers in Scientology. And ultimately — and this kept escalating over time — during the early 2000s up to a point … by late 2003, he literally locked 80 Church of Scientology managers in a room about the size of this studio, and he made them stay there 24/7. They couldn’t go out to eat. They couldn’t go out to … to go to bed. They had to sleep on the floor. And then they had to do these group confessional situations, where they would have to get up and confess “thought crimes” against David Miscavige. If he didn’t like the “thought crime” — if he didn’t think it was juicy enough, if he didn’t think it was sexy enough, if he didn’t think it was evil enough — he would BEAT the person in front of everybody.

    THEN he began to make everybody else do the same to others. In fact, I was asked if that was an incident for me. I was finally put in there only for three days, because by the third day, I escaped. Because I just … to me …

    MARKUS LANZ: So you beat employees back then?

    MARTY: Yes, as a matter of fact, my own good friend who I worked with for many many years, Mike Rinder, and I … I was directed specifically by Miscavige to do it to him. And the second time — and it was shown on the opening video — there was a point where I realized I was doing things that were against my nature, and against my rationale … and stepped out of it. And shortly after that I got on my motorcycle and escaped through the security gate. And I’ve never been back.

    [Audience clapping]

    MARKUS LANZ: What is your recommendation to people who say “I want out” after this appearance, but who fear possible reprisals?

    MARTY: What I recommend to them is go to my blog That’s an effective way to deal with this sword of Damocles that they have over everybody’s head, this fear.

    If more and more people stand up, then ultimately they [the CoS] won’t have the resources and means to do this to everybody.

    And I think if we clearly hit that point, now with so many people standing up, and standing courageously, and then creating a network, that they can’t effectively do this [create the fear].

    I think what’s going on — and the reason why they’ve put so many people on me now — I think Miscavige has decided that the only way to make people afraid of this kid [Miscavige] … is to take out the guy who said: “the best way to combat him, is to not be afraid of him”.

    MARKUS LANZ: Thank you very much for visiting our studio, to you Ms. Caberta and to you, Mark [Marty]. I wish you all the best and that the worst fears won’t come true.

  102. David Lingenfelter


  103. David Lingenfelter

    Marty you’ve started toppling the second wall. I was in Switzerland sharing a room with Charile Rush doing setups for an IAS event when we watched the Berlin wall come down on TV. Now on TV we are watching another wall come down.
    Well done for you and Ursula and all those that supported you.


  104. David Miscavige does not have much power onto himself.

    The power he has comes from his closeness to the truth contained in Scientology. Just like a counterfeit dollar bill steals value from the money that is already in circulation.

    Those who gave money to the organization gave it because of Scientology.

    It is Scientology that has the power because it contains truth. He is miss-appropriating funds meant to go to the promotion of Scientology for his own abberated means.

    This must stop.

  105. Carol, Mike…. Doesn’t this action taken by Marty and accompanying players come across as a HUGE bypass of the US entities you mentioned?… IOW, perhaps a Danger condition has naturally come about due to lack of responsiveness and doing something. This bypass was instinctively the obvious and necessary result. Thoughts? And wondering Marty, if you think this is the case, ’cause your naming names, man!!

  106. So Krautfag, what does the German Anons think about all this?

  107. Guten Tag, Marty! This is HUGE!!! I hear the walls of the castle crumble…

  108. Absolutely a bypass through necessity. Too many lobbyists and powerful law firms have been paid off here.

  109. Marty this is sooooooo fantastic! You look & sound so real & sincere! This is a live demo of the datum that communication is a universal solvent!

    Regarding the use of Celebrities, Clinton & other politicians, you describe pure 3rd party design to create conflict in order to manipulate. This another great example of the DofM doing exactly what they accuse others of doing. The Celebrities have been used as pawns. They have been fed so many lies. I’m convinced that most of them truly believed that Germany was in the wrong. I hope they finally wake up in disgust and take a stand against the tyrant.
    This a huge story! When will the major U.S. media wake up & pick this story up?
    Big hugs to you, Mosey & all who are helping & supporting this cause. Marie-Joe

  110. martyrathbun09

    Thanks a lot. I changed one word, “sword” of Damocles, not “sort” of Damocles. Otherwise, I think you got it quite accurate. I am posting with original post. That last passage was the most troublesome error for me. They had me saying something to the effect of “take the guy out at the top” when I was talking about what Miscavige’s think was in coming after me.

  111. My view on the whole deal is a more political one. I think Marty’s ticket was worth the tax payer’s money as our state department now has firsthand testimony to hold the under the US state dept. nose when they start annoying us with the silly religious discrimination crap again.
    On the subject which is dear to you folks…it has been said on this blog before in the comments – I guess it by Helmuth – , it’s not that much has changed in Germany in regard to Scientology, it’s more that the church propaganda about Germany was stripped from your minds. Which is good too. I am particularly pleased that you were able to see Ursula for what she really is: a caring, helpful fighter. Though I wouldn’t agree with her on most political issues of the day, what she has done over the years to help people who fled the church and her persistance to fight the insane organisation commands the utmost respect.

  112. Mark,

    I am glad to see you made it out of Scientology. Keep up the great work, the world needs you to fight against that crazy system of Scientology.

    I wish you will keep the power and courage to go on with this, even youre terrorized by Scientology people.

    Be strong,

    greetings from Germany.

  113. Meant to post this here rather than the next post. What Marty is doing, has done, is a running example of what the message of this video is all about!

  114. I speak German, and I think this was awesome, but for sure Marty, we have to tackle the Language Hat for future events like this. These translations are terrific (and anyway, a lot of Germany understood your English directly, too), but I really hope for the day when a multi-Lingual representative can demonstrate, for the world, the means by which Scientology assists with language problems such as are exactly reflected in this event.

    A point to consider as the phoenix rises, soon enough, from these extraordinary events.


    Let us let the stats be counted: Independents AND Church, in terms of BIS/WDAH/CCOMP/&etc. before we go announcing any winners.

    If we don’t start seeing more and more Clears and OT’s coming forth and taking a stand, there is little hope for either “INDIE” or “DM” sides, whatever they are.

    Train! Get in session! Audit!

  116. Onwards brave people !

  117. Marty wrote: “They had me saying something to the effect of ‘take the guy out at the top’ …”

    Yeah, I can see how that would have been hard to translate, especially quickly. It had some American’isms in it that might have been hard to follow.

  118. Thank you Marty for what you are doing for the very futur of this planet. DM and his followers are dramatizing a lot. We should have enough gamers, like you, to straight the road out ! Love.

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