Eliana Alaimo is Independent and Strong

My name is Eliana Alaimo and I have been in Scientology since 1987.

I did my Bridge both sides, Auditing and Training. In January 2003 I started OT VII as public and my training Level was Class IV.  In September 2004 I joined the Sea Organization on the Freewinds.  I blew the first time while I was doing my Class IX Internship because I refused to squirrel as  a pc and as auditor as well.

As interned on the Class IX Course we were forced to do a lot of videos and receive our passes from RTC on the various Class IX procedures so as to demonstrate we were able to audit paying Pre-Ots in the HGC. However, instead of running the procedures and so really getting trained and becoming competent on them we were just flying each other’s Rudiments in co-auditing and also were doing TRs; and those hours were considered “practical” training hours anyhow.

The order was directly from RTC to do the Ruds instead of the actual training and this was confirmed by the Internship Course Supervisor. I twinned with a Spanish girl that knew enough Italian and so we “co-audited” for several days on rudiments, the same that are used for interviews in Cramming. We were doing up to 6 sessions each a day as pc.

I was also assigned the SandCastle Vice President. But I could not really audit her because my ability to understand spoken English was not up to the level required. Nonetheless, the Supervisor told me that I had to train and I could have used a Sea Org Member for that purpose even if my level of English was not sufficient.

I still feel ashamed that I agreed to do that and she did not F/N in session and Red Tagged at exam.

But I got my RTC Video Pass and so went to the HGC to start as an Auditor there. When I refused to audit English speaking Pre-OTs a very tall girl , an RTC Trainee, started threatening me and told me that if I kept refusing she would have me thrown me in the kitchen to wash pans and dishes till I would change my mind on it.

In 8 months I did my training from Flag Metering to Class IX (including  Senior Sec Checker – FPRD – PTS/SP Specialist –AO Review Auditor –CCRD Auditor). I did everything on checksheet time and I did not want to end up in ethics because I could not speak English! So I started auditing 2 English speaking Pre-OTs.

I did not understand a word they were saying in session, I was writing the “sounds” of the words on the worksheets, but even the Director of Processing did not understood what happened in session.

So I got sick the moment I realized I had betrayed Ron and Standard Tech because I followed an order from RTC.

I did not trust Management any longer, and being declared SP made me feel better, because in actual fact were the Squirrels declaring me!

That very same day, in my mind,  I “wrote” my Declaration of Independence and I did not even know that Independence was a possibility!

For 2 years I was not allowed to audit on my OT VII because I had given back my confidential material – I was given the following:

– A Sec Check to see if I qualified for the Freewinds

– NED for the second time

– Did a part of OT V that I already handled

– NED for the third time

– Another Sec Check

– One FPRD

– Plus in the meantime I co-audited on ruds to be able to do the cramming I was assigned since I had to receive my RTC Video Pass

I did each and every step of the above program because the C/S at every step was promising me that I would be allowed back on VII if I did that each particular step first.

Each step was at first the LAST STEP, but when done it was replaced with a new step!

So I blew from all that squirreling and I was happy to see and to stress the difference between me and Ron to the squirreling that RTC was ordering me to do.

The irony was that the last session I did as Pre-OT before becoming sick and blowing received RTC Video Pass, so my Auditor got a Pass and I was actually on the run.

The reason for the PASS was that my auditor had to complete the Sec Checker Internship and fly back to Milano to be in the Universe Corp, and in order to go RTC demanded a Video Pass on his ability to do Confessionals.

But my blow did not last and I was convinced to come back and route out properly, so I went to Milano first and then to Copenhagen  then back to the Freewinds and received an FPRD and a new Sec Check. I was left for five month with no Passport and so could not leave the ship, so I was looking at the various islands from the ship while doing hard MEST work.

I even cleaned the fuel tank and I was inhaling the fumes since my mask was old and faulty and … I experienced the strangest chemical release I ever had in my life. The MAA saw I was so happy when I got out of the fuel tank  that  he wanted me to write a Success Story!!!!!!

Squirrel and ignorant!

I went many times to the infirmary and got heavy dosages of antihistamine because I had a very strange allergy and my face was completely deformed. And all of this was happening inside that very ship!

After 5 months I understood how I could end the torture and I was  released from my “prison”.

I was sent on mission for the Congresses Promotional Tour as a registrar and I had to sell sets of Basics and also cruises aboard the Freewinds. But I was not good at all as a registrar and one night I was in Brescia  Italy and the CO Sharon Webber threatened me and told me I would never be allowed back on OTVII unless I was getting my products (money) in volume. So it was there in Brescia, that very same night in 2007 that I decided to blow, but blow for good this time – and I did it so to never come back on the Freewinds again.

So after I did blow, they told me that I would not be declared a Suppressive Person if I would “behave”. This R-Factor was given to me on the phone by Paolo Cocoda (HAS – head of personnel and ethics) even though I told him that I if I ever come back on the Freewinds it would only be done to put my hands on three terminals: CO CMO, RTC REP, CO FSSO.

Even with this threat of mine they did not declare me SP. But I had to behave and I was supposed not to say a bad word about the Freewinds.

So I devoted my attention to my new family and behaved.

I even wanted to pay my freeloader, but after strange offered deals, lies, false promises, you name it… I was not able to get a clear cut statement of what was required.

At the same time I read on the internet the story of Valeska, she was a friend and I knew her from the ship.  When I found out she also blew and that now she Declared herself as Independent I started to understand and began evaluating what was true for me.

And so here I am wishing that David Miscavige and the people that follow him will leave Scientology so that it can be again of use for this planet instead of buying palaces and squirreling the tech as I experienced doing my Class IX Internship.

I was not like that before, and I am not like that now and so I do not want to have anything to do with whoever is supporting a church that is so far from what Ron said needs to be done to clear the planet.

BE DO HAVE and not HAVE HAVE HAVE. DO nothing, is the destiny of those palaces all of them empty because they were born out of an implant.

Starting today I declare myself to be a member of the Independents, of those who will use, accept and apply only Standard Tech and nothing else than Standard Tech.

I do not want to have anything to do with people who are not 100% Standard and I do not care if they pretend or call themselves Independent. I will not be reasonable on this point.

Eliana Alaimo

This same post may be read in its original Italian language at the Italian Independents site, L’Indipendologo.

134 responses to “Eliana Alaimo is Independent and Strong

  1. Floating Needle

    Yea! I love you Eliana! Way to keep your Integrity in!

    It’s a shame about Sharon Weber, I remember when she was a decent human being…

    Good luck with your new found freedom!

  2. WOW! Congratulations Eliana!!! Welcome to true freedom, where a thetan is allowed to know what she knows and doesn’t have to pretend to be a part of a group based on lies and betrayal.
    You are very brave to have broken out of the prison you were held in. VERY well done. We, here in Marty’s blog, embrace you with open arms as part of LRH’s true friends and warriors. We are not afraid, despite personal danger, to fight for the truth. Welcome aboard the real ‘ship’ headed for real freedom.

  3. All I can say is “good for you Eliana, good for you!

  4. Hello Eliana! Thanks for the real picture and congrats on getting out and getting free!

  5. Eliana, thank you! You describe this insane circus. It’s worse than I thought.

  6. What a great statement, Eliana! We so, so welcome you to this fine community. L, Rachel

  7. Bert Schippers

    Wow, congrats Eliana!!!

  8. martyrathbun09


  9. Mother of Grendel

    Eliana – congratulations for getting out – and what an amazing story of the destruction of the tech. Now I understand that the non-English speaking auditor I had at Flag was not an isolated incident, and that the upsets I had in session were due to insufficient training.
    You’ve been through a lot – and exposed it for all of our sakes. Enjoy your freedom – you deserve it!

  10. Wow, welcome and congratulations Eliana! What a hell of a story that is. I am so happy you are free of those barbarians. I just keep shaking my head!

  11. Eliana,

    Welcome. And thank you for speaking out. Just as you found out about Valeska and it helped you to move on up a little higher, you speaking out will reach others and they too may be freed from the trap of Corporate Scientology.

    Auditing outside the RCS is a very different experience. Instead of all the insane arbitraries enforced by the RTC robot children, the auditing is actually about YOU.

    Again, wonderful to see you joining the mighty Italian INdependents.

  12. Eliana,


    Thank you for laying out how short cuts were taken with the tech to get a stat. I won’t say product because I don’t believe products are real any more. It seems today instead of the stat reflecting a real product, the stat is the stat. More smoke and mirrors.

    Thanks again, ml, Laura

  13. Wow, Eliana! Welcome into freedom! What a story you have…So sad but so familiar! Hope to meet you in person one day…

  14. Thanks for being here and communicating, Eliana. Your voice is being heard.

    So this is the new “miscavpolicy”? “As long as you shut up, don’t tell them about our crimes, don’t tell them we really do enforce slave labor while holding on to passports, be quiet about the squirrel tech, keep silent about beatings, abuses and crush regging…we, the benevolent, will in turn, NOT declare you suppressive.”
    Signed, The Benevolent, Magnificant, Omnipotent Pope of Scentology, david miscarraige.

  15. Well done Eliana Quite a story !!! All The Very Best for your future.

  16. It occured to me the other day that an old classic film seemed to encapsulated P.T. struggles:

  17. Dear Eliana,

    Thank you for recognizing and becoming part of the Elite Corp of Independent True and Ethical Scientologists.

    All the nonsense that you were put through is the story of so many who have been hurt by The Organization.

    It is great that you are free and indicates what the goal of all independents want for those in The Organization and for the people of this planet.

    Thank you for bringing Italy to us as we are truly International.



  18. Congratulations on your escape from corporate scientology. I am sure your life will now be much smoother. Thank you for speaking out about the atrocities which occur daily at the C of $.

  19. TroubleShooter

    Eliana, ben fatto sul tuo post. Se non erro lei ha avuto a che fare le chiacchiere trapano, che comprendeva vari comandi che un controllore può usare per aiutare a trovare protesi ad es. “Non si parla”, “che qualcuno ti dicono di non parlare” “shut up” etc. ..divertente come che è stato tentato su di voi Vero?

    Mi scuso se questo non ti ha detto esattamente come tradurre in inglese. Spero che il concetto è abbastanza chiaro.


    Well done on your post. If I’m not mistaken you had to do the patter drill that included various commands that an auditor can use to help find implants e.g. “don’t talk” ” “did someone tell you not to speak” “shut up” etc…funny how that was attempted on you isn’t it?

    I apologize if this didn’t translate exactly as said in English. I hope the concept comes through clearly enough.

  20. The prison ship has one less prisoner. Congrats!!

  21. Brava Eliana !
    only one question, who are the people who are not 100% Standard and I do not care if they pretend or call themselves Independent ? Why ?
    Francesco & Luana

  22. Welcome from the sanest bunch of people on earth. the Independent Scientologists!

  23. Very beautiful and moving clip, TheWidowDenk; so simple and so strong 🙂

  24. Welcome to the independent field Eliana! And thank you for telling your story.

  25. Dear Eliana

    Thank you very much for your report. I don’t fully understand what you went trough, better said it doesn’t make any sense at all when compared to what LRH is talking about.
    Welcome in the FREE WORLD OF SCIENTOLOGY !

  26. Li'll bit of stuff

    Dear Eliana, your happiness RADIATES in your picture !!!!!

    You are TRULY free NOW! Free to be self determined
    and to reach OR withdraw from situations as YOU see
    fit. NO more needing to figure out HOW you are going
    to cope with THAT INSANITY !!! EVER AGAIN !!!

    So, Eliana, it will be wonderful to have you in this VERY
    THETA community ( a few assholes focus on wrong
    targets, but just ignore them!) THE best thing is you
    will certainly gain some great new friends to have
    REAL fun and laughter while you get to ENJOY REAL

    Much luv & ARC, Li’ll bit

  27. Congratulations, Eliana! Thank you for telling your story. Please do not cut yourself off from “everyone except the independents who practice standard tech,” because you will miss a lot of good non-Scientologists and others of good will that way. But yes, do keep your eyes open and when you see out-tech, you no longer have to be afraid to say that’s what you see. Much love, Lynne

  28. Thank you for communicating your incredible story and having the fortitude to come forward with honesty and integrity. I congratulate you with a huge flow or admiration thrown in there! Your truth will help many!

  29. Good on you Eliana.
    It is interesting to realise now after all these years to spot when someone is honest and forthright in their conviction and integrity, it shows immediately.
    Your write up without question is an honest straight forward explanation of the truth. One simply cannot make this stuff up.
    The lies and squirrel activities of RTC, the Church etc… exposes their source – Miscavige, is the greatest travesty against of all which LRH stood and worked.
    Best of luck and thank you for your write up. It communicated as I have a personal reality of VII and of the squirrel and suppressive environment in which it is delivered.
    You are so correct to hold your space and avoid anything not LRH.
    My instincts make me want to reach for an LIC prefixed, “Concerning the Church of Scientology…?”

  30. Eliana,
    Welcome to the Indies! Thank you for sharing the story, it’s amazing how much and increasing out tech is now “standard” during DM’s reign. Very glad that you sorted the mess out with Marty and are moving on up higher again – he and Mosey are really good at doing that.

    What is remarkable is that Red tags are a matter of course and no big deal it seems. Stats don’t really have the importance it used to have, I guess unless it has to do with Income or sales.

  31. always brings tears of joy!

  32. Eiliana, brilliant posting. Welcome to the side where the sun shines and we are free!

  33. Welcome, Eliana!
    Thank you for that great and detailed write-up.

  34. Eliana,

    Wow! This was one incredible story. I’m so glad you’re out and telling it the way it really is. RTC is a joke. I love your dedication to standard tech and I know you are going to be a great asset to the Independent field! I really want to speak to you, can you please email me at carisamarion@gmail.com or indiesocialclub@hushmail.com Thanks for sharing your story.

    Much love,

  35. Congratulations, Eliana and welcome! The Italians are the most enthusiastic Scientologists of all in my experience and when they wake up to the betrayal at the top of RCS it will not be pretty inside the church, but will spell survival for everyone else. Best of luck to you and your fellow Italian Indies!

  36. Ciao to everybody, Thanks for all the affinity, it is so much that it could give energy to my city (Agrigento) electric society for YEARS!!!!!!!
    I would like to tank you one by one, each of you and to hug you like in the magic video.
    From about 1 month my life is totally changed, I stopped to selfinvalidate
    I play a lot with my little son and with my husband, I smile more and everyday is Sunday and now Marty and Mosey are following my fly with OT VII.
    IN some weeks I wiil be back on the chair as auditor and my postulate is to be able a day to audit American pcs, I ‘m watching movies in original language………at the moment I don’t understand nothing, I understand ZERO but my postulate is strong.
    I love you all. thanks to everybody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Eliana, Non parlo italiano così sto usando babblefish.com da tradurre. Il mio nome è Pat Krenik, e vivo a Elma, WA. Io sono uno Scientologist fondatori 1951. Sono così felice di sentire che ha lasciato il COS e si sono uniti quelli del campo libero indipendente e si alzò in piedi per i vostri diritti e per i diritti dei preclear ovunque.
    http://community.freezone-tech.info/elma L’immagine è di mio marito. Siamo stati in possesso di un Academy qui per dieci anni. Pat

  38. Eliana;
    Welcome to the world of the living, the world of the Independent thinkers. You fit right in. You know what is true is what you find to be true. You were a personal witness to the enforced alteration of standard tech. You kept your sanity and your integrity.

    It is so irrational for any SO member to think they control or have in their hand your future. You had your eternity within you when you found this journey and you still have it. You demonstrate resoundingly that one’s silence as to outnesses is not purchased by the mere threat of a piece of paper (SP declare.) You aren’t an SP and therefore the paper won’t stick.

    I am happy you are smiling and moving forward in your life. It is a pleasure to meet you here on this blog. Thank you for your honest and sincere story. I expect some quiet lurkers will have some of your specific and accurate statements impinge and shake some of their false stable data. Keep FN’ing – you deserve and earned it. Ciao!

  39. Thank you very much, Eliana, for keeping your integrity in and speaking out. I can definitely see from your story that the situation has deteriorated quite a bit in the last few years. The Double Think took over completely, the will of the Big Brother is felt stronger and stronger. It is a wonder anybody is still on the inside with such overts against the Tech and LRH piling up.

  40. Eliana,
    Molto bene for making it out of the squirrel nest and into the Indies field.
    Your talents will not be wasted here and are badly needed to move us all up a little higher…….
    Greta. .

  41. The most ethical people on the Planet.

    The most ethical people in Haiti (maybe) {sigh} – but even thats pushing it.

    Congrats on your powerful statement. I believe you should be compensated for the pain the church put you through.
    Unfortunately, the church has a new legal team, very able and upstat, so its doubtful any progress in the legal arena will be accomplished. 🙂

  42. Welcome Eliana and congratulations.

    Only in Radical Corporate Scn could you be asked to write a success story from inhaling fumes. That MAA needs to do some obnosis drills!! I laughed out loud but it’s not funny. It’s horrible. Every time I think I’ve heard it all, there’s something new that blows my mind.

  43. Bella Eliana! Così felice hai trovato il Indépendants! Così felice non è più necessario per compromettere l’integrità o la realtà. Così felice che si saranno ora in grado di provare le vittorie che LRH previsto!

    E voi imparare l’inglese, Lo so!

  44. “For 2 years I was not allowed to audit on my OT VII”
    “the CO Sharon Webber threatened me and told me I would never be allowed back on OTVII”
    = Running a can’t have with the Scientology.
    For the record, you have my permission to continue up the bridge and to continue helping others up the bridge.

  45. Thank you, Rachel… Hallelujah…that did not go by unnoticed as coming from you. 🙂

  46. If they were truly able and upstat, I seriously doubt they would work for such a despicable crimial as DM. By virtue of association, they would be better off representing the mafai. At least they take care of their families!

  47. Congratulazioni Eliana!

    Benvenuti nel mondo degli indipendenti.

    Siamo Mantenere Scientology in funzione

  48. What a great post, Eliana. Congratulations! And thank you for bringing more truth to the surface.

  49. one of those who see

    Ciao Eliana! I am so happy you have chosen to apply Scientology in freedom!! It is so wonderful to know another highly trained OT has joined us.
    Viva L’Italia!

  50. Congratulations Eliana!

    Welcome to the world of Independents.

    We are Keeping Scientology Working

  51. Ho tradito e usato un traduttore on-line. Hai capito la mia comunicazione?

  52. LAUGHTER! Too Funny!

  53. Ciao Eliana,
    You are the accademia8008’s auditor that ……can make someone an offer .. he can’t refuse!!!!
    Go free! Now!
    Go Sicily … Go Eliana!

  54. The most ethical group in Inglewood, right behind the YMCA, the Boys Club, the Masonic Temple, Rotary Club, the AA meeting, the NA meeting, and the local chapter of the Bloods and Crips.

    So, thats like 7th place. Not bad. Not bad at all.

  55. Well done on getting away from the “Kill Your F/N Rundown”, as taught by DM, Inc.

    I am very happy for your bright future as an indy.

  56. They run New Era Dianetics on Clear and above. Utterly forbidden , stated unequivocably in countless issues.

    I can’t think of a more suppressive act, but then I’m sure Miscavige can come up with something new to reverse the tech. But this one…

    Eliana, you are right, that place is as squirrel as can be, suppressively squirrel. An implant station. It kills auditors. It sustains an attack on the pre-OTs with zombies.

  57. Wow!
    Welcome Eliana!
    Thank you for telling your story. Each time I read something like this I understand so much more how terribly South the ‘Church’ has gone with the tech.
    So glad you made it out 🙂

  58. Eliana, you look bright and happy. I’ll bet you are glad that ordeal is behind you. Time to start living a little. One day the church will mend its way it is hoped, but not before people realize the ways that need mending. Very well done! 🙂

  59. Well done, Eliana!

    Thanks for speaking out which will help to free Italy from corporate Scientology.


  60. ‘It’s worse than I thought.’
    +1 – and I didn’t think it could get much worse.

  61. top of the vale

    If DM ever gets into the same courtroom with Cousin Vinny opposing him, he’s screwwed!

  62. Too funny, Brian! “Most ethical people in Haiti” 🙂 🙂 🙂

  63. You are in good company alongside many who follow their CODE OF HONOR! “MANY ARE CALLED, FEW ARE CHOSEN..” Doesn’t that cover it very well?

  64. Eliana,

    The TRUTH shall set you free!

    Never have I seen such a plainspoken and sincere example as your story. Well done on getting out and going free!

  65. God that scene is funny. Best laugh of the day!

    ps. Regarding the cult’s legal team, remember they’re minus one now that Kobrin walked. When your lawyer bolts, you know you’ve got trouble.

  66. top of the vale

    BTW Eliana,
    Truly one of the most beneficial exposes of DM’s out tech especially with Sharon Webbbbber at the helm ordering the out tech. Doesn’t matter where her stats come from as long as they bear some remote semblance of reality(in her own mind) and WILL be reported as such. Ms Webber is renowned for her ability to intimidate public and staff with the massive expulsion of hot air that exudes from her lungs learned, I am sure, from DM’s New Exec Trs Course where TR 8 is used throughout those Exec Trs. She reminds me of a female Terl.
    Sharon does have a good side to her(occasionally) but often that side is not tolerated by Upper Management and seen as reasonable. Applying Standard LRH Tech is being reasonable.
    Anyway, Eliana, your courage is admirable and I am glad you survived to tell your story. You are better suited as an Independent Scientologist, free of the insanity that has been running amok since the early 80s.

  67. Michael Fairman

    Your English speaking PC’s were foolish not to learn Italian so they could be audited by you. Your theta. intelligence and competence just leaps out of your photograph. The courage in your statement adds another voice for freedom and independence. Congratulations and welcome

  68. Wow, Pat, you really know how to babblefish!

  69. Eliana,
    It is always great to see another person leave the church of dave. Thanks for the great writeup. One less thetan in the trap.

  70. Yes, this IS forbidden. How do they verbally explain or evaluate a reference to even make someone agree to that?! I had one friend, where they “undeclared” him Clear, ran some New Era Dianetics, and then declared Clear again…

  71. top of the vale

    More precisely, your PCs were foolish enough to allow the session to continue past ‘this is the session’, if you couldn’t audit in English. What idiots would allow that to happen? Especially ‘paying public’. Auditor audits in Italian, PC only speaks English, what’s wrong with this picture.
    Sharon Weber, have you gone completely NUTS???
    You are an embarrassment!!!!!

  72. What a story!! These guys only ack non wins-I mean to have you write a success story from inhaling poisonous toxins is pure madness. Thank you for surviving and continuing on with the real Scientology-Welcome to the Indie field.

  73. Eliana – good for you for speaking out and taking charge of your life. I suspect that today, most Scientologists are so introverted, that they just do noit realize to what degree DM is running and ruining their lives.

  74. Eliana – sorry “noit” should read not.

  75. Mother of Grendel

    Kobrin walked???

  76. Eliana,
    Freedom from David Miscavige’s insanity, in any language, is total freedom.



  77. “I do not want to have anything to do with people who are not 100% Standard and I do not care if they pretend or call themselves Independent. I will not be reasonable on this point.”

    Bravo, Eliana, Bravo. You have truly attained your freedom. Welcome.

  78. That has happened with many people, unfortunately, along with throwing OTs back on Objectives before making them re-do other OT levels. Of course charging them all full-price for it along the way. If it was truly a “mistake” after all these years, one would think there would be at least some responsibility or accountability from the church. But no. Instead it’s “you do what we say because we say it, and if you don’t, you’re disaffected, and if you complain to others about the out-tech then you’re an SP”. F’ing bullsh#t.

  79. LOL — Haven’t used the “Hallelujah” handle for some time but still love what it stands for.

  80. tears, joy and love ♥ !

  81. Eliana ☼
    Bellissima, accendi l’universo! (most beautiful, you light up the universe)

  82. Hell yeh! Here’s the info:

  83. “Entrapment occurs only when one has not given or received answers to the things entrapping him.”

    “It could be said that all the entrapment there is is the waiting one does for an answer.”

    “Entrapment is the opposite of Freedom. A person who is not free is trapped. He may be trapped by an idea, he may be trapped by matter, he may be trapped by energy, he may be trapped by space, he may be trapped by time, he may be trapped by all of them.”

    “The component parts of Freedom, as we first gaze upon them, are then: Affinity, Reality, and Communication, which summate into Understanding. Once Understanding is attained, Freedom is obtained.”

    from L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology, New Slant on Life)

  84. It always bugged me to pay full price for auditing and then get an intern for an auditor. It was a problem for me to have an auditor with a heavy accent from another language because I ended up having to run the session on myself once I figured out what she was saying. But to have an auditor who doesn’t even speak my language? Every pc you audited should demand their money back, not because you didn’t try, but because the out-tech started in the lineup assignment and went on from there.

  85. I’ll second that.

  86. Cindy Pinsonnault

    Eliana! Wonderful declaration of your independence!

    Thank you for telling the world about your experience and for not “behaving.”

  87. I do not want to have anything to do with people who are not 100% Standard and I do not care if they pretend or call themselves Independent. I will not be reasonable on this point.

    Great stable Datum not getting reasonable about Standard Tech. It’s a survival Point and supersedes in importance any Group/Entity itself.

    May you find what you came here for.

    And your technical Skills and Contributions will be greatly appreciated.

    Cheers, and all the best and success.

  88. +100. “you do what we say because we say it, and if you don’t, you’re disaffected, and if you complain to others about the out-tech then you’re an SP” Enforced control of a false reality – mankind’s loss!

    The road out is paved with only truth. The road out is the Independent route. Eliana is on the correct road!

  89. Excellent announcement and interesting story…………welcome
    as a bit of a detour I just saw this comment on the village voice refering to David Miscavige and thought it was fitting for the story you told “It’s like watching Howdy Doody in a tux come to life in a horror movie” (this was refering to DM in his IAS speech)

  90. So nicely stated, Lynne.
    Your comment made me realise how important genuine tolerance is to me and how lacking it is in the CoS. This holier-than-thou, aloof, ‘we have all the answers’ attitude is indicative of the spiritual paucity that so many churches exhibit when they stray from their authentic spiritual roots.

    The Church of Scientology is no longer representative of the religion of Scientology.

  91. Eliana, welcome, it is a great pleasure to have you out of that mess! I think your confront and integrity are awesome, Thank You.

    If you want to work on your speaking/hearing English, maybe try the Pimsleur audio programs. I believe they have an English for Italians series.
    Pimsleur is the best I have found for learning other languages.

  92. Bravo for leaving and speaking out hopefully others will take your lead. Congrats and good luck!

  93. Theo Sismanides

    Eliana, greetings from Greece and congratulations on your Declaration.
    L’ Italia e la Grecia abbiamo un grande storia in philosophia e possiamo fare tante cose.

    I want to connect up more with the Italian Independents and be united here in the Mediterranean. OTs do best with OTs and we are now more close than ever. My email is thetamag@yahoo.gr if you see this please drop me a line.

  94. Thanks for speaking up, Eliana, and for having the courage to do so. I could hardly believe how very far out tech has gone in the current Church, even further than I thought.

  95. UAOOOO!!!!
    I would like to create in Agrigento a theta place to study and to audit, like yours. I saw the picture, it’ beautiful.

  96. Si Karen, totally understood.
    Sometimes I use the translation from english to Italian too. It translate funny, but enough clear.
    I did not Know that in USA indies were so maaaany!!!!! UAOOOO.!!

  97. The B-ORG Lies

    This may be off topic but it is very on-topic about spotlighting the utter dishonest, bogus, lying hypocrisy of Scientology, Inc. In this press release from “spokesperson” (ventriloquist puppet) Karen Pouw,
    the “church” of Scientology purports it sanctimoniously subscribes to the following:
    “Human rights are the rights that belong to everyone without exception—to people of any color, creed, age, ethnicity or gender”

    Can you believe it? Too bad their stalking, criminal, and bullying conduct — such as what got Gur Finkelstein in jail for attempted murder and arson in Jaffa Israel — doth speak WAY LOUDER than their words. AS hundreds and thousands can attest.


  98. Bela,
    Any study of the ORIGINAL LRH materials on NOTs would disabuse this idea of running NED on a Clear or above. This is un-freaking-believable.

    A person who knows these materials, and has experienced the phenomena associated with the use of R3R/R3RA on a Clear or above, and had to handle it and seen the resurgence when it is handled fully, could not be convinced to do it.

    In order to do it…integrity, ethics, reason, are completely compromised and that auditor has gone “the route”. He is dead. Zombies are attacking pre-OTs, as beings have to be gone from that area in order to do this. It is un-freaking-believable.

  99. Yeeeessss, I’mm more dangerrous than Mafia if I spott somebbody squirrelllling or if somebbody reffuses mmy offer to ggo free!!

    I think I speak english on making a lot of dubble letters!!!

    Ciaoooo Accademia8008, I love you!!!

  100. Brava Eliana, complimenti per la tua libertà e per l’aiuto che offri al campo indipendente. Ce ne vorrebbero altri mille come te.
    Sono veramente felice che un altro auditor cosi addestrato sia finalmente libero dalla soppressione della CofS.
    La speranza è che finalmente si ponga fine all’intolleranza creata dalla Chiesa, con ARC e sanità si può arrivare lontano e ti auguro buone feste per te e la tua famiglia.
    Un saluto da un “Amico” 😀

  101. Not exactly, not by historical accounts. Bligh wasn’t as bad as the movies made him out to be. Bligh had a rep for verbally chewing out his officers, but he would verbally berate officers/crew rather than have his bosun apply the whip. The mutiny was largely the result of getting used to life on the islands waiting for the breadfruit to come into season, with the men getting involved with the native women, including Fletcher Christian.

    Unlike DM, Bligh had genuine leadership capabilities. That those loyal to him survived was due to his courage and leadership in a 40 day voyage in the Bounty’s launch, with Bligh’s discipline in rationing the remaining food keeping them alive, all the way to East Timor, where they were hosted by the Dutch. The account of the open boat voyage to East Timor is in the second of the Bounty trilogy, “Men Against the Sea” … which, of the three books of the trilogy, is the most inspiring. It was my favorite read during a time of homelessness way back when.


  102. Yes df,
    I went out of SO on September 2007 and I realized all in November 2011.
    Before November I thought for 4 years that I was wrong and everybody else was right, I was thinking that only destruction was around me, in my universe and paradise for anybody else……
    I thanks 2 terminals if I opened my eyes:
    Elena Maffeis (Int justice office)
    Marcel Huber (casshier at FSO)
    the first changed my freeloader from 90000 dollars to 4000 euros but as exchange I have had to buy 2000 dollars in materials immediately.
    And after some months as exchange again I had to renounce to 20000dollars stolen by my FSO account.
    The second, Marcel, after more months, gave me the real factor that
    the cycle with Elena Maffeis and Int had never existed and my freeloader went down to 4000 dollars and he told me that after 4 years the truth was that my freeloader never had been calculated!!!!!
    So I lost 2000 in materials (that I hope went to Libia) and I lost 20000dollars from my account!!!!!!
    Elena Maffeis, also Anna Nikula, Marcel Huber have been not honest with me for 4 years while I was trying to go back on OT VII.

  103. yes, if an auditor is standard the pc goes from A to B process after process for all the Bridge. On the contrary all become difficult, hard, a casino. So
    it is easier to be standard than to do squirrel.

  104. “I do not want to have anything to do with people who are not 100% Standard and I do not care if they pretend or call themselves Independent. I will not be reasonable on this point.”

    Except that “100%” standard” is an absolute and, as we all know, they’re unobtainable. This sort of thing, in my opinion, is a leftover from Miscavology, and there to stop people from auditing!
    Because we all know, we’ll never be 100 % standard.

  105. Congratulations, Eliana! Your story will be read by others and will inspire them. You just made the exit door a little wider!

  106. Former Flag Customer

    Congratulations Eliana!
    What a story! Corporate Scientology is a tangled mess.

  107. The liars always want to imply that they’re working together with the U.N.O but do withhold the fact they’re not accepted there. In Switzerland, 2 years ago, they weren’t accepted in the buildings of UNO and they had to do their event in an Hotel.
    Why don’t they tell the truth ?

  108. top of the vale

    Karen B | December 12, 2011 at 9:50 pm | Reply

    Eliana Bella! So glad you found the Independants! So glad you no longer need to compromise the integrity or reality. So glad you will now be able to prove that LRH expected wins!

    And you learn English, I know!

  109. Exquisite LRH references. Thanks V!

  110. Of course if an auditor needs to restudy something because he/she did a mistakes …….and also Ron said, drill drill drill because everybody can do mistakes but “100% standard” I mean it is a viewpoint, it is a postulate, it means to me that I desire to be a good auditor and less than 100% makes me study and drill and doesn’T make me think “I don’t care because nobody is watching with a hidden camera my session”.
    I will do mistakes in session but I will correct them. This means 100%.

  111. I know, and 100% agree Jim. It’s not only covered in NOTs material but in C/S #73RB and C/S#105RB…which are references for anyone, of any case level to read and know. I find it …incredible actually, that one would violate that. But as you said, zombies. I was trained that every question or instruction was answered with the LRH reference only, and that asking “Where does LRH say that?”, was the first and continued response until one was shown the issue. (Thank you Exhilda!) There was no interpretation or saying “this is what he really means”.

  112. Eliana, Thank you for a beautifully written announcement. You will inspire others to work through their doubt and seek their own freedom.

    Welcome to your new life and your new EXPANDING group of friends.

  113. I was on the Freewinds for 16 years and was married to Sharron Weber before she married Ken Weber. (See Freewinds, off course and off purpose) Sharron had a foul mouth. She herself used to call it diarreah of the mouth. The Captain Freewinds said once at staff meeting that one had to be brave to even walk down the sise of the ship past her office.
    When she demanded that I sign the divorce papers, I said I would do so when we got a 2D co-audit. I reported for the session and she was not there. Tom Supac, the auditor told me that she had to have a review first. She then refused to do the co-audit. She was so vicious about it that I finally signed the papers. Within 2 weeks she had married Ken Weber. I don’t know if they are still married. I was her 3rd husband .

  114. Thanks, I just dawnloaded the first lesson to try and it is really a good and easy program, it will help.

  115. (Add to last post) You got a mask when you cleaned the tanks. Wow, someone must be getting their ethics in. In the 16 years when I the Mechanics Chief there, I never had a mask when I cleaned the fuel or sewage tanks nor did I ever see anyone else with one. But then, I did not expect to make it off the ship alive anyway, and I only barely did, after working the last 13 years after being infected with HIV on the ship.

  116. There is no such a thing as 100% standard, this idea leads to the dramatization of perfection whichs bring about the robotism which is applied in the church of DM. 100% standard while possible technically is a very out PR button, restimulate totalitarian science, kind of soviet ideal!

  117. Awesome…

  118. Ciao Eliana!! I understand you perfectly! Thank you for speaking out, for your integrity…. I warmly welcome you to the Independent field. Wish you well with your studies!

  119. One point about “standard” tech that underlies it all (beyond the obvious one of getting standard results) is the fact that the auditor cares for and is in comm with the pc while applying the process that gets the results. There is nothing more magical to me than that.

  120. Welcome Eliana! You now have the freedom to audit others as an independent Scientologist, so have at it. And as you know, “Standard Tech”, the real thing, is defined in many HCOBs and the Class VIII tapes by LRH in much detail. Now you have the freedom to use it. A great gift and a great time of year to receive same!

  121. OK Peter. I thank you for that info. Although I can not tell any one about Bligh or Fletcher as I know nothing real about them.

    I can tell you I attempted to board Columbus’s ship to pirate steal is gold. Did board it in fact. Except the old man put me under one of his spells on the deck and I wound up after the spell sailing along side the old man with my ship. Santa Maria or Pinta what ever ship it was.

  122. Your humble servant


    I understand your upset. This is not arcane knowledge. It is Broad Public Issue knowledge. I knew it, and I am not highly tech trained. I echo your sentiments exactly. Un-freaking-believable. The condition of any organization that would condone this suppressive nonsense is treason.

  123. Except that “100%” standard” is an absolute and, as we all know, they’re unobtainable. This sort of thing, in my opinion, is a leftover from Miscavology, and there to stop people from auditing!

    STANDARD, 1. a definite level or degree of quality that is proper and adequate for a specific purpose. (Class VIII, No. 4) 2. “Standard” in standard tech auditing is a precise activity, done with good TRs, exact grade processes and exact actions. (HCOB 10 Sept 68)

    It’s quite obtainable.

    Has nothing to do with “Miscavige”. If you said “nonstandard”, yes would be quite applicable to him.

  124. I don’t see this mentioned anywhere but I find it very interesting that cramming ruds done on a fellow intern is considered adequate for an RTC video pass for Cl IX. Sounds like a shortcut unusual solution to not being able to get vidoe passes on auditors.

  125. Here comes yet ANOTHER lying liar and apostate.

    Ciao, bella Eliana!! 🙂

    Love H

  126. Not all indepedents are created equal. I totally agree. And I will not be reasonable. David

  127. Eliana,
    You understand very well. Your understanding lights the way like a full moon. You will show the way to many. David

  128. We should all strive for the absolute. 100% standard is attainable. I’ve had many 100% standard sessions. And I would expect no less. Reasonableness means you will accept non standard tech. Don’t be reasonable, don’t accept corporate scientology. David

  129. >>Good luck with your new found freedom!

    I propose a lot of word-clearing sessions with native English speakers, and some Scientology-English dictionary weekends of fun and much pleasure!

    If you are ever in my neighborhood, I’d happily word clear your English with you for hours. Its worth it. In exchange for, say, some correction lists .. ?

  130. Eliana;-

    This scenario – the failure to deliver Word Clears and other super-literates, particularly across language boundaries – proves the Alteration of the Tech.

    After all, your average Word Clear spends a *lot* of time with their dictionaries and typically digs themselves out of all language barriers.

    Assume we can apply Scientology freely to this situation. I’ll be the Qual Sec.

    Weekly Order: Auditor is to complete Word Clearing in Qual, with every native English speaker in the Org wearing the Word Clearers hat, on any spoken and written subject. The Order is: Spoken AND written, as the session word-lists are required for compliance. Weekly Target: 100 English words per Word Clearer, all definitions and with full usage, zero incomplete word chains on the Auditor, until WDAH’s=Normal on Auditing English-native speaking PC’s).

    Daily Order: put the Auditor back in the chair, find them PC’s they can audit, and get WDAH’s again.

    Whats so hard about that? Instead, you were made to do dishes?

  131. Yes good luck Eliana and it is great to see you talking about your experiences.
    This well not more one can say on this quote
    “The MAA saw I was so happy when I got out of the fuel tank that he wanted me to write a Success Story!!!!!!”

    Some things a non-scientologist needs help with are:

    1. “For 2 years I was not allowed to audit on my OT VII because I had given back my confidential material” – when you say “confidential material” could you elaborate? does this refer to material about yourself or materials used in auditing?

    2. “behave”. “R-Factor” This is very interesting and if someone could explain what the R-factor represents that would be great. ty.

    3. “RTC Video Pass” again if someone here could elaborate, ty.


  132. Hugs are always free:)


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