The Scientology Reformation: What Every Scientologist Should Know

I am in the process of having a book published by the above title.  It ought to be available at Amazon books sometime later in the week.

Here is the short description that will apear with it at Amazon:

Why Scientology must be reformed.  It answers the most frequently asked questions about Scientology today, including:

  1. What is behind the madness and violence widely reported on Scientology Inc. supreme leader David Miscavige?
  2.  Why does Tom Cruise continue to support Miscavige despite international media reports of his increasingly sociopathic conduct?
  3.  What does Tom Cruise know and when did he know it?
  4. Does Cruise follow his mentor Miscavige’s penchant for bullying and violence?
  5. The whole story of Miscavige’s pimping and pandering for Cruise.
  6. Where does all the money go?
  7. Can Scientology survive all the exposure?
  8. What is the future of Scientology?

While The Scientology Reformation was primarily written for Scientologists, it is written in such manner that non-Scientologists can read it and might find it informative and useful.

Because the book delivers on the assertion made in the subtitle (What Every Scientologist Should Know), it will be published in small, paperback format for easy, concealed conveyance into and out of corporate Scientology influenced organizations, businesses and homes.  When you read it I think you might agree it warrants wide distribution among fence-sitters, sideliners, under the radar folk and all of their friends, associates and family members.

Once you have read it, some may find it useful, and think of some opportunities, for larger distributions among Scientologists.  If you fall into that category, you can contact me for bulk quantities at reduced prices around cost that can be drop shipped to you.  Once you’ve read it, and if you are interested tell me the numbers you have in mind – 25 minimum for bulk rate – and location for shipment and I’ll be able to quote you a price.

I’ll share with you  here the Dedication page:

To L. Ron Hubbard,

Long may you run…


146 responses to “The Scientology Reformation: What Every Scientologist Should Know

  1. Pingback: The Scientology Reformation: What Every Scientologist Should Know | Martyrathbun09's Blog

  2. Globetrotter

    Cool Marty, looking forward to reading it. I think you should have some positioning for yourself on the cover – e.g. “Written by… (positioning, e.g. post you held in RTC, the fact that you used to work directly with DM, etc.)” – as newer generation church Scientologists and non-Scientologists may not know you by name. By knowing what post you used to hold in the church, they may be more interested in reading the book as they will understand it comes from a credible source who had been there and seen everything first hand.

  3. one of those who see

    Song made me cry, Marty. Beautiful. Love the title of your new book. Will definitely get a copy. You are definitely one of the good ones.

    And you too, Marty. Long may you run. I’m back on the bridge after a long spell. In no small part due to your work.

    Re Ron: I’m sure he knows you’ve got his back.

  4. Awesome news. Looking forward to the getting my hands on the book. Thank You!

  5. Great job!

  6. Great cover and introduction, Marty. Rare photo, too – never seen this one before. Look forward to the book.

  7. Looks like a great book Marty. What is the picture you are using for the cover? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. Can anyone name any or all the people in the photo?

  8. I can’t wait to read it. Will it be available on Kindle?
    Bless your heart, Marty.


  9. Wow Marty.

  10. Looking forward to the next installment of Who Knew What When and why the hell didn’t they do something about it.

    I’m getting a much better idea of the “why” behind the suppressive reasonableness. The book, The Sociopath Next Door is a real eye opener for that.

    Looking forward to getting multiple copies for friends, neighbors and enemies. Hope you realize how much we appreciate your guts and your competence.


  11. martyrathbun09

    Yes, but may be a few day comm lag after initial release.

  12. Looks like this is right on the money, Marty!

    Really looking forward to reading it and finding a way to get it into the hands and in front of the eyes of those who most need it.

  13. Wow, I look forward to this read with great enthusiasm!!!! Ditto on putting one’s precious neck on the line. Awesome!

  14. Now that’s an effective blow! You are definitely an inspiration. I hope that this booklet can indeed make an impact on others like myself who have sat on the fence for so long with no idea what to do about it. Can’t wait to read it and help disseminate it!

  15. Les, you said what I couldn’t find the words for:
    ” Hope you realize how much we appreciate your guts and your competence.”

  16. Very cool Marty.

    I look forward to reading it as soon as it becomes available. I’m pretty backlogged on books these days but I’ll drop others to read this one.

  17. threefeetback

    Great. Go for the DeMon’s jugular.

  18. My ex husband and I read your first book, looking forward to this one!

  19. The book cover is AWESOME! Can’t wait to read it!

  20. This is wonderful news. Great photo – and front cover and book title.

  21. I hope you’re right about putting so much pressure on Tom Cruise. I still think he might not know about Miscavige even yet. If I was him I probably wouldn’t listen to “some f-ing SP” trying to tell me my best friend and church are full of s–t. When I was in I was IN. All I know is I met TC a few times and he seemed to have a very clean space. I don’t believe he knew about the “pimping and pandering”, but just thought his good buddy’s wife was fixing him up on some dates.

    I’m not making you wrong — I think you’re great. I just hope you’re holding Tom “innocent until proven guilty”, because he deserves that; everyone does. (Maybe you know some stuff we don’t know yet — I guess we’re about to find out in the new book.) It would be great if he would wake up already and hasten the reformation, but ultimately he is like the rest of us, all human beings who once had the blinders on. Some of us took ’em off quick, some needed a lot more time. I hope you are leaving room for Tom to see that it’s not his former auditor attacking him; it’s his former auditor trying to push him a bit (or a lot).

    I sincerely hope and postulate that Tom will just pick up the phone and call you. (I assume Bert has your number.) OK, some of us could start putting the message out there: “Tom, call Marty.” He’s your auditor, man. Remember all those F/Ns? Remember the immense relief, the clean, peaceful feeling, the flat-out love that you experienced? The guy who was your partner in those sessions could not possibly be an SP. Tom, call Marty.

    Love the book cover picture, and the dedication.

  22. martyrathbun09

    As Gandhi said, ‘even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth’. I don’t care if his name is Tom Cruise, L. Ron Hubbard, or God…truth will prevail.

  23. That is what I have been trying to explain to the SO bots. Unfortunately, they think the truth is what dm is telling them, or by extension, their senior.

  24. And, truth will set us free…
    I can handle the truth and so I sure look forward to reading this book..
    Fab front cover!

  25. Sabine Waterkamp

    I am looking forward to reading your new book! Very exciting!
    It will be shared.

  26. A punk with a war chest of money versus a man with a war chest of truth.
    Its been a 3 year battle so far and its been a non stop bitch slapping of the punk. I can only see it getting worse for the punk….

  27. The cover makes for a great impact, Marty – again!
    Not only the picture and arrangement/design, the tilte and subtitle too.
    I am as curious as by the first book!

  28. Hapexamendios

    Looking forward to the book Marty! I’m amazed that you find time to write with all the crap thrown your way.

    Great quote by Ghandi

  30. I think the cover of this book and the message/brand it communicates is perfect. Home run. Out of the park.

    I have to admit as much as I respect you and admire you (and liked the book) I really didn’t like the last cover. It was hard for me to look at for more than 5 seconds and I was turned off to the point that I almost didn’t get it. (I’m sure you had your reasons and I respect that)

    I am really looking forward to this one. Looks great. Congrats. What a powerhouse you are dude! Total inspiration and polymath to boot.

  31. Hello Marty, I hope to read your new book soon. The topics listed are interesting. In addition to the topics you listed, I have other questions about Scientology, Inc. Why does the church collect so much information from its students and pcs (about every aspect of their lives)? If a student or pc loses favor with the church, does anyone call the student’s or pc’s employer and try to get the person fired from his/her job? (I think it happens, but I would like my impression confirmed, if it’s true)

  32. One Point Won

    See Marty run!
    Run, Marty, run!
    Long may you run!

  33. Li'll bit of stuff

    Marty, Great to hear of book number two about to make it’s
    appearance! Having only just finished reading WIWWS, which
    only arrived a few days back, I think I have a handle on just
    how you manage the workload! Definitely boils down to having
    a solid, unflinching, caring, compassionate lady in your corner
    of the ring, Nothing quite like having strength & resolute
    courage in one’s life partner! And I’m sure she feels exactly
    the same way too!

    We are sure privileged to have you both together in one VERY
    formidable team and to share in the road ahead, rapidly laying
    out as your postulates take root!

    Thank you both for spearheading the REFORMATION!

    We look forward to a fresh, new unit of time, with our former
    mentor, LRH, once again sharing the genius of his work, free
    of interference from expired influences, to once again have
    a positive influence in the direction of the population at large.


  34. Beautiful tribute Marty… I love that song, never heard it before.
    Can’t wait for your next book.

  35. Scientologist

    The book cover – colors, font, photo, etc. – gets an A+ on professional appeal. Very classy.

  36. fcdcclassof74

    I’ll be looking for the book, but I have a question. Is this the book you alluded to in which church history is explained? Next to Ron you are becoming one of my favorite authors. Love your writing style. ARC Bill Dupree

  37. one of those who see


  38. Not to try to reposition David Miscavige with child abuser Jerry Sandusky or anything like that but I just read a story that screamed to me: Wow, DM is almost exactly like Jerry Sandusky, except that Sandusky’s perversions are on the second dynamic and DM’s are on the third (so far as we know). The level of delusion and arrogance match perfectly in both, however. For those reading here who do not know DM personally as many others of us do, this article will give you an insight into his mind, via a sexual predator’s mind:–jerry-sandusky-releases-audio-statement-on-eve-of-sentencing-hearing.html. Definitely worth reading because it is so educational in another arena.

  39. Joe Pendleton

    Marty, I thought your last book was extremely worthwhile, fascinating and well written, so I am looking forward to reading this one too. Unfortunately, I will have to buy it on kindle, so won’t be able to get a hard copy to pass on, but hopefully many people WILL pass it on.

  40. I just wish to say Well said indeed and its appreciated the education of knowledge about the back ground and to make it known to those new to knowing what scientology is about and its history .Hadley

  41. Way to go Marty…

  42. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

    I admire your unflappable dedication to getting the Truth out and I can´t wait to read your new book. Congratulations on finishing it!

    Among other things I am looking forward to getting the Truth surrounding Hubbard´s death and the way David Miscavige with his gang of bullies managed to demote and get rid of hundreds, if not thousands, of highly trained executives, all educated by Hubbard himself, making their lives a living hell, in order for DM to position himself as the COB – with access to all the MONEY and POWER: I hope this is covered.

    I am also looking forward to getting the Truth about WHERE all the money is going and HOW it is actually spent – as compared to what we have been told.

    In short: I´m looking forward! Can´t wait!

  43. Marty, On your first book, I ordered both and actually got the Kindle in my hot little hands first to read, as buying it is practically an instant cycle.

  44. Tony, it’s a classic if you were into Buffalo Springfield & Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.

    The lyrics are really appropriate as a tribute!

  45. martyrathbun09

    No, I’ll describe it more thoroughly in a follow up post.

  46. Li'll bit of stuff

    Brian–my take on the ist cover? creating a laughing stock
    worthy of miscavology’s self congratulatory “brilliance!”

  47. Marty, you are like a steamroller 🙂 step after step in a long range constructive plan (and all this with ARC), am proud of being your friend, and of course waiting impatiently for buying your new book on Amazon

  48. roger weller

    you know neil wrote long may you run about an old car he had, i love the song.

  49. You can “lend” your kindle editions for 2 weeks at a time. And others don’t have to have a kindle to be able to lend …


  50. Theo Sismanides

    Marty, great on your new book… the title sounds fascinating… thanks for the great song and the great dedication… sounds more and more like good old Scientology here.

  51. We….the guys of the Indipendology Blog are looking forward to reading your new book! VeryVeryVery cool Marty !!!!!

  52. It’s simply impossible for Cruise not to have heard at least SOME of the rumblings about dm. Impossible.

    “Harm returns to the person who does harm. It is like throwing dust into the wind.” The Dhammapada (buddhism)

    This to me applies to those who stand WITH he (dm) who throws the dust — they too will find themselves engulfed by dust and therefore blind.

    All Tom and others need do is step BEYOND the dust … the sun still shines there. TC can redeem himself – everyone can change his future.


  53. REMINDER: On the day that Marty announces that his new book is available – if all of us who read this blog place an order on AMAZON – it will help propel his book to the top of the leader board (take that Kirstie Ally) 🙂

    I plan to buy several paperbacks and at least one kindle …

    Thank you Marty for your relentless pursuit of the truth.

    Here is the only thing dm can expect:

    “From a sound, an echo returns. A body creates a shadow. So, too, will misery come to him who does evil works.” Three Sermons Buddhism


  54. We live and learn… I agree, the 1st book cover was not inspirational about the future of Scientology. What I mentally said when I saw it was: “OMG, I can’t believe I am/was part of that lunacy! What went wrong with Scientology?” So, the cover was apropos in that it made you want to say: “What went wrong with Scientology? I sure didn’t join that group!!!”

    This next cover sure is inspirational! Max X 10… a small group around LRH. Yes, I DID join that group. And, I am still here.

  55. Snatched the book from Haydn and didn’t put it down until I was done reading.

    The Mice inside the ceiling are laughing.

  56. When I step back and look at the breadth of what you have been able to accomplish: the relationships you have developed, the legal resources you have coordinated and assisted, the media relationships and products you have achieved, the funding relationships you have developed, there really has never been anyone like you as a Scientology whistleblower, Marty.

    You probably knew them all, and knew what troubles they had, and where their weak spots were.

    David Miscavige really fucked up the day he decided that he would apply Scientology Fair Game to you and would try to shudder you into silence.

    He reeaaallly fucked up bad.

    If there is one piece of tech which violates basic Scientology, and which always produces the exact opposite of what was intended, it is Scientology Fair Game Technology. It has never worked. It has always produced the most energetic and committed critics, whistleblowers, and independents.

    The type of people who are attracted to Scientology are not the type of people who are easily shuddered into silence when they start to notice outpoints and start speaking up about them.

    When they are then Fair Gamed?


    Katy Bar The Fucking Door.

    Keep going Marty. You are providing a brilliant, technicolor demo of how it’s done.


  57. TheWidowDenk

    Very excited to buy and read the new book! Rachel

  58. Hi Steve. Interesting about your friend and his wife who are disenchanted and want to know what to do about it.
    One thing about LRH, as much as he had status and mest, I dont think it ever owned him. It was just a means to forwarding his purpose. Your friends should get back on purpose and ask themselves what would LRH do if he found himself in an organization that had become everything it once stood against. He would not remain in place as one of its “products”, or ideal scenes, concerned with the value of his medals and status. He would toss his trophies and he would be on the move. I dont think he ever got comfortable. That may be an issue for a lot of those still wavering or afraid to look.They are comfortable and enjoying their status. But what they are afarid of loosing has no permanent value. We all know that. They may have reached a point where throwing that Freedom medal away may be the only way they can truly keep it. Once one knows, he knows.
    And “worrying” about loosing friends. Worry is a lack of faith. If their conscience dictates action, they have nothing to worry about if they follow its dictates.
    They are lucky to be conneted to you. I am sure you can help guide them.

  59. Hi Marty;

    Do you know who is in the photo?

    Congratulations on the new publication; looking forward to reading it.

  60. Is that Phoenix?

  61. constant vigilance

    Congratulations on putting out another wonderful book Marty! And doing this while fighting off the entheta that daily was sent your way. You definitely didn’t stop to handle the barking cur dogs chasing the truck on the way to the fire!

  62. constant vigilance

    Also I agree with an earlier poster that you should include on the book cover somewhere, more about who you are, your credentials in the church and the fact that you were at the top, second in command and for at time, you were DM’s right hand man. That is needed for the young people who don’t know who you are and the blind Kool Aid drinkers who may not have been around long enough to know your name, especially when DM tries so hard to make it so that people cannot find the truth on their own.

  63. Hi all, on the, the is a video that teaches other about sociopaths. This really needs to be shown to all new and older members so they can see and hear for themselves. They will learn all about their leader DM……just a suggestion, as the blog went up today…….peggy

  64. TroubleShooter, Gayle

    I’m looking forward to it. Since ’09 it’s been the unraveling of a third dynamic engram that has touched the lives of every single Scientologist in and out of the church as well as non-Scientology family members and friends. The beginning of the process for me began with your videos in the St Pete Times story THE TRUTH RUNDOWN

    I was having a good discussion recently about the broad awareness among on-lines Scientologists that something is very wrong in the church. In defense of the good people both staff (SO and orgs) or public she pointed out that they haven’t yet had the horrible personal experiences most have had who have taken a stand against the church of scientology [lower case to emphasis reference to squirrel cob david miscaviges squirrel group where verbal data and hidden data lines and false pr and blatent degradation of LRH policy are the new policy. Where shut up or lose your job or lose your family or lose your friends or lose it all looms over their heads]. Even just LOOKING (which includes listening to a CNN show where the church spokesperson for the church tells blatent lies any fairly new Scientologist would recognize or reading ANYTHING in print about Scientology that wasn’t published by the church) is something that next to none of us did until some personal straw broke the camels back. She believes that those who haven’t looked mostly believe that things will sort out sooner or later and in the meantime they are going to continue to do the Bridge as best they can because the tech isn’t so wildly out that students don’t progress and pcs don’t go up the Bridge.

    There is no simple answer I’ve found that frees those I love and care for from the claws of the church’s op basis it’s developed over time as the temp was slowly increased in the pot. So many of those good people have tacitly consented to the degradation of LRH ethics/tech/admin. Perhaps they just don’t care enough about the church at all anymore to give a damn.

    Why is it that I refused to participate any longer in the squirreling of LRH’s ethics/tech/admin technology inside the church of scientology? is it because of the toll it took on me to have been subjected to such an incredible amount of that squirrel tech? Not true for me because it’s too after the fact. is it because my own overts and withholds? considering all the wins I have had on O/Ws, sec checking, FPRD and conditions I know I’m not a low responsibility case – and NO that is not true for me. Where my interest goes in pondering what is a philosophical qn for me and not one I need to find ONE item for is that I’m the kind of person who doesn’t follow the leader if I no longer trust him, I trust myself. I care enough about the future of Scientology not to justify away the abundance of major outpoints in a group I joined because it had both tech AND policy. It was factually the existence of the policy volumes aka the green vols that got me to decide to ask if I could work at the church in Philadelphia in ’85. I knew then that unknown or missing policy in the workplace is what lead to criminal treatment within an organization or business. David miscavige is without a doubt in my experience THE source of the suppression within the church of scientology. He alone wields the power to destroy it and set his own.

    I continue to believe that truth prevails. I’m not afraid of that. I look forward to your book to find out more of it.

  65. Great news on the book!

    Off topic (if you don’t mind): During the summer, when I would look up “Scientology” in google news, there were tons of those paid press releases. But for at least month now, the “church” has not placed any of those, and the news you see is the real deal. I wonder what that’s all about.

  66. That’s a powerful post Steve, and your OT VIII friend is lucky to have you as a friend. What I learnt early on after resigning was that the truth does stick, it really does pierce armour plates, even if that isn’t always instantly apparent. Mike Laws saying it is humanitarian work is also just about how I feel. In all honesty 3 years ago I thought by now we would have pretty much a “done” on the ending of DM’s reign of terror – it is taking longer than any of us would like no doubt. But with Marty’s books, people like you around, and well-meaning Indie groups flourishing all over the place delivering real valuable services, there is plenty to celebrate since the history-making Truth Rundown of summer 2009, which is for me where it all began.

    Marty – Les said above what I, and many others I suspect feel. Guts and competence seems to define just about everything you do. I will continue to back you up any way I can.

  67. Excellent advice. I will also be purchasing several. Although I found with the last one that it was counter-productive to buy it from before had it available. I just ended up waiting 4 weeks and paying a small fortune in shipping fees.

  68. I am very much looking forward to this all as well. Getting all the truth is so refreshing.
    I think it will be interesting to see how Tom handles all this too. If he were to consider a legal issue with Marty over anything he or Bert Fields claim as a “false accusation” in the book, it may involve David Miscavige being called as a witness. I would assume that TC’s best buddy is going to have him not react in any way because of that. Looks like another PR flap for Tom and Dave.
    As has been said here many times, sunshine disinfects…and I am happy to see that.
    Thank you Marty. I look forward to the book.

  69. Claudio Lugli

    Gande Marty,
    I really want to read it.
    Your views are always uplifting! And is really AMAZING how you are able to do all that you do.
    Thank you!

  70. Well done Steve. You are making great inroads and I’m glad to see it! I happen to be on the list of folks that you sent your letter out to and I responded to you but have not heard back. The address on the BPI mailing was Steve Poore []
    Is this a correct address?

  71. Fantastic,can not wait to read it,and to spread your book around,including people i dont know.Thank you MARTY.

  72. “I hope you’re right about putting so much pressure on Tom Cruise. I still think he might not know about Miscavige even yet.”

    This does not even remotely ring true for me. It may be nice to give TC the benefit of the doubt but nice seems to be in the theety wheety category given the current state of affairs. I say TC needs to step up and ‘ruthlessly put ethics in on himself’. Failing that, he will be forced to do so by those willing to put in ethics on the planet.
    That list is composed of the likes of Marty, Mike, Steve (thoughtful), Karen, Mark, Steve and the hundreds that I have not mentioned but have stood up in the face of suppression, said so and done something about it. Thank you to all of you who are doing so.

  73. Dear Marty,

    I look forward to reading your next book. Your dedication to bringing truth and order to this battlefield is very much appreciated. As you know this battlefield is ancient.

    Confusius said and wrote on the bo leaves:

    If a man have not order within him
    He can not spread order about him;
    And if a man have not order within him
    His family will not act with due order;
    And if the prince have not order within him
    He can not put order in his dominions.

    Thank you for your continuous strength in this on going battle against lies, betrayal, and deception.

  74. Marty!

    I agree with GT’s comment that you should position yourself in such a way that those new to Scientology, as well as those deeply enslaved long term, know why they should pay attention what you are saying. Your credibility rests on that you tell the truth, but that only plays if people know that you have truth to tell. Those who are new and those in deep denial may not know that you have truth to tell. But, if you were to position yourself with your credentials, past and present, I don’t see how such credential could be ignored.

    Just my opinion.

  75. My question is will the release of this book be enough to jolt any troll/cockroaches out of the woodwork? It seems like it takes more and more voltage and now they aren’t responding at all. Sad to see them fading away into apathy. Sleep repulsive ugliness, sleep.

  76. this and your first book; when will they be available in other languages ?…….

  77. Actually, I thought the cover to the first book could not have been more perfect. It provided the mass that goes with the significance of the words in the title. After all, the subject of that first book is what is wrong with Scn, and if anything represented that it was those stooges with the head cams. And, Robert, I think you were long gone before the lunacy factor hit head cam levels. It has been a 20 plus year gradual descent, day by day, inch by inch, degree by degree, unnoticeable for most, but some people woke up along the way and took themselves out of the boiling pot in time.

  78. There is a great line (the only thing great about this movie) in Wall Street 2, where one character says to the other: If you stop telling lies about me, Ill stop telling the truth about you.

  79. In this age of information – ignorance is a CHOICE. Good for you Marty to have the guts to address ‘holy cows’ – and call upon Tom Cruise to face facts. I am looking forward to reading your book.

  80. Agreed Steve. Optional kits available with AEDs (Auto Elect. Defib) through Amazon:

  81. I can certainly understand why the cover would be disturbing to someone, particularly current and former scientologists, for whom this is all too real. My reaction, on the other hand, is that I literally cannot keep from laughing when I look at it. It puts me into giggle fits because it’s so absurd and flat out ridiculous. It just hits my funny bone, I guess. On the other hand, I do have a hard time watching the video footage of the squirrel busters trying to bully Mr. Rathbun. Very disturbing. I think Mr. Rathbun should get a bigger dog.

    I’m only about 1/2 way through the current book and have promised my fellow wogs a write up at some point, so I am reading and re-reading so that I get a good understanding. So far, I think it’s pretty educational in terms of filling in some details for me on the purpose of and certain aspects of the tech. It’s also pretty clear that the auditor/PC-OT relationship is an intimate one–or used to be. And that Mr. Rathbun sincerely cares about the development of those he counsels. I look forward to reading the second book in due course.

    What a year 2012 has turned out to be.


    Interesting change of scenery for Debbie and Wayne.

  83. Chuckle chuckle.

  84. Wow! They look great, and happy, and what stunning photos. I am so glad for them! Thanks for putting this up burythenuts… what excellent news!

  85. Marty, ditto on what Starman8 said!
    (Starman8, can you organise a copy for me? I will get it quicker through you. We will sort out costs etc – just let me know. Thanks S8!)

  86. “I think Mr. Rathbun should get a bigger dog.”

    You don’t know their dog … she’s fearless and relentless … not unlike her humans.


  87. From my perspective it’s good to see they’re doing ok.

  88. Excellent, excellent advice Steve. And, thanks for sharing the comm with your OT VIII friend. Very heartening.

  89. Sounds like it will be a smash hit. Can’t wait to get a copy.

  90. I know French is being worked on… Any volunteers for other languages?

  91. I meant to say the 1st cover was perfect. It screamed “What is wrong with Scientology?” But, it made me cringe too, seeing how far south “my” organization had gone. But maybe “impinge” is a better word than cringe for the 1st book cover . And, correct, I was long gone from the Church when the lunacy hit the head cam levels. At about the same time as the head cams at Casablanca, they sawed down the trees in my parking lot to get a better view with their hidden camera from the building across the street from my office (where Mike Rinder also worked)

  92. “The type of people who are attracted to Scientology are not the type of people who are easily shuddered into silence when they start to notice outpoints and start speaking up about them.”

    It’s a fact of life: birds flock, fish school, people “tribe.” There are a few different tribes that have flowed through the Scientology Arena. This one is the surviving one. Take everything else you “know” out of the equation.
    This is the surviving one.

  93. I just got this feedback in an email this morning about your first book Marty:

    I just saw Marty has a new book…btw, thanks for giving me his first book. I doubt I would have read it if not for you and I actually loved it, the chapters about ethics, sec checking and the OT levels were charge-blowing for me.

  94. I couldn’t know for sure what all of the common denominators between us are. But if I had to wager a guess about a few of them, I would reckon the lot of us at an early age became accustomed to dealing with inconvenient truths and making critical decisions. Many people live their entire lives with out ever having to make a critical decision or facing an inconvenient truth.

  95. Another Layer

    What a great photo! I cannot wait.

  96. Tom Gallagher

    Thanks Marty and Mosey for all you do and you have done.

    I really look forward to this next Amazon available publication. I’d wager, as a result, the psychotic dwarf is in final and terminal convulsions.

    As some Chap’s like Sweeney may say, “Carry on.”

  97. Would quite interesting to know how much miscavige “didn’t” pay them to STFU.

  98. Unbelievable

    What your IAS donations buy!

  99. Marty ~
    This Gandhi quote is so very good.
    And the FAQ answered in book format will be the referral text for the next decade.
    I love it that the more Miscavige orders the deep deep surveillance, the more you publish..:lol: 😆 😆

  100. Steve Poore

  101. No, I think we know globetrotter

  102. Wow!

    Must be nice …

    My wife& I scrape together 2 payments(money we don’t have) to these guys and they sit on the beach and travel the tropics … sheesh!

  103. martyrathbun09

    Thanks TO 🙂

  104. Inspection before the fact.

  105. Ya should publish in epub format at low price. Much easier to distribute broadly that way…

  106. what do you know ??

  107. Mrs. Libnish

    As a non-Scientologist, I support this book and will buy it. Hopefully, it will answer many questions I have regarding the Independent movement. Such as…do you consider non-Scientologists “wogs” and look down upon them as LRH did? Do you or will you have anything to do with the atrocities that Corp Scion practices today? I am supposing that you will pick the wheat from the chaff of LRH’s writings and practice the tech and the positive things. I’m very curious. Curious enough to shell out the bucks!

  108. I suppose there are justifications for buckling under the weight of Miscavige’s suit cases of money … many seem to do this… fortunately for us and the rest of the world, some do not.

  109. From the Tao Te Ching:

    Achieve results,
    But never glory in them.
    Achieve results,
    But never boast.
    Achieve results,
    But never be proud.
    Achieve results,
    Because this is the natural way.
    Achieve results,
    But not through violence.

    Force is followed by loss of strength,
    This is not the way of the Tao.
    That which goes against the Tao
    comes to an early end.

  110. Methinks you know very little of L. Ron Hubbard.
    I’ll bet he thinks more of you as a “wog” than you of him as a founder of a religion.

  111. martyrathbun09

    Thanks Mrs. Libnish. Between ‘The Scientology Reformation’ and ‘What Is Wrong With Scientology?’, I think all of your questions are thoroughly answered.

  112. I heard you. I too, believe that truth prevails. Sometimes, galaxies later. That is how potent the truth is.

  113. Kind of similar to Hubbard suggesting one not go the effect of their own magic. 🙂 That’s a tough one, because , it is great joy to laugh with yourself.

  114. Speaking for myself, I don’t and never did have a problem with or slurs for, people that were not Scientologists. Most people in the world are not Worldly Oriental Gentlemen.My experiences with Worldly Oriental Gentlemen, are clearly different than Hubbard’s. No resentment no regrets. 🙂

    No I don’t have anything to do with the Church and their going ons. Except when I bust their staff in my yard going through my garbage. But so far the sight of me starts them packing it all back in the garbage cans with apologies. Then I feel sorry for them, even embarrassed, and I let it go by as long as they pack it all back in good order. The last person out here was a tall blonde in a Cadillac. I could tell she was so humiliated, I almost help her put it back!

    Yes, I pick what I can fly with that seems positive. So far, that has been worth the picking.

    I am glad you are curious. That is good place to be!

  115. Steve, Your reply is so upbeat and enjoyable, I couldn’t leave it without a reply. And you are correct in crediting the forerunners of this blog and whole Indie movement, aforementioned, which I hold forever in my heart. But I have to mention the great feeling I got when I read the results you are getting back to your e-mail announcement, and particularly the wording of “decidedly disenchanted” with this, that and everything of COS.

  116. Li'll bit of stuff

    Still, AR, have to admit it’s a great way to de-compress.

  117. TroubleShooter, Gayle

    Thank you for your acknowledgment Oracle. I remember the reactions I had to HCOB REHAB TECH the first time I read it. It was one of those moments during training where a release occurs that changes the case…and completely why training is 50% of the gains on this journey. There is a growing group of people I’ve become close to or feel close to since leaving the group who choose not to look, listen or participate in keeping LRH tech/admin working. People who have provided the kind of friendship and mutual drives or purpose that I have. People I’ve been looking for throughout my entire c of s journey. Potent indeed.

  118. TroubleShooter, Gayle

    my response is a bittersweet feeling toward her now. Glad she finally stood up and contributed something of tremendous value to exposing cob david miscavige and sad that the solution was to take the money and run when there was so much more she could have done in the efforts to rescue a church back to it’s coarse. I do understand Debbie on the other hand let’s face it – you sold out.

  119. Someone who was there

    “why do you think I took this body? I took it just to show how power really works” DM to Tom Cruise

    Verbatim quote

  120. The tribe I came in with was the tribe of swashbuckling, freebooting auditors. The ones with big booming voices, whose “space” was so large and warm, and who laughed at convention and conformity, and whose idealism was embodied in the writings that LRH produced from 1950 to 1955 – all the basic books and lectures of those times.

    These were the people who were going to change the world. These were the people who knew each of us was, deep down, NOT a regimented unit, to be placed on a production line, and they used auditing to build each other up and to remind each other of this continually.

    I came in with these people. But when I got to LA in 1990, where the Sea Org was fully in control, I saw these people literally under siege. The Golden Age of Tech had them struggling for years to get through an emeter drill course, wearing glasses, and believing that after decades of Class 8 and above auditing, they could not see what a needle read was. I saw gang bang coaching, with 5 or 6 coaches behind them, each screaming out a different thing they did wrong. I saw these people broken and used.

    That’s when I looked around and wondered why there were so many pinheaded fanatics in Scientology. I was sure these people did not understand Scientology and that it was my responsibility to make sure they did, as a personal friend of Ron’s.

    I found out, to my horror, that these pinheaded fanatics were also following Scientology, but a different one. They were following a 2nd Scientology that was written by Ron from the mid-1960’s on. The Scientology Ron wrote which attracted my tribe was replaced by a 2nd Scientology Ron wrote later, one which actually violated the first one.

    And that’s when I realized my tribe was fucked.

    Marty embodies some of the same qualities of my tribe, the ones who were attracted to the 1st Scientology. But he attributes the 2nd Scientology solely to David Miscavige, when Ron was actually the one who created and enforced it, and even created David Miscavige himself. So it is with a grown up sadness that I have to say, anyone who would intentionally create and enforce the 2nd Scientology, is not part of my tribe.

    L Ron Hubbard betrayed basic Scientology, over and over, from the mid-1960’s on. And that is a fact that I have had to accept. My tribe can never really fit into the ideology of Scientology, or any ideology at all, really. They can keep trying. But no ideology will ever fit for my tribe. Any ideology will always end up destroying them.

    There is no alternative to the fight to remain yourself. When you are a tribal member of mine and you surround yourself in an ideology, it might be comfortable for a while, but you will always end up alone.


  121. There’s a ‘contact us’ module on that page where you can leave Debbie and Wayne a message. I hovered a long time over that – a lot of things running through my mind that I’d like to say to Debbie. It occurred to me, though, that there isn’t anything I can say to her that she already hasn’t said to herself.

  122. Well done Steve. You are making great inroads and I’m glad to see it! I happen to be on the list of folks that you sent your letter out to and I responded to you but have not heard back. The address on the BPI mailing was Steve Poore [] Is this a correct address?


    I have been trying to get those responses from the person who sent my announcement to that particular list, but have not yet succeeded.

    You can respond to me at

  123. Why not eh? My second comment was actually in reply to another – misplaced, but again, I don’t hold any grudge towards them.

  124. Martin,

    Thank you for those kind and encouraging words!


  125. Thank you SK and there’s more to come.

  126. Good points JF and I think my friend is pretty much off the Koolaid at this point, especially now that he not only saw my letter but he told me that he also read the attachement to my EM which was the 31 Factors Marty wrote. So he got BOTH BARRELS. and do mean GOT!


  127. Pingback: The Scientology Reformation: Preview II | Moving On Up a Little Higher

  128. Thank you Marty, and I’m looking forward to whatever else comes out in the future.

  129. For an outsider. DM isn’t the public face of Scientology. At the moment the closest public figure we have as a representative of Scientology is Tommy Davis as he was the one we were always seeing on the television defending Scientology and attacking everyone. You are wasting your time wanting Tom Cruise to come forward and renounce. Tommy Davis admitting to his lies – saying he was wrong on CBS, Panorama and Channel 7 would be EPIC. The Media works as much against you as for you. Tom’s divorce is long over. The media isnt as interested anymore, your stories are getting dropped in favour of other news and be as long as Tom is keeping low key and not saying anything the media wont be interesting. Where is Tommy Davis when you need him!

  130. martyrathbun09

    He is in Austin Texas biting his tongue.

  131. How about posting the “Long May You Run” song? I have a feeling we haven’t heard the last of them.

  132. Our tribe isn’t fucked. Our tribe is what paved the road for Scientology to have a buyer.

  133. 🙂

  134. He is, despite his confusions based on David’s False informations, a passionate and sincere person in his wants to make the world a better place. His mother is a truly well intentioned being. They are good people that trusted the wrong man. You know, it is hard to figure out evil when you are not inclined to it. I mean, you just wake up and think everyone everyone is O.K. and sincere and you go on for a long time before you figure out you have no clue what avenue others are walking down. You think, “We are all here on the same terms” and then you do a few L’s and realize that is just not possible in any atmosphere. People are not even here on the same terms with themselves! That is called “Internal conflict”. Once you run out 50 to 100 of these people in direct conflict in your own mind, all of the yous you have been that are not in harmony with one another on any playing field, you get the complexity of this magic. I mean, you have to handle your internal conflict before you can even see external conflict.Then you realize we have 8 fucking dynamics within the first! Actual 3D’s and 4D’s living inside the one D! The dynamics invert on some level. It’s an 8 8008 trip all over again. Yeah it goes that way back and forth . I think Tommy will make it through.

  135. Pingback: Tom Cruise’s latest Shan Fitting

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