Censoring Science: Coerced Consensus

The work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics

  • Michael Chricton

Think about the above statement for a moment. In this day and age, one could easily believe the opposite to be true. Afterall, we are consistently hammered by the mainstream media, formal education, politicians and government bureaucrats with the idea that science is all about consensus. Then they pull the cruel trick of monopolizing pharmaceutical funding, and between the government and Big Pharma coerce the medical profession into ‘consensus.’  In fact, virtually every foundational advance in science was at first condemned by the ‘professional’ communities of the time as purveying rank, dangerous heresy.  Study the histories of Harvey, Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, Da Vinci, Tesla to name just a few. To believe these times are different is the height of arrogance and recency bias. Today the levers of coerced consensus are so centralized and politicized, we have rank politicians and bureaucrats dictating medical science.

When science is captured by political power, consensus is coerced by the power that reigns and conflicting views are repressed into silence. When science is so censored a dark age of sorts is entered. Pursuit of truth is penalized. Propagation of propaganda no matter how false is rewarded. People suffer, people die needlessly.

The Censorship Industrial Complex (CIC) has let loose its central factchecking certification outfit, one which we have demonstrated to be engaged in unqualified and politically motivated thought policing (see last several posts), upon the field of science. 

Veteran journalist John Stossel said, “Facebook’s Poynter Institute censors are now the enemy of open debate.”  Stossel himself was censored by the folks at Poynter. He dug in deeper and found a number of leading voices in the scientific community were also censored for not following New Liberal Order (WHO, NIH, et al) narratives, most particularly concerning COVID-19.  Virtually all of those narratives have since been thoroughly discredited as rank, false propaganda.  Watch Stossel’s findings here,

Probably the most blatantly fraudulent science-related truth that Poynter’s IFNC (International Factchecking Network) sought to discredit as an alleged lie, concerned the origin of the COVID-19 virus. In early 2000 many leading, credible scientists and medical professionals stated the most obvious, simple, occam’s razor explanation for COVID 19’s origin. That was a leak from a corona virus experimental laboratory in the virus’ origin city Wuhan China. It was common knowledge that such novel corona viruses were not only being studied there, but were being intentionally altered to make them as virulent and unstoppable as possible. Soon professionals who suggested we investigate the lab leak probability, and anyone who quoted them or reported on them, found themselves censored by Facebook, Youtube (Google), and Twitter, not to mention every mainstream media outlet doing the bidding of the New Liberal Order (read, Deep State or Big Brother).

Poynter’s IFCN (and its predecessor Poltifact) was front and center.  As early as May 15, 2020 Politifact published: “Speculation about the origin of the novel coronavirus has spread online since the beginning of the pandemic, with Facebook posts and tabloids making baseless claims the virus was created in a lab.”   It was instrumental in having the designated ‘lie’ scoured from the internet. They stayed on it like white on rice for years playing whack a mole on purveyors on the truth of the matter, attempting to discredit them as if they were Poynter’s familiar target, the Scientologists. They labelled them as conspiracy theorists, science deniers and the like. As a result billions of people were kept in dark delusion about the virus’ origin until long after the Big Pharma controlled WHO/NIH (World Health Organization/National Institutes on Health) ‘handling’ of the crisis thoroughly upended their lives. Only when it became such common knowledge as to far exceed consensus did the censors relent. 

The CIC and Poynter went on to silence thousands of competent and learned professionals, including dozens of the world’s leading experts in infectious diseases. They were muted and discredited for attempting to save lives by pointing out the following, now generally accepted truths:

  1. Closing schools creates more harm than leaving them open under the circumstances of the virus in question.
  2. Wearing masks has little, if any, effect on stopping the spread of the virus, and also has a number of detrimental effects.
  3. There are a number of effective treatments for COVID-19; including long-proven safe and already authorized drugs.
  4. The U.S. government at the direction of NAIAD Director Anthony Fauci was actively suppressing the promotion of those effective treatments,
  5. U.S. government agencies under the effective control of Fauci suppressed millions of doses of the effective medicines Fauci refused to acknowledge or fund the further study of.
  6. The U.S. government was flat out lying when it guaranteed (including President Biden) that the government-funded vaccine would stop the spread of the virus.
  7. The U.S. government was flat out lying when it said it would be a ‘one-shot wonder’, one jab and magically the virus would be defeated.
  8. The U.S. government was bending or breaking all the usual precautionary rules to assure vaccine safety by bum rushing authorization through at the behest of big pharma.
  9. The U.S. government helped Big Pharma conceal from the public numerous incidences of adverse side effects of the vaccine.

The CIC worked feverishly on multiple fronts to coerce consensus to agree with the unholy alliance between the WHO/NIH (virtually all of its components) and Big Pharma. They condemned and attacked anyone uttering any of a-i above.  They simplified and personalized their propaganda narrative by anointing the most powerful figure at NIH as ‘the’ authority of authorities who trumped anyone and anything that refuted the narrative.  That was head of National Institute for Infectious Diseases (NIAD), Anthony Fauci.  They coerced consensus by silencing all dissenting opinions, and by the vicious shaming and marginalizing of anyone whose voice was heard in spite of the censorship efforts. 

The NLO’s propaganda campaign was so weak on science, its chief spokesperson was reduced to insisting that when the rubber meets the road, he doesn’t require proof or support for his positions.  Fauci proclaimed on national television that those espousing any or all of a-i above:

           “But they’re really criticizing science, because I represent science. That’s dangerous.” 

No, what is dangerous is when a conflicted, corrupt, unelected lifetime-bureaucrat can cause a dark age of sorts – that costs hundreds of thousands of lives – by usurping the right to dictate what is and what is not science at the behest of his big pharma sponsors. That result could only be obtained by the pervasive and systematic application of censorship.  And to be sure, Poynter’s International Factchecker Network and Politifact dutifully toed the white line by referring to Fauci more than 200 times in citing what the ‘truth’ of various matters was. If they were doing actual ‘fact checking’ they would refer to ‘facts’ not the opinions and dictates of a single functionary.  

All of a-i above is documented in exquisite detail in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci. This is not some random person’s uniformed opinion.  Kennedy, a long-time renowned environmental lawyer, has presented the public with a 448 page legal brief.  It includes more than two-thousand factual citations. Kennedy demonstrates how Fauci lead a Big Pharma/NIH/WHO campaign to discredit any viable treatment for COVID-19 (of which there were several) in favor of promoting a single shot saves all vaccine. He proves that even if one considers the vaccine effective (for which there is ample evidence to the contrary) still hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives were lost by discouragement and prevention of immediate available treatments by Fauci/Big Pharma/NIH/WHO. He supports that case with evidence of the same pattern of practice being carried out by Fauci and his Big Pharma brethren in response to the AIDs outbreak of the 1980’s. He also provides ample evidence of the motive for the coercion of consensus at the expense of millions of lives.

You may be inclined to dismiss Kennedy as the “anti-vaxxer” and “conspiracy theorist” the CIC and mainstream media has sought to dismiss him as. Before we address the tar and feathering of Mr. Kennedy and his free-thinking kind, perhaps your interest to continue will be piqued after you watch the following short clip. It demonstrates just how prescient Kennedy was – even speaking off the cuff – about the principle WHO/NIH/Big Pharma claims used to get the populace to reject real medical treatment and rely solely on the multi-hundreds-of-billions-of-dollars Covid-19 vaccine:

Regardless of how you feel about Kennedy’s positions and ideas, one thing is indisputable, the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees his right to air them, and guarantees you the right to hear them if you wish.  But, that is not what the New Liberal Order believes and it does not act according to that principal.  Probably the NLO’s most compliant U.S. President to date immediately upon taking office sought to silence Kennedy using the full force of the United States Government censorship apparatus.  Fortunately, to date that effort has proven unsuccessful. Hear the details:

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