Category Archives: regging

What We Do, Part One

For some orientation to what I would like to over in this essay I begin with a passage from Chapter 25 Epilogue from Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior (Amazon Books, 2013):

     As has been ably reported by Janet Reitman in her book Inside Scientology (Houghton Mifflin, 2011) and by Lawrence Wright in his book Going Clear (Alfred A. Knopf, 2013), L. Ron Hubbard was a very capable marketing man. What they did not acknowledge as much, but did not totally discount, was Ron’s ability to solve problems – including those of the mind and spirit. Ron had a knack for finding out what was bothering people, putting together methods to address those things, and then selling those methods as services – the end-all that people just had to get their hands on.

     The Reitman and Wright books detailed how Ron was continually creating new rundowns, new levels and new packaging to keep the Scientology public enthused over the latest in the mind and spirit.  It was the formula that created continuing expansion of the Scientology empire during L. Ron Hubbard’s life.  A strong customer base was established and continually kept interested and buying as new, essential route-to-total-freedom items were rolled out.

     Because Ron so unequivocally mandated that only Ron could discover, create and memorialize mental and spiritual technology (the only stock-in-trade of the church of Scientology) upon Ron’s death the church’s expansion pattern also died.

     Consequently, David Miscavige took on an unenviable task when he was handed the reins of Scientology Inc.  And those reins were handed to him, whether begrudgingly or not, by Annie Tidman Broeker (Loyal Officer 2) when she sided with Miscavige against her then-husband (Loyal Officer 1) Pat Broeker. Miscavige had no choice but to radically change Scientology’s forty-year expansion pattern.

     The movement had been built and held together primarily through the promise and continual roll-out of new technology. Now Miscavige had to keep that movement going, but with no possibility of introducing new technology. For a while he seemed to have somewhat of a grasp of marketing, but all the marketing in the world could not keep an organization thriving when it had nothing new to sell. At least not an organization whose viability depended on continual emanation of new technology to sell. And by firm religious belief and church doctrine, he was powerless to create any new technology.

These facts – recognized by credible, outside observers and by insiders like myself – are at the heart of why Scientology (the whole package) is as dead as a door nail.  The promises are infinite while the delivery of them is impossible.

The first thing that probably distinguishes us from all others we are aware of who utilize some of the discoveries of Ron Hubbard is that we do not play – in any way, shape, fashion, or form – the baiting evaluation game that comes part and parcel with Scientology.  That is the incessant, overt and covert, game of continuous evaluations along the line of ‘the next roll out will really get you there’, ‘the next level will handle your problem’, ‘you need to act in this fashion so that you see the wisdom of taking your next step’, ‘you’ll understand that when you get to ______’, or any other of the pitches that were memorialized in unalterable, firm Scientology policy and mental technology throughout the years.

That most decidedly includes the insidious safety valve, bait-and-switch line ‘the reason it didn’t work for you was that it was corrupted by someone else, and now we’re going to give you the real thing’ as is so regularly chanted by the church and the shadow it casts, Scientology practitioners outside of the church.  The real thing is precisely what is described in the book passage above: the never-ending promises to the stairway to Heaven that demonstrably does not lead to Heaven.  It more often leads instead to the perfect cognitive storm: holding these two conflicting ideas counterpoised,  a) I have done everything Ron prescribed, so I know everything there is to know, and can never improve because I am already perfect – b) all the while colliding with the deep-down, suppressed self-recognition that the individual has become intolerant, arrogant, callous and miserable.

This find-the-ruin, bait-and-switch mentality is woven into the woof and warp of Scientology.  It gets played from initial marketing to the highest reaches of the bridge. It has always been, both inside the church and without, that those who play it best are sainted with being the most ‘On Source’ (with L. Ron Hubbard) Scientologists.

It also happens to be Ron’s first,  greatest  – and ultimately most fatal – departure from the technology he primarily borrowed from in creating Dianetics and Scientology: Rogerian client-centered psychotherapy.  The second the client is played – in any way, shape, fashion or form – by definition the process is no longer client centered.  Instead, it by definition becomes practitioner – or organization – centered. The road to restoration of self-determinism becomes paved with enforcement of obedient following.

Do I mean to say that Ron was a con?   Do I mean to say that everything he discovered or purported to discover was fraudulent?   No; as you shall see in further installments.  But, I am defining what it is we do and the first thing we do is stay true to the client-centered philosophy that is at the heart of – in fact, is the sine qua non of – all that is workable in Scientology.

The Way Out Is The Way Up

I received a report that IAS was pressure regging for vital projects that the church’s anti-psych arm CCHR (Citizens Commission on Human Rights) is working on. CCHR hack Bruce Wiseman is doing briefings on the vital necessity of killing some federal health budget.  The reason?  It includes funding of facial recognition technology research to detect and prevent  terrorist  attacks and mass murders.

Now, certainly there are abuses with facial recognition – most notably by criminal commercial identity theft operations.   But, to attack the technology of micro facial expression qua micro facial expression technology is pure caveman regression.  Unfortunately, the impetus for such regressive activity is woven into the woof and warp of a ‘science’ that was once heralded by one pundit as on par in terms of importance as ‘the  caveman’s  first discovery of fire.’

Let me illustrate how ironic, and regressive, this mentality is.

I spent seventeen years as an Inspector General, including seven as the Inspector General, within the church of Scientology.   In spite of impressions folks might have about that activity given the importance media has placed on the abuses I have exposed and confessed to, I became skilled at rapidly and accurately getting to the truth of various matters utilizing discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard.

In any given day I was called upon to determine the truth underlying several situations.  That usually entailed having to rapidly determine who was telling the truth and who was lying. The environment made that a rather difficult task given that Scientology managers used LRH tech themselves rather artfully to deflect attention, redistribute blame, and stay out of trouble.  Scientology management was a breeding ground for accomplished liars.

How I navigated that swamp was by understanding and utilizing LRH technology better than the expert artful dodgers.   While David Miscavige was fixated on the e-meter, treating it much like a lie detector, with the oft-repeated ‘put him on the meter’ order, I preferred not to use the meter.  When I did, I wound up relying more on facial and body indicators than on meter phenomena.   After all, indicators take precedence over the meter (all that you know when the meter reads is that the meter read; arc break f/ns, the meter reads on the auditor first, etc., etc.).

In the course of my in-depth study of everything L. Ron Hubbard ever said about the tone scale, indicators, and investigation (the Data Series and beyond), and out of survival and success pressure, I began to discover things for myself.   One of the most important things I discovered were common facial and body indicators – that are nowhere covered in the writings or lectures of L. Ron Hubbard, but are completely and utterly consistent with what he did write and lecture about.  In fact, application of what he did write inevitably led to the recognition of those indicators.

One critical indicator I noted over and over was the fake smile – curling of the lips, while the eyes remain cold as ice.  In the late nineties I was called upon to train a young crop of security officers for RTC.  Miscavige caught wind that I was imparting such data along with their training on application of the tone scale in investigations.  I was actually training them to increase their peripheral vision so that they could note how 1.1’s were so adept at showing their true emotion the micro second that you took your eyes off of them.  Miscavige went ballistic accusing me of ‘squirreling’.  That made perfect sense to me, since he was probably the first person I spotted the fake smile, and the masked true emotion, on.  After all, he could serve as the poster boy for it.

But, this is not a criticism of David Miscavige.   The problem is far deeper than that in Scientology.  No doubt, many Scientologists outside of the corporate walls would have – and have had – the same reaction to me evolving Scientology like the science I consider it to be.

The impetus for this essay was our watching of a TV series that someone recommended to me called Lie To Me (available on Netflix) starring Tim Roth.  Incidentally, I can’t recall who recommended it – and I would appreciate it if whoever it was reminded me.   While the show is fiction, it is based upon the established science of micro facial expression reading.   I found a number of the indicators that the psychologists have now catalogued and standardized in their training were the very ones I recognized and used while utilizing and expanding upon LRH tone scale tech professionally.  In other words, other fields of the mind are expanding on tone scale tech, while being deprived of LRH’s discoveries by Scientology’s cult-like, insulatory practices.

I recommend the series to anyone who is familiar with tone scale technology as developed by L. Ron Hubbard.   See how consistent micro expression tech is with tone scale tech.  See how far back in the stone ages tone scale tech is in comparison to micro expression tech.  See how far micro expression tech could go with a grounding in tone scale tech.  See how the protagonist uses his tech – naturally applying the auditors code, and beyond, by among other things, parking Scientology-brand ‘judgmentalism’ at the door.  I think you might get a greater appreciation for my mantra to integrate, evolve and transcend.  You won’t be disappointed even if you don’t see the tech parallels I am making, because the series is very entertaining in its own right.

Every day I see more evidence that the way out and up for Scientology and Scientologists is to integrate, evolve and transcend.   In the meantime, Scientologists are campaigning for segregation, devolution and regression.   Wake up. The way out is the way up.

Don Schaul – Independent Scientologist

1. Letter to All Scientologists.

15 November 2012

From: Don Schaul

Ex- Qual Sec Malmo Ideal Org

Class V Auditor & C/S



Dear Scientologists and friends,

I am writing this letter to you after a long period of silence from my side. Most of you did not know what is happening with me or what am I doing in present time.

The following is my story. A part of you already know it. It is worth telling to those who are not familiar with it.

As of now, I am 18 years old only and I am a Class V Auditor & Case Supervisor (Validated). I have also completed many other courses, such as different OEC Courses, the Hubbard Data Series Evaluator’s Course, etc.

My passion with Scientology started already at the age of 6. A few years later I represented Scientology as a very young Human Rights activist which created huge outflow for Scientology, LRH and Human Rights in Israel. I appeared a few times on all three national TV channels in Israel. Most of you remember me as that little kid.

At the age of 12 I already knew that LRH’s tech was what I wanted to work with, in this life.

I convinced my parents and they allowed me to study and acquire Scientology training. I did most of it at the Johannesburg Org, South Africa.

At the age of 14, I was the youngest trained Case Supervisor on the planet.

I returned to Israel as soon as I completed my training. I started auditing my family and brought both my parents up the Bridge, all the way to New Era Dianetics.

When I returned to Israel, many staff tried to recruit me to be a staff member at the Tel Aviv Org. I refused as I wanted to audit my family so as to  maintain high exchange with them for all they’ve done for me.

When there was a big need to open the new Ideal Org in Malmo, Sweden, the pressure to join staff became very strenuous. What really tempted me to join, finally, was: 1. I could really contribute to the expansion of Scientology organizations as I always wanted, 2. I would be the Senior Case Supervisor, and 3. That all of my expenses would be taken care of by Malmo Org. Just to remind you – at that time I was still a minor and a foreigner in Sweden so I could not support myself financially, legally. The third point was the most crucial of all, as it concerned my immediate survival.

I joined staff when I received, in writing, a signed CSW, noting that the Org will take care of all of my expenses.

As I started working as a Senior C/S, it soon became clear to me that Malmo Org will not keep its promise to pay for all of my expenses. I had to get my parent’s financial support, again.

However my parents were not at their best financially, to say the least, and they had a hard time supporting me financially. Following that, I asked HCO Malmo to relieve me of my staff contract and let me return home.

My request hit a huge wall of resistance and their way to handle me was trying to ruthlessly change my mind and also give me an aggressive Sec Check that took about 11 intensives of auditing. In order to make it even harder, I was made to do humiliating jobs such as cleaning toilets in front of public and staff. I was threatened with SP declares, not to mention an insane lack of sleep situation I was put in.

I wrote up all that was happening with me to RTC, only to receive an “ack”, yet absolutely no action.

My parents were worried about my future in Scientology and so took the burden of paying for all my expenses for the rest of my contract. I gave up and decided to stay until my contract was finished.

I was later promoted to the post of Qualifications Secretary in Division 5. Acting on this post, I noticed the lack of application of the Tech, and many actions which were off-policy. I reported on whatever I saw. I have come to realize that almost every time I reported on such an action, the result I got was punishment and being sent to ‘Cramming’.

The attempts align with the actions of management took their toll, and in my turn I have put that pressure on other staff members.

I hereby apologize to those who have suffered from that pressure. This was off-policy and pure idiocy. I take full responsibility  for it.

Towards the end of my staff contract, I got onto the Staff Leaving Routing Form.

As part of that Routing Form I was supposed to receive a Staff Leaving Sec Check. I did not resist getting one, quite to the contrary – I demanded it over and over as to prevent the prolongation of my stay in Malmo. 3 months passed since I routed onto that Routing Form and I still did not get this Sec Check. The last day came but there was still no possibility of going in session – so I left the Org and returned home, to Israel.

HCO Cope Off Malmo, Mr. Dor Levi, was sent after me to Israel to bring me back to Malmo like I was some sort of a criminal. I did not agree to come back as I fulfilled my contract. The Org did not fulfill its part of the promise, to be precise. However, as I wanted to handle the situation, I flew to AOSH UK and got my Staff Leaving Sec Check in complete. To return to Malmo? No way!

Obviously, Management and Malmo Org did not like this.

From all I’ve seen and experienced myself, I came to the conclusion that something in our way of operation as Scientologists, Staff Members and Management, departed from LRH’s writings both Technically and Administratively.

For example, the Staff Leaving Routing Form does not state that you are supposed to Sec Check a Staff Member for 10 intensives because he wishes to leave, but it should be a maximum of 5 hours (Ref: HCO PL 28 March 1962, TERMINATION FORM).

As a Qualifications Secretary, I encountered a hidden data line when auditors and supervisors who came from Flag did not agree to talk about the “New Bridge” as they were made to sign a million-dollar bond.

Of course, all this creates the following –

A. A hidden data line opposing to LRH’s statement on the fact that there is none, and that all he discovers he also publishes. (Ref: HCO PL 16 April 1965, Issue I, KSW Series 22, “THE HIDDEN DATA LINE”), and;

B. Technical degrades with the label of “old”. KSW #1 is being placed in the beginning of every Scientology course pack for a reason. The Technical Degrades HCO PL states that labeling technology as “old” or “historical” is a High Crime.

More examples? There you go:

–         Staff member named E.P., received 11 intensives of Sec Checking. The Sec Check was stretched over a period of 3 years. Its purpose (stated on the program) was to “handle her illness”. This is a program that was under the supervision of the Senior C/S Europe, Mr. Alberto Bussolin. The program was delivered by Flag trained auditors V.R. and E.G.

Pc E.P. got well when the right program has been written and executed on her, by me.  When the Pc folder was seen at CLO EU, I received a Cramming Order stating that her Sec Check was “quickied”. (11 intensives)

–         Staff members who are prohibited from reading Pc folders regularly went into the HGC, looked at and read Pc folders, especially for recruitment purposes. If someone said in session that he is not an ‘IAS member’, session data was being used to make him donate. In this activity the following were involved: Mrs. Lucky Story (Malmo CMO Int Mission I/C), the rest of the Malmo CMO Int missionaires, Mrs. Anna Skibbe (Malmo recruitment project I/C), other recruiters and registrars, both from Malmo Org and from the Sea Org.

–         The Malmo CMO Int Mission I/C, Mrs. Lucky Story, used to stand in my office or in the Senior C/S’ office, with the ED, OES, the Dissem Sec and the folder page and read out loud Next C/Ses of staff and public Pcs. This happened at least 8 times. This data is confidential and is protected by ministerial confidence, by law. No one beside the auditor or the C/S have the right to have it.  We were also unable to say anything against her doing this.

–         Pc C.P. received her Grades at Flag – Grade O in 3 hours, Grade I in 2 hours, Grade II in 5 hours, Grade III in 2 hours and Grade IV in 4 hours. She did those Grades in 2011. I will not go into what was actually run, but any C/S or auditor could tell you certainly that those are Quickie Grades. LRH writes about Quickie Grades in HCOBs, and their damage to Pcs and Orgs.

–         Happy Clears who went to receive their CCRDs came back upset, sick and with obvious indicators of a wrong indication. There is also a hidden data line delivered on the subject of “past life Clears.” I have had at least 6 past life Clears on my lines in Malmo who were denied proper handling either by Flag, AOSH EU, AOSH UK or CLO EU. Quoting the words of the Saint Hill C/S AOSH EU: “Don’t send them for the CCRD, this is off-line”. They are not being allowed to attest to the State of Clear, period. They are simply put to redo the lower Grade Chart. This is a clear violation of C/S Series 123R, the CCRD Series, and many other HCOBs.

–         During the period of 3 years, there were only 2 auditors in training at the Malmo Org. The only auditor who was fully trained at Flag up to Class V Graduate, had to be sent back to Flag for retraining. The fact that Orgs are not able to train auditors, or that training takes a very long time is a very serious, gross out-point. Take an HGC Auditor from Tel Aviv Org – T.T., as an example – 4 years of training at AOSH EU and 10 more years at Flag only to return as a Grad V, FPRD Auditor!

–         An intern sent her session video to the Senior C/S FSO (who passed the video) and then to RTC for approval and final Internship pass. Her video was stuck at RTC for 3 months. It then came back with one ‘Flunk’, saying that she “did not end the session fast enough”, not referring her to any LRH reference nor sending her to Cramming. Needless to say that this intern blew from training for good.

–         Student P.B., on the Pro Metering Course, was called, along with the Senior C/S, to watch his final video submission on the big screens in the RTC office. This was done so that they could measure the size of the read with a ruler and determine whether it was a “Small Fall” or a “Fall” (different meter reads). Do properly trained auditors need to take so much time to determine the size of a read? Were these actions ever done by LRH?

–          On at least 20 different times – the overrun phenomena described in HCOBs, while running Objectives processes, were absolutely ignored on Pcs audited at Flag, AOSH EU or AOSH UK. In a lecture delivered by the Senior C/S Europe in the Senior C/S conference at AOSH EU in 2011, he said: “Objective processes are run with no regard to any overrun phenomena”, without referring to any LRH reference.

And the list goes on…

In light of the situations listed above and many more, I decided to do a standard Doubt Condition formula. This is because I have complete faith in LRH’s tech and in my strong willingness to support Scientology and its expansion. I have met with the Ethics Officer of Tel Aviv Org and the OSA representative of Tel Aviv Org, Mr. Sefi Fischler.

As part of this condition formula, one must acquire data with no prejudices and from any source possible: real data and real statistics.

When one tries to get the statistics of Scientology, he is being sent to watch events on video.

Unfortunately, if you will really try to go down and investigate real international figures and numbers of auditors made, the number of satisfied Preclears or the number of real active Scientologists from the data provided by those videos, all you will get is a headache. And no real data.

While investigating this as a Hubbard Data Series Evaluator, the thing that caught my attention was, sadly, the fact that those outpoints did not come from certain people in this or that Org, as I thought earlier – but that this is the way Management covertly operates, encourages and guides towards, in handling certain people and situations. As I’ve heard many times from the Malmo CMO Int Mission I/C, she and her mission was directly run by Chairman of the Board, Religious Technology Center – Mr. David Miscavige. I had to look no more to understand what the source is.

I received data from the Org along with threats of being SP declared if I do not disconnect from my friends. All of this occurs when the Church’s spokesmen assert at every chance that there’s no ‘Disconnection’ in Scientology. At certain times I decided to disconnect and at certain times I decided not to.

This is a normal thing when one is in the Condition of Doubt.

I spoke to my friends, investigated and checked with any possible means, as I wanted to see the whole picture and get out of this condition.

This step took me a long time as I realized that I have been living in the dark for a very long time. There were many things I had absolutely no clue about, or that were covered by false PR.

The Org had a big problem with the fact that I decided to look by myself on data that was not supplied by them. This is wrong as they could not show me a single reference where LRH prohibits checking up on data from different sources.

I am an upstat Scientologist, with a record of more than 4,000 Well Done Auditing Hours in the chair. Also, I did Case Supervision both at Orgs and in the field.

I decided to forward the aims of our group and did so since I was very young. I moved my whole family up the Grade Chart. I have made progress in Scientology since the youngest age possible and my purposes are similar to those of all the members of Scientology who believe in the Tech that will set mankind free.

I disagree with the fact that I cannot look at data for myself, decide for myself and believe in what is true for me. I came to Scientology in order to ‘know how to know’, to think freely and to break the chains of suppression on the freedom of thought. This is my elementary right. Furthermore, based on my training, I believe in my ability to examine data and choose sensibly what to do, without prejudices.

I believe that as a Scientologist, I have the responsibility to check on what is wrong, ask questions, get the chance to make a change, make that change, be open and be able to talk about it publicly. Please do remember that free communication is one of our elementary rights as human beings.

Remember: The End Phenomena of the Professional TRs Course and the End Phenomena of Expanded Grade O is being able to freely communicate to anyone on any subject, as uncomfortable as it may be, on all flows. This is supposed to be our virtue as Scientologists! The highest ability in this universe is the ability to communicate. Along with that we commit, as well, the most major “overt” that LRH speaks of – to be there and to communicate.

There you have a Doubt Condition – to communicate or not to?

I am an Auditor and a Case Supervisor and I will never stop being one. I will always continue to audit and move others up the Bridge, no matter what happens.

My decision is to do this in such a place where there’s no suppression on the freedom of speech or on the freedom of thought, and in which Standard Tech could be delivered. With no disturbance.

I implore you, as a Scientologist, to open your eyes.

Keeping Scientology Working is everyone’s job, and this job could never be owned by this or that management. Even though we all have word-cleared that HCO PL, we all sin in leaving its application to a “higher” body that will keep the Technology working for us.

This is the future of all of us. We have to make sure Scientology will continue to exist, cleared of false data and changes that are hard to recognize as individuals. We have to ensure that Scientology will be correctly delivered to us and to those around us.

Start looking for yourself.

Ignore the floods of false PR and ask for precise statistics.

A lot of confront is required – the confront of evil. It certainly is a hard thing to do, yet not impossible.

Take a step to a better future for us all.

Start communicating. We CAN create a change in the world of Scientology. It takes REAL Scientologists to do it.

Scientology and the CHURCH of Scientology are two different things.

I choose to be an Independent Scientologist. I am independent and free from suppression.

I am here to get you up the Bridge on both sides. I am going to work hard so that we will all have a Bridge to travel on.

I will be glad to answer any question and communicate with each and every one on the things that brought me to this decision.

Lots of ARC,

Don Schaul

Class V Auditor & Case  Supervisor (Validated)

Fully Hatted Qualifications Secretary (Gold Sealed)

Hubbard Data Series Evaluator

Independent Scientologist

2. Letter to Independent Scientologists.

14 November 2012

An open letter to all Scientologists from the former Qual Sec of Malmo “Ideal Org”

Hello everybody,

My name is Don Schaul. I am an Israeli, I’m 18 years old. In this lifetime I trained up to Class V C/S. I have been the youngest C/S on the planet at the age of 14. I have also been a staff member at the new building of Malmo Org in Sweden, as a fully hatted Qual Sec.

There is a little story that I’d like to share with you today. Many do not know it.

After getting trained at the ages of 12-13-14, all on my own, as a public, my biggest passion was to join staff and help the planet as much as I can with the tools I have just acquired.

I was recruited by two Sea Org members who toured around Europe on a mission to recruit for the new “Malmo Ideal Org” that was about to open.

As I was a minor, unable to support myself financially, I was promised (in writing) to have all my expenses covered by the Org while being on staff. This unfortunately did not happen and I had to lean on my parents (who were in Israel), to financially support me.

The first months in Malmo were indeed hard, I wanted to leave, but as I was the only C/S around I was being kept there on an HCO Sec Check at the CLO Europe which was 9 intensives long (!). At the end I gave in and somehow worked out a solution to stay there until my contract would be completed.

I have received a one man Qual Division when I came. When I left, I have expanded this Qual Division to 5 people and 10 more on the TTC (Technical Training Corps – In training for a Technical post such as Auditor, C/S, Supervisor, etc.).

I have used my time in that Org to get myself trained on Admin Tech as well. And that is when I started to open my eyes and see the glaring outpoints.

Malmo “Ideal” Org has been a dead Org since its opening.  This Org had its stat of “Bodies In the Shop” at 50 at almost all times throughout those 3 years, with no change.

This Org is being directly run by “CMO Int”. In one of many conversations with those CMO Int missionairs, I have been told that they have all been taken off post (and so is the rest of CMO Int) to be part of the ‘Ideal Org Unit’ and run all the Ideal Orgs on the planet.

As I have audited both of my parents on their entire Grade Chart up the New Era Dianetics, and wanted to continue with their auditing, I had to get them both to Malmo and audit them on my free time.

My mother, who has never experienced the vibe of the Church’s Management, came to Sweden for 3 weeks, left her job and was very stressed on time to get the auditing done and go back to Israel. As the CLO Mission I/C, Mrs. (un-) Lucky Story found out that my mother is coming to get “free auditing” from me, she decided to send me to CLO EU (which is near Malmo) for Cramming and take me “off the chair” as an auditor and C/S because she looked at a pc folder (!!!!) of my Pc and saw some “outpoint” (needless to say that Lucky is not trained in Tech and it’s absolutely none of her business to look at Pc folders).

My mother had to wait for 5 days until I got through “Ethics and Cramming” and could take her in session. She finally got in session and I managed to create a safe environment for her as much as I could.

While my mother was there she was also on course. As she wanted to leave back to Israel she wanted to rout out of the Org. She went to see the ED as part of this and while going to the ED (who was standing outside of the Academy), she saw Lucky shouting at the ED, telling her that she’s downstat. This was in front of all public in the class and in front of my mother. My mother was shocked. Lucky came later to my mom and said that she is sorry it was done in that forum. However, this kind of behavior by an Int Executive was shocking to her.

There were violations of Policy, Tech and Ethics Tech, left right and center, but I was able to do my best and keep producing as I have had another person in my Division who was thinking the same way I was – the Senior C/S, Phil Bruemmer.

We have fought together against suppression whilst on staff. It was much easier to do this when we were a team. However, we were being attacked over and over and over.

You can see some of the situations we have encountered in the reports attached. We have always ended on the top of things whether people decided to suppress us or not.

At the end of our contracts we have both left. You can see the story of Phil’s leave cycle at the attached report. I have simply disappeared when my contract ended as I knew nobody would EVER let me go.

I had to open my eyes and realize that all these outpoints that I see lead up to a very big WHY or a WHO. I realized that the fact that you can’t talk, you can’t question and you can’t look is NOT Scientology. And those are the characteristics of an implant.

At the moment I realized this, my world changed a 180 degrees and I started confronting.

The way the Church keeps people enslaved is by keeping them ignorant. And you do that by NOT training them. The bad thing is that even when the Church trains people, they get the training in an environment that they are not allowed to fully use what they have learned – and they cannot even see it! That is exactly what happened with all of my young “friends” who have trained as auditors within the Church. They are not auditors and needless to say, not real Scientologists.

So there is certainly a big future ahead of us. And as we are bringing real Scientology to the new generations of Earth, the most important thing to do is to TRAIN AUDITORS and give them the right to USE WHAT THEY HAVE LEARNED.

I might have been a little more perceptive as this is not my first Lifetime in Scientology and I was already highly trained before I took this body, but this only shows that training is what will protect you and keep you out of the traps of this world.

I am now declaring my independence of the suppressive group of the Church of Scientology and I am starting to do real Scientology as a free being. I see it my responsibility to bring Scientology to the new generation and into the future.

Lots of love,

Don Schaul

Class V C/S

Hubbard Data Series Evaluator

Fully Hatted Qualifications Secretary (Gold sealed)

3. Reports

Here are a few written reports which concern some of the situations I have encountered:

Some of the following reports were written by Phil Bruemmer, ex-Senior C/S Malmo and my junior as the Qual Sec. We were in those situations together.

  1. A Knowledge Report written by me on the only Flag Trained auditor in Malmo Org – Vince Racz. I sent him back to Flag for retraining after many, many more attempts to correct him.Per the Senior C/S Europe, Alberto Bussolin: “He is better than the Class IXs at AOSH EU”. I hope not…

2. Knowledge Report written by the Senior C/S on the LRH Comm Malmo, concerning her protecting that same Flag trained auditor from getting corrected. Their common agreement was that me and the Senior C/S “weren’t standard” because we are not “Flag trained”.

3. Another Knowledge Report on keeping the same flubby auditor in the auditing chair, written by the Senior C/S.

4. Knowledge Report written by me on the LRH Comm Malmo for condoning a severe injustice on me.

5. A report written by me concerning the misapplication of the EstO Tech. Note: There has been a long debate on this subject with the CMO Int Missionaires, terminals from CLO EU, etc. I have been Crammed on the subject, and was literally told in Cramming by the CTO EU Cram Off: “That is how it is being done today. I understand it’s not per the policy but there’s nothing much you can do about it”.

6. A report written by the Senior C/S, concerning the misapplication of the EstO Tech.

7. A Knowledge Report written by the Senior C/S concerning a squirrel Exec EstO (who was put on the post with the minimum training level of Staff Status II and BSM, by the CMO Int Mission).

8. An Evaluation done by me on Public Courses in Malmo Org. This should give a clear picture on the fact that only NEW programs are being pushed by management, forgetting the old. (The new Dianetics Rout Program over the rest of the “old” Public courses.) The Malmo CMO Int Mission I/C, Mrs. Lucky Story said on this eval: “It only fault-finds management and is a complete brush-off”. Well…

9. A Knowledge Report written by the Senior C/S concerning a 3rd Party situation in the HGC.

10. Knowledge Report written by the Senior C/S, concerning a scene in the HGC:

11. A’ Things That Shouldn’t Be Report’ written by me to RTC, a few days after leaving staff.

12. A Knowledge Report written by me as a Field Auditor, on privacy invasion, 3rd Party, and simple cruelty. It also shows the Churches views on the subject of homosexuality, which in my eyes has caused many Pcs, students and staff a great amount of suffer.

13. A report written by me to RTC on Phil Bruemmer’s SP declare. I have obviously received no answer on that one, yet I am still was at that time in “good standing” with the Church.

If you wish to share my letter with any of your friends in the Church or outside of it, here’s a link for you:

The Mecca of Scientology Inc.

What follows is a detailed insider view of the Flag Land Base (Scientology Inc’s Mecca is Clearwater Florida) of late.   Former RTC and Flag Auditor, Silvia Llorens gives a credible state of  the dis-union of Scientology Inc.


Hello! My name is Silvia Lloréns. I started  in Scientology in 1978, joined the SO in 1983 and left in early 2007.
I have read the numerous accounts on the experiences and viewpoints others have had and that have been expressed in various web pages; I do understand them.
All of them share one common point or conclusion: the suppression is coming primarily from COB (Chairman of Scientology Inc. David Miscavige) and some of his followers.
Now, I will share my experiences from the viewpoint I had then as a 24 years Sea Org Member. The years as a Scientologist are still counting as I have not ceased being one; we all have experienced the immense benefits LRH´s tech can provide.
It matters to me to make clear that the following personal story has the purpose to provide my viewpoint regarding RTC, COB and his followers; in no way is it intended to include Scientology as a the Philosophy or LRH as these are way, way, way apart from what COB has perpetrated inside, outside Orgs and towards Scientologists at large.
Having said that, here we go,
I worked in RTC around ´84.  In ´87 I was heading  toward the RTC Offices at Int Base to return the pin I was given when I joined that Organization; it was exactly the time DM was taking over, all the offices were a mess, most of the Sea Org Members  were being routed back to their original Orgs, thus I ended back at FSO.
Early ´90s FSO was visited by higher Execs such as Guillame Lesevre, Ray Mithoff, Marc Yager; they all deal with staff with their landmark professionalism; they listened to the staff, observed the various scenes occurring and improved them.
Late ´90s COB used to do some visits here and there; at that time I did not understand why some staff tried not to cross his path, it could have been that the few that did ended usually off post…
So, time goes on, early 2000s are in progress; each day, every time and  more and more RTC starts to take over, meaning:
-Whenever one of the RTC member spoke the rule was to keep quiet.
Specific: during a meeting at the AO with Miscavige he did ask a question to the AO staff gathered there; one staff answered it. He said “What? You probably are not fully hatted.” Hours later that staff was removed from post, even though she had been doing well on it and was usually upstat.
As the time went on many other Execs fell into “RTC´s valence” of meaness and cruelness.
-The fences were put up at Hacienda Gardens, where most of Sea Org members lived, the security guards started to question every simple move anyone did, such as “How come you have 3 hours libs (liberty, day off)?”
-Orders such as: No walking on the streets, no talking to anybody outside the base started to appear. As well as: No communication with public.
Most of the Tech terminals were very aware that cutting COMMUNICATION with the public and people in the community will cause a direct fall on the ARC Triangle; but the orders against such a basic increased as the time went on.
Tech terminals, and Execs such as Debbie Cook, were all the time working in finding ways and actions where somehow we could standardly audit the pcs while, on the other, were to communicate to RTC Reps that:  “of course the stats were under control”
As time went on, obviously things got worse:
-Public literally, with “kind words” of course, were forced to return again and again in session to “re check a question that was said to have FN´d” to ensure standard tech was applied to him or her- The truth was that the VSD target had to be met “over dead bodies” which was the favorite RTC Reps´ phrase.
– Every Thursday, after 2pm of course, AO DTS called her pages who ended carrying from the warehouse about 25-30 folders, no exaggeration. But why?
To go over each, page by page, to re count the VSD and magically find the minutes, or even hours, that “were missed in the past” and add it now; this will always  get the PT VSD stat  up.  Yes, as far back as ´98, ´99 etc…folders were reviewed and always, no fail, the VSD stat ended up.
This was occurring in 2003, 2004, 2005 and so on.
KRs were written to no avail.
You needed to be stupid to not figure our some things- the above point was always related to the Advanced Tech VSD – RTC Stat. That was the point.
By Friday every staff had turned in their Conditions, CSWs, Battle Plans and what not.  By now, to expect a full Saturday LIBS was something of the past, you were lucky to obtain 2, 3 maybe 4 hours. It did not matter if you were in Affluence with 40-50 hours of well done auditng.
By early 2000s, and from there on,  Tech and Qual staff knew we all have to wait for Saturday noon to see if the CSWs were approved, it all depended on one thing: if the Advance Tech Stat was down by Friday night all CSWs were cancelled, sometimes on Saturday,just when  you were about to leave for 2 hours LIBS  the D of P came to tell you she was truly sorry but all “partial LIBS had been cancelled”… you guessed it right…the Advance Tech stat had dropped. CSW Policy letters were unmocked- you would not dare to ask what PL the Tech Sec was using to cancel an already approved CSW.
Stats – individual staff had no more stat; the matters of the Org were handled only based on the Advanced Tech Stat- schedules, libs, conditions, golden rods, states of emergency all was based on that stat.
What upset us the most was not even if we could have or not Saturday Libs, it was the continuous violations of Policies as basic as; your production, your stat, your condition, your rewards or penalty.
The other amazing, I should say, aspect of this was to see RTC Reps, such as Ty Webb, literally “running the board”, being there ensuring the VSD target pcs were placed first on the line up, it did not matter if the other pcs had had only one session the prior day, no, they did move the pc tags so the VSD targets were to happen first.
One day, after seeing Webb been at the PC Board  for over two hours I asked myself: if he is running the Board, who is  KSW? Wasn´t this the primary purpose of RTC?
Execs – They used to be dedicated, professional, honest, working always with you and all the other staff on how to handle matters; as RTC stepped in more and more… as years moved from 2000 to 2006, Execs turned into desperate people who only shouted at staff demanding the VSD to be made, such as Donnie Webster throwing things at you when you informed him the pc was out of hours and need to be re-signed before she could be gotten back in session. In the early  90s he would have accepted it, after 2000s he (and others) turned livid, shouting how would one dare to not go in session just because a minor Policy Letter and so on.
RTC Reps usually ended talking “loudly” to excess such as Janet Herring, Debbie Cook and others; this infuriated me and the rest of the auditors. Those excellent, professional Execs had always supported and backed up the Tech and Qual terminals as well as any other staff member, now they were left to cope with the constant demands for the  Adv. Tech Stat  while on the other hand they were trying to prevent  forcing pcs and auditors to go out tech in order to get that stat up.
MAAs turned into the “blind performers”, of course all under RTC Instructions. Lets say several auditors were in Affluence as they had accomplished 50-60 hours that week (the past stat of 35 hours normal – 40 affluence was by now obsolete, that did not apply and up till now I have not seen an LRH reference cancelling those PLs).
This was reported as usual Thursday after 2pm. By thursday 8pm or Friday 10 am Golden Rods “reprimands” were issued on all auditors (independently if their past week´s production had been of 50 hours,) who were at 3-4 hours by Friday morning…this was “downstat”, and a Non Existent Condition was assigned, name by name, on any and all auditors who were not above 7 hours by then.
Yes, I know, this could affect Advance Tech VSD if hours are allowed to go down, heaven forbid!
CSWs… for 3-4 hours Saturday libs guess who was the final approval terminal? Correct-RTC, this being Elsie Tucker, Francine Ladoucer or whoever was on the scene.
Again, if RTC Reps needed to approve Saturday LIBS CSWs, who then was KSW?
Not only that, the Form of the ORG PLs were un-mocked. If an RTC Rep was running the Board or roaming the HGCs to ensure auditors were in session and no Danger Condition was assigned to this staff or area being by passed, then a Non Existence Condition would occur on that staff or area. As this went on for years, and being that no Non Existence Condition was ever applied, the staff and the area kept sinking into lower Conditions; that is the only way to explain how Execs of the Division condoned and participated in such a massive stat push.
Such was the obsession for this stat that MAAs, FLB Ethics personnel and RTC terminals were all day around the HGCs ensuring pcs received “intensive auditing”. Getting pcs in session is not the Hat of an MAA, far less the one of RTC.
Writing folders in between sessions as per HCOBs? No mister, no; that was Admin and it delayed production thus the C/S and Senior C/Ss were swamped at 10pm or later with all the folders from all Auditors. Needless to say they hardly slept.
Somehow, we auditors, developed tricks such  as to leave the “IN Session” sign ON so you can be in your room writting up your first pc´s folder; but unfortunately sometimes you were caught up and it was the D/Tech Sec who, personally had gone out into the pc waiting area, had asked your pc to follow him while a tech page was grabbing the folder you were writing up and handing you the pc that the Exec was escorting  into your auditing room.
PC tired, no, not a consideration despite the Auditor´s Code. DTS had ensured pc had been stuffed of energy bars. had napped 10 minutes, had taken a walk, whatever necessary all in the name of a almost godly stat Advance Tech.
So, pc in the chair, metabolism test failed, pc and auditor agreed to leave the session for tomorrow, walked to the waiting area with your pc where he was immediately approached by DTS or higher Excec and, with hidden propitiation the pc was asked to follow him or her who will ensure session ability could be gotten.
But there was a new trick we auditors developed: while pc was taking a deep breath your thumb was strongly on the  TA; you needed to sit in a certain way to ensure your body was covering the camera so this trick won’t be caught by those who were watching the session. So, pc takes a deep breath, you hold the TA and move it little by little and slowly in a way that prevent the “metab” to show up on the screen where the faces of Tech Sec. DTSs and even RTC were expectant to see the needle fall on the metab so they could start counting the minutes that were need to  “officially” count the VSD target.
Gross!!!!  Unbelievebale!!! Yes, but we had a choice, either do this “trick”  or audit an un-sessoinable pc that already had had three or more attempts to metab and was obviously un-sessionable. As far as Auditors were concerned we always choose to follow the Auditor´s Code.
We auditors did this or whatever else was needed to allow our dearest pcs to go to bed and rest and prevent the horrendous harassment that were subjected to.
It may seem these points are small compared with other humongous irregularities carried out by COB; yet, add this to every auditor, every pc, every C/S not only at FSO but all around the planet and it is a complete disaster- you are dealing with  matters that LRH considered to be key for Scientology: a simple, honest application of the Tech and Tech and Qual personnel who can deliver it standardly so we can have satisfied pcs and well trained auditors.
Now, the Events- it´s true what a public wrote on the web:  The public was totally jumped on after each event literally by the thousand SO members that composed the FLB plus all the Outer Org Trainees. Before events,and about  twice a week, all the FLB staff was gathered at the auditorium to drill, 1) NOT to communicate with the public as that was fraternizing and that was out of the question  2) to ONLY ask each public “Cash or Credit?” while handing them a bag with whatever New Releases there were.
Later on was added the order to tell every pc you audited to buy, donate or whatever; yes, before exams or right after. Unacceptable to return for the next pc without having sold something or at least having asked about it.
Eternal late nights for drilling, calling, letter writing, selling and re-selling and selling again and again the “New Releases”.
Sessionable? Nobody was.
These no sleep nights were preceded by reminding to all the staff ” that COB was so dedicated that he worked 24/7″.
Well, me and other staff thought and quietly voiced amongst us:  “Well that is his problem and HIS game. I refuse to take his beingness or act like him, if he wants to work so much, let it be that is his decision; that ain´t my choice”.
LRH worked as much as he wanted but he never rubbed it in the face of others, far less demanded “every body should do the same”; he was himself and, most important, he allowed others to be themselves.
On the few situation related above I am proud to say I violated every “order” – never asked my pc to buy or donate specially if we were coming out of session; I always talked with the public after events and the hell with the crush selling.
Related a bit to the Events category and after the video of Tom Cruise came out where he was talking about KSW and so on, suddenly, RTC Reps started to do star-rates on KSW # 1. This was due to the mention by Cruise about this Policy and the idea was “if TC said it it was a big message, then all Scietologists should ensure KSW was left with no MUs”. RTC Reps went all over giving checkouts on that PL even though W/Cers were available and Twining HCO Bs still existed.
Similar, TC also mentioned something about PTSness, well after that, at least one of my pcs, was asked to re-do de PTS Course. She alleged to the MAA she had done it 3 times including the GAT one; it did not matter, “it was an order to be followed after T Cruise´s mention of it”. Eventually she was told she was out ethics and forced to do the Course at Tampa Org (we can assume with this someone could report “numerous public driving in at Tampa Org”).
And don´t take me wrong, Tom Cruise is a good movie actor, but as far as I remember LRH IS SOURCE, isn´t he?
Study time – of course RTC had study time, some of the Execs and most the Admin Staff- after all they started at 9.30 am directly into the course rooms and were on post by 12pm. That is fine, Study time is per Policy but….
… a  new Policy came up too “Auditors do not study, specially if they have incomplete Internships plus they usually get crammed and that counts as study time”- Nowhere written by LRH.
F/Ns- the statement of COB that “every miscalled FN was suppressive and always called for a minimum condition of Liability” led to the following:
On one hand you had the Adv Tech VSD Targets – on the other Standard Cramming.
Solution, as soon as you received your Cram Order starting with “To MAA first, Liability for miscalling F/Ns” you sat down and wrote, by now, a robotic Liability Condition.
It was so, so, so routine that after 1/2 an hour you had gathered a few dozen signatures from your fellow auditors who were very well versed on the situation. Later on auditors were upgraded by a rushed MAA, who in turn was being chased by D of Ps, or DTSs or Tech Secs to return the auditor in session while at the HGCs were the RTC Reps demanding at the few Execs who happened to be there “how come the auditor is still in cramming?”
Debbie Cook, by then Captain FLB, was very often called to the HGCs to “debug” the delivery obviously with the purpose to ensure the RTC Stat up. She may have wanted to do her post, but this was an RTC order, you see?
What a waste, such and extraordinary Exec Being called to do the DTS or D of P hat, really, what a waste!
As we auditors had no study time, I worked out something:  to wake up at 6am, get to the base around 6.30 and study on my own the LRH tech up until 8am.
When the schedules to start auditing pcs moved from 8.00-8.30 to 7.00- 7.15 I had no chance to study anymore and that was the end of it.
I knew I had all the right and choice to do my bridge-this was being supperssed and I decided the Hell with it. I joined the Sea Org to deliver Tech to the public so they could get better, I did not join to be the slave of anybody, far less to contribute to this horrendous and continuous criminal stat push.
It seems the RTC Stat never took into account what the public expected and deserved; what standard tech was able to give them: self determinism, power of choice and the right to live their lives the way they choose to.
So, I wrote my OWs and felt good, I was clean in my own eyes and could proudly said so to LRH.
I “ended sick, very sick” and off post on MLO lines. Then, and intentionally, I did use “the condition” to stay away from the base.
But, while being out of the base, in a place where, by the way,  another 5-6 tech and Qual terminals besides me were also “being handled” on various illnesses, I realized that I was not going back, I just simply was not a slave and could not audit just for “VSD” instead of auditing FOR the pc.
I had two choices: to spend a year or more being hammered with incorrect conditions and forever on sec checks or “use” my situation to leave right now.
I knew what a “Threat to the base” meant, by now three auditors had used it and were rushed out of the base, so I took that road, very consciously and intentionally pretended that I was so, so, so in bad shape that,  in the blink of an eye, I was “helped” to leave. A year later my Fitness Board was mailed to me.
My contacts were back here in Mexico City, so I travelled back home, recovered from my “awful illness” in less than two weeks, managed to handle IDs and what not and went on with my life. I haven´t been sick ever since!
I was shocked to see the world outside- NO Dianetics, NO Orgs, NO Scientology, NO books in the Bookstores, NO Ads on Radio or TV; hardly anyone had heard about it; yet I had the impression that half of the planet was already a Scientologist, a false idea promulgated at the events, of course.
It took me about two years to completely break the habit of “explaining” whatever I did; at the Org, even going to the bathroom in between sessions needed to be explained and justified to the D of P, the MAA who was always roaming around and even sometimes to an RTC Rep that happened to be there.
Since I left  I have remembered many times my old friends, specially the Auditors, Class XIIs, C/S, Senior C/Ss and Cram offs- most of them originally had the clean and straight purpose to deliver standard tech- most of them are great people. Deep in my heart I knew I was not the only one wanting to leave that suppressive scene, and some of us had hinted at it here and  there; but I also knew most of them lacked the courage to do it in whatever way they could.
The worst was to see the public manipulated, ordered to do this or that, their self determinism ignored completely.  What the public went to obtain through LRH’s tech was not being delivered. Public was lied to by MAAs, Execs, Regs; Standard Tech was no more a concern, selling was the primary “duty” of every staff.  Veteran Scientologists  fought a little, the new public had no clue really of the mess they have gotten into.
If a public was reading a novel or working on his I Pad while waiting for session, he or she was asked to please put that aside and grab an LRH Book, anything else was unacceptable. It did nor matter if that public had read all the LRH Books or even if he was a trained Auditor. The point being that LRH would not have taken such an approach, he would have allowed that individual to live his or her life; using a computer in the pc´s waiting area would not have meant “out ethics” for LRH. Never, believe me.
CMO was now “messengers” running to ensure stats were up, RTC their “senior”.
Execs were overpowered, Janet Herring, Debbie Cook, there was no way to combat RTC pressures and keep standard tech far less run the Org plus EVERY SINGLE DECISION had to be OK´d by RTC Reps.
Other minor Execs turned into “RTC´s valence” – shouting, degrading every HCO or PL that was in their way to get the stat up.
Other staff as Board I/Cs, pages, etc were so, so, so, so tired that apathy became their chronic tone.
The Form of the Org un-mocked; staff individual production and stats also un-mocked; all was assigned and run based on the RTC Stat.
Oh…I remember in one year we had 6-7 States of Emergency declared-highest ever! Shame this was no one´s stat!
Now, COB and “The Hole”, yes, it is real. That brought to mind an incident in late 90s, a meeting with him and all AO staff; again he was stating whatever, a staff member said something then, COB grabbed one of the biggest pebbles he could find, those that were used as demo kit, and threw it very hard at the staff; luckily he dodged it and came out safe. Interesting behavior from an assumed ¨the highest” Sea Org Exec.
Comparing his behavior with those of real professional Execs such as Mr Heber J, Mr Guillame L, Mr Mithoff, Mr Yager and many, many others…well, actually there is no possible comparison; the gap is just too wide to even think of comparing one with the others.
How can Miscavige call himself a Sea Org Member when he is using millions of parishioner´s money to buy cars, clothes and live as, god knows what!!  Enough said about this off the rail individual; is not worthy to give him more attention.
No, we all rather remember LRH who only wanted the individual to regain his self determinism and power of choice; remember  the true Sea Org Member Execs, the staff that honestly joined with the mind set in using standard tech and admin, the genuine great Auditors and C/S, Supervisors and Tech-Qual staff that know what standard tech can do; it is worthy to have attention on those that are true to themselves.
Lets acknowledge all the public who basically are each one a unique individual who found Scientology, saw a way to a better conditions and decided to attend the Orgs to receive Standard Tech, and learn it too.
Lets remember another fact. LRH is Source and Scientology works when standardly applied, that includes HCO Bs and HCO PLs too.
Lets move on with the Independent movement of Scientologists which is now well in progress, lets carry on with our lives using Scientology;  the action which will bring benefit to oneself and others, and lets leave the criminals sink into the world of oblivion that awaits them for eternity.
We Scientologists have better things to do.
And truth, though fought, always at the end prevails. LRH
Wish you the best,
Silvia Lloréns

Robillards Declare Independence

My name is Pierre Robillard, and I’ve been a scientologist since
1968. I was on staff from 1969-1993, with the exception of three years
in the mid eighties,holding mainly key posts like ED and OES.


I joined staff in Toronto in 1969. My first post was CF I/C. I also
held the posts of test evaluator, basic courses supervisor, FBO, Class IV
intern and intern super. In july 1974, I was parachuted to Montreal and
held the ED MTL post until 1978. I went back to Toronto to do AG training.
(predecessor of OSA), acted as AG Toronto, went back to Montreal in 1980 as
AG MTL and ended up from 81 to 83 as OES/Senior C/S. Then there were turbulent times and I ended up as ED kitchener in 1984. I wanted to go back to Montreal. It was refused so I routed off. In 1985, the MTL org was doing very badly and OSA asked me to help as the Investigation officer. In 1988, I re-signed
my contract, did the OT levels up to OT 111 and spent the next 5 years as OES
and cumulating the C/S post off and on.


I’m a graduate class 1V auditor, NED auditor; I did at Flag the C/S series
in clay and I’m a fully trained Intern super. I was also fully trained in 1971
in LA as an FBO. There’s an amusing story on this subject. While I was interning
in one of the SO buildings, I was agressed (my shirt ripped) by a man named
Wendall Reynolds. I got so mad that they had to call an HCO bring order on me.
Finally, my FBO org officer, Pat Broeker sent me to apologize to Reynolds.

After I finished my last staff contract july 1993, I eventually ended up C/sing
in the field, my plan was to C/S at night, send money to Saint-Hill for the
briefing course and eventually phase out of my wog job. Well, GAT  came upon us.
I submitted a plan to continue C/Sing and go train on GAT at Saint-Hill a month
a year. This was refused. I was not enthused by this situation. I was losing
my right to C/S, my past production was invalidated for what? added drills.


I’ve been fortunate to work twice in a booming org. The first time was
in Toronto, early seventies. As I wore, at different times, various posts, I was
able to get a concept of a productive org. I worked in div 6 and was part on
occasion of the book unit. The org sold at times more than 500 DMSMH books
a week. I was not the best book seller but it did raise my confront ( plus
as a bonus that’s where I met my wife to be, Heather. I was the FBO toronto in
1972 when Ron sent a telex validating Boston org and Toronto org for financially
supporting the INT Management. As an auditor doing my internship in the HGC, I was part of a team auditing 400 hours or more of WDAHs a week (by the way,the HGC was located on top of an old funeral parlor’s garage and the cabins were made of cheap styrofoam). In 1974, I became the Intern Super and I was part of a huge qual that included 2 word clearers, 2 cram offs , a qual receptionist, staff staff auditors, staff staff C/S etc. There was more than 100 people on staff.
The hatting was very important. Besides my FBO training, I was fully hatted
as a div 6 personnel, fully hatted as an intern super. The org had OEC/FEBCs
trained on the flag ship. Part of the success can be attributed to the great
basic courses, especially the HQS course.



It was in 1980, when I was privy to a boom. I was still AG MTL when the
ED MTL, Marc Vidril came to see me. There was a DMSMH Radio Ads programs
originating from L.A. and the ED wanted to implant it in Montreal. By this time
I was the OES again. The Org had no money to pay for it. I got my friend
Jacques Emond to organize and gather funds from the org public. They found
french speaking scientologists in L.A. to translate and perform the ads and
voila. The ads started in Montreal. Very soon we were selling more than 200
DMSMH books a week. Book One groups were being established everywhere.
The Survival rundown was being delivered, and like the HQS in 72, was making
hatted scientologists,and consequently a lot of staff.The org had more than
100 staff members, 20 people in the Tech Training Corps WDHs reached 400 a week.  PD comps was in affluence and GI reached $40,000  And most of all, there was a buzz in and around the org.


Of course, being a staff member in a Class V org, especially if you’re
full time, was never easy. Also, there always been a reality gap between
management and class V org, especially if there is a language barrier
or one doesn’t robotically obey to orders. For that reason in 1976, folo east US
wanted me out as the ED. They recruited a heavy druggie to replace me. I
persuaded FOLO to send my wife instead as my replacement.
She did the PRO TRS and The ED Hat at Flag and eventually replaced me.


My observation is that it got much harder to be a causative staff past
1982 (by 1982 Ron was no longer on the lines and New management had taken over) I described above how Montreal Org was booming early eighties. There were many management attacks to undermine it. For instance, a Mr Woodruff, Sea Org member started an off the rail Flag regging unit.They would reg MTL public for any services. One of the Unit members told me that the public should get a taste
of Flag. Eventually, it was dismantled and a few Unit members were declared SP.
But the damage was done.


The second attack and the most vicious was an attempt to squash all the
veteran staff members. Lots of them ,including my wife, Heather Robillard, did
not re-sign. I re-signed march 1983 and took over the HES MTL post and had in a
month the GI stat in affluence ( around $40,000) but I was sent to Toronto and
FLag as I was deemed a criminal because I had worked in the GO. I was given many SRAs ( severe reality adjustment), many sec-checks and repeatly told
that I did not follow command intention. I ended up in 1984 in Kitchener
as the ED KIT (which was an illegal posting). The Management did not want me
back in Motreal because “I would sabotage the command intention”. I routed off
and tended to my dying mother.What was bound to happen, happened: Montreal Org  crashed in 1985. There were heavy entheta articles in newspapers, with front
pages photos of masked ex-scientologists. My friend Jacques Emond and myself
were recruited to help. I ended up in charge of the OSA Investigative section
as a volunteer (an ironic situation as 2 years before I had been labelled a
criminal because I had been in the GO). For nearly 2 years we ( jacques and I)
worked  really hard,setting up all the various files, helping in the handling
of the many refunds claims (the Sea Org reserves paid them). Eventually,
OSA INT realized we were not staff members and tried to recruit us,to no avail.
And that was the end of that chapter.


I lost 3 good friends in Scientology because I sided with management.
Zoltan Rona was a long time tennis buddy and I had him come to Toronto early
seventies to do a few scientology courses. By early eighty, he was OT V.
His wife Sharon was a CC Toronto staff member. One day, he told me about a
big meeting at Flag with Mission holders and Management. He sided with the
mission holders.Unfortunately, Management had already published ethics orders
on Mayo and squirreling missions( like the ding-a ling process). I sincerely
thought that LRH was in agreement with this handling so I wrote a disconnection
letter to Zoltan. I wish I had known the truth.

I first met Jacques Emond mid 75 as he joined staff. I mentioned before
that he was a key factor in the ads campaign and that he helped me in OSA in 87.
We were good friends and he had been my confident on many occasions. When he
refused to join OSA MTl, Folo Can wrote a Public enemy condition on him. There
were other run-ins which led him up to ask for a repayment from Flag in 1998. He
got the repayment. I was then a public and I did not want to be involved in any
situation. So that was the end of our relationship.

Alfred Calver is a MTL Org public which I befriended mid seventies. As
a friend and a volunteer, he has been thoughout the years a very supportive
individual on many aspects including financial support. In 1989, Impact magazine
published a totally unreal and fallacious article about the Montreal Org.
Alfred took exception to this. He wrote KRS and he was subsequently attacked.
When Jacques got his repayment, Alfred (rightly) took his side and I did not
want to hear about it. So I wrote him an ultimatum letter which ended our

SINCE 1993

Since 1993, my presence in the Montreal org has been limited. In 1994,
I went to help my selectee on the Metering course drills. The scene was very
chaotic, many execs would pass by and give their opinions, nobody completed
the course.In fact, students had to go to Quebec Org to complete. My selectee
was routed to the PTS course and never completed the metering course.
At one point, I was putting regularly money on my training A/C at Saint Hill
for the Briefing course but then a Saint Hill tech terminal, in a D of P
started to reg me for my materials , and stupidly, I let him transfer most of
my training A/C money to books and CDs.


In the last 20 years, I have not done much, disillusioned, thinking I was
too old (I’m 65). I disagreed to the extreme regging of IAS. Never attended
events. In 92-93 as OES I used to fight to stop my future Completions to be regged
till 3 am.. When IAS first started, the stress was saving Scientology from
being taken over by SPs. I believed it was true for a long time. In 1990, the stress
was on promotion and we were promised many campaigns which never came true. Now, its a barrage of programs around the world that will supposedly clear
the planet. Every day, I get magazines like Scientology news, impacts etc that
claim to show we are winning. But in real life, its the opposite. Read the news,
the web, talk to people, 99.9 % of the news about Scientology is bad.  There
used to be purif centers around Montreal.. No more. There used to be a Narconon
in Three Rivers, Quebec. No more. .


There used to be an attempt to get the orgs Saint-Hill sized and get the
staff audited. Now its The Ideal Org program which totally misrepresents the
essence of the policy and violates basic finance policies like the Building
Fund P/l. The future Montreal Org is a gutted building bought 5 years ago by
local scientologists. There was times when The Sea Org Reserves paid for
buildings. In 1979, I was the AG Tor and the Sea Org sent an order to buy a
building. Brian Mcpherson was in charge of finding a building. As the AG Tor, I
dealt with the org lawyer for all the paperwork. I dealt with the Toronto Fire
Chief on the various building codes. I am the one who received the $ 1.9 million
for the Diamond building (actual location of the Toronto org). I also received
money for the renovation. Part of the plan was to continue to sublet more than
half of the building to various companies and to eventually increase the org
space if there was expansion.


Since 1993, I mostly worked in the wog world, did a few basic courses,
attended some events (no IAS events and one Ideal Org building event). I mostly
wrote music, played tennis and spent a lot of time on my second dynamic.
( I am a great-grand father). In January 2012, I came upon a message sent to
Scientologists. It was written by Debbie Cook. I read it. It made sense. From
this point, I embarked on an intensive study of Scientology materials. Then I read the website which compares what LRH says to what COB says. I came to the conclusion that the current teachings have deviated from the
original materials written by LRH.


It would not be so bad if there was any production: auditors made and
preclears going up the grades. None of that. There has not been an auditor made
in Montreal since 1995 (advent of GAT). The auditors made came mostly from Flag, the others were already auditors and did GAT. One hears more about the different levels achieved as an IAS member than anything else. Public complete some Basics Book courses. But that’s not auditors. If one looks at the results of Quebec Org (recent Ideal Org),their web site shows mostly Basics Book Course completions.


Researching HCOBs and studying the Church’s history especially since 1982,
has been beneficial to my physical and mental health. It has allowed me to get
a proper perspective on my staff timetrack, actually de-ptsing me. I understood
why , even after I had attained OT 111 in 89, I did not perform as well
on staff in my last contract because of the remaining by-passed charge in the
eighties.  It also got me a better reality of the plight of the SO executives
stuck in the HOLE.


It also rekindled the various wins I had as a PC, a Tech Terminal and a
staff member. In 1972, the auditing on Exchange by dynamics opened up my
viewpoint and the same year, I got married and became ED Montreal. Also in 72.
I received a confessional that freed me of a whole chunk of shameful thoughts.
The same year, I got audited on a heavy dianetics incident, which blew away
and had me floating  in the clouds (this incident, rehabbed in 1979, validated
me as Clear. The last one was on OT 11. the auditing itself was exciting
because it was totally new to me. And then unexpectedly, a tremendous mass
blowing and a brand new world opening. Despite various difficulties, I overall
had a splendid time on this planet earth.


And to have an even better life, I hereby make the following decision: I
must leave the C of S and join the Independants. The future is not totally
certain especially on the training side. But,from what I perceived from the
LRH policy I read and the Indie 500 website, the intention to follow Ron’s way
is certainly on the independants side. My wife Heather,plus a few others
are leaving with me.She started in 1963 in London England,She was one of
the best Class V orgs reg’s, was flag trained as an ED. She’s also been
a great wife, mother and a wonderful terminal as a staff member.

Secret Scientology Inc. Surveillance Photos


Yesterday, right in time to prepare for some high-class visitors to Casablanca,  none other than the fearsome Headley family, David Miscavige had a make over done of the surveillance outpost he operated on my block for the past two years.  Here is the story on the outpost for those who missed it, Casablanca Surveillance Outpost.

Now, the back window facing my house, from which the three high-powered Scientology Inc cameras trained on our home are positioned, was just done over.  By cover of darkness a team of Scientology Inc. plumbers took the tape blocking the camera holes off, resurfaced the window with one way reflective film, and posted a ‘no trespassing’ sign ON THE WINDOW to prevent any more tampering with their view:

Well, it just so happens that one of our high-powered guests is a computer genius.  He was able to intercept the still image feeds that David Miscavige receives from the surveillance outpost 24/7/365.   Please see below the SECRET fruits of the over-the-top surveillance system Miscavige has installed with millions of dollars of hard-earned Scientology parishioner donation dollars.

The Scientology Reformation: Preview II – NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON


The Scientology Reformation: What Every Scientologist Should Know

The Scientology Inc. Gates of Hell

Another preview from Chapter Four:

Chapter Four

Selling of Indulgences

                Callous greed grows pious very fast.

                                 – Lillian Hellman

Four hundred and ninety-five years ago Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation with one seemingly innocent act. He posted what would be called his 95 Theses on the door of the Catholic church in Wittenberg, Germany for purposes of discussion. The 95 Theses were an enumerated list of abuses by the Vatican, carried out at the direction of the “infallible” pope. While many abuses were covered, the ones at first most focused upon were those connected with the practice of selling indulgences.  The idea of buying one’s way to salvation, to Luther, was the most hideous single desecration of Christ.

And here is where our reflections on history come into play with respect to Scientology. Over the past couple of decades, we find much the same culture has taken hold in the church of Scientology (hereinafter referred to as Scientology Inc. or corporate Scientology). Organized Scientology’s extensive ethics and justice apparatuses have been corrupted toward precisely the same end. Knowing history, and the potential corrupting influence of money, founder L. Ron Hubbard expressly forbade the payment of money to absolve any wrongdoing by a Scientologist. In his Policy Letter of 1 May, 1965, entitled Staff Member Reports, he stated, “A donation or fine would not be acceptable amends.” 

Yet today, Scientology Inc. officers empowered to administer ethics and justice in Scientology organizations across the world routinely do, as a matter of operating policy, accept monetary donations as acceptable amends. In fact they not only accept such donations, they demand them. There is no civil or ecclesiastical crime within Scientology Inc. that cannot be forgiven and forgotten for a price.  Status among Scientologists is now measured by how much money they are able to fork over to the church.  In essence, the worth of a person is gauged by his or her wealth.   You can test this by attempting to sit in the first couple of rows at your next major Scientology Inc. event.   If you have not paid tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars to the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) you will be out of luck.  It does not matter how many books you have sold to the public, how many people you have introduced to Scientology, or how many hours you have audited.  Compare this state of affairs to L. Ron Hubbard’s view about measuring the worth of a person:

A bank account never measured the worth of a man. His ability to help measured his worth and that’s all.

–          The Genus of Dianetics and Scientology, 31 December 1960

In the light of Ron’s views, how could such a culture arise where the value of an individual is measured by the size of his material holdings?

It did not happen overnight. It took decades after Ron’s death to institute a culture of worship to the almighty buck.   It required getting the opinion leaders in the Scientology community on board with the idea that wealth is of paramount importance.  It required the steady, increasing validation and rewarding of the anti-virtue of greed.

It began in the 1980s shortly after the passing away of L. Ron Hubbard.   And it started with the family that has subsequently been promoted into unofficial royalty in the Scientology community, the Feshbach brothers, Joe, Matt and Kurt. The three were infamous stock market short-sell specialists during the era when glorification of greed was hip in America. “Short-selling” is betting, via the stock market, that a company will fail, and then profiting handsomely when it does. As the Feshbachs’ fortunes, amassed during the late ’80s, became almost legendary, the post-LRH pope of Scientology, David Miscavige did two things to wed Scientology with them.

First, Miscavige directed that the Feshbachs’ success in making money for nothing, and even assisting in the downfall of American businesses, become the primary publicized “success” story for Scientology.   For years, Scientology Inc.’s marketing and public-relations units tirelessly churned out advertising, press releases and publications connecting the Feshbachs’ success to their involvement in Scientology.

Second, Miscavige invested his own money with the Feshbachs – money the Feshbachs dutifully and not-so-honestly converted into hundreds of thousands of dollars for Miscavige. Miscavige cleverly influenced several high-level members of the Scientology hierarchy to do the same, so as to avoid any internal flack over his corrupt activities. The people so corrupted included the then-Inspector General of the church (Greg Wilhere, whose first duty was to stamp out any such unethical dealings), the church’s highest scriptural authority (Ray Mithoff, at the time the Inspector General for Technology, and now Senior Case Supervisor International), and international Scientology’s highest-level manager (Watchdog Committee Chairman, Marc Yager).

In order to impress and bond with his then-newly-recruited Scientologist superstar, Tom Cruise, Miscavige encouraged him to also invest with the quick-buck brothers. With the highest officers of the hierarchy and Scientology’s most bankable star all investing with the Feshbachs, many lesser names in Scientology followed suit…

The Scientology Reformation: What Every Scientologist Should Know

I am in the process of having a book published by the above title.  It ought to be available at Amazon books sometime later in the week.

Here is the short description that will apear with it at Amazon:

Why Scientology must be reformed.  It answers the most frequently asked questions about Scientology today, including:

  1. What is behind the madness and violence widely reported on Scientology Inc. supreme leader David Miscavige?
  2.  Why does Tom Cruise continue to support Miscavige despite international media reports of his increasingly sociopathic conduct?
  3.  What does Tom Cruise know and when did he know it?
  4. Does Cruise follow his mentor Miscavige’s penchant for bullying and violence?
  5. The whole story of Miscavige’s pimping and pandering for Cruise.
  6. Where does all the money go?
  7. Can Scientology survive all the exposure?
  8. What is the future of Scientology?

While The Scientology Reformation was primarily written for Scientologists, it is written in such manner that non-Scientologists can read it and might find it informative and useful.

Because the book delivers on the assertion made in the subtitle (What Every Scientologist Should Know), it will be published in small, paperback format for easy, concealed conveyance into and out of corporate Scientology influenced organizations, businesses and homes.  When you read it I think you might agree it warrants wide distribution among fence-sitters, sideliners, under the radar folk and all of their friends, associates and family members.

Once you have read it, some may find it useful, and think of some opportunities, for larger distributions among Scientologists.  If you fall into that category, you can contact me for bulk quantities at reduced prices around cost that can be drop shipped to you.  Once you’ve read it, and if you are interested tell me the numbers you have in mind – 25 minimum for bulk rate – and location for shipment and I’ll be able to quote you a price.

I’ll share with you  here the Dedication page:

To L. Ron Hubbard,

Long may you run…


David Miscavige The Tax Delinquent

by Luis Garcia

“On Saturday, June 2, city and state dignitaries joined thousands of Scientologists in downtown Santa Ana to dedicate the new Church of Scientology of Orange County.”

And so starts the magnificent tale of the opening of yet another exuberant, oversized and empty building, disguised as a “church” where “Visitors are invited to take a self-guided tour of the expansive Public Information Center, presenting informational and documentary films on every aspect of the religion, including the life and legacy of Founder L. Ron Hubbard.”

It took over nine years and over $14 million of parishioner’s hard-earned money, but Orange County finally got their “Ideal Org.” Orange County has joined the elite group of ideal orgs where “over 600 new public come in daily.”

Reference: Orange County – Now, For The Rest Of The Story

 I think it’s ironic that at the same time Miscavige was cutting the ribbon of this wonderful building, the Orange County Ideal Org was delinquent in their property taxes for 2011. Yes, you read it right; this wonderful new Org should have paid $42,506.04 by April 10th, 2012. And they did not. This was the second installment of a total bill for $85,012.08. Orange County parishioners’ donations paid the property taxes for an empty building for five years.

Link to OC Tax Collector.

As you will see, the bill has accrued an additional $6,163.37 in penalties, and it continues to accrue $637.59 for each month that the bill is not paid.

Meanwhile, months after the grand opening, the org is bustling with activity, well on its way towards clearing Orange County…

Scientology Inc. Deforestation Efforts

David Miscavige’s deforestation efforts have become infamous to those encountering his life-draining organizations. Forrest Crane has provided me with photographs that graphically demonstrate the senseless destruction of our biosphere Scientology Inc persists in carrying out.

The gentleman in the photos in this post, Brad Mothershead, is a Purification Rundown completion and is mid Objectives.   In the year since he made contact with the Anchorage Mission of Scientology, he has received the stacks of promotion he is posing with in the mail from Scientology Inc.   He has been bombarded by unwanted, slick advertisting nearly daily.

Unfortunately, Brad is but one of hundreds of thousands who receive this onslaught day in and day out.

Save a tree, boycott Scientology Inc.

PS: Don’t worry about Brad.  He is scheduled to complete his Objectives and move up the bridge with Forrest, instead of remaining buried in paper with the deforestation specialists.