Category Archives: FLAG

OT VIII – Hallucinatory Cause?

Here is a reality check on where the Scientology Bridge leads, at least within corporate Scientology.   The following is a published ‘success story’ of a recently minted OT VIII.   With all you have read on Super Power and the Super Power building on this blog – use the search feature in the right hand column if you haven’t read much – please consider just how hard this OT VIII is working on creating delusory reality after expending God knows how many years and how much money attaining the supposed state of not having to continually do such.  Really take some time to think about this.

Don’t get me wrong, I feel for the guy.  But, look at what’s what here.  He’s apparently been listing incessantly why, after completing the highest pinnacle of the Scientology Bridge, he caved to ruthless regging not only for more rundowns (Super Power) but no doubt status-raising donations for completing the grounded space ship that is going to take the planet by storm (the $200 million plus Super Power building).

If it is even possible that a person could spend decades and hundreds of thousands to achieve the state of ’cause over matter, energy, space, time and life’ and wind up in such a delusory, perhaps even hallucinatory, state don’t you think it might behoove you to take a little time to evaluate this path against some standards not instilled along that path?


Dear Theta Buddies,

While trying to wrap my wits around a particular item  on the BC Level F checksheet, I decided this was a good time to see Rebecca, the word clearer. In the process of sorting out my confusion, I was reading a couple  of the pages from the transcript for the lecture I was listening to, and lo and  behold… I had a HUGE cognition on how Super Power was going to work!

This particular lecture is called “Routine 3A.” It was a modification to
the existing Clearing Procedure, Routine 3. But this theory behind this “little”
modification was the reason why thetans hold onto aberrations for eons:
counter-intentions; counter postulates. In other words, problems, created by
oneself, or other intentions agreed to by the thetan. What does this have to do
with Super Power? LRH had lectured in the mid 50s about how he didn’t really
know why it worked, but when a person who was having trouble with his spouse,
received problems processes auditing on the spouse, the spouse ceased to be
trouble. The EP of the modern day Suppressed Person rundown is that the terminal  antagonistic to the PC originates a friendly communication to the PC! The reason  for this is that when you have two terminals (or even the PC himself with a postulate/counter-postulate) with equal force holding a problem in place, when one side of the problem is unbalanced through auditing, there’s nothing (or much less) force to keep the problem in suspension. This results in the terminal(s) on the other end of the problem feeling compelled to communicate to the PC.
All of a sudden, I got how Super Power was going to work its magic for World
Clearing. Many of the rundowns on Super Power address third dynamic areas:
Ethics, Justice, Consequences, etc. Based on the above, I see how when one does
Super Power, he removes his side of the problem. The result should be, that “the
government” in the form of the individuals holding posts in it, will originate
to those who have completed the rundowns, asking for help! And this is how I see Super Power as “auditing the government”! Our solutions, with our National
Affairs Office right down the street from the White House, will replace the
false solutions the government has been using, with true solutions. Truth
as-ises lies. Entheta becomes theta.

The missing step has always been,  getting the government (PC) interested in its own case (the problems of the representatives themselves and the nation as a whole) and willing to talk to the auditor (Scientologists with the true solutions). Super Power IS that step!

Needless to say, I got WAY MORE from that word clearing cycle than
I expected!

I highly recommend you stop by ASHO (or any Qual Library  with a full set of BC tapes) and pull the binder numbered Lectures 77 – 88.  Pages 64-65 of the transcript is where LRH covers this piece of  technology.

The above also explains why ANY auditing, especially the NOTs  band, results in unbalancing the problem of theta vs entheta which has been going on for eons. Maybe that’s why LRH said it’s the faintest chance this universe has…


Luis and Rocio Garcia vs. The Machine

From the author of a Letter From Garcia, please see a Lawsuit from the Garcias.  Updates forthcoming.

ABC Action News Tampa

CBS News Tampa


NBC News Tampa

ABC World News

see also: Rocio’s story

Judge Schaeffer Rejected Miscavige

Reference: 30 Million Dollar Cover Up

According to the judicial assistant of the late Judge Susan Schaeffer, David Miscavige’s advances toward the judge were rejected during the McPherson case:

Declaration of Sue Rudd

Judge Susan Schaeffer

A Thanksgiving Story

Thanksgiving apparently means a lot of different things to different people.  What it represents to me is a day of peace where one may reflect on the positives one considers blessed to have experienced.   It seems to me that how much one has to be thankful for is influenced largely by one’s viewpoint and outlook on life.  L. Ron Hubbard noted in the Ability Congress lectures that when one focuses on the negative (disability) one gets more negatives and conversely when one focuses on the positive (ability) one gets more positives.  Viktor Frankl bestowed a little gift along the same line of reasoning in Man’s Search for Meaning:

…Can life retain its potential meaning in spite of its tragic aspects?  After all, ‘saying yes to life in spite of everything’, to use the phrase in which the title of a German book of mine is couched, presupposes that life is potentially meaningful under any conditions, even those which are most miserable.  And this in turn presupposes the human capacity to creatively turn life’s negative aspects into something positive or constructive.  In other words, what matters is to make the best of any given situation. “The best”, however, is that which in Latin is called optimum – hence the reason I speak of a tragic optimism, that is, an optimism in the face of tragedy and in view of the human potential which at is best always allows for: (1) turning suffering into a human achievement and accomplishment, (2) deriving from guilt the opportunity to change oneself for the better; and (3) deriving from life’s transitoriness an incentive to take responsible action.

I am very fortunate to be spending this Thanksgiving, as I have the past seven of them, with someone who demonstates these virtues like no one else I know:

I also consider myself fortunate to have received an inspirational  story from Ulf Olofsson.  It communicates some things I have wanted to but hadn’t found the words for. It illustrates the truths of Hubbard and Frankl in action.  Doing time in Scientology Inc.’s Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF) sometimes carries a stigma with it.  I, however, have known several people who have turned the potentially negative experience into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for enhancement of character.  Ulf is a prime example.  His story might shed some light on why I don’t always give a lot of weight to pedigrees and certificates.  I hope it gives rise to contemplation of things all of us can find to be thankful for.

Ulf Turns Tragedy to Triumph

Hi Marty,

The below are some not so coherent and chronological comments but nonetheless some notes of my RPF experience at Flag after leaving the Int base after 17 years of service there.

I left Gold at the height of insanity in late November 2006 and no RPF outside of the Int Base could even start to match up to the conditions at Int – the RPF at Flag was a holiday in comparison, but that doesn’t make the RPF right, it was just from my own perspective.

The original idea of the RPF as covered in the LRH advices and FOs about the RPF make some sense to me. Instead of off-loading an R/Sing staff member who was dramatizing his R/Ses on the organization, or being a chronic overt-product-maker, had a voluntary free choice of doing the program or getting off-loaded. It was for extreme cases where regular Qual, ethics and justice, hatting etc, had not created a change in destructive behavior.

For those people they were supposed to get a PTS Check, a check for evil purposes on all dynamics and anyone with a List 1 R/S [List #1 Rock Slam – meaning having exhibited a rock slam while checking a list of items related to LRH and Scientology] would get EX DN [Expanded Dianetics] or OT III or NOTS pending on case level.

This was 1974. A PTS Check in 1974 was a metered interview where you established if the person was PTS on the meter and if so to whom. Later the PTS Check materials got cancelled and the new “definition” for PTS Check was a 10 August interview as well as the PTS/SP course and the PTS Rundown – now all C/Sed for on the RPF, adding months to the program.

The original time frame of an RPF program was a few months. A month or two for training (if you were not trained already) and another month or two for the C/S’ed program. You did it 5 hours a day in a co-audit with technical supervision and worked 8 hours a day on deck work for exchange.

Today a typical RPF C/Sed program goes like this:

1. PTS Interview
2. PTS/SP Course
3. (conditional) PTS Rundown
4. Tailor made FPRD Sec Check (usually over a 100 questions)
5. (conditional) FPRD Basic Form
6. 1-8 Dynamics FPRD (about 800 questions)
7. (conditional) Ex DN program for L1 R/S
8. Final Assessment passed by RTC

I am not aware of anybody graduating the RPF in less than 18 months and most people are on the RPF for 3-12 years unless they blow or route out.

If FPRD would be done as originally issued in FPRD Series 5 (now they are up to revision 5RB) where evil purposes were checked for using suppress and invalidate only then the FPRD wouldn’t be so bad and wouldn’t take years to complete. But the DM revision of checking all the confessional left-hand buttons on every evil purpose to FN adds 20X the time. The original text says to check for an evil purpose with suppress and invalidate and if no read, move on. This is changed to having to FN each evil purpose with all buttons just like a confessional – which is in itself an alteration from the original.

The subject of buttons are so severely altered even the GAT drills can’t provide the references but the drills themselves are the “references” for how to check buttons in sec checking and FPRD because ALL the references of buttons state otherwise, but DM somehow had it figured out that the laws of listing and nulling applies to sec checking and not just suppress and invalidate but ALL left-hand buttons ever stated by LRH, i.e. the read on the button transfers to the question and hence it equals a read on the question itself, and the button is not put “in” and then re-check the question which is how every HCOB on the subject states to do. My own understanding of the laws of listing and nulling doesn’t even equate to this as other laws go directly against this practice, which may account for the amount of charge I discovered as a review auditor on “wrong items”. But others, more technically qualified than I, could ascertain what the truth is on this subject.

I could go on and on.

Add to the agony of the endless buttons that have to be FNed having to sit in a co-audit space with 50 people and you have some asinine tailor-made sec check FPRD style with a HEAVY concentration of the 2D [sex] as this subject seem to be the biggest crime in the universe by Flag MAAs (outside of being critical of DM.)

So there you are in the co-audit room with 50 people around you and an un-trained, awful-TRs foreigner with a heavy accent is asking you:

“Have you ever ass-fucked a cow?

On the question, have you ever ass-fucked a cow has anything been suppressed?
… invalidated?
…. been careful of?
… failed to reveal?
… etc, etc, etc”

All the way down the list of buttons and somehow you’re supposed to FN that. People around you are giggling and wonder what kind of overts you must have. Because you so divorced from the concept of feeling free you are not exactly FNing and the buttons are checked over and over and finally one button reads. Then you have to find an overt. You finally find a time when you stared at a horse’s dick and felt embarrassed about it. Then you run staring at the horse’s dick whole track and then check for evil purposes with all buttons to FN…

I am not even being cynical here – this is a real example that occurred on my RPF.

So, originally RPFers were L1 R/Sers or chronic overt-product-makers who were given a chance to get rehabilitated or off-loaded – hence its name: Rehabilitation Project Force.

Not today. On the Flag RPF over 50% were on the RPF for out-2D – an instant RPF offense at the FSO. Some very few had been involved in extramarital sex with another married person which is actually a crime by law, but that amounted to 3 people. The rest were there for seducing, petting, masturbation, etc. These “crimes” were an instant RPF-assignment at Flag because their Dept. 3 was obsessed with the 2D, just like DM and RTC.

4 young people (two not even 20 years old when assigned) were on the RPF for having had critical thoughts about DM coming up in session. This was the reason they got assigned to the RPF.

There were two valid L1 R/Sers and there were 3 valid chronic overt-product-makers, i.e. 5 out of about 60 were valid RPF assignments.

Some people on the RPF had been there for more than 10 years. One girl has been on the RPF since 1999 – 13 years in total. She was one of the most loved Class IX auditors but she didn’t pull major crimes when a public got nattery about DM so she went to the RPF. She was by far the best auditor on the entire RPF. She was REAL.

There is supposed to be an RPF I/C and a D/RPF I/C for Tech per the RPF FO’s to ensure the RPF is run standardly. The Flag RPF had none of these posts and we were mainly left alone. The RPF I/C HFA (Senior Qual Sec FLB) was mainly doing Basics sales and every now and then showed up at the RPF spaces to collect reports and most often to urge richer RPFers to donate to the IAS to help the FLB make its IAS reg quota.

During my 3 1/2 years on the RPF we had some 10 major “evolutions” whereby the RPF was off full-time around the clock to finish some construction project such as the new Oak Cove, the new Fort Harrison Hotel, new Crew Berthing or the Flag hosted international events at the Ruth Eckard Hall which the RPFers built all the staging for. So we would be working day and night for sometimes up to 2 months with no enhancement.

The RPF at Flag was however not cruel. Though work was sometimes around-the-clock, the psychological conditions, invalidations, etc which were present at Int, were not present at Flag. Hard work? Yes. Mental stress? No – at least not for me.

However I was in the tech unit from the very beginning and I got to audit, C/S and supervise and be hands-on, one-on-one applying Scientology to others, and despite altered FPRD and Sec checking tech, I could still get results. When I had done all the training I continued to just read HCOBs at night or any time I had and then I went right on to apply them to others. I became one of the most trusted tech terminals and I had no prior tech training. I took on review cases which had failed over and over again by Cl IX auditors at Flag and who were botched up and later RPFed. This gave me personal reality of the tech in application.

There were some great people on that RPF and we had a very strong third dynamic. These are the aspects I really liked, but all the rest is complete balderdash.

In retrospect though I think I had a very unique experience on the RPF because I took this opportunity to wholeheartedly try to absorb Scientology technology. Having months and months of delays throughout my 3 years and 5 months on the program I had ample time to study pretty much whatever I wanted and this included literally everything that was available – in pretty much chronological order, minus the exact references in my course packs when I was studying my RDD [Read it, Drill it, Do it] training line-up.

Another aspect which made my RPF experience unique was that I had spent 17 years at Gold prior to the RPF with pretty much no Scientology training or application. I did however get exposed to much of the background data on how the tech came to be, including reading all the Basics just before going to the RPF as well as naturally having listened to a fair amount of lectures by the simple expedient of working in audio. I also worked on the tech films – over and over again in the process of doing the soundtracks, as well as all the LRH films minus the ones on the OT levels.

These repetitive actions, including doing all of Dan Koon’s instant meter reads drills videos back in the 90’s inadvertently had instilled the certainty of instant reads and many basic laws of auditing, TRs and metering.

Of course before being shipped off to the RPF I received 250 hours of sec checking (audited confessional) at Gold by Lara Dolan – one of those teenage girls who had been trained to become one of the new breed of RTC interrogators. 250 hours of sec checking by a person who openly despised you [an ingrained attitude, not necessarily a reflections of the real person] and was the embodiment of ruthless, cold chrome. It was a lovely experience which of course gave me a very good idea of how “it is really done” – not!

I arrived to the Flag RPF with my twin Power Coleman in late Nov 2006 and we started our RDD training line-up which is the way of training on the RPF. My folders didn’t arrive on the RPF until about 6 months later and we couldn’t get going on auditing so Power and I continued our training line-up beyond what we needed for our program in preparation for other actions which may be needed. I trained up to become an Examiner which was my first post in the Tech Unit. There were two units on the RPF – the Deck Unit which did 5 hours of “redemption” (training and auditing towards redeeming yourself as a Sea Org member) every day and the rest deck work. The Tech Unit served the rest of the RPF as their technical staff during their redemption time and then we had our own redemption period in the afternoon.

When we finally got the folders we started auditing on FPRD both ways and we both tried to emulate what Lara Dolan had done on both of us before arriving on the RPF. Of course it was a disaster as neither one of us was “in session”, meaning willing to talk to the auditor and interested in own case – the prerequisite for a PC to be able to achieve ANY case gain.

One would think that this would be corrected, but instead we were “corrected” in the direction of being MORE ruthless, prying and “investigatory”. Here were two green guys (as far as auditor training was concerned) and we find ourselves being crammed (corrected) on advanced sec checking drills, interrogator beingness and other matters usually done at Grad V Auditor level – a much higher auditor training level.

This was of course the absolute wrong thing for us to do – what should have happened is we should have been crammed on the basics of auditing, which ironically was not even on any training line-up for the RPFers. We literally learned advanced sec checking tools before we learned a single basic auditing principle.

Both of us needed a review auditor to get us going again. In the meanwhile I had trained to become a co-audit supervisor. I had also gone through the basic auditing references contained in the very beginning training line-ups for Academy auditors and soon realized that the subject of FPRD is approached, taught and crammed in the direction of an HCO interrogation instead of auditing which it is.

Being a supervisor I constantly found that sessions failed because the RPFers didn’t know the basics of auditing. I couldn’t cram them as they hadn’t even studied these references, though they had studied pretty much everything pertaining to overts and withholds.

So I revised the training line-up and made people read the very basics of auditing before they even did TRs and metering so they would understand from the beginning why they were even doing TRs and metering. Bit by bit I got it instilled in the RPF that no auditing will work unless the basics of auditing, TRs and metering are applied, no matter how much investigatory procedure they knew.

This was backed up by some veterans who weren’t involved in the non-OT co-audit on a usual basis.

With this change actual auditing started to occur, including in my own twinship. The next hurdle however became our own C/S, an old GO operative who saw government agents in every corner – Dick Story. He was convinced that for two people to have been shipped off to the RPF from Int we must have been involved in seriously illegal stuff. He considered that our auditing, which was now running somewhat smoothly, was literally just pussyfooting around. So despite of our auditing finally running fine, we were constantly being crammed and corrected on advanced sec checking drills and we were asked to re-check questions he was convinced should have “more on it”. It wasn’t that he found wrong reads or non-existent FN’s while checking a question – he was convinced we were both theetie weetie and out of his own “knowingness” as a C/S he would have us constantly go backwards to re-check things; he added questions, etc, and as a result we were stuck.

I finally declared war on Dick Story and documented everything that had happened for the last several months, studied up on the C/S series and wrote a long report detailing his C/S “instructions” against the LRH policies and the exact areas of my twin’s worksheets. This got the attention of the D/Snr C/S Crew at Flag and he took Dick off as the C/S for us and we both got a new C/S who programmed a review auditor to clean up our extensive overrun. Then we started moving again.

By this time, as I had already studied the C/S series to be able to debug our own progress, I trained up to become a C/S and review auditor. I also had to do an Int (Interiorization) rundown on Power as well as running some NED on him based on a read on a correction list – so I eventually found myself having done the entire auditor and C/S training line-up up to Grad V – RDD style of course.

Moving forward a year and I had gotten Power through 50% of the program but I was only ¼ through. One problem I had was that I had received such a thorough sec check prior to the RPF that my 80 or so questions on the tailor-made sec check (FPRD style) wouldn’t read anymore on checking questions but I knew there were evil/false purposes there but we couldn’t get to them as almost all this-life time overt chains had already been flattened.

This caused an increasing frustration with my auditor Power who became convinced I wasn’t cooperating nor trying to get through the program. This attitude of him became very obvious in session so of course I wasn’t “in session” and of course, no results. This created an apathetic feeling of ever being able to get through and I asked to route out.

Power got re-twinned and I spent many months waiting for my folders to get FESed from Int. In this time I just studied and studied the HCOBs from beginning to the end in chronological sequence. After the FES finally arrived I was taken in for review auditing by a person who was a trained auditor and audited the PC for the PC – not the organization.

My now very expanded knowledge of the tech itself plus getting the right indications in session while blowing actual charge made me once again see that I could be audited and I decided to pursue the program with a new twin. The tech people seemed so dumbfounded by what to do with me I literally had to tell them that this was simply a matter of not receiving standard auditing and C/Sing and there were no mysteries if they just audited me for me and only cared about actual charge discovered on the meter – not what Gold thinks I should run, or the C/S is convinced I must be involved with, etc, etc.

So again my auditing progressed with a new twin. By this time I was the Review Auditor for the RPF and I really started to take an interest in debugging other stalled RPFers. This was my most rewarding activity while on the RPF.

I want to add that the majority of people on the Flag RPF were great people. They were not the scum at the bottom of the totem pole. Neither was the RPF program and deck work punitive or horrible. The RPF is often depicted and reported on in the media as a prison camp, and though some freedom aspects of the program can be likened to a prison, it honestly wasn’t that bad – factually it was a holiday compared to my previous experience at Gold.

The most common false data on the RPF (and seemingly at Flag) was to attribute ALL issues to overts and withholds. People who had trouble on post were only “handled” with ruthless interrogation techniques. Though overts and withholds of course could or were playing a part in it, getting to the bottom of those was not the panacea cure which would make the person a redeemed, contributing staff member.

So many factors were involved that made auditing practically impossible. Evaluation and invalidation were so rampant as to become the norm. Injustices were the order of the day and all this was compounded by the GAT trained “good” tech people who believed that a robotic, cold, out-of-ARC approach to the PC was the ONLY way of auditing.

There were 3 people on the RPF who demonstrably audited for the PC with ARC – all trained before GAT.  Alain Kartuzinski was one of them but I didn’t get to experience too much of him due to him being off all tech lines unless we internally organized him to “secretly” audit me –meaning without the knowledge of people outside the RPF. The other was Heather Crook, our Lead RPF C/S (OT V, Cl IX) and Josette Chiquet (OT VII, Cl IX). Josette was the best auditor I ever had. She was auditing me for me and I never even noticed her or the meter. She was also the most ridiculed and punished RPFer of all of them because she was “reasonable” and “CI” and had “serious MUs on PTS/SP technology”. Her “crime” was that she was “pattycake”, reasonable and didn’t get to the bottom of the “obvious” vicious crimes a PC must have had after expressing “disaffection with DM”.

On the contrary there was a hot-shot auditor with all the attributes of an RTC-supervised GAT line-up who came from CC Int for having screwed someone’s wife. He was hailed as the “best” auditor. He was revered for his TRs and metering but he didn’t have any ARC in session. He was stone cold, expressionless and made you feel very uncomfortable. He would wait for the needle to play Dixie while you just sat there looking at him hoping the needle did float.

From everything I had learned and now personally experienced on all flows here was Josette who demonstrably blew charge in my case and on everyone she took in session. She even had a terrible Swiss-German accent, not to mention her grammar, but none of that mattered – I was IN SESSION with her. But she was considered the most out-tech person on the RPF. However the guy from CC Int who had been trained under direct RTC supervision was cold, impersonal and very uncomfortable to be in session with, but that was of course attributed to “you have more overts and withholds…” What was wrong with this picture?

I continued the RPF program and finished my tailor-made sec check, the 1st and 2nd Dynamic FPRD forms and TRD (Truth Rundown). At this point something occurred. I knew I had examined most everything that had occurred while at Int and I could see my own exact causation in all I was involved with and I knew exactly what I had done and what others had done and I had an exact view of the state of Int and all other people involved. I had seen Truth for what it was.

This was however not an acceptable End Phenomena for the people at Int looking into my folders. Again months went by for them to review my TRD and instead of attesting to my TRD I got more black PR lines culled from my ethics files at Gold. They were culled by the very technically qualified Michelle Lundin – the Ethics Administrator. This included finding a session KR from a professional mixer who ran a withhold that he felt bad about being so acknowledged and rewarded by COB when Ulf had done the actual work. This was considered “black PR” by the Gold ethics people – my black PR??? Go and figure that one out. Another example was an ethics interview I had had where I mentioned “Peter”. I was talking about Peter Schless (a Gold staff member) but the Ethics Admin didn’t read it carefully enough to notice and reported that I spread black PR about another “Peter” – a hired professional mixer. When I was shown were my “black PR” came from I correctly clarified that this had nothing to do with the professional mixer – it was a mix-up of names – I was made to run the question anyway as the instruction “came from Int”.

While waiting to get word back from Gold I audited pretty much everything up to Grad V Auditor level, including much Grade 4 stuff. Handling computations was my favorite auditing. It was freewheeling, wild and I felt I understood what was going on with the PC and charge blew left, right and center though it got very loud and almost violent at times J

One poor girl came to the RPF as an out-2D case and she was a wreck. She was 17 years old and she hadn’t even really gone out-2D – her boyfriend had touched her tits… But that had become an RPF-able offense in the increasingly 2D-obssessive Flag Land Base.

She was told she had a chronic high TA, was an overwhelmed case and cried all the time. The FSO tech people had FESed her folders and evaluated that she was full of withholds. No auditing seemed possible as her needle wouldn’t clean up – it was the nastiest needle I had ever seen.

I asked to FES (Folder Error Summary) her folders (there were only 3) and C/S her from scratch. After the FES I suspected false TA (meter registering incorrectly because of physical factors) resulting in TA despair so I C/Sed a false TA checklist and C/S 53 (correction action to find what’s wrong with the PC.) I got my C/S approved by the Snr Crew C/S and then took her in session as the review auditor.

First I found that she always drenched her hands with hand cream before every session. When I asked why she told me her previous auditors always told her she had high TA. With hand cream her TA was between 1.9 – 2.1 and the needle was pretty much stuck with just small erratic movements, if any at all.

I asked her to go and wash her hands with soap and she did. She came back and her TA was at 3.9 but the needle was all over the place – now very reactive but anything but smooth.

She was however so unconfident that auditing would work on her I had to handle this factor first or I wouldn’t get any reads on the C/S 53. So to get her to feel some confidence in me and the subject of auditing itself I just spoke to her like a real person who cared for her and had her describe her past experience while observing the meter. The GAT trained co-audit supervisor was scolding me on the worksheets for adding additional communications into the C/S, but the girl literally thought that auditing didn’t work on her and all previous auditors had given up on her – top Flag auditors and she was anything but “in session”. I didn’t care what I had to do – if I didn’t get this girl “in session” nothing else would work.

I disregarded my co-audit supervisor and simply used ARC and communication and after I indicated some bypassed charge and acknowledged that there was nothing wrong with her or her TA and that it was simply the fact that she was made to put too much cream on, she blew down to 3.1 TA with tears in her eyes and the entire needle pattern chilled out.

At this point they wanted to replace me mid-session because I wasn’t “following the C/S” but Heather Crook came down as the Lead C/S, reviewed my worksheets and just told the co-audit sup to let me continue.

I assessed the C/S 53 and got some reads on rudiments – all pertaining to her coming to the RPF and they ran totally fine. We ran a withhold but just as a rudiment – no interrogation. Again the supervisor tried to correct me mid session to “pull more strings”, but I ignored him – per LRH this was a rudiment, not a sec check. The GAT trained supervisor wrote in my worksheet, “You’re on the RPF and she’s here for out-2D – pull further strings!!!” My PC was starting to go out-of session so I simply ignored him, and pulled the withhold to FN and continued.

(This was a common justifier by execs over the RPF by the way – “You’re an RPFer so you don’t have the right to have a case or pussyfoot around!” This may be justifiable as an attitude between an exec and an RPFer but certainly not when dealing with the tech – LRH made no exceptions for RPFers in his HCOBs but David Miscavige somehow had inside knowledge that this was acceptable and so it was pushed at all levels.)

Next I took up an LFBD read on “engram in restimulation” from the C/S 53. I assessed the NED Correction List and got a read on something like “Chain unflat”. There was no open chain per her FES but by just talking to her and observing the meter I found out that an incident had been restimulated due to a post situation with her senior and it had been keyed in ever since. She even gave me an item and it read with a duplicate LFBD to the original read.

I ran the item with a standard Dianetics Correction List and simply returned her to the incident. Bang, this girl goes into a whole chain of electroshock therapy and other brutal torture – shaking uncontrollably, screaming – all dramatizations being fully relived. Knowing my Dianetics this was what I expected so I just continued putting her through the incident. The rest of the course room was freaking out and the supervisor again wanted to step in and take over as this was “out gradient” for me. I refused to let someone take over and the PC didn’t notice this was going on as she had her eyes closed.

After the chain was taken to Basic and the postulate blown the TA was at 2.5 and the needle was a dial-wide FN and fully clean in its pattern.

The following day she FNed at session start and I ran two more chains when checking the other flows. No more reads on the C/S 53. The PC was repaired and ready for her RPF program!

Afterwards that girl became a toughie (in a good sense) getting on with the program and having no problems with FPRD or auditing in general. She was a different person from this meek, victim-type cry-baby that arrived to the RPF. Even the Crew C/S from Flag made a comment that an RDD trained RPFer cracked a case that no auditor or C/S from Flag could figure out…

Going through that experience convinced me utterly of the workability of the tech and how important it was to understand what auditing really was and that you only care about helping the PC in front of you and NOTHING else or it won’t work.

Observing this and many other similar auditing sessions as a review auditor while constantly getting my own auditing invalidated by executives, either from RTC or from Int or locally, I eventually came to the realization that the RPF program as currently run will never rehabilitate me. It certainly has the potential as a technical program to do so, but as the tech is not being applied for the PC, but for the organization and for the obtaining of “approvals” by RTC Representatives I knew I would never be able to finish the program without lying or conforming to someone or something that I was not.

Adding to this was the constant observations from early 2007 till the end of the nuttiness of the “Basics evolution” that was going on at Flag. Since the Basics got released the RPF was practically unsupervised. Any RPF-related staff including the RPF I/C and the Senior Qual Sec were assigned by their seniors to make the daily “Basics Sales Quota” or their entire office was not allowed to secure – policed by the D/IG MAA RTC Rep at Flag. Many others like Hy Levy have reported details about this evolution so I won’t get into much detail here. It is worth mentioning though that all the staff around us were walking around like zombies with red eyes and looking very tired as almost none of them slept more than 3-4 hours a night. The RPF I/C got re-posted as a full-time call-in person for the Basics. The Senior Qual Sec, now the RPF I/C held-from-above only came by when there was either a “flap” or when her office demanded that she goes to the RPF to reg the richer members, such as Alain Kartuzinski. In 2009 IAS regging became the focus as compared to the Basics. RPFers were literally woken up in the middle of the night to get regged. IAS regges as well as Super Power and Basics regges were granted “special permission” to talk to some RPF “prospects” to get donations.

By 2009 50% of the RPFers were assigned to the RPF because of “crimes” involving the Basics evolution – mostly prompted by financial irregularities conducted after inhumane threats and sleep deprivations if they didn’t make their daily quota. This included teenagers.

To then make the irony more ironic DM came up with a “bright” solution in 2009 to use RPFers to man up the newly renovated Forth Harrison hotel. Because DM ordered it, the FSO execs complied and 40% of the RPFers suddenly got “reprieved”. Their golden-rod issues said all kinds of honorary things about their progress, but the bullshit was that DM had ordered it and despite the policies on the RPF saying otherwise, 40% of the RPFers were reprieved and posted in the FH. The FSO execs were “tricky” however and managed to sneak out Dick Story (past crush registrar extraordinaire) because they needed to replace Hy Levy as a reg. So, Dick Story didn’t go to the FH, he went to the AO reg office, leaving his twin Alain Kartuzinksi in the middle of open questions on his FPRD form and in bad physical health. Less than a year later Alain dropped his body. I could make an entirely separate write-up on the craziness that surrounded this one single event, as well as the impact of the “Basics evolution”, but this write-up is already becoming too lengthy…

So, to conclude this, doing the RPF both gave me an unshakable certainty of the tech as well as an unshakable certainty that the powers that be at Int and RTC are not interested in creating self-determined individuals and staff members, but rather the opposite of conformed robots who align to an exact pattern of thought or behavior. I wrote this up in a petition as well as other forms of communications to various people I hoped would be able to possibly share some of my observations. The only response I got in the end amounted to being “FAR from completing the RPF”.

Having actually fully handled the ruins that resulted in me going to the RPF and having seen Truth fully there was no hope in site and I decided to route out again. So I spent another 7 months routing out. Luckily I got Josette assigned to be my auditor for the leaving sec check. This was great while it lasted but someone found out from high above and it was adjudicated that the RPF MAA had to do my sec check. Here we go again. Another person who openly despises me and believes I’m no good and shows it in session is now auditing me. After some months of just answering questions to the satisfaction of those reading the reports, including making up stories and overts just to satisfy those reading the worksheets while thinking happy thoughts to get the needle to FN, I finally “finished” and was allowed to route out.

The ultimate irony is that my RPF experience made me a Scientologist, and, it made me divorce myself forever from the corporate Scientology organization which practices reverse Scientology and creating people who become the opposite of what L. Ron Hubbard intended with auditing.

I just wanted to share this with you Marty and again thank you for your books and all you do! I am honored to consider you my friend and I hope we can meet in person again in the future!

Cheers, Ulf

Judge Denies He Was A Scientology Pawn

Reference:  Scientology Inc’s Quest to Buy Injustice

Check out Judge Beach denying something that he was never accused of:

News cast of Judge Beach skirting the issue

He claims “I’ve never had any conversations with Scientologists outside of the courtroom.”  Nobody ever said he did to my knowledge.  I testified that Lee Fugate was paid millions to meet quite regularly with Beach ex parte, outside the court room, to steer him toward courses of action to David Miscavige’s benefit.  Lee Fugate never was a Scientologist.   It sounds as if Beach is still taking tips from his Scientology Inc handlers.

$30 Million Cover Up

Apparently a simple, hour-long deposition taken of me last week is beginning to create quite the tempest in Tampa, Florida.  Click headline below for link:

Federal suit: Scientologist spent $30 mil to cover up death of Lisa McPherson


deposition of marty rathbun

UPDATE: 11/17/12 A.M.  Tony Ortega weighs in, Scientology Accused of Spending Millions To Influence Florida Judges

UPDATE: 11/17/12 P.M. Radar Online Coverage.

UPDATE: 11/17/12 P.M. : Scientology Inc Motion to Strike including Bizarre Whining about being an alleged victim of extortion:  Motion to Strike by Scientology Inc

Don Schaul – Independent Scientologist

1. Letter to All Scientologists.

15 November 2012

From: Don Schaul

Ex- Qual Sec Malmo Ideal Org

Class V Auditor & C/S



Dear Scientologists and friends,

I am writing this letter to you after a long period of silence from my side. Most of you did not know what is happening with me or what am I doing in present time.

The following is my story. A part of you already know it. It is worth telling to those who are not familiar with it.

As of now, I am 18 years old only and I am a Class V Auditor & Case Supervisor (Validated). I have also completed many other courses, such as different OEC Courses, the Hubbard Data Series Evaluator’s Course, etc.

My passion with Scientology started already at the age of 6. A few years later I represented Scientology as a very young Human Rights activist which created huge outflow for Scientology, LRH and Human Rights in Israel. I appeared a few times on all three national TV channels in Israel. Most of you remember me as that little kid.

At the age of 12 I already knew that LRH’s tech was what I wanted to work with, in this life.

I convinced my parents and they allowed me to study and acquire Scientology training. I did most of it at the Johannesburg Org, South Africa.

At the age of 14, I was the youngest trained Case Supervisor on the planet.

I returned to Israel as soon as I completed my training. I started auditing my family and brought both my parents up the Bridge, all the way to New Era Dianetics.

When I returned to Israel, many staff tried to recruit me to be a staff member at the Tel Aviv Org. I refused as I wanted to audit my family so as to  maintain high exchange with them for all they’ve done for me.

When there was a big need to open the new Ideal Org in Malmo, Sweden, the pressure to join staff became very strenuous. What really tempted me to join, finally, was: 1. I could really contribute to the expansion of Scientology organizations as I always wanted, 2. I would be the Senior Case Supervisor, and 3. That all of my expenses would be taken care of by Malmo Org. Just to remind you – at that time I was still a minor and a foreigner in Sweden so I could not support myself financially, legally. The third point was the most crucial of all, as it concerned my immediate survival.

I joined staff when I received, in writing, a signed CSW, noting that the Org will take care of all of my expenses.

As I started working as a Senior C/S, it soon became clear to me that Malmo Org will not keep its promise to pay for all of my expenses. I had to get my parent’s financial support, again.

However my parents were not at their best financially, to say the least, and they had a hard time supporting me financially. Following that, I asked HCO Malmo to relieve me of my staff contract and let me return home.

My request hit a huge wall of resistance and their way to handle me was trying to ruthlessly change my mind and also give me an aggressive Sec Check that took about 11 intensives of auditing. In order to make it even harder, I was made to do humiliating jobs such as cleaning toilets in front of public and staff. I was threatened with SP declares, not to mention an insane lack of sleep situation I was put in.

I wrote up all that was happening with me to RTC, only to receive an “ack”, yet absolutely no action.

My parents were worried about my future in Scientology and so took the burden of paying for all my expenses for the rest of my contract. I gave up and decided to stay until my contract was finished.

I was later promoted to the post of Qualifications Secretary in Division 5. Acting on this post, I noticed the lack of application of the Tech, and many actions which were off-policy. I reported on whatever I saw. I have come to realize that almost every time I reported on such an action, the result I got was punishment and being sent to ‘Cramming’.

The attempts align with the actions of management took their toll, and in my turn I have put that pressure on other staff members.

I hereby apologize to those who have suffered from that pressure. This was off-policy and pure idiocy. I take full responsibility  for it.

Towards the end of my staff contract, I got onto the Staff Leaving Routing Form.

As part of that Routing Form I was supposed to receive a Staff Leaving Sec Check. I did not resist getting one, quite to the contrary – I demanded it over and over as to prevent the prolongation of my stay in Malmo. 3 months passed since I routed onto that Routing Form and I still did not get this Sec Check. The last day came but there was still no possibility of going in session – so I left the Org and returned home, to Israel.

HCO Cope Off Malmo, Mr. Dor Levi, was sent after me to Israel to bring me back to Malmo like I was some sort of a criminal. I did not agree to come back as I fulfilled my contract. The Org did not fulfill its part of the promise, to be precise. However, as I wanted to handle the situation, I flew to AOSH UK and got my Staff Leaving Sec Check in complete. To return to Malmo? No way!

Obviously, Management and Malmo Org did not like this.

From all I’ve seen and experienced myself, I came to the conclusion that something in our way of operation as Scientologists, Staff Members and Management, departed from LRH’s writings both Technically and Administratively.

For example, the Staff Leaving Routing Form does not state that you are supposed to Sec Check a Staff Member for 10 intensives because he wishes to leave, but it should be a maximum of 5 hours (Ref: HCO PL 28 March 1962, TERMINATION FORM).

As a Qualifications Secretary, I encountered a hidden data line when auditors and supervisors who came from Flag did not agree to talk about the “New Bridge” as they were made to sign a million-dollar bond.

Of course, all this creates the following –

A. A hidden data line opposing to LRH’s statement on the fact that there is none, and that all he discovers he also publishes. (Ref: HCO PL 16 April 1965, Issue I, KSW Series 22, “THE HIDDEN DATA LINE”), and;

B. Technical degrades with the label of “old”. KSW #1 is being placed in the beginning of every Scientology course pack for a reason. The Technical Degrades HCO PL states that labeling technology as “old” or “historical” is a High Crime.

More examples? There you go:

–         Staff member named E.P., received 11 intensives of Sec Checking. The Sec Check was stretched over a period of 3 years. Its purpose (stated on the program) was to “handle her illness”. This is a program that was under the supervision of the Senior C/S Europe, Mr. Alberto Bussolin. The program was delivered by Flag trained auditors V.R. and E.G.

Pc E.P. got well when the right program has been written and executed on her, by me.  When the Pc folder was seen at CLO EU, I received a Cramming Order stating that her Sec Check was “quickied”. (11 intensives)

–         Staff members who are prohibited from reading Pc folders regularly went into the HGC, looked at and read Pc folders, especially for recruitment purposes. If someone said in session that he is not an ‘IAS member’, session data was being used to make him donate. In this activity the following were involved: Mrs. Lucky Story (Malmo CMO Int Mission I/C), the rest of the Malmo CMO Int missionaires, Mrs. Anna Skibbe (Malmo recruitment project I/C), other recruiters and registrars, both from Malmo Org and from the Sea Org.

–         The Malmo CMO Int Mission I/C, Mrs. Lucky Story, used to stand in my office or in the Senior C/S’ office, with the ED, OES, the Dissem Sec and the folder page and read out loud Next C/Ses of staff and public Pcs. This happened at least 8 times. This data is confidential and is protected by ministerial confidence, by law. No one beside the auditor or the C/S have the right to have it.  We were also unable to say anything against her doing this.

–         Pc C.P. received her Grades at Flag – Grade O in 3 hours, Grade I in 2 hours, Grade II in 5 hours, Grade III in 2 hours and Grade IV in 4 hours. She did those Grades in 2011. I will not go into what was actually run, but any C/S or auditor could tell you certainly that those are Quickie Grades. LRH writes about Quickie Grades in HCOBs, and their damage to Pcs and Orgs.

–         Happy Clears who went to receive their CCRDs came back upset, sick and with obvious indicators of a wrong indication. There is also a hidden data line delivered on the subject of “past life Clears.” I have had at least 6 past life Clears on my lines in Malmo who were denied proper handling either by Flag, AOSH EU, AOSH UK or CLO EU. Quoting the words of the Saint Hill C/S AOSH EU: “Don’t send them for the CCRD, this is off-line”. They are not being allowed to attest to the State of Clear, period. They are simply put to redo the lower Grade Chart. This is a clear violation of C/S Series 123R, the CCRD Series, and many other HCOBs.

–         During the period of 3 years, there were only 2 auditors in training at the Malmo Org. The only auditor who was fully trained at Flag up to Class V Graduate, had to be sent back to Flag for retraining. The fact that Orgs are not able to train auditors, or that training takes a very long time is a very serious, gross out-point. Take an HGC Auditor from Tel Aviv Org – T.T., as an example – 4 years of training at AOSH EU and 10 more years at Flag only to return as a Grad V, FPRD Auditor!

–         An intern sent her session video to the Senior C/S FSO (who passed the video) and then to RTC for approval and final Internship pass. Her video was stuck at RTC for 3 months. It then came back with one ‘Flunk’, saying that she “did not end the session fast enough”, not referring her to any LRH reference nor sending her to Cramming. Needless to say that this intern blew from training for good.

–         Student P.B., on the Pro Metering Course, was called, along with the Senior C/S, to watch his final video submission on the big screens in the RTC office. This was done so that they could measure the size of the read with a ruler and determine whether it was a “Small Fall” or a “Fall” (different meter reads). Do properly trained auditors need to take so much time to determine the size of a read? Were these actions ever done by LRH?

–          On at least 20 different times – the overrun phenomena described in HCOBs, while running Objectives processes, were absolutely ignored on Pcs audited at Flag, AOSH EU or AOSH UK. In a lecture delivered by the Senior C/S Europe in the Senior C/S conference at AOSH EU in 2011, he said: “Objective processes are run with no regard to any overrun phenomena”, without referring to any LRH reference.

And the list goes on…

In light of the situations listed above and many more, I decided to do a standard Doubt Condition formula. This is because I have complete faith in LRH’s tech and in my strong willingness to support Scientology and its expansion. I have met with the Ethics Officer of Tel Aviv Org and the OSA representative of Tel Aviv Org, Mr. Sefi Fischler.

As part of this condition formula, one must acquire data with no prejudices and from any source possible: real data and real statistics.

When one tries to get the statistics of Scientology, he is being sent to watch events on video.

Unfortunately, if you will really try to go down and investigate real international figures and numbers of auditors made, the number of satisfied Preclears or the number of real active Scientologists from the data provided by those videos, all you will get is a headache. And no real data.

While investigating this as a Hubbard Data Series Evaluator, the thing that caught my attention was, sadly, the fact that those outpoints did not come from certain people in this or that Org, as I thought earlier – but that this is the way Management covertly operates, encourages and guides towards, in handling certain people and situations. As I’ve heard many times from the Malmo CMO Int Mission I/C, she and her mission was directly run by Chairman of the Board, Religious Technology Center – Mr. David Miscavige. I had to look no more to understand what the source is.

I received data from the Org along with threats of being SP declared if I do not disconnect from my friends. All of this occurs when the Church’s spokesmen assert at every chance that there’s no ‘Disconnection’ in Scientology. At certain times I decided to disconnect and at certain times I decided not to.

This is a normal thing when one is in the Condition of Doubt.

I spoke to my friends, investigated and checked with any possible means, as I wanted to see the whole picture and get out of this condition.

This step took me a long time as I realized that I have been living in the dark for a very long time. There were many things I had absolutely no clue about, or that were covered by false PR.

The Org had a big problem with the fact that I decided to look by myself on data that was not supplied by them. This is wrong as they could not show me a single reference where LRH prohibits checking up on data from different sources.

I am an upstat Scientologist, with a record of more than 4,000 Well Done Auditing Hours in the chair. Also, I did Case Supervision both at Orgs and in the field.

I decided to forward the aims of our group and did so since I was very young. I moved my whole family up the Grade Chart. I have made progress in Scientology since the youngest age possible and my purposes are similar to those of all the members of Scientology who believe in the Tech that will set mankind free.

I disagree with the fact that I cannot look at data for myself, decide for myself and believe in what is true for me. I came to Scientology in order to ‘know how to know’, to think freely and to break the chains of suppression on the freedom of thought. This is my elementary right. Furthermore, based on my training, I believe in my ability to examine data and choose sensibly what to do, without prejudices.

I believe that as a Scientologist, I have the responsibility to check on what is wrong, ask questions, get the chance to make a change, make that change, be open and be able to talk about it publicly. Please do remember that free communication is one of our elementary rights as human beings.

Remember: The End Phenomena of the Professional TRs Course and the End Phenomena of Expanded Grade O is being able to freely communicate to anyone on any subject, as uncomfortable as it may be, on all flows. This is supposed to be our virtue as Scientologists! The highest ability in this universe is the ability to communicate. Along with that we commit, as well, the most major “overt” that LRH speaks of – to be there and to communicate.

There you have a Doubt Condition – to communicate or not to?

I am an Auditor and a Case Supervisor and I will never stop being one. I will always continue to audit and move others up the Bridge, no matter what happens.

My decision is to do this in such a place where there’s no suppression on the freedom of speech or on the freedom of thought, and in which Standard Tech could be delivered. With no disturbance.

I implore you, as a Scientologist, to open your eyes.

Keeping Scientology Working is everyone’s job, and this job could never be owned by this or that management. Even though we all have word-cleared that HCO PL, we all sin in leaving its application to a “higher” body that will keep the Technology working for us.

This is the future of all of us. We have to make sure Scientology will continue to exist, cleared of false data and changes that are hard to recognize as individuals. We have to ensure that Scientology will be correctly delivered to us and to those around us.

Start looking for yourself.

Ignore the floods of false PR and ask for precise statistics.

A lot of confront is required – the confront of evil. It certainly is a hard thing to do, yet not impossible.

Take a step to a better future for us all.

Start communicating. We CAN create a change in the world of Scientology. It takes REAL Scientologists to do it.

Scientology and the CHURCH of Scientology are two different things.

I choose to be an Independent Scientologist. I am independent and free from suppression.

I am here to get you up the Bridge on both sides. I am going to work hard so that we will all have a Bridge to travel on.

I will be glad to answer any question and communicate with each and every one on the things that brought me to this decision.

Lots of ARC,

Don Schaul

Class V Auditor & Case  Supervisor (Validated)

Fully Hatted Qualifications Secretary (Gold Sealed)

Hubbard Data Series Evaluator

Independent Scientologist

2. Letter to Independent Scientologists.

14 November 2012

An open letter to all Scientologists from the former Qual Sec of Malmo “Ideal Org”

Hello everybody,

My name is Don Schaul. I am an Israeli, I’m 18 years old. In this lifetime I trained up to Class V C/S. I have been the youngest C/S on the planet at the age of 14. I have also been a staff member at the new building of Malmo Org in Sweden, as a fully hatted Qual Sec.

There is a little story that I’d like to share with you today. Many do not know it.

After getting trained at the ages of 12-13-14, all on my own, as a public, my biggest passion was to join staff and help the planet as much as I can with the tools I have just acquired.

I was recruited by two Sea Org members who toured around Europe on a mission to recruit for the new “Malmo Ideal Org” that was about to open.

As I was a minor, unable to support myself financially, I was promised (in writing) to have all my expenses covered by the Org while being on staff. This unfortunately did not happen and I had to lean on my parents (who were in Israel), to financially support me.

The first months in Malmo were indeed hard, I wanted to leave, but as I was the only C/S around I was being kept there on an HCO Sec Check at the CLO Europe which was 9 intensives long (!). At the end I gave in and somehow worked out a solution to stay there until my contract would be completed.

I have received a one man Qual Division when I came. When I left, I have expanded this Qual Division to 5 people and 10 more on the TTC (Technical Training Corps – In training for a Technical post such as Auditor, C/S, Supervisor, etc.).

I have used my time in that Org to get myself trained on Admin Tech as well. And that is when I started to open my eyes and see the glaring outpoints.

Malmo “Ideal” Org has been a dead Org since its opening.  This Org had its stat of “Bodies In the Shop” at 50 at almost all times throughout those 3 years, with no change.

This Org is being directly run by “CMO Int”. In one of many conversations with those CMO Int missionairs, I have been told that they have all been taken off post (and so is the rest of CMO Int) to be part of the ‘Ideal Org Unit’ and run all the Ideal Orgs on the planet.

As I have audited both of my parents on their entire Grade Chart up the New Era Dianetics, and wanted to continue with their auditing, I had to get them both to Malmo and audit them on my free time.

My mother, who has never experienced the vibe of the Church’s Management, came to Sweden for 3 weeks, left her job and was very stressed on time to get the auditing done and go back to Israel. As the CLO Mission I/C, Mrs. (un-) Lucky Story found out that my mother is coming to get “free auditing” from me, she decided to send me to CLO EU (which is near Malmo) for Cramming and take me “off the chair” as an auditor and C/S because she looked at a pc folder (!!!!) of my Pc and saw some “outpoint” (needless to say that Lucky is not trained in Tech and it’s absolutely none of her business to look at Pc folders).

My mother had to wait for 5 days until I got through “Ethics and Cramming” and could take her in session. She finally got in session and I managed to create a safe environment for her as much as I could.

While my mother was there she was also on course. As she wanted to leave back to Israel she wanted to rout out of the Org. She went to see the ED as part of this and while going to the ED (who was standing outside of the Academy), she saw Lucky shouting at the ED, telling her that she’s downstat. This was in front of all public in the class and in front of my mother. My mother was shocked. Lucky came later to my mom and said that she is sorry it was done in that forum. However, this kind of behavior by an Int Executive was shocking to her.

There were violations of Policy, Tech and Ethics Tech, left right and center, but I was able to do my best and keep producing as I have had another person in my Division who was thinking the same way I was – the Senior C/S, Phil Bruemmer.

We have fought together against suppression whilst on staff. It was much easier to do this when we were a team. However, we were being attacked over and over and over.

You can see some of the situations we have encountered in the reports attached. We have always ended on the top of things whether people decided to suppress us or not.

At the end of our contracts we have both left. You can see the story of Phil’s leave cycle at the attached report. I have simply disappeared when my contract ended as I knew nobody would EVER let me go.

I had to open my eyes and realize that all these outpoints that I see lead up to a very big WHY or a WHO. I realized that the fact that you can’t talk, you can’t question and you can’t look is NOT Scientology. And those are the characteristics of an implant.

At the moment I realized this, my world changed a 180 degrees and I started confronting.

The way the Church keeps people enslaved is by keeping them ignorant. And you do that by NOT training them. The bad thing is that even when the Church trains people, they get the training in an environment that they are not allowed to fully use what they have learned – and they cannot even see it! That is exactly what happened with all of my young “friends” who have trained as auditors within the Church. They are not auditors and needless to say, not real Scientologists.

So there is certainly a big future ahead of us. And as we are bringing real Scientology to the new generations of Earth, the most important thing to do is to TRAIN AUDITORS and give them the right to USE WHAT THEY HAVE LEARNED.

I might have been a little more perceptive as this is not my first Lifetime in Scientology and I was already highly trained before I took this body, but this only shows that training is what will protect you and keep you out of the traps of this world.

I am now declaring my independence of the suppressive group of the Church of Scientology and I am starting to do real Scientology as a free being. I see it my responsibility to bring Scientology to the new generation and into the future.

Lots of love,

Don Schaul

Class V C/S

Hubbard Data Series Evaluator

Fully Hatted Qualifications Secretary (Gold sealed)

3. Reports

Here are a few written reports which concern some of the situations I have encountered:

Some of the following reports were written by Phil Bruemmer, ex-Senior C/S Malmo and my junior as the Qual Sec. We were in those situations together.

  1. A Knowledge Report written by me on the only Flag Trained auditor in Malmo Org – Vince Racz. I sent him back to Flag for retraining after many, many more attempts to correct him.Per the Senior C/S Europe, Alberto Bussolin: “He is better than the Class IXs at AOSH EU”. I hope not…

2. Knowledge Report written by the Senior C/S on the LRH Comm Malmo, concerning her protecting that same Flag trained auditor from getting corrected. Their common agreement was that me and the Senior C/S “weren’t standard” because we are not “Flag trained”.

3. Another Knowledge Report on keeping the same flubby auditor in the auditing chair, written by the Senior C/S.

4. Knowledge Report written by me on the LRH Comm Malmo for condoning a severe injustice on me.

5. A report written by me concerning the misapplication of the EstO Tech. Note: There has been a long debate on this subject with the CMO Int Missionaires, terminals from CLO EU, etc. I have been Crammed on the subject, and was literally told in Cramming by the CTO EU Cram Off: “That is how it is being done today. I understand it’s not per the policy but there’s nothing much you can do about it”.

6. A report written by the Senior C/S, concerning the misapplication of the EstO Tech.

7. A Knowledge Report written by the Senior C/S concerning a squirrel Exec EstO (who was put on the post with the minimum training level of Staff Status II and BSM, by the CMO Int Mission).

8. An Evaluation done by me on Public Courses in Malmo Org. This should give a clear picture on the fact that only NEW programs are being pushed by management, forgetting the old. (The new Dianetics Rout Program over the rest of the “old” Public courses.) The Malmo CMO Int Mission I/C, Mrs. Lucky Story said on this eval: “It only fault-finds management and is a complete brush-off”. Well…

9. A Knowledge Report written by the Senior C/S concerning a 3rd Party situation in the HGC.

10. Knowledge Report written by the Senior C/S, concerning a scene in the HGC:

11. A’ Things That Shouldn’t Be Report’ written by me to RTC, a few days after leaving staff.

12. A Knowledge Report written by me as a Field Auditor, on privacy invasion, 3rd Party, and simple cruelty. It also shows the Churches views on the subject of homosexuality, which in my eyes has caused many Pcs, students and staff a great amount of suffer.

13. A report written by me to RTC on Phil Bruemmer’s SP declare. I have obviously received no answer on that one, yet I am still was at that time in “good standing” with the Church.

If you wish to share my letter with any of your friends in the Church or outside of it, here’s a link for you:

The Mecca of Scientology Inc.

What follows is a detailed insider view of the Flag Land Base (Scientology Inc’s Mecca is Clearwater Florida) of late.   Former RTC and Flag Auditor, Silvia Llorens gives a credible state of  the dis-union of Scientology Inc.


Hello! My name is Silvia Lloréns. I started  in Scientology in 1978, joined the SO in 1983 and left in early 2007.
I have read the numerous accounts on the experiences and viewpoints others have had and that have been expressed in various web pages; I do understand them.
All of them share one common point or conclusion: the suppression is coming primarily from COB (Chairman of Scientology Inc. David Miscavige) and some of his followers.
Now, I will share my experiences from the viewpoint I had then as a 24 years Sea Org Member. The years as a Scientologist are still counting as I have not ceased being one; we all have experienced the immense benefits LRH´s tech can provide.
It matters to me to make clear that the following personal story has the purpose to provide my viewpoint regarding RTC, COB and his followers; in no way is it intended to include Scientology as a the Philosophy or LRH as these are way, way, way apart from what COB has perpetrated inside, outside Orgs and towards Scientologists at large.
Having said that, here we go,
I worked in RTC around ´84.  In ´87 I was heading  toward the RTC Offices at Int Base to return the pin I was given when I joined that Organization; it was exactly the time DM was taking over, all the offices were a mess, most of the Sea Org Members  were being routed back to their original Orgs, thus I ended back at FSO.
Early ´90s FSO was visited by higher Execs such as Guillame Lesevre, Ray Mithoff, Marc Yager; they all deal with staff with their landmark professionalism; they listened to the staff, observed the various scenes occurring and improved them.
Late ´90s COB used to do some visits here and there; at that time I did not understand why some staff tried not to cross his path, it could have been that the few that did ended usually off post…
So, time goes on, early 2000s are in progress; each day, every time and  more and more RTC starts to take over, meaning:
-Whenever one of the RTC member spoke the rule was to keep quiet.
Specific: during a meeting at the AO with Miscavige he did ask a question to the AO staff gathered there; one staff answered it. He said “What? You probably are not fully hatted.” Hours later that staff was removed from post, even though she had been doing well on it and was usually upstat.
As the time went on many other Execs fell into “RTC´s valence” of meaness and cruelness.
-The fences were put up at Hacienda Gardens, where most of Sea Org members lived, the security guards started to question every simple move anyone did, such as “How come you have 3 hours libs (liberty, day off)?”
-Orders such as: No walking on the streets, no talking to anybody outside the base started to appear. As well as: No communication with public.
Most of the Tech terminals were very aware that cutting COMMUNICATION with the public and people in the community will cause a direct fall on the ARC Triangle; but the orders against such a basic increased as the time went on.
Tech terminals, and Execs such as Debbie Cook, were all the time working in finding ways and actions where somehow we could standardly audit the pcs while, on the other, were to communicate to RTC Reps that:  “of course the stats were under control”
As time went on, obviously things got worse:
-Public literally, with “kind words” of course, were forced to return again and again in session to “re check a question that was said to have FN´d” to ensure standard tech was applied to him or her- The truth was that the VSD target had to be met “over dead bodies” which was the favorite RTC Reps´ phrase.
– Every Thursday, after 2pm of course, AO DTS called her pages who ended carrying from the warehouse about 25-30 folders, no exaggeration. But why?
To go over each, page by page, to re count the VSD and magically find the minutes, or even hours, that “were missed in the past” and add it now; this will always  get the PT VSD stat  up.  Yes, as far back as ´98, ´99 etc…folders were reviewed and always, no fail, the VSD stat ended up.
This was occurring in 2003, 2004, 2005 and so on.
KRs were written to no avail.
You needed to be stupid to not figure our some things- the above point was always related to the Advanced Tech VSD – RTC Stat. That was the point.
By Friday every staff had turned in their Conditions, CSWs, Battle Plans and what not.  By now, to expect a full Saturday LIBS was something of the past, you were lucky to obtain 2, 3 maybe 4 hours. It did not matter if you were in Affluence with 40-50 hours of well done auditng.
By early 2000s, and from there on,  Tech and Qual staff knew we all have to wait for Saturday noon to see if the CSWs were approved, it all depended on one thing: if the Advance Tech Stat was down by Friday night all CSWs were cancelled, sometimes on Saturday,just when  you were about to leave for 2 hours LIBS  the D of P came to tell you she was truly sorry but all “partial LIBS had been cancelled”… you guessed it right…the Advance Tech stat had dropped. CSW Policy letters were unmocked- you would not dare to ask what PL the Tech Sec was using to cancel an already approved CSW.
Stats – individual staff had no more stat; the matters of the Org were handled only based on the Advanced Tech Stat- schedules, libs, conditions, golden rods, states of emergency all was based on that stat.
What upset us the most was not even if we could have or not Saturday Libs, it was the continuous violations of Policies as basic as; your production, your stat, your condition, your rewards or penalty.
The other amazing, I should say, aspect of this was to see RTC Reps, such as Ty Webb, literally “running the board”, being there ensuring the VSD target pcs were placed first on the line up, it did not matter if the other pcs had had only one session the prior day, no, they did move the pc tags so the VSD targets were to happen first.
One day, after seeing Webb been at the PC Board  for over two hours I asked myself: if he is running the Board, who is  KSW? Wasn´t this the primary purpose of RTC?
Execs – They used to be dedicated, professional, honest, working always with you and all the other staff on how to handle matters; as RTC stepped in more and more… as years moved from 2000 to 2006, Execs turned into desperate people who only shouted at staff demanding the VSD to be made, such as Donnie Webster throwing things at you when you informed him the pc was out of hours and need to be re-signed before she could be gotten back in session. In the early  90s he would have accepted it, after 2000s he (and others) turned livid, shouting how would one dare to not go in session just because a minor Policy Letter and so on.
RTC Reps usually ended talking “loudly” to excess such as Janet Herring, Debbie Cook and others; this infuriated me and the rest of the auditors. Those excellent, professional Execs had always supported and backed up the Tech and Qual terminals as well as any other staff member, now they were left to cope with the constant demands for the  Adv. Tech Stat  while on the other hand they were trying to prevent  forcing pcs and auditors to go out tech in order to get that stat up.
MAAs turned into the “blind performers”, of course all under RTC Instructions. Lets say several auditors were in Affluence as they had accomplished 50-60 hours that week (the past stat of 35 hours normal – 40 affluence was by now obsolete, that did not apply and up till now I have not seen an LRH reference cancelling those PLs).
This was reported as usual Thursday after 2pm. By thursday 8pm or Friday 10 am Golden Rods “reprimands” were issued on all auditors (independently if their past week´s production had been of 50 hours,) who were at 3-4 hours by Friday morning…this was “downstat”, and a Non Existent Condition was assigned, name by name, on any and all auditors who were not above 7 hours by then.
Yes, I know, this could affect Advance Tech VSD if hours are allowed to go down, heaven forbid!
CSWs… for 3-4 hours Saturday libs guess who was the final approval terminal? Correct-RTC, this being Elsie Tucker, Francine Ladoucer or whoever was on the scene.
Again, if RTC Reps needed to approve Saturday LIBS CSWs, who then was KSW?
Not only that, the Form of the ORG PLs were un-mocked. If an RTC Rep was running the Board or roaming the HGCs to ensure auditors were in session and no Danger Condition was assigned to this staff or area being by passed, then a Non Existence Condition would occur on that staff or area. As this went on for years, and being that no Non Existence Condition was ever applied, the staff and the area kept sinking into lower Conditions; that is the only way to explain how Execs of the Division condoned and participated in such a massive stat push.
Such was the obsession for this stat that MAAs, FLB Ethics personnel and RTC terminals were all day around the HGCs ensuring pcs received “intensive auditing”. Getting pcs in session is not the Hat of an MAA, far less the one of RTC.
Writing folders in between sessions as per HCOBs? No mister, no; that was Admin and it delayed production thus the C/S and Senior C/Ss were swamped at 10pm or later with all the folders from all Auditors. Needless to say they hardly slept.
Somehow, we auditors, developed tricks such  as to leave the “IN Session” sign ON so you can be in your room writting up your first pc´s folder; but unfortunately sometimes you were caught up and it was the D/Tech Sec who, personally had gone out into the pc waiting area, had asked your pc to follow him while a tech page was grabbing the folder you were writing up and handing you the pc that the Exec was escorting  into your auditing room.
PC tired, no, not a consideration despite the Auditor´s Code. DTS had ensured pc had been stuffed of energy bars. had napped 10 minutes, had taken a walk, whatever necessary all in the name of a almost godly stat Advance Tech.
So, pc in the chair, metabolism test failed, pc and auditor agreed to leave the session for tomorrow, walked to the waiting area with your pc where he was immediately approached by DTS or higher Excec and, with hidden propitiation the pc was asked to follow him or her who will ensure session ability could be gotten.
But there was a new trick we auditors developed: while pc was taking a deep breath your thumb was strongly on the  TA; you needed to sit in a certain way to ensure your body was covering the camera so this trick won’t be caught by those who were watching the session. So, pc takes a deep breath, you hold the TA and move it little by little and slowly in a way that prevent the “metab” to show up on the screen where the faces of Tech Sec. DTSs and even RTC were expectant to see the needle fall on the metab so they could start counting the minutes that were need to  “officially” count the VSD target.
Gross!!!!  Unbelievebale!!! Yes, but we had a choice, either do this “trick”  or audit an un-sessoinable pc that already had had three or more attempts to metab and was obviously un-sessionable. As far as Auditors were concerned we always choose to follow the Auditor´s Code.
We auditors did this or whatever else was needed to allow our dearest pcs to go to bed and rest and prevent the horrendous harassment that were subjected to.
It may seem these points are small compared with other humongous irregularities carried out by COB; yet, add this to every auditor, every pc, every C/S not only at FSO but all around the planet and it is a complete disaster- you are dealing with  matters that LRH considered to be key for Scientology: a simple, honest application of the Tech and Tech and Qual personnel who can deliver it standardly so we can have satisfied pcs and well trained auditors.
Now, the Events- it´s true what a public wrote on the web:  The public was totally jumped on after each event literally by the thousand SO members that composed the FLB plus all the Outer Org Trainees. Before events,and about  twice a week, all the FLB staff was gathered at the auditorium to drill, 1) NOT to communicate with the public as that was fraternizing and that was out of the question  2) to ONLY ask each public “Cash or Credit?” while handing them a bag with whatever New Releases there were.
Later on was added the order to tell every pc you audited to buy, donate or whatever; yes, before exams or right after. Unacceptable to return for the next pc without having sold something or at least having asked about it.
Eternal late nights for drilling, calling, letter writing, selling and re-selling and selling again and again the “New Releases”.
Sessionable? Nobody was.
These no sleep nights were preceded by reminding to all the staff ” that COB was so dedicated that he worked 24/7″.
Well, me and other staff thought and quietly voiced amongst us:  “Well that is his problem and HIS game. I refuse to take his beingness or act like him, if he wants to work so much, let it be that is his decision; that ain´t my choice”.
LRH worked as much as he wanted but he never rubbed it in the face of others, far less demanded “every body should do the same”; he was himself and, most important, he allowed others to be themselves.
On the few situation related above I am proud to say I violated every “order” – never asked my pc to buy or donate specially if we were coming out of session; I always talked with the public after events and the hell with the crush selling.
Related a bit to the Events category and after the video of Tom Cruise came out where he was talking about KSW and so on, suddenly, RTC Reps started to do star-rates on KSW # 1. This was due to the mention by Cruise about this Policy and the idea was “if TC said it it was a big message, then all Scietologists should ensure KSW was left with no MUs”. RTC Reps went all over giving checkouts on that PL even though W/Cers were available and Twining HCO Bs still existed.
Similar, TC also mentioned something about PTSness, well after that, at least one of my pcs, was asked to re-do de PTS Course. She alleged to the MAA she had done it 3 times including the GAT one; it did not matter, “it was an order to be followed after T Cruise´s mention of it”. Eventually she was told she was out ethics and forced to do the Course at Tampa Org (we can assume with this someone could report “numerous public driving in at Tampa Org”).
And don´t take me wrong, Tom Cruise is a good movie actor, but as far as I remember LRH IS SOURCE, isn´t he?
Study time – of course RTC had study time, some of the Execs and most the Admin Staff- after all they started at 9.30 am directly into the course rooms and were on post by 12pm. That is fine, Study time is per Policy but….
… a  new Policy came up too “Auditors do not study, specially if they have incomplete Internships plus they usually get crammed and that counts as study time”- Nowhere written by LRH.
F/Ns- the statement of COB that “every miscalled FN was suppressive and always called for a minimum condition of Liability” led to the following:
On one hand you had the Adv Tech VSD Targets – on the other Standard Cramming.
Solution, as soon as you received your Cram Order starting with “To MAA first, Liability for miscalling F/Ns” you sat down and wrote, by now, a robotic Liability Condition.
It was so, so, so routine that after 1/2 an hour you had gathered a few dozen signatures from your fellow auditors who were very well versed on the situation. Later on auditors were upgraded by a rushed MAA, who in turn was being chased by D of Ps, or DTSs or Tech Secs to return the auditor in session while at the HGCs were the RTC Reps demanding at the few Execs who happened to be there “how come the auditor is still in cramming?”
Debbie Cook, by then Captain FLB, was very often called to the HGCs to “debug” the delivery obviously with the purpose to ensure the RTC Stat up. She may have wanted to do her post, but this was an RTC order, you see?
What a waste, such and extraordinary Exec Being called to do the DTS or D of P hat, really, what a waste!
As we auditors had no study time, I worked out something:  to wake up at 6am, get to the base around 6.30 and study on my own the LRH tech up until 8am.
When the schedules to start auditing pcs moved from 8.00-8.30 to 7.00- 7.15 I had no chance to study anymore and that was the end of it.
I knew I had all the right and choice to do my bridge-this was being supperssed and I decided the Hell with it. I joined the Sea Org to deliver Tech to the public so they could get better, I did not join to be the slave of anybody, far less to contribute to this horrendous and continuous criminal stat push.
It seems the RTC Stat never took into account what the public expected and deserved; what standard tech was able to give them: self determinism, power of choice and the right to live their lives the way they choose to.
So, I wrote my OWs and felt good, I was clean in my own eyes and could proudly said so to LRH.
I “ended sick, very sick” and off post on MLO lines. Then, and intentionally, I did use “the condition” to stay away from the base.
But, while being out of the base, in a place where, by the way,  another 5-6 tech and Qual terminals besides me were also “being handled” on various illnesses, I realized that I was not going back, I just simply was not a slave and could not audit just for “VSD” instead of auditing FOR the pc.
I had two choices: to spend a year or more being hammered with incorrect conditions and forever on sec checks or “use” my situation to leave right now.
I knew what a “Threat to the base” meant, by now three auditors had used it and were rushed out of the base, so I took that road, very consciously and intentionally pretended that I was so, so, so in bad shape that,  in the blink of an eye, I was “helped” to leave. A year later my Fitness Board was mailed to me.
My contacts were back here in Mexico City, so I travelled back home, recovered from my “awful illness” in less than two weeks, managed to handle IDs and what not and went on with my life. I haven´t been sick ever since!
I was shocked to see the world outside- NO Dianetics, NO Orgs, NO Scientology, NO books in the Bookstores, NO Ads on Radio or TV; hardly anyone had heard about it; yet I had the impression that half of the planet was already a Scientologist, a false idea promulgated at the events, of course.
It took me about two years to completely break the habit of “explaining” whatever I did; at the Org, even going to the bathroom in between sessions needed to be explained and justified to the D of P, the MAA who was always roaming around and even sometimes to an RTC Rep that happened to be there.
Since I left  I have remembered many times my old friends, specially the Auditors, Class XIIs, C/S, Senior C/Ss and Cram offs- most of them originally had the clean and straight purpose to deliver standard tech- most of them are great people. Deep in my heart I knew I was not the only one wanting to leave that suppressive scene, and some of us had hinted at it here and  there; but I also knew most of them lacked the courage to do it in whatever way they could.
The worst was to see the public manipulated, ordered to do this or that, their self determinism ignored completely.  What the public went to obtain through LRH’s tech was not being delivered. Public was lied to by MAAs, Execs, Regs; Standard Tech was no more a concern, selling was the primary “duty” of every staff.  Veteran Scientologists  fought a little, the new public had no clue really of the mess they have gotten into.
If a public was reading a novel or working on his I Pad while waiting for session, he or she was asked to please put that aside and grab an LRH Book, anything else was unacceptable. It did nor matter if that public had read all the LRH Books or even if he was a trained Auditor. The point being that LRH would not have taken such an approach, he would have allowed that individual to live his or her life; using a computer in the pc´s waiting area would not have meant “out ethics” for LRH. Never, believe me.
CMO was now “messengers” running to ensure stats were up, RTC their “senior”.
Execs were overpowered, Janet Herring, Debbie Cook, there was no way to combat RTC pressures and keep standard tech far less run the Org plus EVERY SINGLE DECISION had to be OK´d by RTC Reps.
Other minor Execs turned into “RTC´s valence” – shouting, degrading every HCO or PL that was in their way to get the stat up.
Other staff as Board I/Cs, pages, etc were so, so, so, so tired that apathy became their chronic tone.
The Form of the Org un-mocked; staff individual production and stats also un-mocked; all was assigned and run based on the RTC Stat.
Oh…I remember in one year we had 6-7 States of Emergency declared-highest ever! Shame this was no one´s stat!
Now, COB and “The Hole”, yes, it is real. That brought to mind an incident in late 90s, a meeting with him and all AO staff; again he was stating whatever, a staff member said something then, COB grabbed one of the biggest pebbles he could find, those that were used as demo kit, and threw it very hard at the staff; luckily he dodged it and came out safe. Interesting behavior from an assumed ¨the highest” Sea Org Exec.
Comparing his behavior with those of real professional Execs such as Mr Heber J, Mr Guillame L, Mr Mithoff, Mr Yager and many, many others…well, actually there is no possible comparison; the gap is just too wide to even think of comparing one with the others.
How can Miscavige call himself a Sea Org Member when he is using millions of parishioner´s money to buy cars, clothes and live as, god knows what!!  Enough said about this off the rail individual; is not worthy to give him more attention.
No, we all rather remember LRH who only wanted the individual to regain his self determinism and power of choice; remember  the true Sea Org Member Execs, the staff that honestly joined with the mind set in using standard tech and admin, the genuine great Auditors and C/S, Supervisors and Tech-Qual staff that know what standard tech can do; it is worthy to have attention on those that are true to themselves.
Lets acknowledge all the public who basically are each one a unique individual who found Scientology, saw a way to a better conditions and decided to attend the Orgs to receive Standard Tech, and learn it too.
Lets remember another fact. LRH is Source and Scientology works when standardly applied, that includes HCO Bs and HCO PLs too.
Lets move on with the Independent movement of Scientologists which is now well in progress, lets carry on with our lives using Scientology;  the action which will bring benefit to oneself and others, and lets leave the criminals sink into the world of oblivion that awaits them for eternity.
We Scientologists have better things to do.
And truth, though fought, always at the end prevails. LRH
Wish you the best,
Silvia Lloréns

Truth vs. Greed in Israel

Dani Lemberger and the Dror Life Improvement Center of Haifa Israel are the subject of a lengthy article in a major Isreali newspaper, Haifa Dror Center v. Corporate Excess.  (you need to register, free, to read the article)  I think the article very clearly demonstrates what is more valuable, truth (supplied in abundance by Dani of Dror) or money (all Scientology Inc. will share is a gaudy building and a Hollywood, phony event).  David Miscavige has spent upwards of $14 million on a building in Tel Aviv.  Not only does it not delivery anywhere near the quality of tech as the Dror Center, it cannot even match Dror’s quantity.

And on top of Dani and Tami and their dedicated staff blowing Miscavige and Scientology Inc. away on delivery (solely funded by donations made in exchange for services), when the media want to know about Scientology, they go to and publish Dani Lemberger while the Scientology Inc. org refuses to answer their simple questions.

Yet another country where Scientology Inc., despite throwing millions at the problem, is gone, non-existant, and irrelevant, while Independent Scientologists have picked up and carry on with Ron’s work admirably.

For more on the Lembergers and Haifa Dror Center see:

Israel Goes Independent

New Israeli Advanced Organization

Learn to Evade Tax at the Scientology Chapel

Bruce Wiseman and Kevin Burke are corporate Scientology stalwarts.   They are the name partners of Wiseman & Burke the firm that makes money by handling the money of corporate Scientologists with big bucks.  Wiseman is the wise guy who puts out the creepy,  world-conspiracy paranoia tracts that justify so much corporate Scientologist unlawfulness (some under the handle John Truman Wolfe).   Incidentally, he rails about the bankers who produce nothing but make their money off of the labor and money of others; and guess what Wiseman and Burke does for a living?  He also appears on television and lobbies elected officials on behalf of Scientology Inc front group CCHR (Citizens Commission on Human Rights).   Burke has covered Wiseman financially for years so that he could play out the Scientology Inc. demagogue gig full time.

Wiseman and Burke are opinion leaders in the corporate Scientology field, and are fully backed and sponsored by the David Miscavige administration.  Here are only two of many recent examples of church premises being used by the duo to ply their trades and pimp Miscavige causes:

Now, here’s the rub.   Scientologists who come to hear these guys are shielded by artful use of compartmentalization of information only possible under Miscavige’s repressive Disconnect policies (keeping people it the dark by severing all their ties to friends, family and business contacts should they discuss or forward any unauthorized information about those in good stead with Miscavige).



The upshot of all this is that the IRS-recognized, tax-exempt ‘church’ of Scientology is using their American taxpayer subsidized premises to sponsor and host seminars by folk who have been ordered by the State of California to cease and desist with their off-shore, TAX EVASION consultation services.

Some church.

David Miscavige’s kind of guys.