Daily Archives: June 6, 2024

Censorship and Propaganda Authorities

Censorship Mind Control as currently practiced by the organs of the Neo Liberal Order is essentially a three-step operation. First, effectively censor dissident voices. Second, if censorship alone cannot silence effective voices then smear them to the point where no one will listen to what they say. Third, which is often run concurrent with 2 and 3, roll out the elite’s chosen narratives as related by authoritative figures; incessantly and everywhere at once. The narrative roll out is all important as it contains the untruths Big Brother wishes to implant in our minds. The “authority” in “authoritative figures” as narrators comes at the privilege of the elite of the Neo Liberal Order; judged by his/her willingness and ability to relay what he or she is told to say and write, and decidedly not by merit. 

For example, the effective author and spokesman for the roll out of the Greatest Hoax of the 21st Century (see Jacob Siegel’s Invasion of the Fact Checkers) was former FBI agent  Clint Watts. That he deserves that sobriquet is not my opinion. It is that of perhaps the most powerful figure in today’s entire Global Intelligence (IC) network, former CIA and NSA head and current director of Censorship Industrial Complex Operations at the Atlantic Council, Michael Hayden.  Watts was the first ‘credentialed’ public promoter of the Russia scare – the crude, but effective return to 1950’ish McCarthyist Red Scare days. Fear all that is “them” (read Russian) as it secretly permeates our precious bodily fluids. Watts was the chosen narrator of the propaganda narrative that we must shut our ears and eyes to any information designated as ‘Russian”.  Of course, the ugly trick was to label anything and everything that didn’t fit the Neo Liberal Order’s dozens of propaganda narratives as “Russian”. Absurd as it was, roughly fifty percent of the U.S. population went along for the ride. The once “progressive” wings of the Mainstream Media (MSM), CNBC/CNN, became literally obsessed with this mind-programming complex front man Watts.  He appeared out of nowhere as the authority on all Russian Hoax matter and was omnipresent in all major government-compliant mainstream media.

What qualified Watts for this job?  Was it that he was part of the failed and discredited pre-911 U.S. government anti-terror apparatus?  Was it his several years of cashing in on the Security Industrial Complex cottage industry that arose after 911 in spite of the fact it was the result of the pre-911 failures of the likes of Watts?  Nothing in his overt, officially listed background would seem to qualify him as a CIA storyteller, least of all on the matter of “Russian Misinformation.” And yet, having been exposed as a rank peddler of the Russia Hoax, Watts just keeps skipping from one high paying propagandist gig after another. Here is the latest, from a recent piece by William A. Jacobson (Founder of the Equal Protection Project) in the NY Post:

In another bad omen, Clint Watts, the FBI special agent and MSNBC contributor who founded the Hamilton 68 dashboard, has been hired by Microsoft to run their disinformation unit during the upcoming election.

If Hamilton 68 isn’t ringing any bells, it was the left-wing think tank notorious for accusing legitimate right-leaning accounts of being Russian bots. It pushed the false narrative of massive Russian influence that was heavily relied upon by many mainstream media outlets and possibly even swayed the 2020 election.

And now this same guy is in charge of monitoring disinformation for Microsoft during the next election. What possibly could go wrong? Everything. 

With Google Jigsaw in firm Censorship Industrial Complex control, (see Mike Benz’ Google Jigsaw’s Plan to Vaccinate Your Mind) most traditional channels of communication have been seized by Big Brother leading up to election day 2024.

So, how does a backbencher security hack become an omnipresent front man for the Censorship Industrial complex? While his official biography doesn’t give a clue, his own words do.  According to him, Watts’ “mentor” in the storytelling craft is the man who wrote the official record of the alleged events leading up to 911. Lawrence Wright’s The Looming Tower covered up so well for the CIA/FBI Pre-911 negligence (or treason?) that according to Watts the head of the FBI (Robert Muller, who was appointed to mop up the severe FBI/CIA post 911 PR damage) instructed supervisors like Watts to “make sure everyone gets one of these books.”  And Watts eagerly complied, saying he bought “boxes” of the book and distributed them to “all my colleagues.”

Think about it – the largest law enforcement/intelligence agency in the world needs an ‘outside’ author to school its members on the most colossal failure of any government agency in world history?  Why?  Perhaps because the primary, glaring criticism of Wright’s book was his justification of the CIA’s withholding of critical intelligence from the FBI (and the FBI’s own serial fumbles) that clearly prevented law enforcement from foiling the well pre-broadcast 911 catastrophe? Wright’s authoritative answer to why the problems was that the CIA and FBI were overworked and underpaid. As we shall see, Wright is an expert at personalizing societal catastrophes, and elevating villains to hero status in order sell rotten New Liberal Order false narratives.

In either event, the cloying cult member like adoration a head of a major counter terrorism department directs toward a ‘citizen’ author is remarkable. That Counter Terrorism head, Watts, reminisced during a 2022 podcast that he “had the great fortune of being his (Wright’s) driver between airports and auditoriums” during his book promotional tour; and this is where his mentor schooled him on becoming a professional storyteller. Said Watts, Wright “provided much needed guidance to me.” 

Coincidentally, during that same podcast Watts and Wright neatly lay the groundwork justification for the CIA and FBI to turn their outward facing powers inward toward American Citizens.  While Middle Eastern terrorists pour over our Southern Border in unprecedented numbers, Wright and Watts seem to concur that intelligence and law enforcement ought instead be going after Trump supporters. According to Watts, it “is a sure thing” that domestic terrorists have “biological weapons…very much on their minds.”  

Referring to Wright’s epic apologia to Anthony Fauci, Pfizer, NIH, and the Biden Administration (the book Plague Year, so chock full of since-discredited big pharma/government propaganda to warrant its own post), Watts and Wright continue to pimp government  COVID-19 myths that were long-since proven phony by the time of the 2022 podcast.

Thus, Wright laments (with Watts agreeing like a bobbing head doll) that what went wrong with the pandemic and what is most crucially wrong with America today is: “What we didn’t have was the trust we needed to have in our government institutions. We just don’t rate on that scale at all.” 

As this blog has detailed, these ‘love, devotion, and surrender’ (to Big Brother) demands were being made just as the Biden administration was unleashing the largest roll back in civil rights in American history. Wright said Americans are just plain backward as compared to “Angolans” and “Latvians” in their unwillingness to put full faith into government agencies, at the very moment those agencies were betraying Americans like never before.

Did Larry mean we should have dropped to our knees and demonstrated cultlike compliance to the NIH/Mainstream media’s anointed Mr. Science? The guy who was so infallible that to question him was to question science itself?  The guy who is now being exposed by documents as the kingpin of perhaps the most harmful and deadly fraud ever perpetrated on the American people; this guy? See, Fauci Kingpin in Massive Cover up. 

Among other things, here is what Fauci sought to cover up: Fauci Cover-up

As we shall see, that is precisely what Big Brother narrator supreme Lawrence Wright means.