Moving on up a Little Higher III: What is Wrong with Western Civilization?

This blog began in 2009 attempting to spell out what is wrong and right with Scientology. The primary purpose was to preserve that which has worked well for Scientologists by their own reckoning.  It more recently explored the reality of those obsessed with destroying Scientology. From the inside (bottom to top to out) to the outside (bottom to top to out) of Scientology, from pro to con to the positive side of neutral, a uniquely informed and broad perspective has developed. That point of view combined with a deep investigation into what is happening with western culture, has afforded me the understanding that society faces problems far more pressing and important than any of the perceived “defects” with Scientology.  That is, what the media perennially revisits whenever Scientology begins to make some headway or the powers that be need a handy, scintillating distraction. However, current affairs have convinced me that there is an aspect of my 45 years of experience in and around the subject that has become of vital relevance to the world’s most pressing, serious problem. 

Applying a consistent, almost religious, negation of anything positive on Scientology, the media periodically regurgitates an old Scientology narrative, originally created by vested interests. The very same vested interests who today are running a far broader and more repressive censorship and propaganda war on the American people at large. Significantly, that war employs the same tactics which for decades have been employed against Scientology, and others. Those tactics have evolved into the McCarthyist cancel culture that currently prevails. While the cancel culture participants like to think it is a bottom-up grass roots effort, a closer study demonstrates it is top down all the way. The elites ply the populace with a steady stream of propaganda that instills destructive values and prompts us to turn on one another like jackals.

I refer to the censoring and defaming powers that be as the Neo Liberal Order (or NLO).  The ever-growing Washington D.C. blob that rules through its uniparty (with Republican and Democrat branches) masquerading as a two-party system to give the public the illusion that they have a choice in how matters are governed. They are the plutocrats who man and use the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, the Intelligence Community (lead by CIA and a vast array of spying and law enforcement tentacles), and its ever-more compliant propaganda arms, the mainstream media (MSM) and Big Tech.  

The war on speech and thought has taken on Orwellian dimensions of late, bolstered by NLO’s hold and control over the internet through Big Tech (Google, META/Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and once significantly Twitter before it cut that control with Musk’s purchase of what is now X).  Thankfully, many are fighting this descent into a digital Matrix-like world by exposing the grip that what they call the Censorship Industrial Complex (CIC) is attempting to exercise over the hearts and minds of billions. 

As I have alluded to in earlier writings, the Church of Scientology has often served as an NLO/MSM canary in the coal mine of sorts, over decades. Nothing that current targets of the NLO/MSM propaganda machine (e.g. Elon Musk, Russell Brand, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Glenn Greenwald, even Donald Trump) face day in and day out has not already been plied incessantly against Scientology and its founder L. Ron Hubbard for several decades. That includes censorship, enforced false narratives, loads of propaganda, shaming, and denial of civil and human rights. Lest anyone attempt to pigeon-hole this educational effort as politically partisan, I fully recognize complete government censorship power is an Uniparty effort backed by significant percentages of Republicans as well as Democrats.  It so happens that at the present the political left seems nearly unanimous in embracing and adopting the censorship and state propaganda machine. 

One aspect of the Church I could never get the MSM to take an iota of interest in was its 50-year record of taking on the NLO over such issues as freedom of speech, freedom of information and privacy, freedom of religion and conscience, freedom from ill-health effects of institutionalized medicine, and freedom from undue Big Pharma influence in the systematic drugging of America and especially its children.  My attempts to do so were shamed by accusations that I was still acting as a “Scientology warrior.”

The Big Pharma work was critical to understanding that rejection.  As I recounted in one book, it was the heads of the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association and the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association who first hammered Scientology’s founder in the early fifties, clearly threatened by his claims that Scientology’s precursor Dianetics was effective in handling psychosomatic ills, not to mention offering a decidedly anti-drug approach to mental and spiritual therapy. The documented record shows it was those profit and control centers that worked hand in glove with CIA, Justice Department, FBI, FDA, and at least three branches of military intelligence to silence and discredit L. Ron Hubbard and his early Scientology organizations. The same crew today has expanded that discredit, depersonalize, shame, silence and reprogram program and directed it against citizens who advocate freedom of speech, information and privacy, conscience, and freedom from mass drugging of America, especially its children. 

The NLO efforts to stifle Scientology did not end during its fledgling days. In the late eighties and early nineties Big Pharma was bribing federal officials (having already infiltrated and utterly controlled a number of Federal agencies, across the National Institutes of Health, and especially the FDA) to pass regulations that would grant Big Pharma the right to advertise directly to the public. At the forefront of those attempting to fight that coup was the Church of Scientology. In the middle of that struggle, Scientology was hit with the biggest, coordinated MSM propaganda assault in its then 30-year history. It was clearly originated and coordinated at the highest levels of Big Pharma and through the usual channels (MSM and US government).  Unfortunately for the country, the biggest victim of the operation was not the Church of Scientology, but the public at large.

Why?  Because with Scientology temporarily disabled as a significant opposition, the government green light was given to market drugs direct to the public. Watch one half hour of any network at news time and prime time, particularly the popular NLO cable outlets that serve as megaphones for the latest federal government NLO party lines (CNN/MSNBC) and notice who literally owns them now. Big Pharma. It is a continuous advertisement for a Brave New World where there is a pill for virtually anything that so much as causes one the slightest discomfort, periodically interrupted with the “news” Big Brother wants you to buy. According to the wall to wall ads, the drugs don’t just cure, they turn you into a rock star, an athlete, an explorer – you name it – at middle age or even in seniority.  It is continual programming directed at the infantilization of American adults (for more on the organized, systematic dummying down – the infantilization – of Americans, read Consumed: How Markets Corrupt Children, Infantilize Adults, and Swallow Citizens Whole by Benjamin R. Barber).  It was not that way 25 years ago.

Now, any resistance to the programming (infantilizing, now intensified by cyber censorship and propaganda) receives the same treatment I witnessed the Church of Scientology receive for nearly three decades: discrediting, censorship, shaming, labelling, cancellation and depersonalization.

When one studies and understands the growing censorship industry and its military intelligence community origins and technologies, one understands that censorship is not simply stopping certain types of communication. It also entails discrediting, depersonalizing and cancelling the origination points of communication of verboten ideas. That is followed by re-programming: the steady diet of now uncontested propaganda Big Brother wishes the sheep to believe.

As much as MSM and its subsidiary Anti-Scientology Cult smear machine have attempted to effectively lobotomize me, the recent proliferation of independent, citizen media (as Elon Musk aptly terms it) across the internet – and the Scientology-like treatment NLO is countering it with – has fully revitalized and restored my memory.  Before Scientology and after Scientology I was deeply engaged in alternative, independent media.  In effect, I was even more involved during my 27 years within the Church of Scientology.  Citizen-media’s latest incantation – and forums – and its most important and fastest spreading subject matter beckons me to share my 45 years of experience in and around it. 

That is, educating on and forwarding of freedom of information and privacy, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, and freedom from mass drugging, and more particularly freedom from the drugging and abuse of children. In other words, contributing to the alternative to the real time construction of The Matrix.

For a primer and example of how the Censorship Industrial Complex (CIC) has come to be and evolved from an allegedly objective ‘fact-checking’ outfit into a full-blown mind control operation, please read Jacob Seigel’s excellent summation, Invasion of the Fact-Checkers: Who are you going to believe, the Democratic Party’s new official-unofficial, public-private monopoly tech platform censorship brigade, or your misinformed, disinformed eyes?, at The Tablet, Fact Checking the Fact Checkers – Tablet Magazine

Seigel’s piece will lead us directly to chapter one of our investigation into a brand new frontier. 

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