The Problem with Artificial Intelligence

First, all the recent chatter about Artificial Intelligence is primarily this: Wall Street stock pump hype. That machine churns out much of our economic “news” through mainstream media outlets such as Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and others.  Since last June when the “AI is upon us” campaign began Wall Street’s biggest have profited in the trillions; all the while economic conditions have deteriorated for all working Americans. The mainstream propaganda arms have been concurrently running a campaign that anyone who complains (read 98% of Americans who are being crippled by inflation) are numbskull country bumpkins (with white supremacist leanings – even those of color) who don’t understand the daily stream of cooked, false economic statistics the Biden administration churns out.  Yes, everyone on Wall Street (including those who ‘cover’ it for the Times, Journal, Bloomberg, etc) know that those statistics are as phony as a three dollar bill without any shadow of a doubt.  They couldn’t do their job if they did not.  Their job being to justify the worst economic disaster in human history.  That is a $34,000,000,000 national debt that is increasing by a trillion dollars every one hundred days. 

So how is AI news stock pump hype? The lie is this, AI is not coming.  AI is here and has been here for decades.  It is called collection, analysis and distribution of data through algorithms.  Why America has never been dumber (and ALL available statistics says that it is) is because for the past twenty-five years it has been educated and conditioned by a data system algorithm that measures truth by quantity, that is, popularity.  Group think has ruled the day for the past two decades through implementation of an artificial intelligence that gives people the highest rated (most popular) item they inquire about.  It doesn’t take much understanding of history to recognize how morally and intellectually destructive this is. In science, governance, business, and technology (to name a few important fields) positive, important breakthroughs and advancement are always and only achieved through individual, creative thought that goes diametrically opposed to group think of the day (whether that day be 10,000 b.c. or 2024). One does not increase one’s intelligence by continually basking in self-affirming feedback.  One advances in intelligence and character by exposing oneself to a wide diversity of information, investigating and continually increasing one’s ability to rationally and morally evaluate it to solve problems.

The first major ‘leap’ in artificial intelligence – between 2008 and the present – was to add  a crippling virus to an already sick infected body.  That is, Big Tech stole all your browsing , email and text information to tailor advertising for you and pummels you with it.  This was a scandal for about 6 months a few years back. But, the constantly imposed, digital neo maniacal distraction machine rapidly diverted Americans’ attention off of doing anything about that. 

We are in the midst of the second major ‘leap’ in AI – that of the imposition of the Censorship Industrial Complex upon our minds. That is the entire subject of this blog since March of 2024.  This is the existential battle for free thought and expression we find ourselves in. 

The lastest ’advancement’ in Artificial Intelligence, the intelligentsia will tell you, is that that very destructive reverse learning process described above can now go on automatic pilot and ‘teach’ itself to solve more and more problems.  The “breakthrough” that literally mints new billionaires by the week on Wall Street is that this process is expected to replace all working people.  No lie. Look at any given day on Wall Street. Many dozens of major corporation over the past year have announced mass layoffs attributable to AI.  Each announcement is accompanied by a massive pump up of the given corporations’ stock price.  In the odd event that a company announces more hiring, or even in most cases more investment in production facilities, Wall Street promptly sells its stock sending its overall ‘value’ spiraling downward.  And so the New Liberal Order (whose individual members are 90% funded by stock portfolios auto-inflation) pushes this carrot and stick propaganda routine:  Carrot, go with the flow and you will live in a paradise where no one works and everyone lives in his or her own dream world (ala The Matrix), or resist and be labelled a terrorist and die a violent, degrading death. 

The real “breakthrough” with AI is this.  The ‘greatest’ minds at Google (a CIA/Military Industrial Complex startup) and its brethren at Microsoft, Apple, and Meta have decided they can replicate those minds into an omnipotent, omnipresent autopilot.  You can see it already.

Exhibit one, Google’s Gemini artificial intelligence vehicle. During its roll out early this year, it became apparent the entire system was infected with the woke mind virus carried by its creators. Gemini was unwilling to, even incapable of, generating an image of a white historical figure. It would give you a native American Thomas Jefferson, an Asian George Washington, but not a single white man among the founding fathers. Oh, there was a spate of outrage.  Vivek Ramswamy prematurely crowed how Google was paying the “go woke, go broke” price because its stock price faltered for a couple days. Turns out, it faltered for 7 days total. That is how long it took for our neo maniacal, digital driven distraction culture to forget the flap.  3 months later and the stock is up 33% way above all time highs. It is business as usual.

Exhibit two, Microsoft’s AI vehicle “CoPilot.”   Experiment with it yourself.  First, the Edge search engine defaults to the top ten ‘trending’ news items of the day.  As testimony to paragraph 2 above on enforced group think  – 60-70% of those items are utterly pointless distraction, with little to no value to intelligent thought.  For example, for many months its number one item every day was the latest revealing breast shots of Paige Spiranac – so much for Microsoft’s  ‘anti-sexist’ woke virtue culture. It is always populated with one or more celebrity gossip items. It’s the lowest common denominator trash you can find.  What is more disconcerting is AI’s “improvement” on the remaining 30-40 percent of hard news items.  Rather than allow one to browse the news results  and determine the reason for its popularity yourself, Microsoft now insists on mansplaing* it to you.  And those condescending explanations are always preaching the Neo Liberal (read socialist/communist)  talking points interpretation.  Thus, any flap of the big spending, war mongering, morals degenerating variety is immediately and authoritatively justified as “trending” only because, racist, right wing militia oriented Q anon types are overreacting. Test it yourself. It is mind numbing. 

Only the most immoral, entitled, arrogant elite in world history benefit from this; and even then only in the short run.  The arrogant, privileged elite impose their minds upon the workings of every aspect of society through their now omnipresent digital networks; and there is no human there to suffer any of the negative consequences.  It is “artificial” intelligence – so when the rubber meets the road and this society degenerates into a Mad Max dog-eat-dog scramble for subsistence, there is no one there to hold to account, no one who can be made to have a change of heart, a realization leading to a change of course. No, it is automatic pilot and their ain’t anything anyone can do about it.  Unless, more folks start doing something about it before the rubber does meet the road. 

While Big Tech gleefully predicts an AI run world where no one works, consider this: thousands of studies have demonstrated conclusively that the end of work equals the end of life.  Happiness itself is defined as overcoming obstacles to achieve accomplishment; the very definition of work (read for example Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi).  The only thing worse than a communist worker’s paradise is a Big Brother no work permitted matrix. 

*Mansplaining. Why use “mansplaining”?  Because it is the perfect demonstration of the hypocrisy of the Neo Liberal Order woke mind culture.  That culture insists on systematically degrading women by  replacing them with men pretending to be women. Military spokespeople, College athletes, the White House giving out an award for advancement of women’s rights to a man wearing a dress, and just now Cannes awarding best actress to a biological man. Meanwhile, Western fertility rates hit their lowest ever. Ever think about why?

Incidentally, Noam Chomsky on AI:

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