Something Can Be Done About It

by Mike Rinder

For 4 years, Marty Rathbun’s Blog – Moving On Up A Little Higher – has provided an invaluable service.  It has been the best source of news on the current goings-on in the world of Scientology, exposed truths about what has happened in the past,  provided a venue for those newly emerging from the bubble of the Church to announce themselves to the world, given insight into squirreling of the tech, offered helpful advice on sources of wisdom and became a place to find new friends or reconnect with old ones.

Marty has always said that it was his desire to help raise spiritual awareness, to move on up a little higher.   If you are a regular reader you have probably noticed his blog evolving away from the daily news into higher concepts and discussions. This is something that is important. And it is a message directed to those who have well and truly left the church behind and are moving onward and upward.

But I feel there is still a need for coverage of day to day news and activities. And a place where those who may just be emerging from the bubble that is corporate Scientology can find information to help them to break free once and for all.  And perhaps a place where even the seasoned veterans of Moving On Up can keep up with current news.

Tony Ortega’s blog covers a lot of ground, but I don’t see everything from the same perspective he does, and no doubt anyone inside the church, or “under the radar” or recently stepping away would reject a lot of what he says due to his clearly expressed skepticism about the entire subject of Scientology.  That being said, there is no question of the service he continues to provide, standing tall and strong in exposing abuses as a journalist rather than a former insider blogging for a different public.

Sinar Parman recently began a Facebook private group where he keeps everyone abreast of current media, but Facebook doesn’t lend itself well to any in depth articles, and it is fleeting, unindexed and unwieldy to use as a reference source for information even a few hours after an initial posting, let alone weeks or months later.

I have assisted Marty moderate his blog since the early days.  We have agreed that while he continues Moving On Up A Little Higher I have started a new blog Something Can Be Done About It  that will hopefully help fill the vacuum on the “daily news” about Scientology, slanted to the perspective of those who consider themselves Scientologists. And by that I mean nothing more than those who have found something workable in the subject and apply it to their lives. It is not intended as a label, just an easily understandable shorthand for whom I consider the target audience for the blog. I would like it to be a place where those “sitting on the fence” or “under the radar” as well as those who want reassurance that progress is being made towards ending the abuses in the church can find information of value.

I intend to share the latest news about the Ideal Orgs and events in orgs. About who has announced their departure from the church. I plan to cover current news and pose questions that should be asked by those who are still in the church.

As has been the moderation policy on Moving On Up since its launch, a lot of leeway will be given to people who are sincerely expressing a view. But if it becomes clear their only intent is to stir up trouble and distract from the discussion, they will be told they can go somewhere else. It’s simply a matter of deciding whether one person demanding their “right” to yell “Fire” in the theater trumps the right of everyone else who is there to watch the movie.  Anyone who feels aggrieved is welcome to start their own blog. It costs nothing and WordPress makes it very easy to do.

I have tried to make this blog seem relatively familiar to readers of Moving On Up, but I have also added some features. You will see on the right side there is a menu that shows the 10 most recent comments  as I know it is sometimes difficult to navigate through the comments to find what you haven’t read if there are a lot of responses. I have also included several fundamental articles – the 31 Factors, Debbie Cook’s Open Letter and The Letter from Garcia.  The earlier posts I wrote that were published on Marty’s blog (see the button at the top of the page “All Posts”). And recommended books are also included. Not all features and aspects are fully finalized, but its operational enough to get started then fill in all the blanks and iron out any bugs as they arise.

If you have an article or information you think may be of interest, send to me at

I look forward to hearing from you.

104 responses to “Something Can Be Done About It

  1. That’s great, Mike. Do you know what this is, really? Expansion. And I welcome it.

  2. Awesome!

  3. Thanks GHop. Good point. I hadnt thought of it this way….

  4. Wonderful! Thank you!
    This whole process of moving on up has been just that…a process of sorts.
    There comes a point where one realizes the desire to truly learn beyond the shackles that have been imposed, and I am thankful and supportive of Marty continuing to enlighten in that direction.
    But, as you said, I have missed the “news”.
    I look forward to frequenting this new site in my daily, morning routine as I sip on coffee and wake up to get the day going.
    Thank you.

  5. Thanks Mike for stepping up to fill the vacuum and I agree it’s a very needed thing. I also want to thank Marty for keeping this blog here. All of it has been invaluable and the discussions most enlightening. Without this kind of interchange, the subject would have stayed stuck where it was and I feel now it has a real chance to be understood and used outside the oppressive environment of the cult in a manner that can benefit more people. The beat goes on……

  6. Why do people leave the Church of Scientology? Because the church wants back with triple interest any abilities “their philosophy” may have imparted to anyone. Sadly, many times these are abilities that attackers from the church do not themselves even possess yet or conceive of as something that can be gotten by them. Then it is too late. I never actually left the church. Their attacks on me just died down after a while while they make believe they have found new targets, like this blog and Anonymous to name just two. But the church is finding that they are dealing with some very formidable opponents these days, moreso than was originally anticipated by them. So this blog is a steppingstone in the right direction for anyone seeking the truth about the Church of Scientology. I have found out many things on Marty’s blog that I never knew I never knew before, hence the reason I am not such a huge contributor, but more a student learning from the best. Thank you Karen, Marty, Mike, Tony, Yvonne and you know who! 🙂 I like the freedom of speech and certainty of being this blog supports. 🙂

  7. Congratulations on the new blog. You can be sure I will follow it.

    I cross-posted the following very late on the prior thread. While it is off-topic, and it is bad form to repeat myself, I’m going to see if I can cross-post it again only because it is a matter of great importance.

    Kate Bornstein has lung cancer and needs our help.

    From Tory Ortega:


    Last year, we were very pleased to write a Voice cover story about Kate Bornstein, one of New York’s most original performance artists, a well-known gender activist, and a former first mate for L. Ron Hubbard on the yacht Apollo (back when Kate was Al Bornstein).

    What pleases us less is the fight that Kate has been engaged in against lung cancer. She was diagnosed in August, and after a successful surgery, the disease rallied and is giving her more trouble. The good news, however, is that her doctors tell her that it’s curable, and she’s fighting hard with a regimen of chemotherapy and diet.

    In the meantime, she could use a little help. So today, she’s starting a GoFundMe site where we can all donate a little to help her out. As soon as we have the URL on that site, we’ll post it here. And please, if you haven’t yet read Kate’s amazing memoir, A Queer and Pleasant Danger, do yourself a big favor and buy a copy now.

    And here’s the link to her fundraising site. Please go there!”

    Kate’s Go Fund Me Page – Help Kate Bornstein Stay Alive

    Amazon link to A Queer and Pleasant Danger (Amazon):

    Barnes and Noble link to A Queer and Pleasant Danger (Barnes and Noble):


  8. Poet13cRichard Kaminski

    I totally agree: Something Can Be Done About It!
    Well done, Mike. Happy days 🙂

  9. Nice one, Mike.

  10. Looks great Mike! I would add under “classics” your video’s of your visit to Ireland and the speech there. That was major news for me. A major event for me actually. Being that I have a lot of family friends and history there.

    Also Marty’s visit to Germany. That was major for me because of the huge wall that has been cast between peoples, in the I.A.S. efforts to fund raise and how Germany was almost excluded from Scientology as a result. An entire country was almost written off the bridge.

    Thanks for all that you do!

    I will try to make myself useful!


  11. Hapexamendios

    Very cool Mike, just added it to my list of blog subscriptions.

  12. Mike, this is wonderful news and a very needed and wanted blog, in my opinion. I have always loved your thoughtful, articulate and often humorous articles and comments. I’ll gladly add your new blog to my “must read” daily news.

    And thanks to Marty for his perseverance and attentive handling of his blog for all these years. It’s a huge feat, with all the other things he does, and truly shows his dedication.

    You both inspire awe. I believe LRH would be proud.

  13. Thank you for doing this Mike! Really appreciated, as is the current direction of Marty`s blog!


  14. TO — thanks for the suggestion. I have quite a lot of work to do to get the blog so it is complete… I want it to be a sort of “one-stop-shop” but I didnt want to keep working on the blog forever and never get into doingness. If I did that, how could I criticize the Super Power building, still not opened 15 years after the groundbreaking! 🙂 Mike

  15. Hey Mike. I have just three words for you:
    Hip! Hip! Hooray!

  16. Hey Mike,
    I can’t even begin to tell you how great this is.
    Thank-you for making it happen.

  17. Brilliant idea. Valuable contribution. I especially appreciate the way Mike and Marty work in coordination. Two great examples of leadership, as in inspiring others to action.

  18. Thanks for this MR. I’ve been enjoying the direction of Marty’s blog quite a bit, and want him to keep it going, and so I have been reading Tony Ortega’s blog to get the news. But it can be wearying to read some of the stuff he writes from his unvarying point of view.

    One of the things I enjoy about Marty’s blog are the discussions and sometimes even the snits between commenters. One has to take a shower after trying to read some of the comments on Tony’s blog.

    So, Mike, welcome to the JD reading list!

  19. Rinder’s well-worn hat comes flying into the ring…

  20. Thankyou Mike. And thankyou Marty. This blog has been invaluable and helped me enormously.

  21. Joe Pendleton

    Sounds great Mike. I always find your viewpoint enlightening and it will be good to read more from you.

  22. Great news! Expansion, indeed. A lot of things are starting to move forward now – ‘on up a little higher’ – and it’s very exciting.

  23. Thanks Mike and Marty. There’s always good indicators on the right handling. This is marvelous.

  24. Thanks for all your efforts Mike! It’s deeply appreciated.

  25. I add my thanks as well to both of you.

  26. “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” -Mark Twain
    You’re doing us great service here Mike! Thank you!

  27. Great idea Mike!! I’ll see you over there. 🙂

  28. Thanks for doing this, Mike! You and Marty show intelligence, courage, positive leadership, and integrity. I admire that and appreciate it very much. Thank you.

  29. Seriously good news! The Dynamic Duo Does It Again. Can’t wait!

  30. Most Interested

    This is healthy progress in my view. Orderly progression. We are many who have benefited from your and Marty’s work and providing of truth and insights and this next step in the cycle seems very natural. Looking forward to the continuation of this evolution. Thank you, sincerely.

  31. Bert Schippers

    Very cool.

  32. Perfect!!!

  33. Mike.
    Bookmarked it!
    I do look forward to the continuing coverage, and with your writing style, it’s bound to be entertaining. Certainly is a needed and wanted, too. As others venture out into the light, they will need safe stepping stones to learn the full truth.

  34. Marty and Mike,
    Thanks for keeping the collaborative perspective going. We (we loosely identified Scientologists, OTs/pre-OTs) need that for the long haul.

  35. Dear OSA, remember the old LRH datum as you read this: if you are having trouble handling one problem, handle two! Good luck, suckers.
    And, Mike, tremendous idea. Thank you on behalf of Scandinavia!

  36. Phil Bruemmer

    This is great Mike.
    2X right now!

  37. Dani Lemberger

    Marty, thank you for all your work and support this past year of our indie’hood.
    Mike, your new blog is beautiful and I am honored to be featured in it.
    We are expanding, we are doing the right thing as evidenced by Dror Center’s steady growth. We have been helped by both of you and by dear friends, Claudio and Renata Lugli, Jim Logan, Dan Koon, Steve Hall and now Silvia Llorens is here adding her expertise to perfect our AO.
    We are now free to move UP the Bridge to Total Freedom. I wonder daily how the slaves of DM’s tyranny can delude themselves they’re on the Bridge to Freedom. Quite fascinating, Man’s ability to use his intelligence to explain away fraud and hypocrisy. But this is just a comment on the sorrow state of a dwindling few.
    We, as true and loyal followers of Ron must unite, overcome our minor, yet sometimes noisy, differences. We continue to preserve the Tech and make it available to all. Auditing can be a rewarding career. Helping our fellow Man reach heights of ability, awareness and immortality is most gratifying. And Scientology is still “new news.”
    Ron is proud of us and thankful that we are keeping the road open and it’s getting busier with traffic day by day.

  38. Great move, Mike!
    I am still learning so much from the interchanges on this blog, and I am so grateful to Marty for putting it here. When I first looked here, I was able to hear from others who had observed the same gross outpoints of out tech and off policy in the COS that I had been observing for a long time and were discussing it. It was also very helpful to have the main SP creating this decline named with no minced words, and what had been happening behind the scenes out of sight of most Scientologists described with time, place, form and event. This de-PTSed a lot of people.
    In the past few months Moving On Up a Little Higher has been evolving gradually to a different thing, covering different subject matter or covering things from a different angle. And I have been feeling a little bit of a vacuum that needed filling. So, it will also be nice to have a web site that still does those original actions where I can refer Scientologists who were in the same place where I once was.
    Thanks for doing this, Mike!
    You and Marty EACH have a web site now.
    Great move! A powerful combination.

  39. deElizabethan

    Good goin’ Mike

  40. Mike,
    What you did is a real needed and wanted.

  41. Excellent Mike.

  42. Thank you Mike – this feels right! And I agree with what you said.
    … And I wouldn’t want to miss your wit and humor. 🙂

    Thank you Marty (and Mosey) – for all what you were doing and for providing a space where to communicate and to meet and to exchange thoughts and experience and to BE! I was climbing step by step out of the (mental) mud I was stuck in with the help of your communication and your work with your blog. I learned a lot and I enjoyed so many others “moving on up a little higher”. Lately I couldn’t keep up with the themes anymore (just don’t know enough and cannot delve into the subjects more). But I feel fine about it and am glad that you and the people who move with you are fine. 🙂

    An enormous help and enrichment were many of the regular posters here.
    Many of you I appreciate more than I ever will be able to tell you (– your thoughts, your opinions, your knowledge, your wisdom, your communications, your care, your stories, Y O U )!!! 🙂

    Thank you all for being here and for communicating and for being YOU – you made a difference in my life. I enjoyed (and still enjoy) your company very much. When I left the Church I thought I had lost all and then was so happy when I realized: “Oh, here they are!” (even if I hadn’t met you before – it is the spirit, the seventh dynamic so to say). 🙂

    Love, Karola

  43. Great idea!
    Thank you Mike.

  44. Bookmarked and will be visiting it daily. I’m so very happy you are doing this Mike. I still have people I love and care about inside the cult and your blog will be the perfect stepping stone out of the trap. Thanks.

  45. Also, Dear OSA just think about the fact how y’all think you are perfectly sane and everyone else is crazy. It’s a textbook sign of insanity.
    Me, I think I’m as crazy as a fucking bed bug 🙂

  46. Code Of A Scientologist, point #1, “To keep Scientologists, the public, and the press accurately informed concerning Scientology, ”
    Keep up the good work!

  47. theo Sismanides

    Mike that’s great, thanks for the clear article…. and the new blog.

  48. True, true. And if this was your idea Mr Rinder, you are even more genius than I hitherto gave you credit for! Very welcome news. Thanks.

  49. Now David Miscavage is going to be doubly pissed! Great!

    Mike you are right that the news needs to keep on coming, and will have to continue for some time to come; lurkers who are deciding want to know what happened and why, and that hat cannot be dropped.

    Thanks for doing this for us.

  50. Cool! I was just thinking last night that the blog should be bifurcated exactly for this purpose. Delighted to see you were doing it. I’ll subscribe! Thanks, Mike.

  51. Mike, Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect!
    Needless to say you are the one to do this and I am so glad you are. I so admire both you and Marty for what you have done and are continuing to do……immeasurable contributions to others.

  52. Looks like my earlier email to you and Marty about my retirement from commenting on blogs, hasn’t lasted too long 🙂

    One thing I mourned for years leaving the Sea Org in 1980 was my love of community – and the early years of the SO regardless of craziness there was for me a great feeling of belonging/community.

    And while I found a similar sense of community within the Buddhist group I had been affiliated with for 7 years, it didn’t have the depth of what I felt in the Sea Org.

    Marty’s blog became a cyber community for me and through it I found new friends or reconnected with old friends.

    I loved the direction he was going and was saddened by the overt or covert attacks by fellow former Sea Org and or scientologists – I just felt it became too overall contentious and time consuming (not Marty but the commenters)

    That said – finding myself potentially without “my online community” these last few days hasn’t given me more time per se to get productive – and I actually saw a pattern in myself … “I can’t do this because of that” or almost worse – keeping myself busybusybusybusy and thus not noticing that years have gone by.

    Thus, I’m delighted to now have TWO wonderful communities I can enjoy and contribute perhaps a thought or two.

    And I concur – you and Marty are a wonderful team – genuine embodiments of leadership. I look forward to meeting you and Christie in person. Meeting Marty and Mosey was a real highlight for me.


  53. theosismanides

    Dani, I am happy to see Dror Org coming up and going steady. I have been on a mission to Tel Aviv to establish the Translations Unit there in the Org. I spent 4 months there with my ex wife Olga Vernardou and made quite a lot of friends. I saw and felt the 3D spirit of the Hebrew people… It was amazing. Someone made a donation too, a big one after we left and the TU was renovated and everything. I also was amazed to find out that many Israeli people (non scientologists) loved Greek music and bouzouki (our traditional music instrument).

    I make the postulate that Dror Org becomes bigger and bigger, since you can handle Dept 20, Existence (legal) and keep going. And I make the postulate that one day Dror Org will make missions around the Mediterranean and be a University for Scientology. Thank you for all the good things you are doing.

    תודה, תודה לך!

    (I found this as a “thank you” in Hebrew.. I don’t know its pronunciation. Salom.

  54. Mike – a great idea and a beneficial service.

  55. A,
    IMHO bedbugs are a pretty sane bunch compared to where Mr. Tanning Salon and ‘thongs for sale’ has gotten himself to.

  56. “Brilliant idea. Valuable contribution. I especially appreciate the way Mike and Marty work in coordination. Two great examples of leadership, as in inspiring others to action.” My sentiments exactly Yyvonne, and they deserve repeating. THANK YOU Mike and Marty for all you do! And THANK you also to Karen Jenztch (both your last names are hard to spell!) and to Jim Logan, Dan Koons, Steve Hall and many many other trailblazers of the Indie world. Also let us know of get togethers as I want to come meet people in person.

  57. Thank you Mike . I was finding it difficult to keep up with daily news , due to lack of time and I am not a great internet surfer ,and it was more important to me to follow Marty’s train of thought .
    Now I can go straight to your blog and your writing is always so enjoyable and informative.
    I am waiting for Marty’s book and maybe this will free up some time for him.

  58. Nice quote… 😊

  59. Nicely done Doctor… If you need any further help I’m here.

  60. Mike – this is great news. We are celebrating Human Rights Day here in South Africa – so this is a fitting and auspicious day to start to your blog! It was exactly the kind of information that will be on your blog that got me to pull my head out of the sand, and I am forever grateful for it. I think many an under radar / fence sitter / person yet to wake up, will find it a valuable thing. I look forward to the day that those we love and care about who are still on the inside, see the light. Kudos Mike!

  61. Marty, Mike …..
    This is how we do it!!!

  62. Christine… I do hope you keep posting… Have enjoyed every one of your posts I’ve ever read… Marty and Mike may be leaders (I would describe them slightly differently…:-) but you and the many other commenters as just as valuable in their on-line efforts in my opinion…😊

  63. Mike R

    Thanks for doing this. As I have often said, my interest in Marty’s blog is more in the line of open communication on various aspects of the philosophy and technologies of Scientology. But that is primarily a First and Third Dynamic “subjective” adventure for me and hopefully others.

    On the “objective” front I think that this service you will be providing is extremely valuable to the transition of “the newly departed from Scientology”, and also as a record of the history of developments.

    I am excited to be part of the upward momentum of Marty’s blog (thank you Marty and all you others who participate in the experiment), but lately I had become somewhat concerned that the earlier gradients had been “dropped out”. …. A “Having left Scientology, What next? – 101”.

    Marty’s blog focus has simply evolved, but without the earlier gradients it is unlikely that it would have arrived where it is today.

    Thank you for choosing to stand at the “front door” and hold it open for new arrivals.

    Eric S

  64. Cool stuff, Mike! I’ll definitely be dropping by regularly to learn and to contribute. 🙂

  65. Thankyou Mike and Marty, Mosey ( the 3 M of Scientology)
    Ive been out scince Debbie Cooks email and now Debt free and
    no credit cards ( paid off and destroyed) Big Wins that were unubtainable at Flag ,Duh,Duh,Duh. are now hourly every day !
    “Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Fuck You IAS, and go to Hell Too”
    Poem of the Day for D.M.

  66. Thanks Mike,…for this new blog. Great job!!
    We put the link to your blog on our site……..welcome in europe 🙂

    The Indipendology Team

  67. Excellent, Mike.
    Great combination of blog sites now.

  68. Excellent Mike.

    I have bookmarked it too.

    There are 100’s and 100’s of Scientologists looking only, and getting data, mostly needing the kind of news and discussion they will find on your new blog.

    I will contribute as much as I can, being one of those fairly recently perplexed by it all, albeit, I am not yet out.

    Thank you sincerely.

  69. Nice start on the blog, and very good idea. Good that there will again be a place for tbe newly out or fence-sitter. Thank you.

  70. Mike, thank you. Anything that opens comm lines will benefit the many that want information and may provide also expansion when any one of us shares useful and valid data re Indie’s progress in applying and using Scientology.
    Marty thank you for what you have done so far and I am sure we will keep visiting your site and exchanging views as applicable.

  71. Your “roses are red” is my biggest laugh on the blog for months, Tango. VWD on the credit cards — I’ll take inspiration from your achievement.

  72. Well said, Eric.

  73. Yes this is certainly expansion for the Indie group! Also on a different subject, here is a quote that possibly inspired Ron to write what he did along the same lines.

    “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends upon the unreasonable man” George Bernard Shaw.

    I bring it up not to make Ron wrong for not being “original,” but to point up that truth comes in many forms from many different minds, and we should not do as corporate Scns do, which is to rabidly believe that “only Ron had truth” and “only Ron’s words, literally, should be ever considered” and “no one else has any truth and ‘they’ are all beneath us.” But then I think I’m preaching to the choir on this one! lol

  74. Sunshine Disinfects

    Absolutely spot on Mike. Marty’s blog has been invaluable and so appreciated and he deserves a break. It has been difficult keeping up with what is going on in the cult by reading Tony O’s blog……I find his sarcasm about parts of the tech that I KNOW work disappointing as it sadly then casts uncertainty on other information he puts out……..
    Those fence sitters and those under the radar definitely need a place to go where they can get honest info showing how their church has evolved into a cult so that “something can be done about it”!

    Thank you for taking the valuable time away from your beautiful growing family to take over that hat,

  75. Sunshine Disinfects

    Marty and Mosey, thank you for all you have been through in putting out the truth. You were put through a nightmare by the cult but have come out stronger for it., Not many could have survived what was thrown at them, and you survived with your integrity and humor intact…… and have left a positive mark in the world.
    Love you guys

  76. Celebration for the open and continued function and factual communication from both blogs. An event for the enjoyment and betterment of all. We have some examples of the world response for truth and honesty. Enjoy!

  77. Thank you ,mike I will visit your sight

  78. I just read through 76 raving accolades (comments) to starting another blog and that is totally awesome but personally I think it is time to move on. The daily news that Mike refers to are just more attacks on DM and the Church. To me it had not been a subject worthy of my attention for quite a while now. Attacks make the enemy stronger or more adaptable or more 1.1 while interfering with my spiritual discoveries and growth. So screw all the fighting and whistle blowing. I noticed that we lost A LOT of people on this blog since Marty got off the fighting subject. They want to fight the Church, expose the abuses and all that. Great. What I want is exactly what I NOW find on Marty’s blog, i.e. the things that really count in a long rung.

  79. LOLz +1

  80. Mike, something can always be done about whathever. You sound like a new Jersey mob guy, other than that I wish you all the best.

  81. *smiles* you guys and the word expansion, I’ll take Maslow’s “self-actualization”over that any old day

  82. martyrathbun09

    Have you actually studied Maslow?

  83. Yes as an MBA student at University, When I red about Hubbards 8 Dynamics I immediately connected them togeter that is how my mind works Marty.

  84. And that is alsoo why I will not and never discard L. Ron Hubbard and his thinking. I still think he has been an ashole to a bunch of people, But I do see he expanded and built upon existing Ideas for wich he should get a place in history and the timeline.

  85. martyrathbun09

    I’m impressed you saw the Maslow influence. You are a sharp cat.

  86. martyrathbun09

    I’m impressed you saw the Maslow influence. You are a sharp cat.

  87. Thank you my sharp and honest friend. You have no Idea, I was so proud of you when you aquired a first pressing of the Dianetics book with the acknowledgements still in it. Anons love that by the way but they will never tell an Independant Scientologist this. I alsoo loved the misunderstood sound clip on you tube about “The Thethan builds a Machine to punish itself and than forgets about it” I understand that, It’s vpure Psychology. You know the word Psych is greek for mind, spirit or butterfly

  88. I never went for popularity, I battled my way out on ESMB and WWP and even on your Blog with my wist and mind, I do get a bit crazy at times. working on that. mainley involves having an inner dialog wirh myself

  89. Tom Gallagher

    Mike, Marty, and many well-deserved others,

    Here’s a song that was written and composed with you in mind. From the bottom of my heart I send my sincerest thanks and gratitude,

    Let me point out that it takes a certain mindset (wavelength) to move up a little higher.

    Thus, thanks Mike for offering another platform that seeks the truth. And good god, regard’s some of this stuff, it’s dirty butt ugly.

  90. Just another Ronin

    Michael, I am glad you like Marty’s direction. I like it too. While some in the church may be mistakenly thinking that Marty will soon be meditating with the Buddhists in robes and sandals, and not a threat anymore, Mike is reminding them that the false front they put up will be continuously challenged and exposed. He feels the benefit to the staff and public is worth the work involved. 2 Blogs , each with a very different focus, but each with a VFP worth achieving. I appreciate both their efforts.

  91. Dear Bob,

    Thankyou. . Thats how the Cof$ tracks its public financially is with credit card numbers. Theres a Boiler Room at Flag thats all they do.

  92. Mike, Very welcome news!

  93. MR, I always enjoy your straight-forward and clearly articulated writing style and your valuable insights. And your humor always makes me smile or laugh. Thank you Being There and Communicating!

  94. should be, Thank you for Being There and Communicating!

  95. Okay. Point well taken, thank you. I also appreciate what Mike is doing I just don’t want him or anybody else to get stuck or keep on being stuck in a ridge. I suppose people could do a lot of whistle blowing and fighting from a higher point, without being stuck in the Anger bend but I don’t see it happening very much.

  96. Michael — appreciate your concern. I have been helped enormously by Marty to move on up a little higher and to expand my thinking and views of the world and myself. And I certainly have no intention of being stuck in Anger.

    I have a somewhat unusual position and obligations.

    Because of being a publicly recognized figure who represented the church for a long time, I can bring a lot of attention to the abuses in the church.

    And because I have two children born in the SO and still there, and every member of my immediate family has disconnected from me while they are being lied to and desperately trying to support a sham (my brother is the chief cheerleader and “OT Ambassador” raising funds for all Ideal Orgs in ANZO), I feel I must keep helping to move more and more people OUT of the trap, as only when there are enough will it all fall to pieces. Marty really works to lead to people to higher awareness and freedoms, and is doing a magnificent job of it. I am trying to help stop the clubbing of the seals.

    You are a good guy Misha. And on a purely first dynamic view, I 100% agree with your initial comment here.

  97. deElizabethan

    Exactly Mike and I agree with you about stopping the clubbing of the seals.

  98. I think the division of “hats” between Marty Rathbun and Mike Mike Rinder makes for much increased sanity.

    The way I see it is they are just wearing different hats on the ” Indie Org Board”. Its real for me that they both have the same purposes, the same goal.

    David Miscavige is a WHO, not a WHY. Getting rid of a WHO does not of itself open the door to a handling. You have to find the REAL WHY in order to achieve the IDEAL SCENE, and while you’re doing that you don’t have to hate, you just have to handle. There IS a situation here.

    We ABSOLUTELY need to out-create the entheta of the RCS with our own theta goals and purposes, but while we are doing that we at the same time can’t be ostriches who won’t LOOK at what the RCS, as yet not fully handled, is still doing.

    Keeping ourselves informed as to the “hard news” that Mike will deliver does not have to be a trap, and I’m sure it is not intended to be a trap. It is necessary information information, that’s all, especially for lurkers and fence sitters who doubt their own reality due to RCS abuse, off-policy and out-tech.

    We can, and should be, both informed about the RCS’s AND focused on “moving on up a little higher”, ala, “The dogs bark but the caravan moves on”.

    That’s what I think, anyway.

  99. Sorry for typos: “information” typed twice, and in last paragraph, I meant to say “RCS’s abuses”.

  100. My daughter is one of the seals being clubbed. Please bring an end to the clubbing so they can go free and live their lives.

  101. Dear Mike, you and your new blog ROCK!


  102. I think by comparing the results that are the major big results that LRH wished people to someday achieve, the “Clear” state, the release levels leading up to Clear, and then all the various specific end phenomena big and small for all the various specialized rundowns and repair programs (like the EP of handling each one of the 7 resistive case blocks that the Expanded Green Form addresses).

    To me, even no longer a Scientologistt, as an outsider, I see people both in and outside official Scientology who do the tech auditing and getting the listed end phenomena, as ALL of you, as Scientologists.

    I think the blaming and attacks back and forth are distractions from auditing and going for the mental release states potentially obtainable doing the Hubbarfd therapy processing, period.

    The bigger blocks, are lack of results, since then the subject is really considered a waste of time.

    If Scientology’s not a waste of time, it’s because results are being gotten, both inside official Scientology, and outside.

    Outside right now is favorable, due to the discarding the penalty admin rules being dropped.

    But the big official movement is still chugging along, so long as enough money gets funneled to FSO weekly. The Ideal Orgs are just dressed up small and failing orgs, I mean there’s always been small and failing orgs, and now they are dressed up more, to lure in enough of the more affluent middle and upper middle class Scientologists who get funneled up to the FSO to pay the bigger bucks that keeps the Int Base and HGB funded.

    Really, the big point of Scientology, is the tech, and if good enough results are gotten so that official Scientologists get good enough tech from the FSO “top” auditors and get good enough tech on the Freewinds to feel really like they got something major by doing OT 8 on the ship, then that’s good enough.

    I like the outside Sientologists, only because they are more free to discuss things, compared to official Scientologists, who are stifled by the full power of the admin penalty rules and of course because of Miscavige’s warping and his command direction which is oppressive.

    During periods of oppressive over zealous application of the admin penalty rules, there’ll also be defections from the official movement.

    I wish we had some recent Flag Case Supervisors who have defected, to somehow go public.

    I wish some FSO Case Supervisors or auditors were watching your blog and would comment on how case results are going, at the FSO.

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