Daily Archives: July 3, 2012

Media That Seeks to Clarify and Edify

I spent a good part of the day yesterday attempting to educate dozens of inquiring media on the issues likely impacting the Cruise/Holmes dispute.  For the most part, it was a failure.   With their limited attentions spans, and overriding obsessions to be first with the most bizarre allegations, the media jammed the airwaves and cables with ill-informed assertions (sometimes even retracted) and speculation.  Reviewing the fall out I noted a couple of pieces that stood out as fair and informed journalism that served to edify.

First there was editor in chief of the Village Voice, Tony Ortega’s interview on Current TV:


Then, there was Guy Adams’ piece in the UK Independent:


Oh yeah, the New York Daily News really got it right:


The rest of it was pretty much a lot of noise.

Again, for those linking in for background, the following are key posts published here over the past three years on the unnatural level of control Miscavige has asserted over Cruise and Katie Holmes.  Few media have taken the time to study the ample documentation provided here of the dynamics between Scientology Inc leader Miscavige and his pal Tom Cruise.

1.   Target, Tom Cruise.  Details how Scientology Inc’s supreme leader David Miscavige (Cruise’s best man at his wedding) has infiltrated the Cruise household and used personal assistants and family members to serve as informants on every aspect of Cruise’s personal life.

2. Miscavige and Cruise Caught Lying.   A documented expose of Scientology Inc leader Miscavige using church of Scientology slave labor to design and construct custom-made motorcycles and vehicles for Cruise.  Demonstrates the depth of Cruise’s loyalty and commitment to Scientology Inc’s sociopathic head.

3.  Cruise at Cult Compound.  Internal Scientology Inc. document demonstrating level of control over Cruise’s life, and how it interjects itself between Cruise and Katie Holmes.

4.  Tom Cruise’s Life Controlled by Sinister Cult.  Internal Scientology documents demonstrating how cult leader Miscavige vets, chooses and controls Cruise’s personal staff.

5.  To Tom Cruise from David Miscavige With Love.   Photographs of the special airplane hangar that was constructed for Cruise utilizing Scientology Inc. slave labor, at the orders of David Miscavige.

6.  Tom Cruise and David Miscavige, an unnatural relationship.   Graphic, photographic evidence of Miscavige’s interjection of himself into Cruise, Holmes relationship.

7.  Tom Cruise’s Custom Cult Motorcycle.   Miscavige’s slave labor custom-design motorcycle gift to Cruise.

8.  Miscavige Betrays Tom Cruise’s Confessional.  How cult leader Miscavige violates the confessions of Cruise.  Further insight into the unnatural, unethical control Miscavige wields over Cruise.

9.  Tom Cruise’s Scientology Buses.    More documentation on the Scientology Inc. custom-made buses, including documentation of the internal Scientology reporting system on details of Cruise’s personal life.

10.  The Whole Story.  If you really want to understand the mind set of the best friend of Scientology Inc’s supreme leader, as Tom Cruise characterizes himself, you should read my recently published book What Is Wrong With Scientology?  It is now also available on Kindle.