Daily Archives: March 24, 2012


Kudos to Aida Thomas and those who assisted her in discovering and exposing the Office of Special Affairs (OSA, church of Scientology dirty tricks and propaganda wing) operative who publicly slimed her friend Silvia Kusada:

Aida Thomas Opens Up A Can of Whup Ass

In my view Aida sets a wonderful example of what friendship really entails.

As for Neil Roger Woods – aka Tim Higgs, aka truthseeker, the OSA operative very active in attempting to disrupt and destroy the lives and reputations of Independent Scientologists – he had his fun on this blog for a spell in 2010.  That was until we noted that his creepy comments indicated he was an OSA troll.

This Woods message was a dead give-away:


Mr. Rinder,

Have you ever been on the other end of one these “gang ups”? If so, was it just once or more than once? If a man spends years of his life shooting others, should others feel sorry for him when he gets shot?

Should we feel sympathy for someone who was once on the cause end of something like this but is now on the effect end?

Didn’t you and Marty Rathbun help to build the Frankenstein monster over the last 20-30 years we are now having to deal with?

Isn’t there a word for things that happen like this?

Isn’t that word “Karma”?

It is David Miscavige attempting to export the Hole right into our living room – the tell-tale “I am going to take your treasonous act of coming clean to make you guilty until you cave in and shut up”.

Woods ought to be exposed to the point where societal peer pressure forces him to confess and repent.   “Oh”, the OSA trolls will rant, “but you are proposing to do just what OSA does!”   No, I’m not.  I have published OSA programs straight from their greasy files that direct the spreading of black PR (not fact) to ensure that folk of our ilk lose their jobs and any possibility of a livelihood.   Examples, Tory Christman Program,  OSA War Against Independence. That is precisely what Woods has been involved in, going on for years now. Mr Woods does not deserve to earn a red penny from anyone until he makes good on what he has been doing to others at the behest of Miscavige’s OSA network.  To allow him to continue to harm people of good will is ethical bankruptcy.

Thanks again to Aida for not only demonstrating what  a friend is, but also for helping to put Ethics in where sorely needed.