Daily Archives: September 29, 2012

Scientology Inc. Private Eyes Come Clean

The Tampa Bay Times has published a rather startling expose’,  Scientology Inc. Private Eyes Come Clean.

Notice that David Miscavige’s denials confirm pretty much the entire story.

When Paul and Greg asked CO OSA INT (Linda Hammill, head of Scientology Inc.’s intelligence operation) what the church was going to do when I exposed this operation in 2009 to the Times (see, segment ‘Spying on Pat Broeker’ at Marty Rathbun Tampa Times videos), she said that David Miscavige’s plan was to “blame it on Marty.”   Greg and Paul knew then and there that Miscavige and his crime syndicate had lost any sense it might have once had.

Incidentally, this week Greg and Paul helped a documentary film crew video an ongoing Scientology Inc. electronic surveillance operation in my current neighborhood.

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