Monthly Archives: October 2012

Declaration of Vic and Vicki Krohn

While we have been out of the Church of Scientology since about  1998, and have been on the Indy 500 list since just after its inception, we have not told our story until now.

Vic did the Comm Course in 1968 at ASHO, and his first event was the grand opening of the first Celebrity Center, hosted by Heber and Yvonne Jentzsch.  We met in Chico in 1974 and Vicki was introduced to Scientology in 1976.  Vic went on staff at the Chico Mission in 1977 and we were married later that year.  We moved to Sacramento so Vic could work with the GO (Guardians Office) as a volunteer working on various social reform programs including Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights, and American Citizens for Honesty in Government.  Vicki worked as an RN supporting the family financially while Vic was working with these groups.

We moved off lines around the time that the Mission Network was crushed and de-dinging started and did not get back on lines until these activities had ceased.

With law suits and other threats creating very serious problems for the church, Vic joined staff at the Sacramento Org working in the local DSA (Director of Special Affairs) office there doing PR and then became the Director of Special Affairs (local org Office of Special Affairs rep ).  He was one of the first fully hatted DSAs .  Vicki continued to support their family by working full time as an RN while working part time in the DSA office.  Vic was frequently fired out by OSA across the country on missions to handle a variety of situations.  Vicki kept the home fires burning while managing her job, the kids, and the finances, as well as being part time on staff.

In 1989, Vic was recruited to work in a special unit dedicated to keeping the churches open under increasing IRS pressure.  One of the outcomes of this unit was the establishment of Citizens for an Alternative Tax System (CATS), a group working to replace the federal income tax with a national sales tax.  While working as the ED of CATS, he lived in crew berthing in LA on the Pac Base for a year while Vicki took on his DSA post in Sacramento.  This was a particularly trying time for the family as Vic was in LA, and Vicki was supporting the family financially by working full time as a nurse, managing the kids, the house, and holding the Director of Special Affairs post (winning the Birthday Game many weeks).

With all of this going on, Vicki was crush regged at the org after she got off post to put a second mortgage on our house. This went into the late night hours on more than one occasion even though she had to be back at work very early in the morning as a nurse. And when she replaced herself with new staff on two separate occasions, so she could move to LA to be with Vic, SO recruiters ripped them off, as well as our 12 year-old son. After about a year of this situation, Vicki and our daughter moved to LA to be with Vic and be closer to our son, who was now stationed on the PAC Base.

While life was better after that, it was becoming obvious that all was not well in the church.

One of the first big negative indicators was when Vic was asked to go up to the church’s international headquarters to do a video with David Miscavige promoting LRH’s idea of a national sales tax to replace the income tax. He noticed that the staff at Golden Era Productions, where the video was filmed, was in pretty much a constant state of fear. It was obvious who they feared and caused warning bells to go off for Vic. Also the clearance checks which were required for Vic to go up to Gold were very weird; imbedded with questions which seemed paranoid to be blunt.

In order to meet the corporate requirements (IRS provisos making substantial political activity a disqualifying factor for church tax-exempt status) for such blatant political/economic reform activity, CATS needed to operate independently of the church.  It was a constant battle to keep CATS activity off of OSA social reform lines. OSA Social Reform, and even the PR Bureau execs kept wanting to count the production of CATS (e.g. media interviews done, political allies made, etc.) as part of the PR and/or social reform network of groups. This seemed silly since it would collapse CATS into the church and create yet another IRS tax code violation.

With the end of the battle for church religious organization exemption, an IRS-COS settlement  was announced at an event in Los Angeles. At the end of the event Vic was approached by then Deputy CO OSA INT  Linda Hamil about whether he wanted to drop CATS or continue on with it. In large part because he realized it would be a way to move further off church lines, Vic indicated that he wanted to continue with CATS.

With a move from LA to the DC area, Vic and Vicki were able to find an LRH HCOB which allowed them to get their son routed out of the SO and he joined them on the east coast. By 2002 they had faded into the background and had only occasional contact from church officials (usually from OSA).  The only exception to this was the myriad of blocked calls from church staffers trying to sell us the Basic book packages.

After this gradual withdrawal from the church, our entire family began to live happier and more productive lives. It wasn’t until June 2009 that we suddenly started getting numerous calls per week, and even per day. Vic started to wonder what was going on and did an internet search and found Marty’s and Mike Rinder’s interviews and the St. Petersburg Times article, “The Truth Rundown.”  Shortly after that both Vicki and Vicki registered on Steve Hall’s Indie 500 list – numbers 71 and 72 we’re proud to say.

Now we savor our freedom and enjoy our children and their children as they lead happy busy lives.

So many amazing people have helped us on our journey out of the darkness which has become the cult of scientology. In addition to Marty and Mike, their wives Mosey and Christie, Steve Hall and Jim Logan, we have also had wonderful support from our dear friends Ken and Yvonne Schick. And there are many more in the indie movement who have given us encouragement.

And a recent trip we both made to visit with Mosey and Marty at Casablanca Tejas has made the present even more enjoyable.

We wish this freedom and joy for all of our friends still in the church’s clutches. Yet we understand that some may not be able to confront becoming free or are trapped in one of the many mind games the church currently uses as a substitute for actual LRH technology applied with the intention to help.

Finally, it doesn’t matter whether you are a church member, independent  scientologist , or former all-of-the above, Marty and Mosey, Mike and Christie, Ken and Yvonne, and Steve Hall and so many others  are there to help folks on their road to freedom, despite whatever obstacles may be placed in their paths. And for this we are particularly grateful.

Do Not Support An Evil Government

Excerpt from Chapter nine of The Scientology Reformation: What Every Scientologist Should Know:

The Reformation

      Reformation ends not in contemplation, but in action.

–  George Gillespie

According to L. Ron Hubbard:

Unscrupulous and evil men and groups can usurp the power of government and use it to their own ends. Government organized and conducted solely for self-interested individuals and groups gives society a short life span. This imperils the survival of everyone in the land; it even imperils those who attempt it. History is full of such governmental deaths. Opposition to such governments usually just brings on more violence.

But one can raise his voice in caution when such abuses are abroad. And one need not actively support such a government; doing nothing illegal, it is yet possible, by simply withdrawing one’s cooperation, to bring about an eventual reform. Even as this is being written, there are several governments in the world that are failing only because their people express their silent disagreement by simply not cooperating. These governments are at risk: any untimely wind of mischance could blow them over.

LRH’s words reflect the philosophy of Henry David Thoreau, spelled out a little more than one hundred years earlier in his seminal essay, Civil Disobedience:

It is not a man’s duty as a matter of course, to devote himself to the eradications of any, even the most enormous wrong; he may still properly have other concerns to engage him; but it is his duty, at least, to wash his hands of it, and, if he gives it no thought longer, not to give it practically his support. If I devote myself to other pursuits and contemplations, I must first see, at least, that I do not pursue them sitting upon another man’s shoulders. I must get off him first, that he may pursue his contemplations too.

Sixty years ago Dr. Martin Luther King described the essence of how he helped stem a centuries-old, nationwide pattern of abuse, expanding on Thoreau’s message in Stride toward Freedom:

Something began to say to me, ‘He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.  He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.’  When oppressed people willingly accept their oppression they only serve to give the oppressor a convenient justification for his acts.  Often the oppressor goes along unaware of the evil involved in his oppression so long as the oppressed accepts it.  So in order to be true to one’s conscience and true to God, a righteous man has no alternative but to refuse to cooperate with an evil system.  This I felt was the nature of our action.  From this moment on I conceived of our movement as an act of massive non-cooperation.

As we have seen, David Miscavige is using the energy of Scientologists, in the form of their dollars, to actively oppress Scientologists. Without the continuing, active support of Scientologists, Miscavige would be powerless to perpetuate his abuses.

David Miscavige himself is acutely aware of the power that each and every Scientologist wields over him. In a 1998 interview with the St. Petersburg Times, he defined “power” as follows: “I’ll tell you what power is. Power in my estimation is if people will listen to you. That’s it.”

So the first thing to do is to cease following and contributing to the anti-Scientology oppressions of David Miscavige, as executed through Scientology Inc.

Some are initially unwilling to so withdraw support from the oppressor. They believe that if they do, they will have forsaken their religion and any chance of higher levels of awareness through application of Scientology. Those who think that way are simply misinformed. Virtually all Scientology technology – from the bottom of the Bridge to its highest reaches, is available outside of Scientology Inc.  There are dozens of independent practitioners of Scientology around the globe. There is a growing movement of Independent Scientologists. You can review a list of hundreds of them, along with their Scientology credentials by going online, visiting and clicking on the “Indie 500” link.  Virtually everyone on that list has attempted many remedies, aimed at making Scientology Inc. change its ways. Most have finally concluded that the best way to reform Scientology is to do as Ron said, and break the oppressive monopoly by going right ahead and applying Scientology in the manner they see fit…

Scientology Soaring In Israel

Re: Expansion Update – Dror AO Academy

Hey Marty,

We are enjoying expansion like we’ve never seen before.

Communication Workshop:

Last week we held a 2-day Communication Workshop. First day, Thursday evening, I delivered a lecture on ARC, Tone Scale, Interested-Interesting, Overts/Withholds and the Comm Formula. This can be seen, alas in Hebrew, on our site,
The following day, Friday morning, people drilled TRs for 3 hours with huge wins. 25 people attended, most of them new public. Some who attended have known us for long but refused to come in because we were part of “that cult.” Since the separation from the church we have many more reaches. People know the Tech works, they know we deliver and are caring. They can now be public of Dror Center safely and enjoy the benefits of Hubbard’s Tech.
Of those attending the workshop, three attendees have already started on major services. More are on their way.
I’m attaching 3 pictures:
#16 shows the lecture of Oct 18th:

#31 & #44 show people doing TRs on Oct 19th:


Dror AO is Booming:

Our AO is booming with new starts and first-ever’s. We have two pre-OT’s being audited by Tami on NOT’s (OT5) and two more have finished NOT’s review and are ready to go on to Solo NOT’s.
Yesterday, three pre-OT’s have started Solo NOT’s Part A. Two more pre-Clears, who have attested to Grade 4 and are on NED, have started the Solo Course, getting ready to do their OT Levels.

At Dror, the pre-requisite for the Solo Course is Academy Level 0. We now have 3 students on Level 0. They intend to become auditors and are also getting ready for their Solo Courses.

I’m attaching two pictures, # 25 & #36, taken on Oct 27th, in the morning, then in the evening.
Pic 25 shows:
– Eyal Soref, OT5, on Solo NOT’s Part A;
– Moti Weizman, on NED, on Solo Auditor Course;
– Aviv Bershadsky, Class IV & FPRD Auditor, on Audited NOT’s,
on Solo NOT’s Part A;
– Eitan Beitner, Course Sup, auditor trainee on Academy Level 0;
– Alex Shur, OT5, on Solo NOT’s Part A

Pic 36 shows:
– Carmela Weizman, Grade 4 Release, on Acad Level 0;
– Galit Latinsky, Grade 2 Release, on Acad Level 0;
– Dima Jitovetsky, Clear, on Solo Auditor Course;
– Alex Shur, Eitan Beitner

Also in the academy yesterday were:
– Dima Dubinin our Class IV auditor who’s on the NED Auditor Course;
– Yoram Dvir, on Student Hat
– Sophie Kogan, on PTS/SP Course.

Public coming back on lines:

Immediately after our “declare,” in July 2012, OSA employed its goons to attempt to destroy us. All our public were harassed with numerous, uninvited, visits at their homes and endless phone calls. A few succumbed under the lies, intimidation and threats, and dropped off our lines. Of these, 4 have already come back. They realized the church can’t deliver, that they were misled. Their letters will soon be published.

Several old-timers, who have been off church lines for years, in despair that they will never make it to OT, are now coming on our lines with enthusiasm. They are moving up the Bridge again with great wins. More stories will be coming from them.

We are creating with joy, knowing we are working ONLY for the public and for Ron.

We have received huge help from our friends, fellow indies. Thank y’all again. Let me know if I can help anyone with support, materials or advice. Love, Dani

A Talk To OSA Staff

This is a direct appeal to reason addressed to each and every OSA (Office of Special Affairs) staff member:



Greetings to OSA Staff and Executives,

This is a briefing specifically for you.

I’ve had a little bit of time to start piecing together the magnitude of the operation you’ve had down here on Ingleside on the Bay concerning my wife and myself. It’s beginning to get a price tag that makes the Broeker affair look like a walk in the park by comparison.

I couldn’t help but think about you guys as I was crunching the numbers as I was counting the cameras and counting the numbers of PIs. As you probably know, I don’t really put a lot of attention on it. I don’t really care too much about your prying eyes. I don’t even attempt to evade your people because I know you got so many of them down here, it’s a waste of time anyway. And there’s nothing to hide here, more importantly.
Sometimes you really got to step back and ask yourself: Is all this worth it?

Every once in a while it makes a lot of sense to step back and review the bidding before you just blow all your chips. You guys are doing a magnificent job of carrying out Command Intention and that’s for sure. Because I know Dave, he’s got a prurient interest in Everything Marty.

But you know, step back for a second and ask yourselves: “Why?” and “To what end?”

Is he improving the situation? Am I becoming less influential? Am I becoming less effective? If you answered that “yes”, then you’re either smoking dope, or you are in some kind of parallel universe that really borders on psychosis. Because I am flourishing and prospering. We are flourishing and prospering. And the Scientology independent movement is flourishing and prospering. Take a step back and look at what the net effect of all the millions you’re spending trying to stop me is doing. What is it really doing for Scientology? Think about that.

This is not a personal plea about me personally, this is a bigger thing. This is a third and fourth dynamic argumentation. Think about who is doing more for the third and fourth dynamic. You and your PIs under the orders of David Miscavige, or me? Just think about it. Think about it before you go to bed, think about it when you have any private moments. Or try not to think about it. [smile] Now, when you do that thinking and if you come to your senses and realize what’s going on, let me tell you something.

Do you remember when Daniel Montalvo took off with the harddrives, and you all went down to the sheriff’s department and Rick Moxon went in there and tried to make a case because I had posted an encouragement to people on the inside to take documentary evidence outside with them as they exit? Remember what happened with that? Absolutely nothing.

Do you want to know why? Because what I said is true. And it’s doubly true for you guys. And it’s triply true for you guys with respect to me. And that is this. Let me spell it out to you.

There are ongoing criminal investigations into your boss David Miscavige. There are ongoing civil matters that are in courts concerning David Miscavige and the Church. And there are a number of legal actions in the process of being prepared concerning David Miscavige and the Church.

YOU are in possession of and are creating on a daily basis evidence of an ongoing criminal conspiracy that’s of relevance to all of these matters. And therefore being evidence of ongoing criminal conspiracies, YOU are not only privileged to, you have a DUTY to gather up all the evidence that you can find that has to do with the operations that you’ve been doing to try to silence and trying to crush and trying to stop me and others around me, you are under a DUTY to gather all that evidence and get it off the premises and into my hands, so that I may finish my work unobstructed. Okay?

Now, the reference here for you is “LRH Talk to WW Ethics Officers”. Remember that one? I put it into all OSA Hats, so you pretty much ought to know it. What is the first thing that the Ethics Officer looks for: Who is trying to stop the Ethics Officer?

Guess what? It’s Your BOSS. Okay?

Get the reports. Get the evidence. Get them to me. And I will guarantee you this. I will guarantee you this. You will absolutely have complete immunity and complete protection of any type of liability. I am telling you right now I am guaranteeing you that protection and I am guaranteeing you that ability, which will be an incredibly important thing for you because it will help you to make good on what you’ve been doing to stop Scientology by forwarding Miscavige’s plans.

So take it from an old vet. The best thing you can do for yourself spiritually and for the group Scientology is to get the evidence. Alright? There’s file cabinets full of it. And there’s disks full of it. Get the evidence copied, and get it out, and get it right here Casablanca Tejas. You all know the address. As a matter of fact, you got a camera on me right now.

Bring it here. Absolute immunity. Instant Ethics Protection. And essentially a cleared ethics file and a clean slate.

Now doesn’t that sound a little more appealing than the crazy thought-stopping hell that you live in?

See you soon.

David Miscavige – Paranoia and Cowardice

Please pass along to all Kool Aid drinkers you might still have on your email lists.  Here is hard, current evidence as to how their donations are being spent by Scientology Inc. supreme ruler David Miscavige.

For the back story, click.

Licking Bathroom Floors

Let us not forget the depths of depravity of the criminal mind that micro manages every move of Scientology Inc.  From the testimony of 17-year Captain of the Flag Service Organization (the ‘Mecca’ of Scientology Inc.) Debbie Cook Baumgarten, given on 9 February, 2012 under oath in the Bexar County Texas District Court:

1 Q. (BY MR. JEFFREY) When you were in Los Angeles
2 with Mr. Ginge Nelson, what happened that you observed?
3 A. Okay. He was — he originated that he did not
4 agree with physical beatings or the — this room, this
5 locked up — you know, these executives being locked up.
6 And for this he was beaten up by Mr. Miscavige’s
7 assistant. It was — her title is a communicator. And
8 he was also beaten up by two other guys that were there
9 in the meeting with us, which was Henning — I can’t
10 remember Henning’s last name and Francois De Jeust.
11 They were two pretty big guys. And he was actually
12 taken back into a room and he was beaten up physically
13 for a couple of hours.
14 Q. Anything else happen with Mr. Ginge Nelson on
15 your trip to Los Angeles?
16 A. Yes.
17 Q. What was that?
18 A. He was made to lick the bathroom floor clean —
19 well, lick the bathroom floor for over — it was like at
20 least a half an hour.
21 Q. Did you ever begin to receive or were you ever
22 the recipient of any violence?
23 A. Yes, I was.

21 Q. Did you ever begin to receive or were you ever
22 the recipient of any violence?
23 A. Yes, I was.
24 Q. And describe that for us. Did it begin all at
25 once in full force or did it begin in small ways?
1 A. It was — it was small ways, different —
2 different incidents of it. One time I was called into a
3 conference room and asked some questions and he ordered
4 his — his secretary to slap me. And she slapped me so
5 hard I fell — fell over into the chairs.
6 One time he — Mr. Miscavige ordered his
7 communicator to break my finger if I didn’t answer his
8 question.
9 Q. Was anything done with your finger?
10 A. It was bent back very hard. It was not broken.


Please, if you have a conscience and a few moments, pass this testimony along to anyone you know who may still be supporting David Miscavige’s crime syndicate.


Robillards Declare Independence

My name is Pierre Robillard, and I’ve been a scientologist since
1968. I was on staff from 1969-1993, with the exception of three years
in the mid eighties,holding mainly key posts like ED and OES.


I joined staff in Toronto in 1969. My first post was CF I/C. I also
held the posts of test evaluator, basic courses supervisor, FBO, Class IV
intern and intern super. In july 1974, I was parachuted to Montreal and
held the ED MTL post until 1978. I went back to Toronto to do AG training.
(predecessor of OSA), acted as AG Toronto, went back to Montreal in 1980 as
AG MTL and ended up from 81 to 83 as OES/Senior C/S. Then there were turbulent times and I ended up as ED kitchener in 1984. I wanted to go back to Montreal. It was refused so I routed off. In 1985, the MTL org was doing very badly and OSA asked me to help as the Investigation officer. In 1988, I re-signed
my contract, did the OT levels up to OT 111 and spent the next 5 years as OES
and cumulating the C/S post off and on.


I’m a graduate class 1V auditor, NED auditor; I did at Flag the C/S series
in clay and I’m a fully trained Intern super. I was also fully trained in 1971
in LA as an FBO. There’s an amusing story on this subject. While I was interning
in one of the SO buildings, I was agressed (my shirt ripped) by a man named
Wendall Reynolds. I got so mad that they had to call an HCO bring order on me.
Finally, my FBO org officer, Pat Broeker sent me to apologize to Reynolds.

After I finished my last staff contract july 1993, I eventually ended up C/sing
in the field, my plan was to C/S at night, send money to Saint-Hill for the
briefing course and eventually phase out of my wog job. Well, GAT  came upon us.
I submitted a plan to continue C/Sing and go train on GAT at Saint-Hill a month
a year. This was refused. I was not enthused by this situation. I was losing
my right to C/S, my past production was invalidated for what? added drills.


I’ve been fortunate to work twice in a booming org. The first time was
in Toronto, early seventies. As I wore, at different times, various posts, I was
able to get a concept of a productive org. I worked in div 6 and was part on
occasion of the book unit. The org sold at times more than 500 DMSMH books
a week. I was not the best book seller but it did raise my confront ( plus
as a bonus that’s where I met my wife to be, Heather. I was the FBO toronto in
1972 when Ron sent a telex validating Boston org and Toronto org for financially
supporting the INT Management. As an auditor doing my internship in the HGC, I was part of a team auditing 400 hours or more of WDAHs a week (by the way,the HGC was located on top of an old funeral parlor’s garage and the cabins were made of cheap styrofoam). In 1974, I became the Intern Super and I was part of a huge qual that included 2 word clearers, 2 cram offs , a qual receptionist, staff staff auditors, staff staff C/S etc. There was more than 100 people on staff.
The hatting was very important. Besides my FBO training, I was fully hatted
as a div 6 personnel, fully hatted as an intern super. The org had OEC/FEBCs
trained on the flag ship. Part of the success can be attributed to the great
basic courses, especially the HQS course.



It was in 1980, when I was privy to a boom. I was still AG MTL when the
ED MTL, Marc Vidril came to see me. There was a DMSMH Radio Ads programs
originating from L.A. and the ED wanted to implant it in Montreal. By this time
I was the OES again. The Org had no money to pay for it. I got my friend
Jacques Emond to organize and gather funds from the org public. They found
french speaking scientologists in L.A. to translate and perform the ads and
voila. The ads started in Montreal. Very soon we were selling more than 200
DMSMH books a week. Book One groups were being established everywhere.
The Survival rundown was being delivered, and like the HQS in 72, was making
hatted scientologists,and consequently a lot of staff.The org had more than
100 staff members, 20 people in the Tech Training Corps WDHs reached 400 a week.  PD comps was in affluence and GI reached $40,000  And most of all, there was a buzz in and around the org.


Of course, being a staff member in a Class V org, especially if you’re
full time, was never easy. Also, there always been a reality gap between
management and class V org, especially if there is a language barrier
or one doesn’t robotically obey to orders. For that reason in 1976, folo east US
wanted me out as the ED. They recruited a heavy druggie to replace me. I
persuaded FOLO to send my wife instead as my replacement.
She did the PRO TRS and The ED Hat at Flag and eventually replaced me.


My observation is that it got much harder to be a causative staff past
1982 (by 1982 Ron was no longer on the lines and New management had taken over) I described above how Montreal Org was booming early eighties. There were many management attacks to undermine it. For instance, a Mr Woodruff, Sea Org member started an off the rail Flag regging unit.They would reg MTL public for any services. One of the Unit members told me that the public should get a taste
of Flag. Eventually, it was dismantled and a few Unit members were declared SP.
But the damage was done.


The second attack and the most vicious was an attempt to squash all the
veteran staff members. Lots of them ,including my wife, Heather Robillard, did
not re-sign. I re-signed march 1983 and took over the HES MTL post and had in a
month the GI stat in affluence ( around $40,000) but I was sent to Toronto and
FLag as I was deemed a criminal because I had worked in the GO. I was given many SRAs ( severe reality adjustment), many sec-checks and repeatly told
that I did not follow command intention. I ended up in 1984 in Kitchener
as the ED KIT (which was an illegal posting). The Management did not want me
back in Motreal because “I would sabotage the command intention”. I routed off
and tended to my dying mother.What was bound to happen, happened: Montreal Org  crashed in 1985. There were heavy entheta articles in newspapers, with front
pages photos of masked ex-scientologists. My friend Jacques Emond and myself
were recruited to help. I ended up in charge of the OSA Investigative section
as a volunteer (an ironic situation as 2 years before I had been labelled a
criminal because I had been in the GO). For nearly 2 years we ( jacques and I)
worked  really hard,setting up all the various files, helping in the handling
of the many refunds claims (the Sea Org reserves paid them). Eventually,
OSA INT realized we were not staff members and tried to recruit us,to no avail.
And that was the end of that chapter.


I lost 3 good friends in Scientology because I sided with management.
Zoltan Rona was a long time tennis buddy and I had him come to Toronto early
seventies to do a few scientology courses. By early eighty, he was OT V.
His wife Sharon was a CC Toronto staff member. One day, he told me about a
big meeting at Flag with Mission holders and Management. He sided with the
mission holders.Unfortunately, Management had already published ethics orders
on Mayo and squirreling missions( like the ding-a ling process). I sincerely
thought that LRH was in agreement with this handling so I wrote a disconnection
letter to Zoltan. I wish I had known the truth.

I first met Jacques Emond mid 75 as he joined staff. I mentioned before
that he was a key factor in the ads campaign and that he helped me in OSA in 87.
We were good friends and he had been my confident on many occasions. When he
refused to join OSA MTl, Folo Can wrote a Public enemy condition on him. There
were other run-ins which led him up to ask for a repayment from Flag in 1998. He
got the repayment. I was then a public and I did not want to be involved in any
situation. So that was the end of our relationship.

Alfred Calver is a MTL Org public which I befriended mid seventies. As
a friend and a volunteer, he has been thoughout the years a very supportive
individual on many aspects including financial support. In 1989, Impact magazine
published a totally unreal and fallacious article about the Montreal Org.
Alfred took exception to this. He wrote KRS and he was subsequently attacked.
When Jacques got his repayment, Alfred (rightly) took his side and I did not
want to hear about it. So I wrote him an ultimatum letter which ended our

SINCE 1993

Since 1993, my presence in the Montreal org has been limited. In 1994,
I went to help my selectee on the Metering course drills. The scene was very
chaotic, many execs would pass by and give their opinions, nobody completed
the course.In fact, students had to go to Quebec Org to complete. My selectee
was routed to the PTS course and never completed the metering course.
At one point, I was putting regularly money on my training A/C at Saint Hill
for the Briefing course but then a Saint Hill tech terminal, in a D of P
started to reg me for my materials , and stupidly, I let him transfer most of
my training A/C money to books and CDs.


In the last 20 years, I have not done much, disillusioned, thinking I was
too old (I’m 65). I disagreed to the extreme regging of IAS. Never attended
events. In 92-93 as OES I used to fight to stop my future Completions to be regged
till 3 am.. When IAS first started, the stress was saving Scientology from
being taken over by SPs. I believed it was true for a long time. In 1990, the stress
was on promotion and we were promised many campaigns which never came true. Now, its a barrage of programs around the world that will supposedly clear
the planet. Every day, I get magazines like Scientology news, impacts etc that
claim to show we are winning. But in real life, its the opposite. Read the news,
the web, talk to people, 99.9 % of the news about Scientology is bad.  There
used to be purif centers around Montreal.. No more. There used to be a Narconon
in Three Rivers, Quebec. No more. .


There used to be an attempt to get the orgs Saint-Hill sized and get the
staff audited. Now its The Ideal Org program which totally misrepresents the
essence of the policy and violates basic finance policies like the Building
Fund P/l. The future Montreal Org is a gutted building bought 5 years ago by
local scientologists. There was times when The Sea Org Reserves paid for
buildings. In 1979, I was the AG Tor and the Sea Org sent an order to buy a
building. Brian Mcpherson was in charge of finding a building. As the AG Tor, I
dealt with the org lawyer for all the paperwork. I dealt with the Toronto Fire
Chief on the various building codes. I am the one who received the $ 1.9 million
for the Diamond building (actual location of the Toronto org). I also received
money for the renovation. Part of the plan was to continue to sublet more than
half of the building to various companies and to eventually increase the org
space if there was expansion.


Since 1993, I mostly worked in the wog world, did a few basic courses,
attended some events (no IAS events and one Ideal Org building event). I mostly
wrote music, played tennis and spent a lot of time on my second dynamic.
( I am a great-grand father). In January 2012, I came upon a message sent to
Scientologists. It was written by Debbie Cook. I read it. It made sense. From
this point, I embarked on an intensive study of Scientology materials. Then I read the website which compares what LRH says to what COB says. I came to the conclusion that the current teachings have deviated from the
original materials written by LRH.


It would not be so bad if there was any production: auditors made and
preclears going up the grades. None of that. There has not been an auditor made
in Montreal since 1995 (advent of GAT). The auditors made came mostly from Flag, the others were already auditors and did GAT. One hears more about the different levels achieved as an IAS member than anything else. Public complete some Basics Book courses. But that’s not auditors. If one looks at the results of Quebec Org (recent Ideal Org),their web site shows mostly Basics Book Course completions.


Researching HCOBs and studying the Church’s history especially since 1982,
has been beneficial to my physical and mental health. It has allowed me to get
a proper perspective on my staff timetrack, actually de-ptsing me. I understood
why , even after I had attained OT 111 in 89, I did not perform as well
on staff in my last contract because of the remaining by-passed charge in the
eighties.  It also got me a better reality of the plight of the SO executives
stuck in the HOLE.


It also rekindled the various wins I had as a PC, a Tech Terminal and a
staff member. In 1972, the auditing on Exchange by dynamics opened up my
viewpoint and the same year, I got married and became ED Montreal. Also in 72.
I received a confessional that freed me of a whole chunk of shameful thoughts.
The same year, I got audited on a heavy dianetics incident, which blew away
and had me floating  in the clouds (this incident, rehabbed in 1979, validated
me as Clear. The last one was on OT 11. the auditing itself was exciting
because it was totally new to me. And then unexpectedly, a tremendous mass
blowing and a brand new world opening. Despite various difficulties, I overall
had a splendid time on this planet earth.


And to have an even better life, I hereby make the following decision: I
must leave the C of S and join the Independants. The future is not totally
certain especially on the training side. But,from what I perceived from the
LRH policy I read and the Indie 500 website, the intention to follow Ron’s way
is certainly on the independants side. My wife Heather,plus a few others
are leaving with me.She started in 1963 in London England,She was one of
the best Class V orgs reg’s, was flag trained as an ED. She’s also been
a great wife, mother and a wonderful terminal as a staff member.

Wiki News Interview on The Reformation

Wikinews published an interview concerning the book The Scientology Reformation and related things.

Secret Scientology Inc. Surveillance Photos


Yesterday, right in time to prepare for some high-class visitors to Casablanca,  none other than the fearsome Headley family, David Miscavige had a make over done of the surveillance outpost he operated on my block for the past two years.  Here is the story on the outpost for those who missed it, Casablanca Surveillance Outpost.

Now, the back window facing my house, from which the three high-powered Scientology Inc cameras trained on our home are positioned, was just done over.  By cover of darkness a team of Scientology Inc. plumbers took the tape blocking the camera holes off, resurfaced the window with one way reflective film, and posted a ‘no trespassing’ sign ON THE WINDOW to prevent any more tampering with their view:

Well, it just so happens that one of our high-powered guests is a computer genius.  He was able to intercept the still image feeds that David Miscavige receives from the surveillance outpost 24/7/365.   Please see below the SECRET fruits of the over-the-top surveillance system Miscavige has installed with millions of dollars of hard-earned Scientology parishioner donation dollars.

Martin Padfield

Martin Padfield was one of the first to declare independence from Scientology Inc way back in 2009.   Miscavige has yet to silence him despite plenty effort.   Martin was profiled today in the London Evening Standard.