Welcome to “Church”

What has become of David Miscavige’s Scientology Inc.

241 responses to “Welcome to “Church”

  1. OMFG

  2. excuse me a minute…barf…

  3. I would love for some reporter to contact Karin Pinocchio Pouw with just this one question: “Would L. Ron Hubbard ever have suggested that any Church of Scientology do this or anything like this? Whatever else you answer, please answer yes or no to this question.” Her nose would have to grow by a light-year if she tried to say anything else than: “No, L. Ron Hubbard would never have done such a thing.”

  4. Azul Celeste

    This makes me want to cry!! In anger!

  5. And they complain that the label “The Cult of Greed” was a vicious attack by SPs?? This is …as I have said before…pathetic!

  6. I’m proud to say that C-Note Sunday grew its roots in Seattle!

    The net result? An empty Idle Morgue. A CMO Mission currently in town to “handle the ARCX field”. A single staff auditor on Day org. And massive off-policy fund-raising bbq’s that stretched out over the better part of eight years!!!

  7. Mark, you may have already been aware but did you know that your blog graphics, name and total layout style have been stolen by the COS and are being used to create alternate blogs that lood identical to this one that contain dispariging and hateful things about you and Mark Rinder? I read your blog every now and again and I couldn’t remember the name so I typed in the description. I ended up getting on one that looked EXACTLY like this one.. it even had the same header as on this page with the flying bird. Honestly, it looks identical. I figured it out when I saw who was writing the articles.. Cathy Rinder. I know the COS is bat sh* crazy but jesus talk about creepy. Do they not care about libel at all?

  8. ThetaPotata

    I like the “Move Up in Status Today!” (in the lower right corner.) You don’t no stinking case gain or training you just need “Status.” Yeah, Status Baby that’s what it’s all about!

  9. I thought the BBQ’s and the bake sales were hitting rock bottom….

    Now, they are resorting to a chain letter to keep the orgs open.

    DM must be laughing his tail off.

  10. The sickest part of that whole PR mess above is at the lower right corner: Move UP In Status Today!

    Well….STATUS seems to me to be the polar opposite of what beings need to feel truly happy in life.

    STATUS is what has lead to the 99%/1% financial suppression we live in every day now.

    STATUS is why Tom Cruise is utterly blind.

    STATUS is a stupid goal, unworthy of an enlightened being.

    My green tea has made me a bit sudden this morning…

  11. retiredfromthechurch

    What unbelievable horseshit is this? “The C-Note Event”?????????? This is an all time low for Co$!!
    Has anyone taken a look at real estate values in Orlando? What are they raising money for, a shack at the back of a movie lot?

  12. Pascal Dorion

    Flashback of the Catholics circa 1600… “With this absolution you can rape the Virgin Mary and still go to Heaven! Only 200 gold coins!”. I always hoped Scientology would teach me about the mind, but not that it would give me mass on dramatization this way… LOL… What you resist you become… When you… FAIL!

  13. Even Benjamin looks pissed off.

  14. Has everybody in there gone stupid?
    Never mind.

  15. Jethro Bodine

    I think they modeled “C-Note Sundays” after the IAS reg events where one person stands up and says something like “I’ll give $100 if 10 other people in the room give $100”. IAS events just drag on forever doing this kind of thing. To think I participated in this sort of thing is embarrassing, but it’s easy for the “hive mentality” to set in. What’s most disturbing about “C-Note Sundays” is that everyone is spending their Sunday afternoons regging people instead of doing training or auditing. Besides, there is just something kind of pimp-sounding about “C-Note Sundays”. How about “Mack Daddy Mondays”?

    “C-Note Sundays” doesn’t surprise me though. I can remember things like “Bowling for Dollars”, “Monte Carlo Night”, “Talent Night”, etc. as “fundraising” activities. I think anything would be allowed these days in the name of raising money. The pimps have arrived.

  16. During the time of the New Testament, Jerusalem was under Roman occupation, and Roman money was in common use. The Jewish authorities however required that only Hebrew money was acceptable payment for the Temple tax. So, money changers were allowed to set up tables and benches (the English word bank is derived from the word bench) for themselves in the court of the Gentiles where they exchanged not just local Roman money, but also foreign currency from distant travelers, for shekels. Along with them were peddlers who sold animals, birds and various items for worship and sacrifice.
    The money changers profited greatly from the exchange rates that they charged worshipers for shekels to pay the priests, and then from the priests to convert it back into Roman money – they were “cashing in” from both ends. They also profited exorbitantly from loans that they made – with interest rates up to 300 per cent. While there is nothing wrong with capitalism, or providing a useful and convenient banking service, these particular “bankers” were greedy profiteers who cared nothing about using God’s Temple, and His worshipers, as a means to get rich.

    It was the sight of this Temple “market” that triggered the only recorded incident in the human lifetime of Jesus Christ in which He reacted in a violent manner toward anyone –

    “And they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the Temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the Temple, and He overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons; and He would not allow any one to carry anything through the Temple. And He taught, and said to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.” (Mark 11:15-17 RSV)

  17. They’re not even trying to be discrete anymore. Desperation.

  18. David Miscavige “PONZI SCHEME” to Heaven.
    The “C” note events have been on the west coast for years.
    Kool Aid drinkers exclusive

  19. $cientology as Ponzi? Bernie Madoff has nothing on these people!

  20. Seconded.

  21. Wow! The next step for them will be to have all of the staff members of the local orgs standing next to the freeway off ramps asking for donations to help the org.

  22. Rory Medford

    The TIME magazine had it right in 1991.

    The Cult of Greed!
    Why are people so surprised? Its just the same old same old with the same old leader. More of the same
    They will DO anything for the almighty buck!

  23. Not even a token line on services! Amazing.

    Does the flyer come with Kool-Aid or do we have to make our own?

  24. Mike Hobson

    What we need is Angry Jesus to come down with his hand-braided scourge and overturn the moneychangers tables like he did once before.

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  25. TroubleShooter

    100 reasons NOT to go to the church of scientology orgs today…

  26. disinfected

    And this goes on all friggin’ afternoon.

    The only true Sunday worship in David Miscavige’s Church of Scientology.

    (Except that this “worship” goes on 24/7.)


  27. Sapere Aude

    As many have already noted this is disgusting and NOT how LRH said to run an org. It also tells all who receive this bull…… to contact the ED directly. The org board has been turned upside down where the ED is in direct attempted control of donors who give money for NO exchange. Criminal on the exchange side. Suppressive on the part of the ED who has told the world he is off post, off hat, and doesn’t know how to make the org operate and exchange with services. Rather than make auditors and get his public up the bridge he is now hawking for C-notes. A Whore gives more exchange than that. The circus, along with the flapping seals, are on the last days. When the tent and sign are taken down there shall be freedom for all mentally trapped and forbidden to look, duplicate and think for themselves.

  28. retiredfromthechurch

    Seems that DM has let the movie ‘Field of Dreams’ go to his head – “If you build it, they will come.” Only problem is that that was a ball field and not an org. LRH has an entirely different plan – ‘If you build a better Bridge, they will come.” It’s the Tech that attracts, not the building.

  29. Richard Royce

    Finger down the throat bleaaaa

    Holy mother of F….n Jehosophet! What fun (glee of insanity!!!!!!!!)

  30. The same old LDW

    NEW FLASH!!!!!



    The Independents of Coeur d”Alene Idaho in conjunction with the Seattle Field are holding the most amazing expansion event of the century. All you need to bring is your laptop if you have one.

    Here’s the plan. Bring your laptop with your address list and a bottle of your favorite beer or wine (or ice tea for those of us who don’t drink).

    For one hour during this amazing afternoon we’re going to send a copy of Debbie Cooks Letter along with a copy of the St Pete Times Truth Rundown Series to every single scientologist on planet earth. What a clarion call for independence this will be. TRUTH shouted from our laptops.

    Stay tuned for exact times and locations for this monumental event.

    Join in from the comfort of your own living room if you can’t afford to travel.

    LDW…Rabble Rouser I/C

  31. Great post and great context, Colwell. Thanks for this one.

  32. You mean all you have to do is show up at the Orlando Ideal Org, and they give you $100?? Wow! I can’t wait!

    Hey, wait a minute…

  33. Sign me up. Do I have to buy a ticket?

    Thy did this in Phx too, it was very popular. An Orgs public respond really well to “come in and give us your money and harass your friends to give us money”. They may have to rent extra folding chairs and a tent because people show up in droves for this type of thing.

  34. It just hit me, like a ton of bricks. There is no longer any “Move up the Bridge to OT Now!” going on, at least not that I see. No sense of urgency to get trained as a competent auditor, to Clear others.
    Rather, it’s “Move up in Status, Now!”

  35. By the way, I got an invitation to go to an Orange County Org “Ideal Org” event, where the speaker is… The CO of CCINT!

    Why not the CO/ED of Orange County Org, hmmm? Talk about non-E. Or worse.

  36. Tom Gallagher

    Good God! I can’t get this tune out of my head! Help!

  37. The best part is the asterisk next to the word C-note in the title. Then the explaination that a “C-note = $100” in white text below.

    This could be an important clue as to why many people stay involved with the Church. Apparently, they have no clue what a C-note is and it has to be explained to them.

    This is either because:
    A) They no longer see money in those denominations because IAS regges ensure of that, or
    B) They are too literal and equate a “C-note” as some sort of designation on a musical scale.

    Each of the above are real case scenarios are the main reason why:

    Anyone In Good Standing Within The “Church” Is A Mindless Robot Who Cannot Think Freely And The Only Real Scientologists Are Those Who No Longer Participate In The “Church’s” Squirrel Activities

  38. Credit where credit is due that’s perhaps the most straight talking flier yet.

    Okay so they jazz it up a bit but no one is left in any doubt the deal is, you’re going to beg $100 of all your friends and pay $100 for the fun of doing so.

    I expect the breath of fresh honesty is going to break down those barriers and have those donors lining up to take part.

    Two minor corrections and a clarification to the itinerary.

    11am Sunday Service some one will read some LRH quotes or something then we chat.

    12noon Pot Luck Lunch = if people bring stuff and want to share it might be fun

    12:30 – 6pmam

    Hope my mark up tags work.

  39. Kevin Tighe

    You took the initials right out of my mouth!

  40. Those C-Notes will be turning into G-Notes not longer after they arrive, believe me!

  41. Robert Earle

    Thank you Marty for the heads up on this special opportunity but I’ll have to pass as I’m sending my $100 to Debbie Cooks defense fund. Sorry.

  42. This is just another example of the Standard Operating Procedure, designed, orchestrated, and produced by the SS POPE, of complete OUT EXCHANGE

  43. jim cherkas

    I wonder if they would ever have a BBQ or any get together for any other purpose besides getting money for anything and everything? Oh ya that would be off policy but fundraising is somehow not off policy? What is the justification for the off policy fundraising is it the SP transcriptionists or is it based on what lrh? How can people who are in who know its off policy because they know policy, let it happen?

  44. Opps forgot:

    Allergy warning: any expectations expressed in the above post may be misleading such that they may of face value be the opposite of the authors actual expectations expectations. The above post may also contain traces of attempted humor. No C-notes were harmed (or donated) to the church of scientology in the production of the above post.

  45. Status indeed: Tackynus Maximus.

  46. This is what you get in orgs that are even too small and failing for the IAS and Ideal Org vultures to circle. The “ED” begs for $100. How sad.

    I am sure Dave is eyeing a wonderful property off the freeway on the far side of Disney World that will require a few million to purchase and a few million to renovate to his discerning standards. If Orlando holds one of these events every week for the next century they still won’t make it as the value of the land and cost of renovations will go up faster than the amount they collect even if every Div 4 public gives $100 a week. How sad.

    It’s not even worth the cost of gas for the IAS vultures to drive 90 miles from Flag to try to reg the beaten and bedraggled “public” in Orlando who have been squeezed for everything they’ve got and probably havent seen the inside of an auditing or course room for years. How sad.

    Maybe I should take a Sunday drive and drop in on them. I am sure I would be welcome if I increased my status with a C Note….

  47. Long but relevant article touching on the Standford Prison Experiment, the Milgram experiments, the overt of ommission, good and evil, and heroism.


  48. Thats because the CO CCINT is a former long time exec of Orange County Org from the 80s. Dave Petit. Probably using his name and status to get a draw. Good Luck with that.

  49. You have to pay $100 for it, then get 10 friends to do the same, at which point you become a “Kool Aid Coordinator”. When those 10 friends have done the same you become a “10th Dimension Kool Aid Coordinator”. With 10 Kool Aid Coordinators under you you will have achieved the revered status of “National Kool Aid Director Meritorious”. There is a VERY special pin with this, denoting your superior status – which pin will be priceless and worth millions in the centuries to come.

  50. Me too — OMFG!

  51. The same old LDW

    I thought “moving up in status” was the correctly surveyed button at a tone level of 1.1.

    Steve, Jeff…wasn’t that what you guys found when you did the surveys for the Dianetics campaign?

    “Move up in status so you can be BETTER than anyone else. All you have to do is give us all your money. Just imagine how superior you’ll feel”

    I can’t wait to bring my new selectees into the org for that one.

  52. Scientology is dead. They even use a term on this flyer which 98% of the pasrishoners don’t know the meaning of “C-Note”. So they give everyone MUs and cause another failure. In case anyone reading this has that MU: C-note is a Century Note. Century is Cent and the derivation of cent isis 100, thus the hundred dollar bill.

    ML Tom

  53. That definition of C-note is not correct. The applicable one is a track from the Prince album entitled… EMPTY ROOM.

  54. Somebody of your abilities could make 10th Dimension Kool Aid Coordinator in no time

  55. Freedom Fighter

    Wow! I’m speechless . . .

  56. Pascal, you have a reference here in quotes. What’s the specific source for the quoted reference?

  57. Here’s a pipe dream – that management actually gets on policy and stops these off policy donation campaigns, admitting they were wrong, apologizes, returns those funds to peoples accounts to use for the Bridge of family & friends, cancels all the declares on people for forwarding Debbie Cooks email about the off policy actions. I bet they would love too but are too terrified of DM & his nazi’s.

  58. LOL, you made me spill my coffee

  59. Just noticed a subtle clue that while they say you donate $100 they may “expect” more: “line up your C-notes”

  60. LO. You made me spill my coffee.

  61. The pin comes presented as a special seat pad, as a constant reminder of where you have been taking it all these years.

  62. Wow!…the three ring circus is really going strong now!

    Somewhere LRH weeps for what could have been these last 30 years.

  63. But think of the novelty! No longer are they donating $100 but they’re donating a C-note, they’ll be like kids with a new toy.

    We’re goin’ ta donate ar C-notes,
    We’re goin’ ta donate ar C-notes,
    La de da de da…

    Well I guess that’s the idea.

    Those this works on are worse off than I thought. There will, sadly, be some. 😥

  64. Mike, I will go with you. 🙂 I am sure they would love to have us if we bring the $100 and 10 of our friends. 😦 What a joke, Orlando Org has been dead for 20 years: it is almost impossible to find or see from the street. I called into it once when I was visiting (when I still in SO on leave) their phone had been disconnected for non payment of their bill.

  65. C Note Sunday.
    Small change Monday.
    Aluminum can Tuesday
    Returnable bottle Wednesday
    Food stamp Thursday
    Blood drive Friday
    Old jewelry Saturday

    * Those who contribute on every day of the week (as verified by the ED) will be named on the special status board outside our rest rooms!!!!

    Go BIG THINK, a thetan only gets what he postulates, so postulate BIG!!!!!

  66. YUCK!

  67. ThetaPotata

    I’ll bet Tony DePhillips (and/or his wife Marie-Joe) will weigh on the C-Note origins in Seattle. I watched his YouTube video! Very good description about the suck you dry and you must love it or else! engram he went through.

  68. Is this an event the media should be invited to?

  69. Hide your eyes with your two hands so i can pickpocket you!

  70. Does she even know who L. Ron Hubbard is???

  71. How witty. April 15th, tax day.

    I have mentioned before that Int Management is one big Internal Revenue Service. Now, along with surrendering your hard earned dollars in penalties for your success in taxes, you must then trot down to the Org with a wallet full of C notes and your telephone book to maintain your status as a Scientologist.

    Too funny!

  72. Note: No request to move UP the bridge. Only a request to move UP in status.

  73. LOL, was tempted to dare you to do it, tongue in cheek of course (don’t want to see you locked up for assault and public disorder or nailed to a cross for that matter). But I won’t, dare you that is: brief attack of the LULZ and memories of Agent Pubit.

    On the whole Jesus Easter Monday thing, I assume Marty’s noticed the latest LULZ from the News Of Miscavige. Marty is likened to Judas who took the silver to turn in well I guess David Miscavige is Jesus I suppose in their eyes.^^

    Personally feel the analogy of Marty to Judas falls over in several areas. Not least being David Miscavige is nothing like the concept of Jesus; though that whole creating a scene with a whip is perhaps something Miscavige might do, but only to whip up more donations.

  74. This cannot be real. Ok, it’s a dream, I’m still sleeping. When I wake up, I’m sure to have a big laugh.

  75. The way to not be the adverse effect of this is to say I create the money I need and use it for what is worthwhile now and all times and keep some in reserve if I think I should. And then move up in status.
    Happy Easter Again !

  76. Sad, I remember back in the early 70’s there was a push to Clear America. Everyone was to bring one new public person into the org. Now all they want is a new 100 dollar bill from everyone. Hard to believe that anyone can still remain in this sad excuse of a church.

    Ron Minor

  77. Yea… clap clap clap… can not missed this cash cult fest !
    “Exciting event” ??? Litle prick!

    What’s your name?
    Don’t worry…
    And don’t be afraid
    We won’t hurt you

    Lost your way?
    Well don’t worry…
    Just do as we say
    And we won’t hurt you

    It’s hard
    The world can lead you so astray
    It gets harder
    It’s hard just to keep the faith

    Do you need a reminder?
    Of the love that we gave you?
    Don’t worry

    You’re walking away…
    But we’ll always be watching you

    We’ll always be watching you

    My name is Eugene OSA bot !

  78. OFMG is right – outrageous. Money grabbing SOB’s. It does looks like the kind of thing a crtic would create in photoshop as a spoof – but being posted by Marty I take it this one is genuine.

  79. one of those who see

    Trying to put 2 words together to comment on this. Alas, to no avail. I wish this was just a really bad joke.

  80. I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry.

  81. Ziba Feulner

    Thirded!!! And to say it one more time, OMFG…

  82. Of course silly, David Miscavige has told her all about LRH and his tech. As a result she knows all she needs to and she knows things you don’t too; which is why David Miscavige is right and the Indies (those poor, misguided, bitter, defrocked, suppressive, bigotted, human rights violating apostates) are so very wrong.

    Allergy warning: may contain traces of attempts at humor, cynicism and sarcasm.

  83. Great post!

  84. But their name will be removed if they get declared which they will be if they refuse to increase their status.

  85. OMFG what the hell next are we going to see Its now bring your money , pass the message on to another to make sure they bring dllrs.
    How desperate and low can you get.
    What does that have to do delivering scientology services promoting getting up the bridge.Its one sick joke.

  86. I remember I fell for this when Albuquerque said in an email that if all the Scientologists donated $100 they could build their Ideal Org. I sent my $100. Many long years ago.

  87. Rory Medford

    The RCS will give you some extra sugar with the kool-aide if you tell or call a friend or maybe some extra cookies

    cookies that make you more KOOKY

  88. LOL. Now let’s see how long before your initiatives are implimented. Don’t expect any credit though.

  89. Thomas More

    How exciting!! What’s next, a squeegie, Windex, and a cup at every traffic light??

  90. Ronnie Bell

    Hey Amy, did you catch the significance of the date of this ‘event’? Figures, don’t it?

  91. LTC Forever

    This is simply destructive. What a way to black PR scientology as a religion. “You are a spirit… come give us all of your money today.” – this should be in the new TV commercials.

  92. Indie-saurus-rex

    I am going to this event and it is going to be SOOOO GOOOD. YES! YESSS!! YESSSSSS!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aiAdL8yy1Q

  93. Sorry, wrecked my punch line… here it is anyway. lol.

  94. I should point out historical points. What you say is correct re money lenders etc. The bit about Jesus is hazy.

    Not that it didn’t happen but when you consider the scale of the temple in question, picture a large fair, what ever hubbub Jesus might have caused wouldn’t have been noticed by very many. He would have been carted off by security and it would be business as usual. Or he could have tipped up some tables, shouted some slogans and fled, leading to a minor man hunt but still business as usual.

    There is no contemporary record of any such event, the bible is a record but authorship has so far only been traced to within a hundred or so years of the suggested life time of Jesus’s. There is no contemporary mention of Jesus. He may have existed, he may have been several people made as one in the telling. Who knows?

    What ever the truth it is very unlikely the event was anything more than a minor disruption to business, certainly not the sea change shut down of commerce implied in the Bible.

    In a couple of hundred years it will be interesting to see how scientology has evolved. Who will be mentioned and in what context? How true will it be to what is happening now and what has happened since the mid 1950’s?

    Which view of L R Hubbard prevail? The critics view of him as a con artist? The indies of him as a regular guy who had a lot of good ideas, though outside the box but was human and so fallible or the Miscavige one of Hubbard being a Saint whose works only I can interpret or of course other views from other interpreters.

    Will Marty and the Indies get a mention? will he be Saint Marty or just some guy who figured out that maybe some bits of scientology work well, some did but don’t any more (times change) and some maybe never did but hey no-one’s perfect.

    I’m truly fascinated, missed the last birth of a belief system.

  95. Darla (aka Linda McC)

    But wait!!
    There’s more!!!
    Our dentist has agreed to be available EVERY DAY (this coming week only) and will do FREE extractions on any gold filled teeth. That’s right: FREE! Please do your best to make an appointment, as his calendar is filling up.
    Very special commendation delivered on the spot!

  96. martyrathbun09

    You noted: What ever the truth it is very unlikely the event was anything more than a minor disruption to business, certainly not the sea change shut down of commerce implied in the Bible. I don’t think the Bible implied that, certainly the quotation Collwell provided did not. “Minor business disruption” – hardly, I read about it more than two thousand years after the fact and the story meant a lot to me. There are probably a few hundred million others who can say the same.

  97. I admire the fact you admitted that, I think more of you for it not less.

    There will be people fall for it this time sadly. That might be mitigated if there is a protest at the event of course. Then again people get pig headed and donate to “spite” the protestors. Sad. Really sad.

  98. Its Have Do Be that EP’s with Have,Have, Do Nothing.
    Then its the Publics fault for with holding thier millions of dollars they
    have stashed in matteresses (wrong who, wrong why) . Then the water is shut off and the lights go out
    Taxes in default. The place goes up for lease,Golden Pillars, Italian Marble floors, Gold fixutures in Batrooms, the whole encilada.

  99. And you need to bring your own lunch as well.
    Just unbelievable!
    Seeing this actually makes me feel very sad inside. So it has come to this has it?

  100. OMG! Unbelievable on the C-note, took me awhile to realize it was for REAL.
    Another OMG on on them putting an exact copy blog. Is that lawful?

    Another outlandish is the up your STATUS!

  101. The best part is the “pot luck” brunch. Not only are you getting dragged in to spend $100 and then you are locked in a room to reg all your friends until they tell you that it’s OK to go home, but you’ve got to bring some food yourself and trust everybody else to show up with something decent to eat.

    The org is too cheap to spend $5 per person on pizza for the people sheep-like enough to come out for this event. Any real “church” doing this sort of fund raising drive would actually care about its members enough to spend a few bucks on food… Just shows the contempt that DM and the rest of the staff have for the few public they have left. Unbelievable.

  102. Pimpin’ ain’t easy

  103. I’ll go with you Mike….and will bring my http://www.worldofmonopoly.com/fansite/images/money/monopoly_money_100.jpg bundle with me !
    We just need to say to the cool-aid drinker that COB says it is ok, cause he loves to play Monopoly, and they will drink it !

  104. Unfriggingbelievable

  105. And it just goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on … all afternoon (into the evening). Until the next C-note day. (Tomorrow morning).
    Ha-ha-ha. Waiting for Jimmy Swaggart to show up at their fundraisers next.

  106. Available status’ in the Independent Movement:

    1. Associated terminal.
    2. Buddy.
    3. BFF.
    4. Neighbor.
    5. Friend.
    6. Confidante.
    7. Associate.
    8. Colleague.
    9. Witness.
    10. Comrade.
    11. Crony.
    12. Companion.
    13. Playmate.
    14. Consort.
    15. Mate.
    16. Soul mate.
    17. Cohort.
    18. Well wisher.
    19. Acquaintance.
    20. Roomate.
    21. Classmate.
    22. Pal.
    23. Upholder.
    24. Seconder.
    25. Sustainer.
    26. Pillar.
    27. Abider.
    28. Autonomous.
    29. Self ruling.
    30. Unregimented.
    31. Self determining.
    32. Self governing.
    33. Self reliant.
    34. Self sufficient.
    35. Self supporting.
    36. Sovereign.
    37. Unrestricted.
    38. Unenslaved.
    39. Self ruling.
    40. Self permitting.



  107. Li'll bit of stuff

    It’s true Marty! this slime WAS conceived in the brain of the
    LIVING DEAD, the tone,colours and morbidity a dead give-away!

  108. That is the lamest. Really pathetic.

  109. This is really sad, as went so far astray from Scientology goals, which is so obvious to a sober look, but yet there still are people in the Church seeing and buying it – and that is most hard to believe, and that is really sad.

  110. Your humble servant

    There is no more generous and dedicated group of people on earth than sincere Scientologists. They are not being “suckered” to give money to a cause that they believe is important and noble. That only shows their generous spirit. They have been “suckered” into believing that what they think of as the “upper management” of the church is sane and well intentioned and will use their donations wisely and well. Their church was hijacked years ago and they haven’t a clue.

  111. Is all this some kind of weird experiment to see just how stupid or gullible a group of people can become?
    Every certified, card holding criminal must be green with envy at what Miscavige can and is doing, just add “command intention” & count the $.
    The blinded leading the soon to be blinded.

  112. C-note … but they don’t see & note what’s going on, what their church has become.

  113. Damn, wrong forum for this debate. Want to discuss this then email me at difox@live.co.uk. Happy to discuss. One thing, excuse my ignorance, who is Collwell? Full name and other references so I can research who you’re talking about.

    I’m guessing you’re a follower of one of the 10,000’s variations of christianity. What you believe is fine by me but I won’t accept your faith as fact nor anything contradictory to evidence. Nor anything lacking evidence as other than conjecture.

    I may have to apologise to Michael A Hobson, I’m wondering if a well meaning group of blog savvy christians are hoping for some converts from the Indies.

    I’m an atheist. What impresses me about the independent scientologists is that while they retain various dogmatic beliefs to varying degrees they are at present individuals who are finding their own way with a belief system set up by another.

    They don’t have a leader or an organisation though I see others feeling uncomfortable with this. Instead they’re evolving via the Internet.

    They exist in a unique age where ideas can be communicated globally to many in an instant via the Internet. For this reason their evolution in belief and what becomes of it is of interest to me.

    This is true of Anonymous and, before that, Al-Qaeda. You see these movements are the first ones with such communication power. Though they are also very different.

    Despite what the news told you Al-Qaeda was not an organisation rather a lot of individuals with a shared idea via the Internet. The difference being they identified with Osama Bin Ladin as a figure head, Anonymous has no figure head only legends that can fall by the way side..

    You seem like traditionalists Christian trying to get a grip with new media. You will fail unless you change yourselves; you’re like the Armish doom to enclaves of “pre” technology.

    If you fail to change in yourself you fail as a person, just like those who still “worship” David Miscavige.

    Okay, basic moralty is do unto others as you would wish to be done by.

    As an atheist here I’ve decided I’m going to play Devil’s advocate where I feel necessary. Sometimes it helps clarify things, sometimes it just makes some one with anger issues angry. Ah Michael A Hobson your anger is not my problem, though I can help you deal with it.

  114. I also remember back in the early ’70’s at the Miami Org on Brickell. A mission came in and stated that your name would be on a stone or placard for either $50 or 100, not sure, but a lot back then to give toward a new building in Coral Gables. Well Never happened. Just as well since they would have to remove it.

    Later in 70’s bought a Lifetime membership for $100. Ha,ha,ha,ha! Well, I guess that WAS a lifetime ago. Now with the help of some supposedly whale, you can get another lifetime for $2500.

    Gave $50 last year for my alma mater Miami new idle org. No thanks even, too small amount!?. Sorry for the rattle but this just tee’s me a bit! It’s not easy to face, how stupid and brain washed one can be while trying to help. Help what, is the question! Thankful for the ability to LOOK even before Debbie. But Debbie made it a reality!

  115. Claudio Lugli

    You must be F%>&$ing out of your mind!
    What’s up with you all? Do you think I am a F%&^?in DB!!!
    Just 100 $ one C-Note!!!
    No way, THINK Fu%&%ing Big!!!!
    Get at lest $ 1.000 … no no no sorry typo…. $ 10.000!!!
    Yeahhh each one bring $ 10.000, and get a fu%&ing friend and so on yeah… this I like this is Command Intention!
    Lou …get me TC on the phone… you fuc%&ing ….


  116. Ponzi, Bernie Madoff, David Mccabage. What a way to be remembered….

  117. HannibalTheFirst

    Maybe that is the intend. Rent from real estate property that flows to a non-profit organization does not qualify for UBI (Unrelated Business Income) and stays tax free no matter what. This recent rush into real estate investments by DM maybe well calculated. Pillage the field to acquire real estate, secure tax free income when renting the buildings out to third parties.

  118. That reminds me to report it to their host as a hate speech website…AGAIN.

  119. Agreed! AND precisely the point!

  120. Li'll bit of stuff

    TO, this is the habitat of pure THETA ….Love it!

  121. Wow,that has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. And mind you, I have been watching the Co$ for almost 2 decades now. “Hey it is so great, you bring us some money—and here is where it gets tricky – after you bring us money, you call other people and then……. GET THEM TO give us some money too”, i mean this is the most amazing piece of crap marketing I’ve ever seen….. i mean WTF!!!!?????

    Who comes up with this TIHS???

  122. rrhyne56, yes, just see how much better than you I can be. Status. Holier than thou ‘cuz I gave more money than you.
    Find out where you are!

  123. Someone owes me a new Monitor. I just spit Mt Dew all over mine.

  124. Thank you Robert! Yes,yes, yes….an actual worth while cause and one LRH I believe would agree with and back.

  125. And what is that signifance date ?

  126. LAUGHTER!

  127. Minorron, maybe we can just mail it in, in that case? Get status without participation. Perfect!

  128. Benjamin Cisco

    Of course it’s pot-luck! This ‘church’ never gives out a free meal — even to those who are giving their last few bucks. Un-frackin-believable!!!

  129. Ronnie Bell


  130. Wait! I think this promo is for some other get rich quick scam. I don’t see any mention of Scientology or L. Ron Hubbard on it anywhere.

  131. retiredfromthechurch

    Mr. Peacock is back ROFL!!!

  132. It looks like one of those “shoops” that the Anonymous people produce to make someone or something look ridiculous. But no. This is no shoop. This is reality. This illustrates just how far south the Corporation has taken the group down. Welcome to the Church of $cientology.

  133. Speaking of Jimmy Swaggert …..

    I get this vision of David Miscavige going down in a pitiful Jimmy Swaggert sort of way. It goes like this –

    The police arrive to the door of a skanky motel room on the outskirts of Riverside, California upon receiving a complaint of noise. After several loud knocks and warnings the police suspect foul play and burst in uninvited. There on the bed lie two unnaturally busty ladies passed out on a huge pile of $100.00 dollar bills. The place stinks of scotch.

    Pan to the right and there sits David Miscavige! His arms are wrapped tightly around a partially closed brief case out of which even more $100.00 bills are spilling. David is rocking back and forth, back and forth clothed only in a beautifully tailored suit coat and little else. He is staring straight ahead entirely unaware of the officers standing just feet away taking in the debauchery that is before their eyes. David is mumbling to himself, “They just don’t understand I did it for them.” The cops, having seen enough each take one of David’s arms and stand him up. The brief case and a partially empty bottle of scotch hit the floor simultaneously scattering cash and booze everywhere.

    By the time David hits the doorway of the motel room there awaiting him is the National Inquirer, The Los Angeles Times and The Saint Petersburg Times. Flash bulbs are going off so fast in the night that it appears a strobe light is running at high speed ……..a very unholy end.

  134. martyrathbun09

    A hypocritical Atheist at that – far more dogmatic and judgmental (falsely to boot) than most religious people I know. For example, you stated in your latest a number of false assumptions about Scientologists, and me, including: I’m guessing you’re a follower of one of the 10,000′s variations of christianity. You are quite wrong in your guess.

  135. I like your posts, Dean – that bit about Jesus possibly being carted off by Security got me laughing pretty hard. Also made me wonder if the Temple might have had some TSA clowns at all the entrances like they do at our airports.

    Aside from that, however, it seems you’re a bit into the significance (read: mental gyrations (my definition, not Ron’s!) of the whole thing. As has been proffered many times on this blog, the way to really understand what the subject of Scientology is all about is – DO some of it!

    You may or may not go for it as a result, but at least you’ll KNOW what it’s all about – which knowledge you’ll never gain from an exterior “study” of the subject.

  136. Nor does Reed Slatkin, from whom Miscavige may have picked up some of his most valuable tips on how to manipulate people.

  137. Holy shit! Unbelievable but true!

  138. I think I had the same cog. It appears all routes up the Bridge, or to any spiritual progress in the Church of Scientology are essentially blocked. Every route for new public is blocked. Training and auditing for existing public is blocked unless it is altered so as to lose effectiveness. It seems like every aspect of Scientology and Scientology Orgs has been altered, suppressed, impeded, destroyed etc. Hmm.

  139. LAUGHTER! 2FF!

  140. Colwell is a veteran Scientologist, former Int base staff member, a wonderful being with a sane head, and a huge heart. Someone I am proud to know and call a friend.

  141. Luis Garcia

    I’m confused. This type of event is not covered in the book “Asking,” which
    is the adopted tech by the CO$ in their pillaging, ehrr… I mean fundraising efforts. This book, written by Jerold Panas, was heralded as “the first and most basic recommended reading on fundraising” by the D/WUS Fundraising I/C, Abigale.
    The book has some chapters that are real gems, such as:
    Chapter 1: The Joy of Asking!
    Chapter 4: You Won’t Get Milk from a Cow by Sending a Letter.
    Chapter 6: Enlightened Givers Feel the Rapture of Being Alive.
    Chapter 14: Consistent Hard Work is the Yeast that Raises the Dough.
    Chapter 18: Triumph is Just “Umph” Added to Try.
    But nowhere in this marvelous literary piece the “C-Note” event is mentioned. This may indicate the CO$ is now also squirreling the Fundraising tech they so enthusiastically pushed, ehrr… I mean suggested.
    OT Committee members were asked to study this book, and we were made to watch a video by its author, teaching us the correct “tech” on fundraising.
    To their credit, this training was delivered free of charge; so this was the second service I received from the CO$ that was free. The first was an OCA.

    The flyer above reminded me of the days in which I felt the sheer joy of asking (and giving)! I am now going to go to the washroom to feel the rapture of being alive. I hope it all comes out OK.


  142. Dean Fox,

    If you were making a coherent point in your post above, I couldn’t find it.

    Christianity, like several other major religions, has a significant text — the Bible — which many people find to be a highly valuable reference. It has some limitations, certainly, but it does contain highly useful stories, including descriptions of historically verifiable events, parables, folk wisdom, biographies, poetry, allegories, etc.

    I don’t require my books of wisdom to be history books. Nor do I require my wisdom to be purely logical. But I do require both to be useful to me.

    For the record, I’m not a Christian, although I was raised as one. Perhaps that’s why I still have such affection and respect for the lessons I find in the Bible. I quote it often, because there is so much wisdom contained in it.

    The Bible is far from the only source of wisdom I find useful. Clearly, it’s not useful to you. If you don’t try to tell me what is and isn’t useful for me, I’ll pay you the same favor.


    P.S. I’ve never met Colwell. I just liked his post.

  143. I did think at first it was an anon joke. Hey, look at the bright side. They are totally overt about it now. That is a plus point.

    “We want your money. We will grant you status in exchange for it”.

    It is the bottom line and the valuable final product for any Organization now, to beg for money and get it.

    Buy David Miscavige buildings for him to rent back to you. Who cares that the public will not be able to use them? This is a real estate push to keep rent dollars floating into the DM property management inc.

  144. Joe Pendleton

    Hey – it’s only money guys and it’s an EXCITING event!!!
    Pot luck better be good. And next month……. one G Sunday!!! Miscavige himself will be spooning out the Chili that Day – tell all your friends. (Note: there’s an org in Orlando?)

  145. Hey David Miscavige, Whatever works, huh?
    BTW, don’t keep too many mirrors around. You might not like what’s coming back at you these days. Good thing none of us out here practice Voodoo. Whoops, I hope I didn’t give anyone a bright idea. :))

  146. Captain Bob

    for all you lurkers—————on the fencers——–

    say you got an HCOB or HCOPL that says this an approved form of promoting for an org? Establishing an org? Is this type of thing in the OEC’s? Is this type of thing in the OEC/FEBC course? What is an Executive?

    My head bows down while shaking it left and right, and then I cry. Is this Scientology?

  147. Tony Dephillips

    You’re crazy Mat.
    Tony DePhillips reporting live from Paris, France.
    MJ and I are on our second honeymoon.

  148. Another Layer

    In the United States, the deadline for filing one’s state and federal income tax.

  149. And it is later found that the Ladies have more than their share of below the waist equipment and belong to the been overseas club.

  150. LTC Forever

    Also, I remembered I was preached by recruiters how the money is the lowest form of motivation and “duty” is highest and so on. All I want to say now is: “Look who’s talking…”

  151. Captain Bob

    hey bed——

    you said “after you bring us money, you call other people and then……. GET THEM TO give us some money too””

    This is called network marketing or MLM or multi level marketing. Da Church of Scientology is turning into a ponzi network marketing company.

    Did I say “is” turning, maybe that should be has TURNED into one. And when did that occur? Say LRH’s death

  152. Captain Bob


  153. Tom Gallagher


    You wrote, “OT Committee members were asked to study this book…”

    For the life of me, I cannot think of a more screwed-up, off-the-rails demonstration of the utter insanity of this vertically challenged, tuxedo-garbed, Beelzebub wannabe, i.e., POB in action.

    This is contagion of aberation ‘in your face’.

    Now it’s now my turn to barf………

  154. LIKE! Now, get offline! 🙂

  155. Les, is that what that feeling is? Superiority? I thought it was just empty pockets. LOL

  156. Captain Bob

    Luis – you noted free test, OCA
    “To their credit, this training was delivered free of charge; so this was the second service I received from the CO$ that was free. The first was an OCA.”

    In the Jason Beghe video as I link below, 6 minutes 40 or so seconds into it, Jason says he does the OCA and he is the top of it and the person doing the OCA on him tells him he is still fucked up. Or in others words he is sane and the person is totally invalidating his case, total eval . And he gets sucked into the ponzi game created by David Mascavige, DM. Mind you, as you know and I and others when we got in.

    My heart goes out to you Jason Beghe. And you are a dog lover so we have common ARC there although we have never met.

    So I ask this question of the Church of Scientology, when OT 9 and OT 10 and Super Power is released, and when lets say another 50 years goes by by present time of now, 9 Apr 2012,,,,,,I ask this, will us OT’s come back and get the same treatment as Jason Beghe?

    Where is the tech on returning OT’s or clears?

  157. Captain Bob

    sorry, I forgot to link the link on Jason Beghe interview:

  158. Ouin!Reference?

  159. Ronnie Bell

    DFB, you’re voicing what became perhaps the biggest conundrum I had, while I was still connected to the church. After many failed attempts to obtain the results of real Scientology in the orgs, I realized that the orgs themselves were my primary impediment to getting up the Bridge. For over two decades, I sat unmoving, because I was convinced that the Bridge wasn’t available anywhere else.

    At the same time, I’d hear of people advancing up the Bridge – doing this course and that, achieving OT level completions and such, and I wondered, how on earth are these people managing to get past the gate keepers? It made me introvert, and make myself wrong about not moving. If others were moving, and I wasn’t, it had to be my fault.

    Imagine my shock and anger at discovering the real truth of why I could never move on the Bridge, and my utter relief at realizing that I’m far better off, having not moved ‘up’ the Reverse Scientology Bridge.

  160. No, I’m afraid their motto is, “Those who gave will give more.” The target is to hit up the big donors again and again. Freeway offramps would be chump change compared to what they’re after. In fact do you think they settle for $100 on a C-note Sunday from the big donors? No, the event is set up just to get the “deep pockets” into the room thinking it’s going to be an event that everyone is contributing to. Then it turns out that there’s a LOT more expected from them, after all, they’ve given so much, there’s more where that came from… I know this from experience.

  161. Captain Bob

    forgot about that one, that is a point to bring up.

  162. Mike, this was my Org until a year ago. The same 8 to 10 public with $10 to $100 to donate. It breaks my heart.

    The sick thing is that there are only 6 or 7 staff. All have acquired a taste for kool-aid Nobody doing major services. Truly a No Org, Org.

    Let me know if you are serious about driving up. Helma and I will join you.

  163. Captain Bob

    so I think,,,,,,,,,
    there is a difference between making money to survive and making enough to survive well. And there is a difference between the 4 conditions of exchange. Holy Cow. And there is a difference in one getting rich on the backs of others in a ponzi game.

  164. Tony, what is this? You called it a second honeymoon the last four trips you guys took! LOL

  165. This is revolting. Miscavige is turning into a combo of Jim Baker and Ernest Angley all rolled into one. What’s next; a 3am tv show hawking his crap?

  166. Oh, yeh! Those commendations! I have a drawerful. Er, no, I think I used them to light the fireplace over the winter.

  167. Captain Bob

    and when you watch that video link, you will realize everybody is a robot, everybody telling him what to do is a robot to some routine. People on staff are clueless in the present time church as to case levels, training, the whole nine yards. There is no personalized service, one by one, it is all a machine. Oh lordly, I see it now clearly. This ain’t Scientology.

  168. I disagree Benjamin–when the free meal is advertised, you know it’s going to be WORSE! You eat, you owe!

  169. Captain Bob

    LRH says one by one we clear the planet, the auditor is the most important being on the planet.

  170. Don’t worry, KRoyce, the only people practicing voodoo in this arena are IN the church. The rest of us are too enlightened to stoop to that.

  171. Captain Bob

    I’m just talking, just rambling my own thoughts, I ain’t a know it all, I just communicate what I know and can remember.

  172. Captain Bob

    actually, I’m just being a Mind. You know thetan, mind body. So I’m just communicating my mind.

  173. I bet the public can’t wait to spend an entire Sunday begging other over-solicited public to spend more money for nothing! Do they really show up to do this? All I can say is: Go Independent and get a LIfe!

  174. I WOULD walk across the street to see Dave Petit. But certainly not to listen to him. For starters, I might ask him about the time Dave Miscarriage had him pinned up against a CCI wall by the neck. Or…, ask him how he’d come to relish executive C/Sing for staff…, and on and on.

  175. Captain Bob

    unfortunately, Jason got run on squirrel tech by the Church of Scientology. How is that possible?

  176. Captain Bob

    you said “Buy David Miscavige buildings for him to rent back to you”

    See this is a hidden data public do not know about. Public think the buildings are free and clear. they think no rent or mortgage payments, why this is cool. Little do the joe six pack public know that is not true.

  177. Robin,

    At least they are being honest about it, perhaps unintentionally. Status is all they can deliver.

    David Lingenfelter

  178. Looney Tunes – “That’s All Folks”

    Fitting in many ways.

  179. Mat,

    Add to your list –
    Remember us in your Last Will and Testament.

  180. Captain Bob

    look again at that promo piece. That promo piece is from a bank and not the real Scientology.

  181. Captain Bob

    and guess what, lets say the food was really good, that the church provided, like blue diamonds, would the members really exchange back. As you say.
    Wow, that was the best pizza ever, here’s my C-note.

    Four conditions of exchange.

  182. Captain Bob

    or a multi level company

  183. GREAT! Have fun!!!

  184. No. The money goes to Int Managment and they buy the buildings and they own them. They rent them back to the Org. Look a few blogs back at that building for lease. It was supposed to be an Org. It will be leased out now to whomever want to lease it, and the rent money will go to Int Management. They are into real estate investments now and property management.

  185. Scientology is dead.

    Only in Miscavige’s cult of darkness, my friend. It’s alive and well out here in the light.

  186. Clever…

  187. Absolutely criminal. Do they honestly believe that the public will never find out about that little arrangement? It’s only a matter of time until it’s BPI among the sheeples.

  188. If you find the You Tube “Jason Beghe Speaks at the Hamburg Anti Scientology Convention” it is extremely worthwhile watching. He is most sincere and certainly back up Debbie ‘s accusations along with others. happening.

  189. Tony Dephillips

    Lol…. ok.

  190. Jean-Francois Genest

    It doesn’t surprise me. This add is very similar to the picture in the 1990’s version of the Scientology Handbook depicting the condition of Treason. What is more aberating is that there WILL BE people who will go and donate generously. 😦 Shame. Donnors need to know they are CONTRIBUTING to the TREASON.
    Orlando = home of Disney World and fairy tales.

  191. markthehungarian

    Wow o wow.

    This is shocking.

    So it all comes down to money…

  192. Ronnie, did you ever think you’d be GLAD you didn’t move up the bridge in CofS? Crazy!

  193. scilonschools

    C Note Sunday – Classic Mass Hysteria


    It is a sad fact that this condition exists in Humanity, the same effect that creates lynch mobs or allows tens of thousands to go over the top and charge down machine gun emplacements on a battle field.

    It creates real psychological & physiological effects in people, that are truly REAL to them at the time, and despite the above examples it is more prevalent in the female of the species, (a fact DM uses to his advantage!).

    It is hard to control the mass stampede when it starts, calm persistent calls to stop and think, showing empathy for the emotion driving the temporary ‘blindness’ are the only real cures (LOVE).

    Thanks for this Post Marty, all of us have suffered the effects at one time or another in our lives, there is no shame in suffering such temporary aberrations, but they MUST be addressed!

  194. Ronnie, This is how it works. DM gets the Org staff to beg. The money goes to DM. He buys a building . Rents it back to them plus they have to pay property taxes, utilities, insurance etc. = No staff pay and they leave. The Org goes bust. DM manages to close the local Org while gaining apiece of real estate ONLY HE can sell or rent. DM is not interested in Scientology. He does not go to course. He has been blown off the bridge for decades. He didn’t even finish a class lV internship. All of the staff at A.B.L.E Int have the same stat: G.I.
    DM does not have graphs, do conditions, live in any way like a Sea Org Member.
    He is a very successful pimp.

  195. scilonschools

    The BBC News has just released a story (9 April 2012) well worth a read for those trying to understand DM’s control over some.
    “Rudolf Hess: Inside the mind of Hitler’s Deputy”


    “Previously unseen notes of an army psychiatrist reveal how the British tried to get inside the mind of Germany’s Deputy Fuhrer, Rudolf Hess, during World War II in an attempt to get inside the mind of the Nazis”

  196. scilonschools

    Somehow this insight of the psychiatrist re Nazis Vs Britain , just rang true for the RCS Vs Indies , to me anyway.(from the outside)

    “As their talks progressed, Dicks was struck by Hess and Hitler’s admiration of the English, despite Germany having the upper hand in the war at that time.
    ‘I believe they are trying to frighten us but are themselves frightened of us,’ he wrote”

  197. It is getting increasingly difficult to parody the church of scientology.

  198. This is what happens when you post from a mobile that tends to scroll wildly. Of course I know your not a follower of a variant of christianity Marty.

    Question is why am I reading and replying to a post by Marty and yet it tells me I’m replying to a Tara? Confusing.

    As to judgemental, I admit I am. It’s a failing which I’m working on.

    As to not being coherent, rereading it I do post drivel when I’ve had a few to drink.

    My apologise to those concerned.

  199. *like*

  200. Those with control over the money do not like it when you challenge them.
    This incident was very significant in Jesus’ career. The hatred of the world weighed heavily on him. From here on, much more.
    (Compare with RJ 67 and Ron calling the key SPs on the planet.)

  201. I just laugh 🙂
    It would be so good to hear the results. 100 or maybe 200USD?! :D:D:D

  202. FCDC Class of 74

    First I do think DM is a closet 50’s psychologist he got more Scientology then he could understand (gradient) and he just went off the deep end. Also the $ofS will also take a Fin and a Sawbuck in addition to all the gold teeth you have and your first male child.

  203. Yeah, this turned my stomach too.

    My first thought was Holeee F%&king H Christ!

    It’s so pathetic. Worse is that many good Scientologists will try to put a brave face on it and show up smiling.

    What IS that..that…”thing” that causes people to fall into the “think” of “persecuted pilgrims”. Or is it just that, the “think” of persecuted pilgrims?

    Lordy when it falls, however it falls, some people still in are sure going to be hurting.

  204. ROFL@the imagery you inspired ;-D

    Yes, he’ll be selling statues of himself at his podium for the “more limited time offer price of $1500 for this representation of the “Pope” of the Church of Scientology”.

    Next up will be a chrome version for only $5000

    And then the ultimate gold-plated super special for the unheard of $10,000 “guaranteed to earn you a slot in the Upper OT lineup”.

    Of course not many people have space for a statue, so they’ve engineered an entire line of “prayer beads” suitable for anyone from any walk of life and background. Of course the anchor piece is a bust of yon Pope-on-a-Box (Are we sure it isn’t IN a Box?). These will come in several different styles;

    Glass – $100
    Ruby – $200
    Sapphire – $300
    Emerald – $500
    Silver plated – $800
    Diamond – $1,200
    Gold plated – $1,500

    Solid Silver – $3,000 (anti-tarnish treatment add $200)
    Solid Gold Beads on a silver chain – $6,000 (anti-tarnish treatment add $200)

    Now then Prayer Beads may not be enough for the faithful, so we’ve had designed original Prayer Rugs that many of you will just fall over yourselves to aquire. Made in the purest wool from virgin lambs and camels, these rugs have the Scientology Cross stitched in gold thread several rows deep with gold colored tassels adorning the edges.

    Small $2,000
    Medium $5000
    Large $10,000

    And for those who need a little extra help in life, why we’ve started a Postulate Group who, for the small price of $200 an hour, will send good thoughts to smooth your way. Just call 1-800-BEG-HELP

    Ugh…it seems to be getting to that point, doesn’t it?

  205. What I don’t understand is how do regges justify to themselves their own actions of applying some method to strip other people of their funds with no exchange? I was actually helping on some ideal org projects. I felt very recalcitrant to do the “call in.” I was new back than so I thought there had to be some thing wrong with me or something for feeling that way. Maybe, it was my “reactive mind,” but what I realize now is that it simply felt unethical for me to be pulling other people in to “donate.” I always felt like the way to go was to produce and give which is the very force that kept me going in Scientology for a while. Think about it. There is really no greatness or that much meaning in the wog. You come to Scientology and you see that there is something great going on, that you can do something above the mundane of every day existence.

    I didn’t have much, but I gave some toward the IAS and other projects, and I volunteered as much as I could. It felt more fulfilling than sitting at a desk and working for a paycheck. There was indeed a sense of emergency when the Ideal Org program kicked in and that was the time when I came into Scientology. The only problem is that it did not stop. My own life kept getting worse and worse and worse, yet there was literary no one I could address my personal problems with. It even felt like it was “unethical” to do so. You were only expected to give to save the planet. Then there comes a point where you start to wonder if there is something wrong with the whole logic of “self-sacrifice”. What good would it be for the “planet” if I am myself dead or failing miserably? I started to think that it would probably be better for everyone if I succeed on my own as an individual as well, but I guess shiny buildings are more important. Maybe DM is in with Donald Trump or something.

  206. “The Org goes bust. DM manages to close the local Org while gaining apiece of real estate ONLY HE can sell or rent. DM is not interested in Scientology.”

    EXACTLY, he wants $$$$ only !

  207. Thank you very much, Captain Bob for putting up this link. I had seen it a few years ago, but it had new meaning in a new unit of time. I had some big realizations off of it, as it rehabilitated some wins I had while getting my training and auditing. Very interesting! You can ramble anytime you want! It’s O.K. with me.

  208. Not to say that buildings are more important than people for Donald, but at least that is openly his line of business.

  209. Staff Member think:
    1) Senior management must understand LRH better than me because they have been trained on material I have not yet done.
    2) Senior management must understand how to run orgs better than me because they have access to LRH writings that I don’t have.
    3) Some of the things senior management does seems to contradict LRH policies and tech which I’ve studied, so I must have M/U’s and (robotically) do whatever I’m told.
    4) Some of the things senior management does seems wrong according to what I thought LRH tech/policy to say so I must be critical and disaffected and therefore have O/W. Oh my!

    No doubt there are more of these. But just off the top of my head….

  210. Similar to a M/W/H of nothing, a M/U of nothing?

  211. BillyJackIsBack

    Sounds like multi-level marketing or a perversion of the old pyramid scheme (scam), but instead of people profiting, they get what is behind the curtain: A “MOVE-UP IN STATUS” ! ! ! ! ! And this does what to the recipient of “status” ? Is it like kha khan or is it caca con? Too many big time contributors have escaped the clutches of threats and bullshit, to buy that one. They got smacked down, kicked out, and slandered, as if they were Satan incarnates. What the hell is the point of all this? Smoke eventually dissipates and mirrors break, revealing the biggest fool of all. Who will he fool after that? The big dude in his cell on those cold lonely nights?

  212. Warner Chris

    Wait, in the 70s? I thought that sort of thing only happened under DM.

  213. Yep. But — there were no flyers, mail promo, pressure. Was just done more on a personal level, small event from a nice impressive SO lady on mission. I didn’t mind, only that the promise was not later kept. Huge difference after ’80’s.

  214. Actually, I don’t like giving voodoo a bad name, associating it with what is being done in the CODDDDDDMology….

  215. Well said Amy & my sentiments exactly!

  216. A minor thing: On the agenda for the event, all the items have all words capitalized, except that what should be “Sunday Service” (for consistency and parallelism of format) is worded as “Sunday service” with a lower case “s.”

    If I get invited (no chance) I’d want a little tighter attention to detail before I have all my friends shell out C-notes.

    (The only communications I get these days are general promos, invitations to join the SO, and an occasional odd individualized letter of content that is light on logic and relevance.)

  217. Talking about disconnection, it looks like church came up with a new disconnecting too
    The side effect of this “exciting event” – people marking their friends in their phones as “money hunter” to not pick up the phone next time they call, as they probably already do with the calls from the org, why that whole “event” is taking place.

  218. I just came to realize that Independent Scientologists whose attention is stack on the church – fighting it, ridiculing, taking pity, hating etc – aren’t that independent from it, really. The only independent seems to be those, who developed own org board and began delivering Scientology, become a delivery source point. Ron’s Org, Freemans and Warrens, Pat Krenik, Dexter, Rey Robles and others alike seem truly independent, as they will most likely go on their directions no matter what changes will happen within or to the church. While the whole lot of “Independents” will experience great deal of relief to be allowed back on lines into the reformed church from which they never fully disconnected really.

  219. That’s a good question – how do you really “disconnect” from the Church? RTC (or the The Church of Spiritual Technology) is said to hold trademarks and copyrights to the entire collections of L. Ron Hubbard’s works so creating a totally separate organization and calling it “Scientology” many not be legally feasible at least within the boundaries of the U.S. Are there any chapter’s of Ron’s Org here in the U.S.? Not that I know of. I think it is easier to create an actual organization in some other country where U.S. law enforcement has no reach. However, as the world continues to march toward the creation of international governing bodies it will become increasingly more challenging to maintain “independence.” I know protection of “copyrights” is a huge topic these days, and Russia just joined WTO.

    Secondly, many persons who have been with the Church for a long time may have their dynamics inextricably intervined in one way or another. As in the case with Mike Rinder for example, he has a his daughter in the Sea Org right? I mean even if you don’t have any familial ties with someone at the Church, you can still be connected in some way if you have made the discovery and got involved in the Scientology universe as the case with me. Then there is an issue with wanting to be right, or driven by a sense of having to take responsibility once you know… and so forth.

    The ultimate solution would be to put ethics in on the official Church and quite frankly take over and reorganize its management structure. Dictatorial top-down, paramilitary structure of the Sea Org is too vulnerable to hostile takeovers. I think the ultimate power over the organization should reside in the hands of highly trained individuals outside of the Sea Org, such as an elected “Council of OT’s” or something. Each Org/Region could elect its representatives in the council. The members could be subject to ethics action and removal from the council by vote or something. There needs to be standards of financial reporting to see where the money goes and so on…

    In my view blogs like this is just an initial step helping to build awareness of and evaluate the current scene. It allows people to communicate on the subject about the organization itself, develop understanding and generate ideas. Eventually though, the ideal scenario would be to resolve this situation completely where “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics” could again be a reality… This is my understanding.

  220. The Rons Org do deliver |Very well as you say Tatianna and we do not get into who’s right or wrong / Its been extremly succesful how its operated as
    I was with Capt Bill and the delivery of both sides of the bridge has allways been made available since very early days 1982.The Freemans / are highly respected as LRH trained.and they are complelty self operating they are in touch with Rons Org yes. Each one runs their own Org but they are not controlled or will they be told how to run their area .
    Its worked for over 2o years . they have reguler camps and loads repeatly go and it works very very well.They have conventions and over 300 show or more up.each year , and many many new arrangements get planned / and each areas excute their actions and get support from their public / friends staff.
    My last note is Just incase its wondered why I mention this I happen to have been the communcator of Rons Org under CBR and started the Rons Org with him and remained with him until his death / I support their actions and remain to do so . The loyality to LRH is tremedous. They celebrate LRh Birthdays along with other yearly events.

  221. plainoldthetan

    Bryan: Agreed, re STATUS. It’s like that line in Alice in Wonderland: The more there is of mine, the less there is of yours.

    Anyone who thinks STATUS SEEKING is unaberrated hasn’t studied HCO B 16 March 1977 THE GAMBLER (EXPANDED DIANETICS SERIES 22)

  222. plainoldthetan

    Don’t forget “selling” doorknobs and buckets of paint.

  223. plainoldthetan

    Check the transcript for lecture Miracles 9 Feb 1955 (Golden Dawn).

  224. plainoldthetan

    5) Senior management has access to technical material LRH produced but didn’t publish, so any tech changes have been based on that and because it’s all confidential I won’t find out about it until I join the Sea Org and audit OT VIIIs on the ship.

    (Don’t laugh. I had an OT VIII tell me this last week. Talk about a hidden data line.)

  225. I understand your understanding, thank you! 🙂
    I don’t have any family tights with the church, but I feel connected to the group by my postulates I made at the time I joined the SO. And if the management structure reformed, materials went back to original and prices down to affordable by hard working low middle class, I would be the first to go back to continue learning and practicing Scientology. I agree that reforming the church is an optimum solution, comparing to building the parallel structure. But how long does it take? It has been 30 years since 1982! It is 30 years of delivery by Ron’s Org and other organized groups and field auditors. In America in Santa Barbara there was an ACC with David Mayo. They were doing very well and growing fast, opening the centers around the world, until church didn’t come down on them and squashed out of existence. (Well, out of view as I believe, as their auditors continue to audit as we speak). But the structure, the org board was crushed.
    30 years seems like an awful long runway. There must be a quicker way do reform. Maybe there is something to be done in the theta universe? Russians were coming to the Int Base with OT mission to dis-enturbulate the area, to low the charge that people there would be more able to see for themselves.
    Is it going to be repeating the Russian history where the millions of good people were lebled SP (enemy of the state kind of) and killed or jailed for life and rehabilitated only after dictator’s death? You know that story, right?

  226. Dear Hadley, thanks for sharing. There are a lot of false roomers circulating around about Ron’s Org – the service they deliver and that if it was not LRH. It would be nice if you, having knowledge and reality on their operation, shared the truth. Probably not on this blog, but there are plenty of websites where such article could be published. It would be appreciated, I believe.

  227. got to team up with you on this one. OMFG…
    UN-mega-frikking-believable!! WTF?
    say it is a joke…

  228. “Russians were coming to the Int Base with OT mission…” What do you mean? A group of Russian Scientologists no longer with the church hanging around Int Base and postulating or what? I don’t think anything will be like it was before. Things seem to be happening very fast these days. We also have the Internet and blogs like this. Ultimately the church will not be able to control everyone, and with all the “good” PR that is being generated, it may ultimately fail to attract more people onto staff… though suffering economy may help with recruitment for the Sea Org. I think Debbie’s e-mail must’ve had a large impact as well. There are still many able and well intentions people at the Church as well (at least I’d like to believe). All that is not as important for me. All I am concerned is the safety and availability of materials, especially original. If you say some groups have them and can successfully go up the Bridge and through OT levels, then that is already a relief. Where are those people really? That’s my question. I also can’t help to wonder if Scientology was booming during LRH’s time and there were thousands of Clears and many OT’s made back then, where are those beings now? Are they getting reborn in new bodies with no reactive mind? How does that work? And where is LRH… truly? LOL this whole thing reminds me of the Terminator movie – the rebels against the machines. Where is John Connor to lead us into victory? That sort of thing.

  229. There may be false rumours as you refer to about Rons Org ,But making a
    general statement of “The service they deliver that if not LRH .” can be lead to rumours and comes under hearsay and Gossip
    I have explained well how it works from my view point in practical operations .
    The Techincally deliver side of What Rons Org delivers is that of LRH Bridge both side .
    If any one has a question directly about developements of CBR,
    theirs the non confidential Tech Breifings which are widely available
    on the Free zone Indepts Website.
    Questions about CBRs developemnts can be answered and any one can Feel free to contact Marianne Hagen in the USA because she is a person reliable and definitly Eligible to ask anything on CBR developments /also LRH’s and she has a website.If you wish her website do ask for it .and it will be arranged she releases it to pass on.

  230. TI certaintly think Clears and OTs are being made . but as you say in lardge volome as witnessed when LRH was at St Hill and the Hay Days of St Hill and breifing course graduates being annouced .
    ,I have never ever seen anything like since , Back then how fast that grew It was a wonderful experience and any one being there will tell you that. The materials and orginals I don’t doubt being accessible .
    I do like your sense of humour !!!!! Just have to smile .

  231. I just have a two-word question…


  232. Exactly where he wants, and needs to be.

  233. No, pazooter (and all)…this is not a glib or ‘funny’ question. I’m posing this seriously. WHERE’S RON? I asked this same simple question of two Sea Org officers from CC Int who visited my house unannounced after nightfall one evening several years ago in attempts to sell me the new ‘Basics’…the first time anyone from CoS had contacted me since I left SFO as a Class IV and Founding Lifetime IAS in 1995.

    Why would LRH leave the Church’s care under an SP/government plant like Miscavige?

    If indeed LRH’s tech (theoretically) brings a thetan to the point where it can decide to avoid/bypass any between-lives forgotter implant (or restim), why isn’t Ron back getting the show on-the-road?!

    And don’t give me a ‘Target 2’ answer! I’m serious…and I welcome anyone’s serious consideration to this question.

  234. Off topic – Awwww … georgous pug puppy!!!

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