Daily Archives: December 9, 2009

UK Observation Mission Report

There appears to be plenty of pretty MEST and a derth of Scientologists in the C of M UK.

St Hill

          Independents on base on Monday reported the car park was less than a 1/3 filled and that years ago when delivery was humming it was packed regularly. The org was sparsely p0pulated. However, the next day when Tommy and Jessica Davis (ne Feschback) showed up to tour a non Scientologist writer, dozens of faux students and pcs, and happily mingling public were bused in for the show. While DM has the UK SO staff eat gruel his boy Tommy is reportedly staying at the five star Claridge’s in London.

London Test Center.  Quite apparently posh as can be. Tuesday night during prime time we found it literally empty.  Flashy flat screen videos rolled, with not a soul watching them. Wednesday morning between 9:00-9:30 as thousands streamed by the Center, the lone person in sight within was a staff member standing stiffly behind the closed front door.

London Test Center Morning Prime Time - Empty

 The Celebrity Center London was similarly bereft of people mid morning on Wednesday.

Celebrity Center London - Empty

The London “Ideal Org” had no sign of life on Monday evening. On Wednesday afternoon only one soul schlepped in the door during the forty-five minutes we observed the entrance. 

Mike and Marty in front of empty London "Ideal Org"


Of course, the two private security chaps in vintage Miscavige black outfits  standing at the front door made entrance appear to be a risky proposition.

Knuckles and Bronco barring public from entering London "Ideal Org"

     Summary: It appears that Miscavige’s neutron bomb strategy has been quite effective in the UK.  Buildings unscathed while all signs of life have been annihilated.