Daily Archives: December 14, 2010

Francesco Minelli and Luana Barbaglio

 Translation of the latest from Gary Baldi at L’Indipendologo http://indipendologo.wordpress.com/2010/12/12/francesco-minelli-e-luana-barbaglio-lasciano-la-chiesa/

The legend tells that in the night of December Twelve around Bergamo and Brescia, along with a donkey full of presents, a saint woman by the name of Santa Lucia, will bring gifts to all kids that anxiously await her arrival. At times you could hear a bell ring, the donkey has one by his neck, which calls all kids to hiding, for no one can look at Santa Lucia, otherwise she’ll throw some magical dust that will blind all kids…Well, Luana and Francesco have been really naughty, for as soon as the local OSA I/C from Brescia told them to be aware of the nasty things Indys were writing on blogs, they started gathering all of the data for themselves.

These are very special people, because in NO time they have absorbed all that was needed to be absorbed, and have decided at once to leave the Church! This is some real speed of particle flow…they really must have some Power! We’ve been observing “second generation” Scientologists which hold within themselves amazing attributes. A great welcome to Luana and Francesco!

Luana Barbaglio and Francesco Minelli

Dear friends, after nearly 36 years in Scientology as a Scientologist, and in order to Keep Scientology Working, I, Francesco Minelli, together with my wife Luana Barbaglio, have decided to withdraw our allegiance to the current Church of Scientology.

I was born in Scientology and grew up amongst Italian pioneers. I’ve lived through the closings of all Orgs in Italy, LRH’s death, the release of OTVIII, and I’ve lived the humongous quantity of Theta and OTs that Brescia, the Sea Org, and Flag once had…and I’ve slowly watched this Elan Vital vanish from all of my universes.

Where have all the OTs from Brescia gone? Left the scene, disaffected, become VIPs and only on CC lines, Flag and the Ship…Some hit by strokes, and some even dead. This was mysteriously hidden to all of us and to all my questions, there was just a bunch of Q&A for a no-answer.

This was not making sense, I was reading one thing and seeing another.

I have to thank the Office of Special Affairs of Brescia ORG, especially Lorenzo Cordini, for telling me not to think about the pink elephant. Because of my inherent character (being born a rebel), from that moment on I researched the history of Scientology. I’ve gained data, seen the actual conditions of 5 different Idle Orgs in Europe, and compared policies of LRH with the current scene.

It was a long research and needed a lot of confront. I was alone at first, and then with the risk of losing my family, I showed all evidences to my wife Luana who came to her own conclusions.

Our friends are free Scientologists, that can completely apply while showing their face, the Creed of the Church of Scientology. They don’t play with their own integrity by being the subjects of the threats that someone will take their Bridge away just because they LOOKED on the Internet.  What we are living inside the current Church is not freedom, it is the complete opposite!

Truth gets completely inverted in the name of convenience.

You just need to search on YouTube for “LRH Interview” only to find that on the cover of that DVD “An Introduction to Scientology”…when they say “the only LRH filmed interview” that there is a LIE! And this is NOTHING compared to what me and Luana had to confront.

Luis Garcia’s letter was actually the perfect example of what we wanted to write, it was perfect in every part, and written from a real dedicated Scientologist. It contained points that are evident, crystal clear and undisputable.

It is not our intention right here to handle you on coming out or not from the Church. It is only up to you to freely inform yourself on the things that prompted us to leave the current Church of Scientology, or you can restrain yourself, or even worst, have someone else restraining you.

This is the Price of Freedom.

And now, dear administration of the Church of Scientology, you can go ahead and post your little yellow papers on Public Notice Boards…but please, DO IT!!! Respect the policy…

Before we leave you, we’d like to inform the current administration of the Church of Scientology, that as far as we are concern, we’ll be waiting for one of your representatives which will have to provide us with:

1. All of our money given to the Brescia Idle Org (including interests)

2. All of our money given to the IAS

3. All of the money still on our accounts at Brescia Org, AOSHEU, FSO, FSSO. Including all materials, with their equivalent value in money that have been purchased at Flag but never delivered to us nor our selectees.

4. All of our PC, Pre-OT and Ethics Folders, wherever they might be, sealed and intact.

5. Our little Yellow Papers.

In the event that this will not take place in the shortest time possible, we will have to resort to some other way, and we Italians have a history on knowing plenty, which means (using Scientology Terminology), Raising the Gradient.

My wife and myself will always continue supporting LRH and his spiritual legacy. We are leaving the Church since its current management uses Reverse Scientology on people, and we do not want to be an accomplice to any of this, having become aware of its continual and repeated crimes against humanity.

This is not freedom.

Look, don’t listen.