Daily Archives: November 20, 2011

The Corporate Scientology WEDGE

Here is yet more evidence that David Miscavige’s obsession with splitting married couples for the purposes of empowering his own criminal self has made it clear on down to the local organizations of Scientology.

Please watch the video, The $350,000 Wedge. 

Also, please read the “Knowledge Report” of Orange County Executive Director Ed Dearborn that Luis Garcia refers to in his interview.

Note the routing and the designated carbon copy recipient:


In David Miscavige’s New, Golden Age of Tech for OTs, the line is real simple.   If you do not bankrupt yourself for his off-policy, off-purpose, self-empowering and self-aggrandizing schemes destructive to the forward progress of Scientology – why then, you are routed OFF your spiritual route to visit Miscvige’s “MAA FSO.”   MAA stands for Master at Arms, a fancy name for Ethics Officer.   The MAA’s in Miscavige’s new Golden Age of Tech for OTs line possess the following qualifications:

a.  Never went to college, and preferably dropped out of High School.

b. Never held a job, never paid rent, never balanced a bank account.

c. Never had a life outside Corporate Scientology.

d. Never studied Scientology, philosophy or organizational policy.

e. Drilled to be arrogant and haughty and to hold adults in contempt.

f. Drilled to threaten one’s immortal future by wielding the title MAA FSO to extort money in sums beyond the means of the parishioner to pay.

g. Indoctrinated by “Scientology schools” and their Kool Aid drinking parents to believe that David Miscavige is infallible, senior to L Ron Hubbard policy, and that they must worship worthy their adopted Fuhrer.

The snot-nose robot MAAs FSO are roughly equivalent in mentality, compassion, and understanding to Hitler’s Nazi Youth.

And with those qualifications David Miscavige empowers them to hold the immortal future above people who have dedicated decades of their lives to forwarding the aims of Scientology.   In my opinion, it is an epitome of REVERSE Scientology.

Thank you Rocio Garcia for handling that wonderful husband of yours.  Even though they whacked you for a considerable sum of money along the way you ultimately proved yourself more strong, more wise, more ethical, more OT, and more valuable than David Miscavige, Ed Dearborn, and all of the Nazi Youth combined.  You triumphed – and you and Luis are continuing along that line.

“The fundraisers involved have no recollection of the incident”

Ok, I’m catching up this Sunday morning.  I was greeted with this little number on the St Pete Times website, “Another 50,000”.   This is the response Brian Culkin gets after stepping up and sharing important history: “The fundraisers involved have no recollection of the incident.”   Well Miscavige, who are the fundraisers you now acknowledge did work Brian over?   Why did you not allow Tom and Joe to question them?   I guess the holocaust never happened either – since apparently your institution cannot remember two years ago, let alone seventy years.

Message to Miscavige’s Fundraisers:  Scientology can help with that inability to recollect.


“The way to do better is to get big,” David Miscavige

That one line from the latest (Part III) of the St Petersburg Times Money Machine series says it all.   To Miscavige, being the suppressive person that he is, there is only one way to make himself “get big”.  That is, systematically reducing the size of everyone else.

Please see all articles in the latest installment at the above link.  Tobin and Childs have outdone themselves.  The sheer number of witnesses and their clear corroboration of one another gives corporate Scientology but one route, the most absurd, incredible, unbelievable denials to date.  A tipping point I believe has been reached this evening.  Corporate Scientology has zero credibility from here on out.  Miscavige, in my view, has now spent every last dime of credibility capital that other, conscientious staff managed to build up for the church of Scientology over the decades. In my opinion, it is all gone, spent, ever last dime of it. There is not one thin dime of credibility left.

Time to pick up the pieces and get the show on the road folks.  The matinee is over and there ain’t no more showings scheduled.