Category Archives: Super Ponzi

The $100,000,000 Book Con – dox

Gabriel has come through with some documented particulars as to magnitude of the rape, pillage, and plunder of Scientology public by David Miscavige’s “Basics” scam.  Good timing my friend.

One Hundred Million

by Gabriel

After the release of the Basics, this email got posted on the notice board for all mission staff.  Nick Christensen was the mission sales rep at the time:

“Only $2,561,205 left to make $100,000,000 for the year in GBS!!!!!!
Inbox    x
Nick Christensen  9/19/07          

to ANCHORAGE, Aurora, Baton, Bev, bellevue, belleair, Brand, Buena, chicago, clearwater, Foothills, Houston, CAPITOL, Melrose, NEWJERSEY, neworleans, Scientology, MILWAUKEE, Palo, redwoodcity, riverpark, seattle, Sherman, sanfrancisco, siliconvalley, santamonica

Attention: All Mission Staff

Whoever opens this e-mail should make sure to print it out, make it known to the staff of where the mission stands, and then post it on any and all notice boards that you have to get the staff and your public pumped up to make their target.

Remember each Mission is to make at least 1 full package sale or 2 lecture upgrades. 

If your mission isn’t on the list that means I either don’t have an updated report from you or you are at zero which can and needs to be changed immediately for us to make the $6,000,000 target.

Right now we are at $3,438,795.00 so that is only $2,561,205 left to go!!!!

Here is how it breakdowns down in GBS so far:

1. Los Feliz – $11,363
2. Silicon Valley – $3,700
3. Beverly Hills – $3,500
4. Melrose – $3,000
5. Portland – $2,631
6. Palo Alto – $2,600
7. Milwaukee – $2,600
8. Halifax – $2,600
9. Huntington Park – $ 1,970
10. Lafayette – $1,950
11. New Orleans – $1,900
12. Redondo Beach – $1,775
13. Santa Rosa – $1,756
14. Belleair – $1661
15. East Toronto – $1,500
16. Champaign – $1,500
17. Brand Blvd – $1,500
18. Buenaventura – $1,500
19. Seattle – $1,463
20. Elgin – $1,127
21. Houston – $1,000
22. Riverpark – $1,000
23. Foothills – $800
24. Baton Rouge – $500
25. Sherman Oaks – $500
26. Albany – $450
27. Capitol – $255
28. Clearwater – $200

You guys can do it!! We are counting on you!


Nick and Marisa”

Bridge Publications only covers the Western Hemisphere.  So that’s $100 million just for the West in one year, not inclusive of whatever New Era was selling.

I remember reading this and getting a sort of electric thrill.  “Wow, it’s really happening.  Pubs is going to be able to market the hell out of Dianetics, now, and fill up the orgs and missions!  It’s just around the corner! TV ads, magazines, marketing galore.  We’re going to capture the fabled 5% of the world book market!  Sheer momentum and planetary clearing and all that!”

No marketing campaign.

Maybe there just wasn’t enough money in the “war chest” yet.

But let’s do a little math.

Each Basics Book and Lecture package cost $3,000.

Let’s assume a cost of $1.00 total production cost for each of the 280 lectures in the Basics.  This is actually very high but let’s just be safe in terms of including the price of the binders, supplements, shipping, pay for SO members, etc.

Here is a link that cites industry standard CD replication costs of $.50, and this is if you outsource:

Now let’s add in the cost of each of the 18 Basic books.  We’ll assume a cost of $10 per book, but it’s certainly less than this.  But we’ll wrap into this costs of shipping, etc.

So a full Basics Book and Lecture package costs a maximum of $280 for lectures + $180 for books = $460.

$460 is only  15% of $3000.  At least 85% of Basics sales are profit.

The way the discounts were structured, the distributors of the Basics (orgs and missions) sent almost all of their sales money up the lines to Bridge Publications.

So of this $100,000,000: about $85,000,000 was pure unadulturated profit.

And this was just the beginning of the Basics, in ’07.  This was before the endless libraries and the 16 sets for your garage.  Before Bridge Pubs started issuing official handles on the sales objection “I don’t have enough shelf space.”

No wonder DM could just never get enough.  No wonder nearly every Scientology terminal in existence has been pressured into becoming a glorified Bookstore Officer.

When you add this $85 million profit to whatever New Era has been selling, plus the millions each week that Flag is generating, plus IAS, plus Superpower, plus Idle Orgs, plus tithes, plus film licenses, plus plus plus plus, I estimate that it’s at the minimum HALF A BILLION dollars ANNUALLY funneling through the top.

And yet IAS reges incessantly pitch the newest emergency that requires the exact amount of emergency funding they feel they can extract from you or else the world ends.

The terrified vultures pick and pick and meanwhile high above them the Short Vulture is getting very fat indeed.

I’ll send more data when I can.


Miscavige’s Super Ponzi Scheme

The St Petersburg Times has pretty much proven what we have been saying here for years now, the Super Power building is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme, or as Luis Garcia put it “a cash cow.”  See Monday’s lead article, POWER PLAY.

Please also see the editorial published by the Times: IRS Should Review Scientology Tax-exempt Status.

The Corporate Scientology WEDGE

Here is yet more evidence that David Miscavige’s obsession with splitting married couples for the purposes of empowering his own criminal self has made it clear on down to the local organizations of Scientology.

Please watch the video, The $350,000 Wedge. 

Also, please read the “Knowledge Report” of Orange County Executive Director Ed Dearborn that Luis Garcia refers to in his interview.

Note the routing and the designated carbon copy recipient:


In David Miscavige’s New, Golden Age of Tech for OTs, the line is real simple.   If you do not bankrupt yourself for his off-policy, off-purpose, self-empowering and self-aggrandizing schemes destructive to the forward progress of Scientology – why then, you are routed OFF your spiritual route to visit Miscvige’s “MAA FSO.”   MAA stands for Master at Arms, a fancy name for Ethics Officer.   The MAA’s in Miscavige’s new Golden Age of Tech for OTs line possess the following qualifications:

a.  Never went to college, and preferably dropped out of High School.

b. Never held a job, never paid rent, never balanced a bank account.

c. Never had a life outside Corporate Scientology.

d. Never studied Scientology, philosophy or organizational policy.

e. Drilled to be arrogant and haughty and to hold adults in contempt.

f. Drilled to threaten one’s immortal future by wielding the title MAA FSO to extort money in sums beyond the means of the parishioner to pay.

g. Indoctrinated by “Scientology schools” and their Kool Aid drinking parents to believe that David Miscavige is infallible, senior to L Ron Hubbard policy, and that they must worship worthy their adopted Fuhrer.

The snot-nose robot MAAs FSO are roughly equivalent in mentality, compassion, and understanding to Hitler’s Nazi Youth.

And with those qualifications David Miscavige empowers them to hold the immortal future above people who have dedicated decades of their lives to forwarding the aims of Scientology.   In my opinion, it is an epitome of REVERSE Scientology.

Thank you Rocio Garcia for handling that wonderful husband of yours.  Even though they whacked you for a considerable sum of money along the way you ultimately proved yourself more strong, more wise, more ethical, more OT, and more valuable than David Miscavige, Ed Dearborn, and all of the Nazi Youth combined.  You triumphed – and you and Luis are continuing along that line.

“The fundraisers involved have no recollection of the incident”

Ok, I’m catching up this Sunday morning.  I was greeted with this little number on the St Pete Times website, “Another 50,000”.   This is the response Brian Culkin gets after stepping up and sharing important history: “The fundraisers involved have no recollection of the incident.”   Well Miscavige, who are the fundraisers you now acknowledge did work Brian over?   Why did you not allow Tom and Joe to question them?   I guess the holocaust never happened either – since apparently your institution cannot remember two years ago, let alone seventy years.

Message to Miscavige’s Fundraisers:  Scientology can help with that inability to recollect.


Vulture Culture Casualty: The Entire Mission Network

Miscavige’s maniacal greed meltdown has reached out to and apparently destroyed the Mission network (the smaller “churches” that once provided introductory Scientology services to many people in just about every city of 1/2 million people or more).  A very recent defector who was in a position to witness it all has risked his future relations with family and prospects for business to provide us with the facts.  Meet my man Gabriel and be sure to let him know how you appreciate his courage.

I have served as a staff member in the mission network for a number of years.  I have very current data in the SMI Network that corroborates what Mr. Rathbun, Mr. Rinder and so many others are reporting.

Currently the mission network is on the verge of collapse. In terms of management it has been completely unmocked.  I know of three missions that have closed in the past year or so: Lake Charles, Lafayette, and Gulfport.  Lafayette has been open for a decade and used to be pretty strong – until one of its Mission Holders (an OT) died of cancer.  The other MH got a “handling” at Flag and came back saying that her SP was the MH Lake Charles. Need I say more?

Meanwhile the Gulfport mission, a new baby mission, got reged out of existence by PDU.  PDU reges camped out at the MHes’ house and extracted approximately $2 million over the course of two years.  The MH complained about paying the rent for the building to keep the mission open, and finally just shut it down. Of course, this was a DM mission from the get-go: no auditor, sup, or delivery terminal to start with, $50K in books in the garage, so what could you expect?

They got the first million from them to help pay for the Basics manufacturing facility. Which makes one wonder: did Dave have that bad boy paid in full by parishioner donos before the presses even started rolling?

Meanwhile many “missions” report no points in the Birthday Game, which equals “dead mission” (DM?).

The CO SMI EUS was transferred to WUS and stuck into the Pasadena Idle Org on mission never to return (until I guess it’s time to go put on a show at the next org). The CO SMI LATAM (who doesn’t speak English very well) was ripped to SMI EUS. No CO SMI LATAM replaced him, so that cont has no CO SMI.

A couple years ago, the SMI Officer Int, who was very strong in the mission network from everything I heard from MHes, Claire Edwards, vaporized. Rumors were that she went way up the line to Int. Now that I’ve been reading your blog I wonder if she might have gone way up the line to the Hole.

Mike Mason took the reins as Mission Consultancy Chief Int as the SMI leader, but also vaporized. I think RPF, then out, but I was not directly on those lines so not sure.

It is no exaggeration to say that 95% of all comm we get from SMI is:
a) Basics sales
b) IAS Donations
c) Event Attendance
d) Dianetics Seminars (which at first glance actually seems slightly closer to on-policy but actually is a joke)

There are no other stats or VFPs. This is all that we were judged by as of late 2011.

The latest push has been to hold a Dianetics Seminar every Saturday and Sunday in every mission. This is a totally bugged target. And heavy ethics were being applied. We actually had terminals from I think ILO calling the MHes and reminding them that their RTC Minimum Standards required them to hold a Dianetics Seminar. It was a thinly veiled threat: “Hold Dianetics Seminars every weekend or we’ll rip your licenses.” In desperation, mission staff took to shoving into the Seminar kids, staff, anybody – stretching out one person over three or four weekends a little at a time – anything (the CO SMI Int later reprimanded MHes at the conference for this very practice, verifying it was flagrant!)

When we didn’t have a Dianetics Seminar, it sounded like the cont CO was getting tortured. It was a huge deal.

And despite all this PUSH, DON’T DEBUG, DRIVE, seminar attendance remained very low even at the cont level.

More than a year before this point, SMI called the first SMI Conference that it had held since the Basics came out. That’s right, SMI had become such a book outlet that it didn’t even have a SMI Conference for years.

The SMI Conference was run directly by WDC Ideal Orgs, Blankenship. Same Blankenship that I learned from this blog went out-2D and has been paid for silence.

It was a surreal moment for me. Here the SMI Officer Int was gone up-lines, and SMI management was shredded from long-running missions to Idle Orgs, and yet here was WDC Ideal Orgs, as high up as you can get but an entirely different sector, running the SMI Conference!!!  Talk about a total reversal!

Of course, I didn’t think about it too much. I had my own problems – how do I fill up this damn seminar every weekend?  Especially because my CO SMI is reporting the data on the Dianetics Seminar progress directly to WDC Ideal Orgs.

This huge outpoint corroborates the data you have on Miscavige’s circle being so small and closing fast.
There is a ton of pressure right now coming down on missions and I assume orgs to use DM’s magical Div 6 Routes (scripted PE in 2.5 hours with 100% guaranteed re-sign rate? Really?) and especially the HDS.  I guess the new routes are DM’s “handle” on the fact that he has finally reached a point of desperation for fresh blood.

I will send more data when I can.


Keep telling us about the man, Gabriel, just like Stevie:


He’s a man
With a plan
Got a counterfeit dollar in his hand
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

Playin’ hard
Talkin’ fast
Makin’ sure that he won’t be the last
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

Makes a deal
With a smile
Knowin’ all the time that his lie’s a mile
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

Must be seen
There’s no doubt
He’s the coolest one with the biggest mouth
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

If you tell him he’s livin’ fast
He will say what do you know
If you had my kind of cash
You’d have more than one place to go oh

Oou…oou…oou oou…oou…

Any place
He will play
His only concern is how much you’ll pay
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

If he shakes
On a bet
He’s the kind of dude that won’t pay his debt
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

When you say that he’s living wrong
He’ll tell you he knows he’s livin’ right
And you’d be a stronger man
if you took Misstra Know-It- All’s advice oh oh

Oou…oou…oou oou…oou…

He’s a man
With a plan
Got a counterfeit dollar in his hand
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

Take my work
Please beware
Of a man that just don’t give a care no
He’s Misstra Know-It-All (Look out he’s coming)

Dum bum bum ba bum bum,
Dum bum bum ba bum bum
Bum bum bum bum bum Say
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

Can this line
Take his hand
Take your hat off to the man who’s got the plan
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

Every boy take your hand
To the man that’s got the plan
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

Give a hand to the man
Don’t you know darn well he’s got the super plan
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

Give a hand to the man
You know damn well he’s got the super plan
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

If we had less of him
Don’t you know we’d have a better land
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

So give a hand to the man
Although you’ve given out as much as you can
He’s Misstra Know-It-All

Check his sound out
He’ll tell it all
You talk too much you worry me to death
He’s Misstra Know-It-All



“Pure and Simple Blackmail”

Reference:  The Money Machine, St Petersburg Times.

Tony Ortega at the Village Voice weighed in on the Money Machine series in the St Petersburg Times,  Scientology’s Sale Pitch: “Pure and Simple Blackmail.”  Tony made some interesting observations.  One in particular deserves highlighting:

One of the most frequent questions we get about Scientology from people we meet is some variation of this: “You’ve written that the church is actually pretty small and losing people every day. So where is all this money coming from for new buildings?”

We have to admit, we never really had a very good answer for that. Until now.

The SP Times series, with most of it still to come, has already made us much more aware of how the “regging” process works, and how Scientologists constantly endure a hard-sell approach not only to pay for auditing services, but to make outright donations for new buildings, for memberships, and for books they already have copies of.

I take that as a strong validation of the work of Tom Tobin and Joe Childs and their dozens of sources.  Since the mid 09 Truth Rundown series in the Times, Miscavige’s strategy has been to ignore facts, ignore reality, and make nothing of his own criminal conduct by constructing a BIG LIE.   That lie was stated in its most blatantly over-the-top fashion in response to the Money Machine series:

 The fact is that the church has expanded more in the past five years than in its previous 50, with new churches opening across the globe and our social and humanitarian programs extending our help across the planet on a weekly basis.

As we have known from the outset, this is brashest BIG LIE imaginable.  I am glad to see that Tobin and Child’s work has put this lie to rest in such credible fashion that others are beginning to recognize.

David Miscavige is Basically Obsessed

See the latest video on the St Petersburg Times website, part of the ongoing Money Machine series:  Luis Garcia and Synthia Fagen speak out in Basically Obsessed.


The Scientology Money Machine

The St Petersburg Times has launched a multi-story series about the “church” of Scientology’s vulture culture.  The several stories in the first installment focus on the revelations of former Flag Registrar Hy Levy and former Flag Public member Brian Culkin; both of them Independents.  When you go to the link to read the stories, please be sure to watch the two video interviews with Hy and the one with Brian.  They are intense and informative.  Combined they describe with particulars how Miscavige has, in addition to creating a culture of violence, created a culture of unrelenting greed.  the link, St Petersburg Times, The Money Machine.   By all means share your comments here, but don’t forget to also weigh in on the St Pete Times website – don’t let the cult’s spamming trolls have their way.   Thanks Hy and Brian, you have a done a tremendous service to the public on several levels.

By the way, note the “church” responses.  They have lowered the bar from the even the days of Tommy Davis; the blatant falsity and incompetence are remarkable.   Take this one for example:

” ‘Fundraisers do not persuade or pressure parishoners to take on debt’, spokewoman Pouw said.”

Now, compare that to this email sent around by Flag’s two veteran Los Angeles area Field Staff Members, Wendy Ettricks and Joanne Schintzel:

Sent: 12/30/2009 5:14:43 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Subj: A Wonderful New Year for all of us






Miscavige’s Moral Bankruptcy

                                                                                   That there above is the prize bestowed upon Richie Acunto for having donated TEN MILLION DOLLARS to David Miscavige’s war chest.  The misuse of those funds has been well documented on this blog over the past two years.  For extended periods of time it included around the clock surveillance of the home of Tiziano Lugli, Jamie Sorrentini and their precious daughter Veda.  
In December 09  Tiziano and Jamie visited Mosey and I for a week.  As a result the church sent operatives literally into the homes of Jamie’s grandparents and Tiziano’s parents on the East Coast and in Italy to disrupt their family Christmas get togethers, beseeching their parents to disconnect from Jamie and Tiziano. 
 When Tiziano and Jamie returned from their families to LA in early January 2010, they sought out close friends to share with them truths they had learned about Miscavige and the treatment they had received in retaliation for even examining those irrefutable facts.       Jamie and Tiziano went to the home of Richie Acunto.  

Richie marrying Jamie and Tiziano '09

                                                                        Acunto would not answer their repeated knocking and calling of his name.  While they attempted to speak to Richie an IAS reg in suit and tie strode up behind them, asking where Richie was.  Then Tiziano received a cell phone call from Hollywood agent, and Kool Aid drinker, Joel Stevens.  Stevens called from within Acunto’s house to say, “Tiziano, Richie can’t see you now, can’t you see there are IAS reges all over the place.”   Now, people, realize that Acunto’s home was hopping with IAS reges, preventing his freely communicating with friends, MORE THAN A YEAR AFTER HE REACHED THE EXALTED STATUS OF PATRON DIAMOND MERITORIOUS FOR HAVING HANDED OVER A COOL TEN MILLION DOLLARS TO DAVID MISCAVIGE.  TEN MILLION DOLLARS THAT DAVID MISCAVIGE WAS ALREADY USING TO DESTROY THE TRUTH, ME PERSONALLY, AND RICHIE’S GOOD FRIENDS JAMIE AND TIZIANO.                                                             

Friends, August '09

 After Tiziano did finally see Richie in a last attempt to save him from the predicted ruin and suffering he is apparently now experiencing, Acunto wrote Jamie and Tiziano the following missive (no doubt edited by Tommy D and/or OSA).   I publish it in full as it is useful in understanding the midset of  a thought-stopping cult member.                                                                                                       

Hi guys,
Well I was highly disappointed to read your public disavowal of Management as well as seeing your postings on Rath-bones site. Especially as I spent hours with Tom Davis on your behalf that very evening.  You need to realize and understand the severity of events as they have transpired as well as the consequences of direction you have chosen.  You are not alone in the universe and the impact of actions taken by you guys do adversely effect others across the dynamics and create damage. You need to take responsibility for this fact which is occurring.  Of course you will be shunned by other members that do not hold your point of view.  We’re all bailing out the boat while your pouring water in, so to speak, and that won’t be appreciated by the observant.  Of course you can fool yourselves into believing it is being done based on a point of personal integrity, but that does not reduce or eliminate the damage done to yourself and others across the dynamics who are cross flowing this thing. No real “ friend” of yours will be happy with your decision who are members in good standing with this group and all would hope that you recognize,  confront and take full responsibility for your actions taken thus far as well as what is created by such actions.
Jaimee, as it has been explained this is NOT just a simple matter of a different point of view. You have aligned yourself to the known enemies of the group. Your act of allowing postings of you with overt agreement of that suppressive’s actions makes you 100% complicit and responsible  – and YOU are now pointing the gun metaphorically (not literally) back at all remaining as part of the Church of Scientology and taking pot shots.
Everything I am stating herein is simply as a member of the Church of Scientology who has NO involvement impact or control over the management of the group and as a person that has been a true friend of yours… here is how I see it plainly.
1.     Tiziano got upset with his bridge progress and how it was going and is in disagreement with the church’s position in regards to his clear attest as well as other actions to be taken.    
2.     ARC Broken, angry and upset Tiziano is opens himself up to all the entheta, negative and destructive communications to be found in regards to the Church which readily assessable on the internet and as written by people that have their own vested interest in being right and the destruction of the group. – whatever that is. The more Tiziano reads, the more he gets sucked down the rabbit hole and away from truth he goes, all in  the name of finding out the truth.  
3.     Tiziano now found himself in and declared himself to be in a “search or mission for truth”. With this he decides to “read everything” and this would include altered info of all kinds much of which the variety so subjective that it cannot be verified because it is basically hearsay, rumor and gossip and / or data not observed 1st hand, so there is no real way of knowing the “truth” of it all.  Then Tiziano made the decision as well to talk directly with folks that are sworn enemies of the group (very big step) and that have left the group on bad terms with anaxe to grind and of course that data will be taken as 100% accurate and correct, impartial, factual, honest and strictly analytical… although it is all from folks feeling wronged or hurt in some way they themselves take no responsibility for. Misery loves company. If I have observed anything – that one is for sure except possibly in the most high toned of individuals within a society.
4.     The next thing to occur is Tiziano taking the data he reads and/or hears and aligns to his own way of thinking, the way he wants to see it so as to be totally right and justified in regards to his actions, and “down the rabbit hole” he goes taking his wife with him by debriefing her on all the entheta found. This expands to others in the family and those others that were willing to listen. Down into the valley of death and it is death because NOW the actual truth has to beand is unacceptable , not to be observed or to be heard and a bed of lies is weaved with further realign of events to realties as perceived today.  
5.     Of course with this occurring,   speaking with scientologists active on the bridge that are winning and who have made the journey to OT to whatever degree successfully or whom have trained up on the tech side or to talk impartially with the many thousands of staff who are winning on their posts and love the game they are playing is something that can’t and won’t be done. Applying properly a real Doubt formula cannot now be done – because all these folks are “ entirely duped, in the dark,  or simply not in the know” . If this wasn’t so arrogantly stated Tiziano, it would simply be considered childish and utterly sophomoric.  
6.     Net end result the seeker of truth has sealed his eyes shut.  
Your connection to declared Suppressives who are actively attempting to attack and harm the forward progress of the group you were a part of, where you actually received your gains and knowledge and the group I love is reprehensible conduct that no true group member can or will accept.  You should now be aware that both of you have been officially labeled and declared as Suppressive by the Church.  I have seen and read the Declare.
Personally I would like to see you handle this at light speed.  I know that if you confront the A to E steps you can get back in good standing with this group quickly. Obviously I consider your decisions as “the Major decision and mistake” of each of your lives.  For those of us that have been on lines long term – we know this to be true and have no desire to be right or make either of you wrong, it is not about that at all.  I would do anything I could to help you confront and get through this cycle as I feel that strongly that it is in your own best interest as well as all those that you care about and care about you that are members of the group as well as the group itself.
If I can help you get on correct lines within the church to sort this out, at any time now or in the future, by all means I am there for you, just let me know. Other than this I appreciate the fun times we have had together.
My Best,
On a personal note, I find it amusing how macho these cult members can imagine themselves.  The putz smugly calls a guy whom he has never met names, me. He puts up ten million dollars to take me out.  Net result, I am ten times stronger than I was in January 2010 and David Miscavige is but the butt of jokes around the world as a has-been cult leader.   And Richie is a broken disgrace. 
     Now for the punch line.  In spite of these FACTS, I am going to see that Richie comes through this ok, because I know in my heart of hearts that in his heart of hearts Richie is basically good.  Richie, wake up pal, I am the best friend you’ve got right about now.   
   And for the others who attempt to dodge the likes of Tiziano Lugli and Jamie Sorrentini:

David Miscavige Kills Survival (Insurance)

For those who don’t know, Survival Insurance made millions by catering to Scientologists. When they started they pretty much ripped off the short-lived, but then (eighties) popular Survival Rundown trademark.

Survival CEO Richie Acunto became one of the elite of the Miscavige elite public.  In 2007 he completed his rarified IAS status by paying TEN MILLION dollars to the IAS.

Is it any surprise that four years later Survival Insurance has filed for bankruptcy?

Here is the filing:

Survival Insurance Inc.

Folks this is not an exception you are witnessing; this has become the rule.  So much so that several people from around the country have reported to me that “church” representatives are actually encouraging hard up, once-high-rollers that they have fleeced to declare bankruptcy.

“Secret” IAS briefings have actually provided the public with far-out, lunatic fringe justifications for filing bankruptcy, telling the public it is “ethical” for them to do so.  I’ll tell you what  they are being told by the “church.” Are you sitting down?   “The bankers deserve it.  International Bankers created the international recession for the sole purpose of harming the IAS and the church of Scientology.”   I guess they are the same international bankers they are falsely alleging are paying me (’cause how on earth else could a guy create such big effects with just communication?).  The same international bankers that dance in the reactive mind of David Miscavige.  Are you getting the picture yet?  Mike and I are not joking when we say David Miscavige is the biggest self-made victim on planet earth.  He is a died in the wool suppressive person (sociopath) fighting martians at every turn.

If anyone knows creditors of Survival Insurance and Richie Acunto, I think it would be quite the ethical thing to do to provide them with the information about where their money went – David Miscavige’s IAS.  Note that the creditors listed could be paid off with just the damn commission on the TEN MILLION DOLLARS fraudulently obtained by IAS.    If these people make enough noise, Miscavige will be forced to order a check be delivered to Richie to make those creditors whole.

I suggest that this is the ethical resolution to this Ponzi scheme.   In my opinion, there is likely more than meets the eye here.  They’ve got Miscavige bot Michael Stoeller representing Survival.  My guess is the company, and Richie, are in a lot more trouble than they disclose here, and if Miscavige doesn’t bail them out with his ill gotten booty a lot of other people are going to get hurt too.

And to think, twenty months ago Richie Acunto wouldn’t give the time of day to his erstwhile friend Tiziano Lugli when Il Maestro attempted to warn him where this ship was headed.  Instead, he disconnected from his friend and remained connected to the SP (suppressive person, sociopath) he was warned about.

Wake Up Call, indeed.