Tag Archives: Corporate Scientology

Good Morning America, Meet Debbie Cook and UPDATE

Please click this link, Good Morning America, Meet Debbie Cook

UPDATE: 4:37 pm Central Standard Time:

The GMA story was originally planned as a teaser for tonight’s edition of ABC Nightline.  However, the Scn corporation has had a gaggle of high-priced lawyers (at great expense to donating public) bombarding ABC News with threats and lies all day long yesterday and today.  It finally got the point where ABC decided to punt (for now) because it was distracting the business of reporting contemporaneously on world affairs.  Because it was not unexpected by me I never mentioned the planned broadcast.  This is about the sixth major network show I am aware of on the crimes of David Miscavige that has been spiked in the past eighteen months.  At the end of the day the tension of each new spike (cover up and killing)  adds numbers of professionals in the journalism field to the ranks of the educated on the tactics of Miscavige’s mafia like organization.  Be assured that that cummulative tension will have a deleterious effect  (and actually does have as time goes by) on the perpetrator of the lie-based threats.  The chickens always come home to roost. The detailed story of how corporate Scientology accomplishes such results (with specifics on all of the shows I have alluded to above) will be covered in my second book (including documents that prove it), The Scientology Reformation, which will be out some time after the first book.

See the following written story on ABC NEWs summarizing the GMA story, GMA story summary.  Notice the three Scientology videos that were placed on the LEFT hand column as appeasement to Miscavige and co (the transaction for which serves as a vehicle to transfer funds to ABC).  Also note the sock puppets jumping all over the comments section of that story.   Have a great weekend.

Debbie Cook – Gathering Steam on Day 4

Tony Ortega at the Village Voice has done a comprehensive, very accurate story on Debbie Cook, see Scientology In Crisis.

If anyone doubted my report last night as to Miscavige’s “handling”, Corporate Scientology Infiltrates Debbie Cook, Ortega’s article, quoting USA Today, provided further confirmation:

Spokesperson Karin Pouw adds that the “positioning” of Cook as a “prominent Scientology insider” is “inaccurate.” She describes her as “‘a disgruntled defector’ who has not had any position in the Church for several years, having left in 2007 for medical reasons.”

“The Church refers to individuals such as Ms. Cook as a squirrel. A squirrel is someone who alters the Scripture; a heretic,” she writes, asking that “you correct this error in your headline and in the text of the article.”

As Mike Rinder predicted – and was validated by the above text within hours – Miscavige has labeled Debbie a “squirrel” for urging Scientologists to read and abide by a little L Ron Hubbard.

As I noted yesterday, the more they come after Debbie publicly, the more they breach the Gag Contract they coerced her into signing.  In my legal opinion, based on – among other things 22 years of concocting such Gag Contracts with  corporate Scientology lawyers on the orders of Miscavige – Debbie Cook is free to share any and all experiences within corporate Scientology in order to defend herself.   Miscavige, as predicted – even though he exceeded my time expectations – has footnuked himself into the public light of Debbie Cook’s full panoply of truths.  Well done Dave.  All of that is quite in addition to corporate Scientology’s serial breaches of the contract (rendering it null and void) over the past two and one half years.

Tony’s story also makes reference to a St Pete Times Editorial.

Please read it.  This is historic.  This is the first time they have publicly acknowledged that perhaps corporate Scientology abuses are most effectively handled by real Scientologists.  Two and one half year comm lag.  But if we have learned anything in all this it is patience and keeping our eyes on the mountain while gradually moving on up a little higher.

press update:

The Independent of London


Corporate Scientology Infiltrates Debbie Cook

I am seeing a lot of comments about Debbie’s practice of taking on and removing friends from Facebook; and a lot tea leaf reading along with it.

Per my friends at Facebook Debbie’s account has been hacked into by Office of Special Affairs (OSA, Corporate Scientology’s dirty tricks department).  The intent of the operation is clear.  They are filling Debbie’s Facebook friends list with dozens of Independents and others who proudly wear their excommunication declares.  OSA is already briefing on-line, non-declared corporate Scientologists that Debbie is “friends” with all of these “notorious” characters.  And that is ALL they need to tell Kool Aid drinkers to get them back in the pen seeing and hearing no evil.  Please do not help OSA do its work.

Please do Debbie Cook a favor and let her get on with the mission she spelled out in her original e-mail.  That is, let Debbie handle the massive e-mail and phone traffic she is receiving from corporate Scientologists.  There is plenty of that to handle.  There are corporate Scientology threats to handle.  There are infiltration attempts to handle.  And there are dozens of kool aid drinkers trying to cave her in.  Don’t supply ammunition to these deployed agents.

If you want to show support say it loud, here and in other on-line forums (everybody who cares about Scientology reads them).   Most importantly, get Debbie’s original e-mail spread as far and wide as possible on the lines of corporate Scientologists.

If you doubt the wisdom of this advice, please carefully read Debbie’s original email and divine the intent.  Debbie doesn’t need to be turned into an Independent.  Whether she ever does or instead continues on a quixotic quest to change the corporate beast’s stripes makes little difference.  There is no more effective action (other than independent delivery) happening for the future of Scientology than what she is doing at the moment.  More corporate Scientologists are being reached and gotten to look and think than by any other single action.  If Debbie becomes an independent it will not be because someone convinces her to; it will be because David Miscavige drives her there.

Like I said in the first post on 1 January, we’d be well served to prepare to deliver to the fall out.  Because no matter what, there will be plenty of that.  Please back it up.

Example of current corporate Scientology think:


Reformation – Division Within Corporate Scientology

Debbie Cook “Blasts Extreme Fundraising”

3 Jan Debbie Cook posting.

Debbie Cook: Beginning of the End of David Miscavige’s Tyranny?

Debbie Cook is not in imminent danger.  Her lines of defense are forming rapidly and efficiently, in depth and multi-dimensional (many she is not even aware of).  This while her  initial communication is becoming international news:

The UK Guardian

USA Today

The Telegraph – London

Daily Mail – London

Village Voice  – the latest

Don’t expect a lot of further significant revelations by Debbie for a while; but do expect significant news about efforts by corporate Scientology to silence her.  Do expect also Miscavige’s efforts opening the door to further revelations.  Mike Rinder and I have on several occasions been vindicated on major cycles over the past couple years by deciding to sit back and let Miscavige do our work for us. His responses to Debbie have thus far been vintage knee-jerk, foot bullets.

First, he directly ordered that the very first response (which many saw filtered down versions of on Debbie’s Facebook page) was to deny the authenticity of Debbie’s email.  Denial is always his first impulse.

When that backfired, he had Karin Pouw deliver this incredibly imbecilic line:

“Ms Cook’s opinions reflect a small, ignorant and unenlightened view of the world today.”

Not only does it sound like Baghdad Bob in its insane (criminal mind) transference of describing the institution she represents, it opens the door to a lot of further revelations seeing the light of day (the legal implications will be spelled out in near future posts on Corporate Scientology Gag Contracts).

The degree to which corporate Scientology seeks to muzzle and attack Debbie monitors the degree to which a number of witnesses to Miscavige’s torture camp will feel safe to communicate.  In other words Miscavige is currently rock slamming between a rock and a hard place.

Now, lest we forget that David Miscavige, while characterized as a lot of things here over the past couple years, at bottom is a human being, see this mini-bio  from Philadelphia News.


Debbie Cook Blasts Extreme Fundraising

Division Within Corporate Scientology

Debbie Cook “Blasts Extreme Fundraising”

The St Petersburg Times has reported on Debbie Cook’s letter to corporate Scientologists.  You can see it here:

St Pete Times Coverage on Debbie Cook


Reformation – Division Within Corporate Scientology

Village Voice coverage

Reformation – Division Within Corporate Scientology

Wonder if the times are really changing? On the first day of 2012 a very prominent self-professed corporate Scientologist in good standing has overtly announced a clear division within the ranks.

Former Captain Flag Service Organization Debbie Cook, who avows to abide by the disconnect policy as administered and adjudicated by David Miscavige, has announced to fellow corporate Scientologists that as far as certain policy violations go, enough is enough.

In a skilled use of the Public Relations series, Debbie characterizes abuses in a euphemistic manner so that corporate Scientologists might read and think about the gaping holes in the side of the corporate Scientology ship.  Note the Monique-Yiglingesque disavowal of the outside world having any role in correcting the beast; for many this letter will be somewhat safe to read.  For the unvarnished truth of what Debbie Cook experienced, please see:

The Final Purges Part I

The Final Purges Part II

The Final Purges Part III

This latest development will have no radical, immediate results.  However, many corporate minds that have been well-steeled against truth will be penetrated and begin to ponder what is really going on.  The letter represents the current well-withheld thoughts of a number of other prominent corporate Scientologists.  Look for some of them to make some noise in early 2012.

This year has begun with a most interesting, if predictable, development.

Prepare to deliver.

Debbie Cook’s email:

Dear Friend,
I am emailing you as a friend and fellow Scientologist. As we enter a new
year, it is hoped that 2012 can be a year of great dissemination and a year
of real progress up The Bridge for all Scientologists.

Although I am not in the Sea Org right now, I served in the Sea Org at Flag
for 29 years. 17 of those years were as Captain FSO. I am a trained auditor
and C/S as well as an OEC, FEBC and DSEC.

I am completely dedicated to the technology of Dianetics and Scientology and
the works of LRH. I have seen some of the most stunning and miraculous
results in the application of LRH technology and I absolutely know it is
worth fighting to keep it pure and unadulterated.

My husband and I are in good standing and we are not connected with anyone
who is not in good standing. We have steadfastly refused to speak to any
media, even though many have contacted us.

But I do have some very serious concerns about out-KSW that I see permeating
the Scientology religion.

I have the utmost respect for the thousands of dedicated Scientologists and
Sea Org members. Together, we have come through everything this world could
throw at us and have some real impingement on the world around us. I am
proud of our accomplishments and I know you are too.
However there is no question that this new age of continuous fundraising is
not our finest moment.

LRH says in HCO PL 9 Jan 51, An Essay on Management,
“drop no curtains between the organization and the public about anything.”

Based on this policy I am communicating to you about some situations that we
need to do something about within our religion, within our group.

Actions that are either not covered in policy or directly violate LRH policy
and tech include the extreme over-regging and fund-raising activities that
have become so much a part of nearly every Sea Org org and Class V org as
well as every “OT Committee”. This fundraising is not covered anywhere in
LRH policy.

Hardworking Sea Org members and the dedicated staff of orgs around the world
aren’t choosing to do these actions. Nor are the OTs. I am sure they would
be more than happy if they could just get on with direct dissemination of
Scientology as they have done for so many years.

But the truth is that this is being driven from the very highest echelons
within the Scientology structure and clearly there is a lot of pressure to
make targets that are being set.

The IAS: The IAS was created unbeknownst to LRH in 1984 by Marc Yager and
David Miscavige. This was supposed to be based on LRH policies on the
subject of membership and the HASI, however the IAS is nothing like the
membership system described by LRH which only has two memberships and is
covered in HCO PL 22 March 1965 “Current Promotion and Org Program Summary,
Membership Rundown” and states:

“There are two memberships…”- LRH

LRH lists there the INTERNATIONAL ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP and gives its cost at 10
pounds sterling or $30 US. He also lists a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP which is
priced at $75 US. There are no other memberships or statuses approved or
known to LRH.

Furthermore, membership monies are supposed to go directly to the org where
the membership is signed up, and the money used for dissemination by that
org, in that area. This is covered in HCOPL 1 Sept 1965R Membership

“It all goes into the HCO Book Account in the area where the membership is
brought and is not part of the organization’s weekly gross income.
Membership monies go to dissemination”.- LRH

Currently membership monies are held as Int reserves and have grown to well
in excess of a billion dollars. Only a tiny fraction has ever been spent, in
violation of the policy above. Only the interest earned from the holdings
have been used very sparingly to fund projects through grants. In fact many
of the activities you see at IAS events are not actually funded by the IAS,
but rather by the Scientologists involved.

Think about it, how many ads disseminating Scientology, Dianetics or any Scn
affiliated programs have you seen on TV? Heard on the radio? Seen in
newspapers? I haven’t seen one in the 4 years I have lived in San Antonio,
Texas, the 7th largest city in the US. How many have you seen?

Donating anything more than a lifetime membership to the IAS is not based on
LRH policy. The article “What Your Donations Buy” (The Auditor, The Monthly
Journal of Scientology No. 51, 1970) is clearly talking about how the church
uses your donations for Dianetics and Scientology services. Next time you
are asked to donate outside of services, realize that you are engaged in
fundraising and ask to see something in writing from L. Ron Hubbard that
this is something he expects from you as a Scientologist.

New Org Buildings: LRH also never directed the purchase of opulent buildings
or the posh renovations or furnishings for every org.

In fact, if you read HCO PL 12 March 75 Issue II, “The Ideal Org”, which is
what this program has been called, and nowhere in it will you find 20
million dollar buildings or even any reference to the poshness of org
premises at all as part of LRH’s description of an “Ideal Org”. Instead, an
Ideal Org was one that delivered and moved people up The Bridge – something
that is not part of this “Ideal Org” program.

LRH says in the PL that an Ideal Org:

“would be clean and attractive enough not to repel its public” – LRH.

This is all it says about the state of the building.

As a result of this off-policy alteration of the Ideal Org PL, we have the
majority of top OTs, now deemed “OT Ambassadors”, heavily engaged in
fund-raising activities that include “bingo”, “pirate dinners”, “knitting
classes”, “hay rides”, and many other activities strictly revolving around
raising funds for the required multi-millions of dollars to fund their
“Ideal Org”. As part of this, people around every org are now asked to
donate to their local “Ideal Org” instead of their own services or their own

LRH says in HCO PL Org Ethics and Tech:

raffle tickets and such nonsense.”-LRH

Yet these distractions are rampant as they are being used as fund-raisers to
get money for the huge quotas being issued to fund the “Ideal Org”.

“If the org slumps… don’t engage in ‘fund-raising’ or ‘selling postcards’
or borrowing money. Just make more income with Scientology.
It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for
finance outside Scientology. It has always failed.”

“For orgs as for pcs, ‘Solve It With Scientology’.

“Every time I myself have sought to solve financial or personnel in other
ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience
that org solvency lies in more Scientology, not patented combs or
fund-raising barbeques.”

HCO PL 24 February 1964, Issue II, Org Programming, (OEC Vol. 7, p. 930)

The point is that Scientologists and OT’s need to be training, auditing and
disseminating to raw public- not regging each other or holding internal

Out Tech: Over the last few years we have seen literally hundreds and
hundreds of people who were validated as clear using the CCRD as developed
by LRH now being told they are not Clear. This included hundreds of OTs who
were then put onto NED as a “handling”. LRH clearly forbid any Dianetics to
be run on OTs in HCOB “Dianetics Forbidden on OTs”. This is out tech. This
entire technical “handling” was directed personally by COB RTC and was done
on thousands of OTs. But it was based not on an LRH HCO Bulletin, but rather
based on a single C/S instruction where LRH C/Sed one pre-OT who had not
achieved the state of clear but was mid OT III and not making it. LRH
directed a solo handling that the pre-OT was to do to get himself to achieve
the state of Clear. This LRH C/S taken out of context was then used to
implement a technical handling that was in direct violation of an LRH HCOB.

This and other “technical handlings” done on Solo NOTs auditors created
great expense and hardship on Solo NOTs auditors around the world as they
were made to do these handlings to continue on the level.

Then there are the “fast grades at Flag” that no other org has. How can it
be that Flag has been delivering grades differently to the rest of the world
for the last 3 years? Whatever the problem is, the fact is that having “fast
Grades” at Flag creates a hidden data line and is a HIGH CRIME and the
subject of an entire policy letter called HCOPL “TECH DEGRADES” which LRH
has placed at the start of every Scientology course.

More recently the fad seems to be that nearly everyone needs to “re-do their
Purif and do a long objectives program”, including many OTs mid Solo NOTs.

There is nothing wrong with doing objectives, but it is a clear violation of
HCOB ‘MIXING RUNDOWNS AND REPAIRS” to have a person mid a rundown or OT
level be taken off it and placed on an objectives program.

Solo NOTs auditors are also being made to get their objectives from a Class
IX auditor at great expense as they are not being allowed to co-audit.

Flag has made many millions of dollars on the above listed out tech
handlings because OTs mid Solo NOTs are forced to get these out-tech actions
to be able to get back onto and stay on the level and complete it. Not to
mention the spiritual effects of the out tech that this has on each OT.

I myself was subject to these out tech “handlings”, including extensive FPRD
mid Solo NOTs. It took its toll in many ways, including physical situations
I am still dealing with today. So I have some reality of the hardship

LRH Command Structure: LRH left us with a complex and balanced command
structure, with our orgs led by the Office of ED International. This office
was considered so important that LRH created a special management group
called the Watch Dog Committee whose only purpose was to see that this
office and the other needed layers of management existed. LRH ED 339R speaks
of this extensively as the protection for our Church. But these people are
missing. And not just some. As of just a few years ago there were no members
of the office of ED Int on post, not to mention top execs throughout the
International Management structure.

You may have also wondered… where is Heber, the President of the Church?
What about Ray Mitthoff, Senior C/S International, the one that LRH
personally turned over the upper OT Levels to? How about Norman Starkey,
LRH’s Trustee? What happened to Guillaume – Executive Director
International? And Marc Yeager, the WDC Chairman? What happened to the other
International Management executives that you have seen at events over the

The truth is that I spent weeks working in the empty International
Management building at Int. Empty because everyone had been removed from
post. When I first went up lines I was briefed extensively by David
Miscavige about how bad all of them were and how they had done many things
that were all very discreditable. This seemed to “explain” the fact that the
entirety of the Watchdog Committee no longer existed. The entirety of the
Executive Strata, which consisted of ED International and 11 other top
International executives that were the top executives in their particular
fields, no longer existed. That the Commodore’s Messenger Org International
no longer existed. All of these key command structures of Scientology
International, put there by LRH, had been removed.

There were hundreds and hundreds of unanswered letters and requests for help
from org staff, written based on LRH ED 339R where LRH says that staff can
write to these top executives in the Exec Strata for help. But this is not
possible if all these execs have been removed and no one is there to help
them or to get evaluations and programming done to expand Scientology.

Well, after that I got to spend some quality time with Heber, Ray Mithoff,
Norman Starkey, Guillaume, as well as the entirety of International
Management at the time, who were all off post and doing very long and harsh
ethics programs. These have gone on for years and to the only result of that
they are still off post. There is no denying that these top executives have
all gradually disappeared from the scene. You don’t see them at the big
events anymore or on the ship at Maiden Voyage.

David Miscavige has now become the “leader” of the Scientology religion. Yet
what LRH left behind was a huge structure to properly manage all aspects of
the Scientology religion. He put a complete and brilliant organizational
structure there, not one individual. There never was supposed to be a
“leader” other than LRH himself as the goal maker for our group.

There is a situation here and even if you have not been to the International
Management Base you should be able to see that over regging and frequent
tech changes are not OK and you have a responsibility to do something to
Keep Scientology Working. You should be able to find and read the
references on membership in OEC Volume 6. Find and read the HCO PL entitled
“The Ideal Org” (Data Series 40). Find and read the references on org
buildings, including HCO PL 24 Aug 65 II, Cleanliness of Quarters and Staff,
Improve our Image. Also, HCO PL 17 June 69, The Org Image.

If you don’t want to make waves or put yourself in danger of being taken off
the level or denied eligibility, then there are some simple things you can
do. First and foremost, withdraw your support from off policy actions. Stop
donating to anything other than your own services and actual Bridge
progress. Simply demand to see an LRH reference that says you are required
to make other such donations. No one will be able to produce any references
because there aren’t any.

Stop supporting any of the activities that are being done to forward
off-policy fund-raising in your area.

LRH says what he expects of a Scientologist – that is what he expects you to
do. In fact he put it in HCOB 10 June 1960 Issue I, Keeping Scientology
Working Series 33, WHAT WE EXPECT OF A SCIENTOLOGIST. Read it and follow it.

The other thing you can do is to send this email to as many others as you
can, even if you do it anonymously.

Please keep this email among us, the Scientologists. The media have no place
in this. You may wonder why I have not written a KR and gone about my
business. The answer is, I have. But there is no longer anyone to send that
KR to.

But you can and should write reports and bring off-policy to the attention
of local org executives and local Sea org members.

We are a strong and powerful group and we can affect a change. We have
weathered many storms. I am sorry that I am the one telling you, but a new
storm is upon us. It’s waves are already in the media and the world around

The truth is that as a Scientologist you are more able, more perceptive and
have a higher integrity. Scientology is supposed to allow you to “think for
yourself” and never compromise your own integrity. And most certainly LRH
held every Scientologist responsible to KEEP SCIENTOLOGY WORKING.

I am not trying to do anything other than affect a change in serious off
policy actions occurring. My husband and I have most of our family and many
many good friends who are Scientologists. I have not been real interested in
sticking my neck out like this.

However, I also know that I dedicated my entire adult life to supporting LRH
and the application of LRH technology and if I ever had to look LRH in the
eye I wouldn’t be able to say I did everything I could to Keep Scientology
Working if I didn’t do something about it now.

We all have a stake in this. It is simply not possible to read the LRH
references and not see the alterations and violations that are currently

You have a very simple obligation to LRH. Don’t participate in anything off
policy, and let others know they should not either. If every person who
reads this email does nothing more than step back from off-policy actions we
would have changed direction. If we took all that energy and directed it
into auditing, training and raw public dissemination, we would be winning.

And that is what I wish for you and all of us as we ring in this new year.


Debbie Cook

See Village Voice Coverage:  Tony Ortega’s take


Have A Great New Year 2012

Top Ten Posts of 2011

I have provided a list here with links to each of the top ten most visited posts of 2011, counting down from number ten to number one.  If you have a few moments you might want to peruse it. It gives an interesting overview of the past year of activity.

10.  A Letter From The San Patricio County Jail.  September 17

9.  Grant Cordone: Turnaround or Turncoat King.   June 20

8.  Scientology Spy Network Exposed.    June 14

7.  Miscavige Shock Squad Hits Corpus Christi.    April 18

6.  Michael Fairman.  January 23

5. Journalists Beware of Scientology Inc Spy.    February 15

4.  Exodus.  June 23

3.  An Open Letter to Tony Ortega.  September 28

2.  The New Yorker: Miscavige and Cruise caught lying.  February 10

1.  Corporate Scientology Targets South Park. October 23

Squirrel Busters Hibernate

That is how the Corpus Christi Caller Times put it.   Since Miscavige folded his tent by Corpus Christi bay in early November, apparently they have hibernated for the winter elsewhere.  While in the scheme of things the Corporate Scientology operation had little impact on the Coastal Bend (several counties surrounding Corpus – the Times’ beat) in general, Miscavige’s antics earned a place on the ballot in the Caller Times reader’s poll top stories of the year in the region:

Squirrel Busters hibernate by the bay

Mark Rathbun moved to Ingleside on the Bay to start a new life away from the Church of Scientology. But as he, his wife and residents of the small community soon found out, a place away from the church doesn’t really exist.

Not when a documentary film crew is following your every move, that is.

“Squirrel” is church jargon for a heretic, and the Squirrel Busters — though the Church of Scientology has said they are not directly affiliated with the church — set out on a mission to make a movie about Rathbun defecting from the church, at any cost.Whether the film is now or will ever be in production, the group of Californians who followed Rathbun around South Texas managed to produce a lot of controversy.

Context from the Times

One hundred and ninety nine (199) days these bozos stayed in town.   Their departure is a story in itself.

The final overt visit by the busters was the day I was arrested, 16 September.  They stuck around another six weeks, literally hiding in the home they had leased less than 200 yards from ours.

They snuck out of town by cover of night while Mosey and I were on the east coast in the beginning of November.  The lease of their squirrel headquarters down the street ran til mid-November.  But they left on 2 November.  That happened to be two days after our one-year lease ran out on our home.  In my estimation, Miscavige had them stick around to get footage of us moving out of our home intending to post it as the accomplishment of their stated intention,  to run us out of house and home town.  By the first they could plainly see there was no sign of moving going on, and poof, they were gone the next day.

Here is SQB’s final overt encounter with me on the afternoon of 16 September 2011:

Mosey and I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who helped us out through encouragement, energy, and friendship during the siege.  This was no minor defeat you handed the little dictator.

Scientology Inc’s Lobbying Machine

Some commented on the posts of the last couple days on Scientology Inc’s Washington Lobbying apparatus that there did not seem to be much money involved.  Well, based on the work of the folks at Why We Protest and Karen #1 in just a few hours a different picture emerges.

As to Greg Mitchell,  see Secular Invasion of Washington , according to documentation available at Campaignmoney.com, between 2008 and the first quarter of 2011, he received $290,000 from Scientology Inc:

Here is a shot of Greg doing his best Bill Clinton Jr impression:

Greg "Little Bubba" Mitchell

As to Joe Grieboski, see Corporate Scientology Mercenary, and his Scientology Inc front group Institute  on Religion and Public Policy, check out this Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax for 2006:

Scn Inc Institute

Note, this form covers a time closer to form-up. You can bet that in later years quite a few more greenbacks made their way through its coffers.   Also note that David Miscavige’s personal attorney, Monique Yingling, is listed as a director along with Scientology Incers Luis Colon and Judy Cranford.

Vice president of the board is one Bill Walsh.  Walsh is the character that accompanied Yingling on Miscavige’s six man mission to Denver in April 2009.  Their target?  To shudder Mike Rinder into silence so as to spike the original St Pete Times series The Truth Rundown.  Result? Epic Fail.

Bill Walsh does little else than serve as a yes-man to David Miscavige.   In fact, he nods in agreement so much that Mike Rinder and I have referred to him as a very expensive bobbing-head doll.  With that in mind, consider this: Walsh was pulling in close to a 1/2 million dollars a year from Scientology Inc over multiple years.  As late as 2007, an Office of Special Affairs financial planning document referred to Walsh’s nearly 1/2 million dollar a year production as “spectator work.”

If a non-productive bobbing-head doll can pull in nearly 1/2 million dollars a year from Scn Inc, what do you suppose they are paying their heavy hitters?

Effective or not, do some math and recognize what your fees have really bought.