Category Archives: office of special affairs

Why Cold Steel and Scientology Don’t Mix

Over the past three decades Scientology Inc head David Miscavige has proudly and increasingly implemented what he calls the ‘ruthless, cold, chrome steel’ personality ‘necessary’ to manage Scientology.   It started with Religious Technology Center (RTC, the top of Scientology Inc’s chain of command).  Cold, chrome steel has made its way all the way down to local churches of Scientology.  More and more cops to prevent more and more potential ‘crime.’  More and more cops policing more and more dynamics. Public Scientologists taking on the valence of cops, confronting and informing upon friends and family members for creating an independent thought, for example. Look at the end product.

L. Ron Hubbard tells us why this has had such disastrous effects, and why the independent Scientologists movement has thrived and can be counted upon to continue to do so.  Fittingly, from the 4th of July, 1958 in a lecture titled The Fact of Clearing:

Man definitely has a right to certain happiness.  He isn’t going to experience that right under the circumstances of his own past. He can’t.  He’s too wound up in this and that. It’s not the mores of the society that prevent him .  It’s all of these delusions about how bad the other fellow is. 

You have police because other people are so bad. I investigated police one time. I became a cop. That’s the best way to investigate something — become it for a while, you know?  You can go too far with that sort of thing. But where do we have, in essence here, a cave-in of the society?  What could cave the society in?

Well, all you’d have to do is have a police force and a society would start caving in.  Why? The police force constitutes a constant reminder that men are evil, which is a constant reminder that we must agree with these evil men.  Do you see how this would work?  Neat little trick.

Now, that doesn’t say that we are so starry-eyed as to believe that at this time we could dispense with all police. Or could we?

Now, you have to make up your mind which way you’re going to go with a society if you’re thinking about a new society of one kind or the another. And if you say, “Well, this society would be totally unregulated,” then we would be proposing an anarchy.  And all the anarchists tell us that the only way a society would work as a total freedom without government would be if everyone in it were perfect.

Well, I don’t know whether we propose — when we talk about a cleared society — whether we propose or not to have an anarchy.  That’s beside the point.  That’s up to the people who get cleared.  But I don’t think you’d wind up with an anarchy. I think you’d wind up with a much finer level of agreement and cooperation because I think you’d then be able to realize the rest of the dynamics. 

The cops are there only because the rest of the dynamics aren’t there! So, if you put those back into society, then you’d get a society. 

Anatoly Sharansky’s Final Statement

The following might resonate with some who have experienced the corporate Scientology culture of David Miscavige. 

Anatoly Sharansky’s Final Statement in the Soviet Court
presented before being sentenced on trumped-up charges for treason and espionage, July 14, 1978

(Sharansky addressed his first remarks to those who were not in the courtroom, his wife Avital who emigrated to Israel and the Jewish people):

“During my interrogation the chief investigators threatened me that I might be executed by a firing squad, or imprisoned for at least fifteen years.  But if I agreed to cooperate with the investigation for the purpose of destroying the Jewish emigration movement, they promised me freedom and a quick reunion with my wife.

“Five years ago, I submitted my application for exit to Israel. Now I am further than ever from my dream.  It would seem to be cause for regret.  But it is absolutely the other way around.  I am happy.  I am happy that I lived honorably, at peace with my conscience.  I never compromised my soul, even under the threat of death.

“I am happy that I helped people.  I am proud that I knew and worked with such honorable, brave and courageous people as Sakharov, Orlov, Ginzburg, who are carrying on the traditions of the Russian intelligentsia in defending human rights in the Soviet Union.  I am fortunate to have been witness to the process of the liberation of Jews of the USSR.

“I hope that the absurd accusation against me and the entire Jewish emigration movement will not hinder the liberation of my people.  My near ones and friends know how I wanted to exchange activity in the emigration movement for a life with my wife Avital, in Israel.

“For more than two thousand years the Jewish people, my people, have been dispersed.  But wherever they are, wherever Jews are found, every year they have repeated: ‘Next year in Jerusalem.‘  Now, when I am further than ever from my people, from Avital, facing many arduous years of imprisonment, I say, turning to my people, my Avital,  ‘Next year in Jerusalem.’

“Now I turn to you, the court, who were required to confirm a predetermined sentence: To you I have nothing to say.”

Abuse of Process – David Miscavige

Abuse of Process is a civil violation of law.  An Abuse of Process is accomplished when the court’s processes are used for an improper purpose – a purpose other than that which a party purports to use that process for.

In my professional opinion David Miscavige has used the Bexar County District Court for purposes that are improper and fraudlent.  That is assuming that the Tampa Bay Times has reported straight facts this evening.

The Times reported on the Scientology Inc v. Debbie Cook case as follows:

 The agreement dated Monday allows both sides to essentially call it even and go their separate ways. Neither pays the other side money, and Cook and her husband are legally prohibited from ever again speaking ill of the church.

I am willing to bet everything I own that this is a blatant, outright lie lodged with the court for the purposes of making David Miscavige somehow look innocent of the testimony laid on his ass on 9 February 2012: Debbie Cook Testimony

Since David Miscavige has instructed his lawyers to fraudulently use the court’s processes to lie in order to cover up his serial criminal acts committed against a woman, I will weigh in with my professional opinion.

You can take it to the bank that Miscavige agreed to pay Debbie Cook and Wayne Baumgarten seven figures, at least two times – and possibly three times  – over to make them go away.

In fact, I have bet everything I have on it.  That is because if I am wrong, David Miscavige has every means available to haul me into court.

Bank on it that the bitch won’t bring it.

Bank on it also that I will stay on this like white on rice.

The Church of Scientology Itself Is a Front Group

There is some truth to some comments of late on this blog about the original altruistic motives of some church of Scientology affiliated groups.  Yes, the Delphi Academy started out as a cutting edge educational experiment until it was converted by Miscavige into a center to educate youth in mindlessly worshiping Miscavige as the second coming of L Ron Hubbard.  Yes, Narconon has done, and continues to do, some spectacular work in handling drug addiction.

But, for the most part church of Scientology affiliated groups such as Artists for Human Rights, Youth for Human Rights, Yellow Shirt Disaster Volunteers (a complete and utter betrayal of LRH’s intent and advices for Volunteer Ministers) and a host of others were conceived and promoted for one purpose and one purpose alone: Public Relations Area Control (increasingly meaning making David Miscavige more prominent and less accountable for his attempted hijacking of the Scientology religion for personal wealth and self-aggrandizement).

Of such priority is David Miscavige’s PR and safety that Front Group madness has even replaced the organizations (churches) of Scientology.  We have covered extensively the waste of hundreds of millions of dollars by Miscavige in creating ornate, inanimate institutions that repel people coming in to Scientology.  All building and no people; or as we say in Texas ‘all hat and no cattle.’

Now, I am going to violate a little personal policy that I’ve held to fairly closely to date: not providing links to Scientology Inc’s gaudy and lie-infused web pages.  Yes, those webpages that rank 54,715th in America (compared to our 24,008th) despite millions spent by Miscavige on design, building and search engine optimization (including paying bundles to Google, Bing, and Yahoo for even more preferential positioning).

The following links are to Scientology Inc’s video presentations of their last two Idle orgs.  Please note they are reduced to having nothing but non Scientologist leaders pimp for them.

Sacramento Idle Org Grand Opening

Cincinnati Idle Org Grand Opening

Scientology Inc cannot even speak for itself anymore.

It has become one gaudy, continually- orchastrated delusion.

It has degenerated to the criminal leading the clueless.


Scientology Squirrels Busted

Tony Ortega has published a Squirrel Busters anniversary retrospective at the Village Voice.   Tony asks whether the saga marked the beginning of the end of Scientology.   I might agree with him if he had added to  “Scientology” the preceding adjective “corporate” or the following-modifier “Inc.”.  In either event, its an interesting read.

Kirstie Alley Defends David Miscavige

I have appended below excerpts of a verified transcript of an interview by the BBC’s John Sweeney with corporate Scientology celebrity Kirstie Alley. The interview was ordered and orchastrated by David Miscavige.  It was conducted on 21 March 2007 at church of Scientology Celebrity Center International in Hollywood Caliornia. I think this interview demonstrates a couple things that Scientologists ought to know about David Miscavige and his management of Scientology Inc.

First, the interview shows how celebrities are used to cover up the serial crimes of David Miscavige himself.  As we all know by now, the premise of the initial questions by Sweeny about the penalties for daring to harbor a thought contrary to Miscavige’s views is based on well-established fact.

Kirstie does a yoeman’s job of pretending those facts do not exist and diverting the conversation by positioning Sweeney’s question as akin to asking about alien sightings.

Which leads us to the second point of interest.  Kirstie by raising the specter of “aliens” sends Sweeny right down the Scientology space opera rabbit hole.  So much for Miscavige’s religious persecution complex.

Kirstie even resorts to claiming that as of the year 2007 she does not access the Internet in order to feign no knowledge of the RPF (Rehabilitation Project Force, Miscavige gulag).  Even if true, what does that say about a prominent member of the church of Scientology?  Medieval mentality?  Controlled to the point of being shielded from the outside world?  Just plain dishonest?

Kirstie did an admirable job of defending her religion against a lot of loaded questions.

However misled she may pretend to be though, the facts remain:

a)      Miscavige is a liar and a coward having people like Kirstie thrown out as canon fodder to cover his crimes.

b)      Kirstie is in fact last on record singing Miscavige’s praises, denying his documented crimes, and thus helping to perpetuate them.

KA = Kirstie Alley

JS = John Sweeney BBC


JS: People who have been in Scientology say that there are effectively dungeons of the mind.  Places where people who have annoyed the management, David Miscavige, end up in the desert.

KA: People say there are Martians.   Look, I am the tabloid queen.

JS: That’s wholly untrue?

KA: That is–That there are no Martians?

JS: That Scientology has got a punishment, it’s got punishment camps where people go—

KA: Listen, but John, I can’t take you seriously.  I can’t take you seriously.

JS:  –And live miserable lives.  That’s just not true.  You’ve never heard that?

KA: To my knowledge it’s not true, but I can’t take you seriously.  It’s like me asking you, when was the last time you saw a Martian?  Because I know some people in Oklahoma who totally see Martians in their backyard.  And there are those people.

JS: Okay, well let’s talk about that.

KA: But not all Okies.   I’m from Kansas.  Oklahoma’s good.  They don’t all believe in Martians.

JS: Let’s talk about aliens.

KA: Let’s talk about aliens.

(not surprisingly followed by questions about OT III)


JS: Why–Hold on a second.  As the public face of Scientology—

KA: Am I the public face of Scientology?

JS: You are not the leader of Scientology.  As the leader of Scientology, why hasn’t Miscavige given an interview and answered these questions? What’s he afraid of?

KA If I were Mr. Miscavige, I would never sit down and do an interview with you. I love the BBC.  I love the BBC with all my heart.  Probably the best programs in the world.  I am a comedian.  I am an actress.  The best comedies in the world are on the BBC.

JS: Fine.

KA: I love your network.  But if I were Mr. Miscavige I would not sit with you because you clearly—

JS: I’d ask him a question about does he go around thumping people.

KA: And I think that that’s probably why he wouldn’t do an interview with you.  Just like I wouldn’t ask you if you’re still molesting children.

JS: … any other journalist since 1991.

KA: Pardon?

JS: He hasn’t given an interview to anyone, to a TV journalist, since 1991.

KA: Why would he?  My question is, why would he?

JS: He’s the leader of an organization—

KA: So.

JA: –that claims it’s a church.  Other people say, who have been inside it, that it’s a sinister, mind-warping, brainwashing cult.


JS: Terrific.  So why can’t Miscavige.  Why am I talking to an actress who is a loyal Scientologist?  Why can’t we talk to the leader of the Church?  Why can’t we talk to Tom Cruise?  He’s the biggest—

TD : I already told you why.

JS: Look, I can only interview one person at a time.

KA: He has nothing to do—Look, I’d like to answer this.  I’d like to answer this.

JS: Okay. Yes.  Why is that man scared of something like the BBC?

KA: Well see, you’re putting that in there, which isn’t true. Every week I get about 250 requests for interviews.  Now, I don’t particularly like doing interviews. 

JS: Well you’re doing this one.

KA: So I turn down about 249 of those interviews.  Okay.  So I can’t imagine how many interview requests he gets.  But for whatever reason, he’s decided to turn them down.  I did this one because look, it is not my job to run around the world and defend Scientology.  But I happen to know the kind of piece you’re doing.   And I happen to respect the BBC.  And I happen to love Britain.  You know, my shows have been huge in Britain.  I’m getting ready to do a show that was beloved in Britain called the Vicar of Dibley, the American version.   I admire your actors and your artists, and I admire so much and I wonder why, why would you think someone would participate in something that is—talk about immoral and talk about creepy. This is creepy.

JS: Okay.  What is RPF?

KA: I don’t know.

JS: Don’t you?

KA: No I don’t.

JS: Have you never heard of it?

KA: No I haven’t heard of it.

JS: Do you use the Internet?

KA: No I don’t.

JS: Why not?

KA: Because I’m a bit stupid on the Internet. I’m a little bit in the 1940s. I like the phone. I can’t do the Internet.  I don’t know.

Scientology Inc Busted by Village Voice

Editor in Chief of the Village Voice Tony Ortega has published a pretty definitive piece on the source of virtually all black propaganda on the net about Indies.

Scientology Inc Busted by Village Voice

Tony did a great job of investigating and exposing David Miscavige’s Church of Scientology International Office of Special Affairs (dirty tricks and propaganda arm of Scientology Inc) as the the central coordinating point for dozens of sites filled with false and defamatory material on Indies.

Not surprisingly, given the length and complexity of the piece, Tony got one thing wrong that I would like to correct.

Tony wrote that Monique Rathbun (Mosey) took action against the church of Scientology sites when they began to target her.  Wrong.  Monique went after Scientology Inc’s OSA only after they started targeting our peeps (folks who had come to visit us and supported us in other ways).  Those who know Mosey personally can understand that.



Scientology Inc “Justice”

The following is what L Ron Hubbard had to say about the state of the United States Department of Justice’s investigative arm in 1979.  Irrespective of how exaggerated his rancor might have been about the target of his wrath, it seems to me to be a rather chillingly accurate description of David Miscavige’s Scientology Inc in the year 2012.

The FBI charter mews about safeguarding the populace but hides and is utterly disregarded by an organization whose principles are carefully planned wholly on terrorism and conducts itself more lawlessly than any criminal it ever listed as Public Enemy #1.  Who is Public Enemy #1 today?   The FBI!  Its obvious target is every opinion leader and public-spirited group in America!  To the FBI their own charter is not only a subject for mirth but the Constitution itself which they are sworn to uphold is just garbage which impedes their headlong terror zeal.  In the name of “justice” and even calling themselves the Justice Department they practice every conceivable perversion of injustice.  With their terror tools, preferring lies to fact, they have created a police state in which no man, woman or child or even a politician is safe, either from downstats or the FBI. To the FBI all men are guilty and can’t be proven innocent, and behind her bandaged eyes, Justice herself weeps.  In the name of “justice” they have condemned this society to death.  – HCO PL 25 March 1979 A New Hope for Justice

UPDATE 4/12/12:  A number of people took issue with my having had the temerity to characterize L Ron Hubbard’s words as “rancorous” and “exaggerated.”   When I replied to some comments with context that LRH wrote this while the church was desperately attempting to position the FBI as a Nazi organization that had desecrated the Constitution by raiding a church – when that church had committed serial, document “heinous” crimes over many years, some took issue with my use of the word “heinous.”

In my opinion, you kids are demonstrating that the cult think, thought stopping that membership in the church of Scientology can create can also have continuing effects even after discontinuing membership.

My use of the words “exaggerated”, “rancor”, and “heinous” are automatically challenged apparently on some stimulus-response basis.  I carefully chose those words out of respect for and so as not to attack the character of the author of that which I was commenting upon.  I could have used far more judgmental and critical terms and still been 100% accurate.

Here is your context.  In July 1977 the FBI conducted the largest raid in U.S. history of the Guardians Office offices in LA and Washington DC.  The church spent the next two years frantically litigating to have the raid declared illegal, so as to suppress evidence collected in the raids. By March 1979 L Ron Hubbard had secluded himself from all but a handful of messengers.  He only ever saw his own wife on a couple of closely guarded moments for the rest of his life because of the security measures implemented to keep him safe from the controversy surrounding the case of United States vs. Mary Sue Hubbard, et al.  (indictment issued when it became apparent that the validity of the raids would be upheld by the courts)

Mary Sue Hubbard and the other eight high level Guardians Office members indicted all agreed to be judged by a judge on the charge of Obstruction of Justice on a stipulated record before a judge (they agreed to the facts upon which they were ultimately convicted).

All the while church members were being steadily indoctrinated continually that the entire controversy was solely and utterly about the US Department of Justice and the FBI executing an attempt to destroy the technology of Scientology.

The following link describes in time, place, form and event fashion – most of which was taken directly from documents obtained from Guardian’s Office files – what crimes it was that the Department of Justice and FBI were investigating and for which they convicted church members:

The Sentencing Memorandum

If after having read that document in full, you still want to argue about the intent and accuracy of the quoted paragraph at the outset of this post, my response to you is that you are still in denial.

Scientology’s Heretic

This weekend’s UK Independent magazine cover story hits kinda close to home.  Warning: contains juvenile descriptions of OT III data.

UPDATE 4/7: GAWKER coverage.

I am informed that Scientology Inc is already spamming the Independent’s site with hate messages, including a full Freedom magazine article, in response.

Never a dull moment.

Opinion Leader Cyber-Lynching by Scientology Inc

The insanity that Scientology Inc has become is playing out LIVE on the internet.  Angela LeMay, an Opinion Leader that corporate Scientology should not be messing with, is being subjected to a modern-day, cyber-lynching by David “Bull” Miscavige, cyber-mobs and all.  Check it out below. We’ll keep you posted.

Here is Angela’s communication alerting me to the situation:

Marty & Mike,

FYI, I received notice from a friend on FB that they received a
call from OSA informing them that I have been Declared SP along
with Marsha Friedman and Guillermo Colin and to unfriend us all.

I have not heard anything at all from the church directly, but,
rumor has it that I have been declared because of my connection to
my ex-husband Brett Haugen – declared in 2010. Another friend said
they heard it was because I had posted anonymously on a squirrel
website and forwarded entheta comm. My friends list has decreased
by 300 in the last 72 hours – their loss.

I have attached images of one of the FB post stating that I am

Also, I have saved images of numerous other similar FB messages
over the past 2 years urging me to disconnect from “SP’s” on FB.
Let me know if you would like those as well.

Your Friend,


For those who do not know why I consider Angela an Opinion Leader, her imminent declaration of independence will make that clear – or least my introductory comments will.