To LRH he was JB


Our old friend, and your new friend, goes by the name of JB (John Brousseau). He is a thirty-three year Sea Org veteran. While the name won’t hold much significance for many of you since JB was never high profile, the very reasons for his non-public profile makes him worthy of twenty dmbots, countless PI’s, and several violations of federal law in DM’s mind.

JB’s value to the movement is manifold. Two of those values are most prominent. The first, DM is acutely aware of and is the justification for the foot bullets he is madly firing our (his) way. The second, DM is incapable of even conceiving.

Those of you who know JB and the numerous special projects he was involved in understand why DM has been blowing gaskets rather than candles on his birthday cake.

The second major future contribution of JB will manifest in him sharing his wealth of personal stories about his substantial time serving L. Ron Hubbard. He has already provided us with a number of bouts of goose flesh. And I’m sure he’ll do the same for you all.

In the meantime, please excuse us for a spell. We’re busy decompressing Texas style. You know, a little fishin’, a little BBQin’, and maybe even a bit of honky-tonkin’.

153 responses to “To LRH he was JB

  1. Chuck Beatty

    I remember JB on the Int RPF in the late 1990s, and while on the Int RPF he inherited a chunk, so hopefully he’s kept it, and doesn’t have the job worries to start with at least, and he can “decompress” as you term it.

    Welcome to the real world again JB.

    Read the internet is my advice, and let media who are “up” on the controversies at the Int Base, let those informed media interview you!

    Good luck and welcome out of the mess!

    Chuck Beatty

  2. Welcome JB. Enjoy your decompression time, you have earned it. Looking forward to hearing your stories.


  3. Chris Black

    Ah’m in fer tha honky-tonkin’! I’ll sit a spell and tickle the iv’ries.

    Texas seems to be the center of the universe right now, and I’m glad you’re there to catch those that spin out of the black hole in CA, Marty.

    If ever…..


  4. JB – I am so very, very happy that you are with us now. And I am looking forward to meeting you. Thank you so much for taking a stand.

  5. Marty, As John Belushi would have said in “Animal House” Toga Party! You deserve it.

  6. Welcome JB, you are in GREAT HANDS! Have some well deserved R&R Texas Style!

  7. John,

    The independent field of Scientologists welcomes you to freedom.

    Now you can freely be the Scientologist LRH wanted us all to be.

    We look forward to your contributions. You are needed.


  8. Watching Eyes

    Welcome JB. I’m glad you made it out safely. When you’re ready, we’d all love to hear what you have to say.

    Now……..go have some fun!

  9. JJJJJJBBBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!

    Holy cats! Man, long time, no see, hear and smile at!

    Wow! Am I glad about this!!!

  10. I can’t wait to hear your story JB. You sure pissed off the dwarf sending 20 guys after you. Well done for making it out despit the odds!

  11. JB!!! Can’t tell you how happy I am for you. Congratulations, man. Just – WOW. Enjoy your freedom and hopefully we’ll have a chance to get reacquainted one day. It’s been many years!

  12. JB,
    Welcome aboard Shipmate ! ☼

    Thank you SOOO much for that wonderful Birthday present to DM ! ♣♦♥♠
    ♫ ♫ That’s music to our ears ♫♫

    Marty & Mike will take good care of you.

  13. Hi JB
    Welcome back – enjoy some well earned R & R. Only thing you have to worry about now is Tinkerbell – don’t let her fool you!

  14. JB – Wow! Congrats on getting out of there and welcome to the beginning of a new and fruitful life! I’m so happy you got out and I wish others would have come with you! Look forward to hearing your updates on life there!

  15. JB, so glad you’re out! Hugs and cake, as the anons would say. Leave some time for the good things.

  16. Hi, JB! We’ve never met, but you already have my admiration for having the smarts to get the hell out of there and head toward Marty’s!

    I hope you have a great time and find some peace, destimulating and debriefing in a truly safe space with people who care about you and know your value.

    After the intermission, Act II.



  18. WELCOME out to FREEDOM and REAL LIFE, JB! Enjoy your decompression time! Eat lots, sleep lots, laugh lots, dance lots, and fish lots, ok? HUGS 🙂

  19. Of all the people held at the Int base it makes sense that John would be the one capable of escaping – even with 20 body snatchers on his trail.

    People ask “If it’s so bad why don’t members just leave?”

    The answer is “Because they will be hunted like escaped slaves. If they can’t be brought back the “church” is likely to spend endless time and money to ruin their lives. The first step will be to
    disconnect them from family and friends…”

    For those who don’t think that the Int base can go “Jonestown” I say think again….. Its ironic that the dining hall at the Int base is called the MCI (Massacre Canyon Inn).

  20. JB,

    Your presence on the scene is creating a big FN in my universe!

    Welcome home.

    Enjoy life on the outside. With the excellent company you are keeping, I’m sure you will be bright and perky in no time. Look forward to hearing from you in the future.

  21. This is a great progress and it indicates to me that all the actions each one of us is doing show effect.
    Like, holding the position, running out group engrams, permitting the group to understand situations, unveiling withholds and crimes that poison the group, reviving the group by putting its ideals back into sight, the mignight-oil spent on that, the communication and spreading the news and thereby creating a reality, the help that is given to make the injured recover – all such actions have lead to the progress that becomes visible. Each of them is a method of being Cause.
    I would like to bring to attention that there is another tool which is not very prominent in the discussion, yet. Auditing!
    DM is actively suppressing our third dynamic and so it might be taken into consideration to apply HCO B 29 Dec 78R, The suppressed Person Rundown as an additional tool to all the other actions. It changes the behaviour of an active antagonistic person by auditing the pc. After all, a “suppressed person” is not so much away from a “suppressed group”.
    I have personally seen it working twice. And I admit, one has to see it to belive it. In one case an antagonistic, but social person, who had refused to communicate, became friendly and communicated again. And in the other an SP “mysteriously” became inactive who had been active for years before.
    I have to admit that I changed the application into a solo-action, had just grabbed an E-meter, took the questions and audited any charge found and as-ised any charge that presented themselve to be as-ised, – following all the rules of auditing. It was easy. It worked exactly as described. And it was very gentle and very surprising.
    I would like to invite anyone who is a trained auditor and who maybe does have an idle E-meter, to study and understand the two Bulletins and apply them intelligently.
    I feel that this could add to all those other actions and insert sufficient control to have the drama not cook up to Jonestown dimensions. Or, to use a more positive picture, it compares to switching the turbo on.
    When I did this, I first felt like “Now I am altering the Tech.” But then I looked and found that I was USING the Tech. And after all, if WE don’t use it, who will?

  22. Welcome to the outside world, JB!

    We are glad to see you safe at Marty’s.

    Enjoy getting reacquainted with your other seven dynamics!

    David St Lawrence
    Old Auditor

  23. JB, Yippee! Welcome to the real Scientology!
    We have a lot of catching up to do. I’m so glad
    you are no longer a DM bot. VWD and much
    Love, Sarge

  24. Marty, JB Loves catfish, just ask Richard.

  25. AlexMetheny

    Welcome JB!!

    Well done for getting out of there. Now, let your hair down and maybe drink a few beers or whatever and take a deep breath.. Your going to have a good time out here with us!!


  26. Hi JB – Here is a warm welcome from a non-scientologist. It is so good that you have friends to help you take this life-changing step. This step may have otherwise been unthinkable, if not impossible. I know your Texas/Tarpon Springs and other friends will help guide you through the transition. You will cherish your new-found capacity to practice your faith as you desire and your freedom to enjoy all the goodness that is part of your new life.


  27. Welcome JB. LRH would be proud indeed. This is GREAT news! Boy there is a lot of catching up to do. The warmest of welcomes to you.

  28. bulletproof

    Hey JB,

    Been a very long time. Welcome out. Take all the time there is. There is plenty of time for your many stories…..


  29. War and Peace

    JB ~~~ Warm warm welcome to the real world and out of INT BASE.
    You are among so many friends.

    I know Clarisse and you parted years ago, but I got to say I was moved by the description of her in Marc Headley’s book BLOWN FOR GOOD where he described her sad hangdog express and total overwhelm in her low post in Cine.

    JB ~~ it is no honor to be the Evil one’s brother in law but many do not know you married Shelly Miscavige’s sister……..poor vanished Shelly.

    I always knew that one day I would find out the truth of the overwhelming cruelty to Gale and Dee Residorf. That DM valence was dramatized on me by Gale when she was CO CMOI but only lately I found out what DM had done to her. She actually became suicidal after that….

    I know that you above anyone else know what went down with Gale and Dee Dee.

    You have a captive audience. Please take all the time in the world to decompress and then be assured your revelations will blow charge for so many of us…..

    much love,

    War and Peace

  30. Yo, JB!

    Damn, it’s good to know you drove outta there, laddie. Would love to chat sometime, if you’re so inclined. Once you’ve had a chance to enjoy some of that fine, fine Texas decompressin’, that is.

  31. Yahooooooo!!!!!! VWD JB!!!! Glad to hear it is you! Makes my day. Yeah – Hiro and I can’t wait to get together and catch up on things! In the meantime, have fun catching big fishes! Wish we were there.

  32. That is scary Mat.

    But I’ve seen and heard enough.

    I am making my David Miscavige Voo Doo this week end .


    Well JB I don’t know you but I’m sure I will enjoy your stories, Welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. True to Mr. Rathbun’s intro, your name is not familiar to me…but LAWDY do I ever congratulate you for making a daring exit from the old world into a bright and magnificent new world. Good on you for making the break!

    Congratulations, John, and may your future be filled with the real desires of your heart.

  35. Lady Lancelot

    Wow! Looking forward to hearing your stories! In the meantime, relax. Decompressing is, at least for me, on going. A piece of FD blows off here and another chunk there and over time, the things that I just couldn’t make sense out of, start to make sense. Welcome to life on the outside.

  36. Hey JB,

    It’s been a long time bud. Tho I am still “under the radar”, here’s a clue for you: I took over your “post” on the GCT way back in the early 80s.

    Welcome to the world!

  37. Congratulations, Mr. Brousseau 🙂
    Another daring escape and Keystone Kops response.

    Tommy Davis must have been desperate to have sent ‘celebrities’ Denice Duff, Michael Duff and Michael Roberts out to try and prevent Marty from getting to you. I don’t know what he was thinking but this will surely backfire PR wise, for their careers and for the church and

    Rest, recouperate and see truth in small, persistent doses. The internet is the Liberty Tree – seek it and come to know what it holds for you, so that you can be free to really share in the joys of knowledge, freedom and communication.

  38. Gary Morehead aka "Jackson"

    JB, My brotha with anotha motha. That is all I know you know I need to say to you my friend… for right now. You know how to reach me and I know we both look forward to it! Wow! — Jackson

  39. Dear JB,

    Welcome to sanity, love, true friendship and a beautiful life that you always deserve to have.

    We LOVE you and admire you for being true to yourself and LRH.

    Marty & Mosey, you are both extremely special. Thank you for being there and sharing your love with all of us.

  40. JB

    Happy Days of Freedom and Well Being to you!!!

  41. Theo Sismanides

    Hi JB, 33 years in the SO !! No words can describe how I feel about you going directly to Marty. Maybe just two: Respect and Relief for coming our way.

    You don’t have a church for a via anymore, that’s for sure, haha. Enjoy your fishing and your decompression time, man. The field is now and forever now, open. Enjoy and welcome!!!

  42. JB, great to see you surface on the “outside”! All good wishes to you and I hope you are enjoying your chillin’ time.

  43. Joe Howard

    Hey, JB, good to hear that you’ve turned a big page. Your next chapter is guaranteed to be a doozy!

    Hearing that it was you it, now makes sense to me why DM would sic non-Int people on you. It wouldn’t be possible for him to brief Int bots and convince them to get you back. You were always too damn fabian. Very few every knew what the hell you were up to behind the scenes. This gave you a certain aura and therefore a credibility that few others had. Plus DM never dragged your good name through the mud like he did with so many others.

    So he had to use field “powerhouses” to try and capture you. What a joke. Someone who’s been at that base for 33 years is going to be handled by Tommy One Note, Michael Doven, Rooster and Jan Eastgate?! To quote DM (again) “Are you freaking kidding me?”

    To my mind you’ve escaped intact.

    Welcome and all the best.

    Love, Dan and Mariette

  44. Dear JB,

    This Anonymous protester is very, very happy for you. Sleep well, take your time, enjoy breathing in the sea air and the soul-restoration that the beach and good friendship provide. Eat. Play. Dare to hope.

    Welcome back to your life.

    Love and grace.

  45. Dear JB even if I don’t know you I warmly welcome you on the Independent side of life. My assistance is at your service if I can be of any help.

  46. JB, Welcome, welcome, welcome to the land of the living. OMG couldn’t believe it when I read your name so happy that you knew where to go and that Marty was there for you!! Now I can understand why so many were sent after you and glad that you, Marty and Mike were able to fend them off. Take care and you deserve all the time in the world to decompress and get reaclimated to the real world. I’m so happy to see and hear that you’re out! Again welcome home.

  47. Hi JB, Welcome to the land of the living. You might remember me, we were “office” neighbors for circa 5 years in the early 90s. Well done and hope you are opening a trail.

  48. This is good news.

    Hopefully, many more will follow set by JB example and leave that concentration camp in the same direction.
    Marty, get ready. 😉

  49. Congratulations and welcome!
    Lots of friends and a chance to make things better.

  50. I hope I don’t say the same as has already been said ( I simply don’t have time to read it all).

    Mike and Marty, I am so incredibly happy for your ability to turn an incredibly difficult situation into a positive. I no longer believe in the attainment of stages of OT but if there ever was OT it would best be exemplified by the way you are going about living your lives. And let’s be honest you have some heck of some good women in your corner, you deserve them, and they deserve you, isn’t it funny how that goes.

    For years DM has leached off of other’s (you two’s more than anyone) goodness/theta/creativity/dedication to LRH’s best visions. I’m so glad to see that without that he stands completely naked as the Emperor with no clothes and all he can do is bark/intimidate/threat/bully and whine like a little baby.

    I’m in your corner (along with Mosey and Christie) and if we can create a future where our kids can get the best of what we got from Scientology I’m with you. My oldest son had some dreadful experiences in C of s and I (and my husband) advised our other children not to go there. I hope that one day there’s something there except the books. Some of my kids have gone to top level universities (that cost us an arm and a leg) and they don’t get a fraction of the tools to deal with life that I (and my husband) got in Scientology. We have our own business. If it was not for the inspiration of “Joy of Creating” that we force ourselves to apply every day – and other stable Scientology data, I don’t know where we would be at.

    If the future holds a C of S with the very best of the life wisdom LRH compiled and without the dogma and over-promise, I’m there with you all the way.

  51. Hello JB – and welcome.

    Barrister broke the 4 minute mile in 1954 – a monumental feat.

    Since then, that record has been broken again and again.

    Something happens, when the “impossible” is achieved. It ripples and others follow.

    Make no mistake – many others will follow.

    I salute your courage and just plain street smarts to get to Marty’s …

    With love,

  52. JB, it’s going to be a big adjustment. You may find this funny, but you may find a STRONG desire to return.

    Expect it. Have your friends help you through it.

    Remember, those who want you back will say, feel and communicate ANYTHING to get you back. They will jump through huge hoops to get even the smallest “Yes” or “No” that they can use to reel you back in.

    Take some advice from Ulysses for the next couple of years. Strap yourself to the mast when you sail by those sirens!

    Eventually, you may get strong enough to enjoy their hotness and cool songs without flinching. But today, you are “just” Ulysses.

    Trust the ropes, mast and your friends with wax in their ears who are rowing you to freedom.

  53. Hi JB.

    Just hoping you are fine now and welcome.

    Hoping also some of these days you can update us on how is life now on int.
    If something is changing.
    If the hole is closed.
    If people inside are waking up.

    This is needed to keep the fight up.

    Roberto Sánchez Núñez

  54. Concerned Citizen

    Jippers JB, Boy if there ever was an always independent soul, it is JB’s

    We are overjoyed that you are here, me and my spouse, we really look forard to your comm.

    I’ll not ask anything of you, I think you will do what you feel you must when you feel it as usual.

    I would appreciate a hand in clearing the old man’s name, since DM has not seen it fit to at least do a little DAing. If and when you are ready my friend, otherwise, glad to have you around, sorry we got to stay low just a bit longer.

    If you need anything we can help with, please just ask.


    Long time friends

  55. Welcome JB. I think our paths crossed briefly on the GCT mid 80s. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you free. Yes, free. Very very well done on making it out. Can’t wait to hear some of your stories.

  56. Thats quite an entrance you made there JB.
    My F\N just widened to a floating T\A.

    And I think the planet just got brighter.


  57. The very fact you are free is making the world a little better.

    With regards CD

  58. Matt,
    We all know that anyone is free to leave, there isn’t any ‘blow drill’, and those people that came to Texas were there soley as ‘volunteers’ with no sanction or agenda on DM’s part. Tommy D will clear this up on the next news show in response to the BBC or whatever.

    JB is just an ‘injured sparrow’ that Dave is solicitous about.

    I know DM’s tenderness, I’ve experienced it and seen it on others, all flows really because he’s, well, he’s just so caring.

    Sure it’s tough being Chrome Steel and loving, but he’s Dave. He’s The One.

    If only there were two of him, why, this whole thing might just discharge but that’s not possible as he’s The One.

    Helmet Hair, DeMon, Dwarf Midget (redundant yes but there you go), how about just plain ol’ ‘FOS’, Friend of Sparrow.

    Snowhat, our buddy from the Fourth Dimension knows him as no one else can, since DM won’t go into session.

    OK, time for the morning coffee.

  59. JB,

    How great to have you with us in the most theta Scientology community on earth (virtual though it may be)!

    This is where the tech has been preserved, and where anyone is free to use it as he or she sees fit, without being forced to conform to totalitarian rule. Freedom is a wonderful thing!

    There are no tyrants here, there are no suppressive demands. There are a lot of theta people here who are committed to true spiritual freedom. The true basics of Scn — ARC, KRC, the comm cycle, etc. are used and loved here. And here there really are no arbitraries!

    So welcome to the true mecca, here on the internet at Marty’s place. It’s great to have you, and I’m sure we’re all breathlessly awaiting any and all stories you want to tell us.

    Meanwhile, chill and decompress and have a blast!

  60. Bob Johnson

    Upon reading this new, I went completely exterior from my body. Hp Hip!

  61. Welcome JB! You went to the right place. I hope you enjoy a weekend of fishin’, sun, BBQing and freedom! Marty, Mosey and Mike will take good care of you. ML, Jan

  62. Jack Airey

    Welcome JB to the other side of the wall.
    One more POS (Prisoner of Scientology) has escaped the insanity of DM’s rule. VWD!!!

    There is one little secret you need to know while your fishing with Marty & Mosey. You want to put your pole close to Mosey’s line if you really want to catch some keepers.

    WELCOME to a true group!!!

  63. Welcome JB! It’s a real pleasure to have another big being as yourself come over to this side of the scale. The FREE side!

    To paraphrase the Rev Jesse Jackson…we didn’t all get to where we are in the same boat but we’re all in same boat now. And, it does appear that there is truly unlimited space on this boat. It’s a wonderful place to decompress.

    Btw, the scale is inverted. The more beings that step onto this side the lighter it gets and the higher it moves. Thus, we’re all moving on up a little higher while DM and his CoM side, with each new departure, becomes increasingly more solid and dense falling to unthinkable depths.

    Enjoy that good ole Texas hospitality. There’s none better.

  64. What is GCT? (Martin: “our paths crossed briefly on the GCT – mid 80’s)



  65. Hey JB,

    Glad to see you out from the insanity – been a while. You have a lot of old friends out and those who were on projects with you. Marty has contact details.


  66. Titus Andronicus

    Welcome to the other side, John, and congratulations on your sucessful and no doubt exciting — if that could ever be the right word — escape.

    Well done to you, Marty, too. Great job.

    For my part, I am interested in reading your story, John, come the day you’re ready to share it. I am sure it will read like “The Great Escape”.

    Best wishes to you all and enjoy your R&R.

    Liberté, égalité, fraternité!,
    Titus A.

  67. That’s why I drink coffee too:)
    JB, I’m glad you’re free and in good company.

  68. Gold Construction Team (built the Music Studio at the time).

  69. Welcome home JB!

    I admire the courage it took to stand up and leave, no longer giving support to what sadly is no longer LRH’s church.

    I’m very glad that you are taking time to chill out and enjoy yourself. You deserve it. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Take Care,

  70. DM’s blowing gaskets…
    Who else could better fix a blown gasket better than JB!
    (Am I the only one who caught that Rathbunish wit?)
    Welcome back friend, I spent my time on the decks in motorpool and you were always nice.

  71. Follow Marty’s lead JB. He’ll take care of you so that you can then help many more who, like yourself, will be defecting.


  72. Freedom Fighter

    JB, I don’t know you, but I have to admire anyone who would garner such a grand entrance. I look forward to hearing your story when you’re ready. In the meantime, enjoy your well deserved Texas-style R&R time.

  73. JB, Welcome to the space. As time goes by you will discover you did not just leave with the clothes on your back. We had many adventures , great ideas, and random acts charity and devotion, that cause the red carpet to roll out for us when our feet hit the ground, forever. Thank you for all you have been and done for the world. It is a better place.

  74. Joe Howard

    Bannister. Roger Bannister.

  75. Congrats, JB, on taking the first step. Leaving the Church is a big step, and a healthy one. Can’t wait to hear the full story.

    If you decide to go further and take a more critical look at LRH and the tech, just as you have taken a more critical look at DM and the Co$, know that you’ll find a supportive group out here, also.


  76. Mark Fisher

    Hi JB. Like everyone else, glad you are out. We in Las Vegas welcome you anytime!

    I would imagine one of the biggest things DM is worried about is that we will find out what happened to his wife Shelly, since JB was married for many years to Shelly’s sister CB.

    Much more stories to come I am sure, just knowing your background and how much stuff you witnessed over the years.

  77. One more thing JB.

    For me, leaving a cult was the hardest and most expensive thing I ever did for my family.

    But years do go by, and you may find a “you” return that seems like an old friend.

    Who’s smiling.

    Marty is the “Voice of Orthodoxy” in the Independent Field. You will find with him the standard tech you love and gave your life for.

    Enjoy it!

    And as time goes by, it will mean more to you regardless how you view it.

    For me, I had to completely reject my faith. But now, I look back at it’s mythos and can love it freely. But it took me a long time.

    You’ll come home to the place you belong.

  78. JB, Welcome! I can’t wait to hear your story. I’m also really interested in hearing how you learned how to find Marty while “inside” (though if it gives DM and OSA a clue on how you did it, you best not describe it publicly).

  79. Welcome back to the land of the living JB. You have quite a journey ahead of you. You are in the best of loving hands possible which will no doubt make your recovery less traumatic than others before you. Well done for finding your way to the Texas sanctuary!

    I look forward to hearing your stories when you’re ready.


  80. LOL. Does anyone else see the irony in this message from Caliwog to JB?

    (It’s akin to saying: “While you’re at it JB, please leave the USA because I have some critical things to say about the Founders of the United States of America and the Constitution [even though you knew and worked with the founders personally, and enjoy the freedoms that the Constitution brings].”)

  81. Welcome to the outside world JB. It’s good to have you aboard.

    I find it fascinating so many people were dispatched to recover you and that you mentioned you had a “good life” at the base (“Did I have a “good life” up to the last day? Yes, in a materialistic sense.”)

    Clearly you have knowledge of BIG DM secrets, which caused him to give you a life of luxury where others were given piles of shit to shovel.

    There are so many questions you may have the answers to. In time, in time. I’m sure you could use a little fishin’ and BBQ’n and R&R first. Cheers.

    Again, it’s great to have you here. Very well done on escaping.

  82. Jeff Jacobsen

    Be sure to take the time you need to adjust to the outside world. Take care of yourself first, and don’t feel any urgency to jump into any battles.

  83. From a poster on ESMB

    “Does anyone else find it weird that DM is now half a century old, has been married since he was a teen, & that on top of these he’s had alleged extra-marital affairs & has NEVER had any kids? That’s just weird. I really did think for a while that he might be gay because of being married so long & from a young verile age & still no kids. Who does he plan on passing his torch to anyway?”

  84. Richard. Rocket Richard. 🙂

  85. This is good advice. You matter. Be kind to yourself.

  86. Margaret,
    Yeah, I got it. I’ve got one here too.

    OK, JB, well you finally got to Marty’s safe harbor. You should change your name to Texiwog, get a Wii as soon as possible too, PS2 is for kids. Maybe we could have Eckhart Tolle seminars and NEVER cut your hair agin, as it’s a well know fact, the mind is in the follicles. Speaking of which, sometimes I like to chew on the bulbs. I’ve not had much success in growing them but…oh, sorry, got a little personal there. Where was I, oh yeah, so you really should be aware that LRH was a real person, uh, wait a sec, uh, you ACTUALLY KNEW HIM PERSONALLY, well, then maybe this stuff Caliwog’s mentioning is not really…nevermind, have a beer and then join a nudist colony, enjoy the freedom.

    A Cherman who loffs everyone, except white people who have prehensile toes.

    How’d I do Margaret?

  87. Hi JB,
    I’m pretty sure we crossed paths at Int in the 80’s. Glad to hear you’re out and looking forward to the scoop! Colwell and I were cheering!


  88. Scrap the comment with the ESMB qoute please, Even on WWP the mods didn’t want to go there. (they domed it)

    my bad

  89. Mike Hobson


    Marty already revealed Shelly Miscavige is being kept under watch at the “Mountain High” CST facility up near Lake Arrowhead.

    No, John Peeler (BTS2FREE) posted on OCMB back in 2008 that John Brousseau was directly involved in DM’s removal of Pat and Annie Broeker, cancellation of the Loyal Officer Flag Order and subsequent takeover of the Scientology.

    If J.B. is ready to tell the true facts about that, I’m sure D.M. is about ready to explode.

    Michael A. Hobson

  90. JB take care of yourself. The most important thing right now it to relax.

  91. Since you posted it, why doesn’t he have children. The gay thing is just to mess with his head really. Personally I am pondering about Daves little swimmers. It is really low of me but imagine the new signs we could make.

    I am enjoying this line of thinking too much,I am still an anon after all.

  92. “How’d I do Margaret?”

    I loffed it. 🙂

  93. Welcome to freedom JB and the Safety of Marty’s bubble. Some times the best auditing is laughter,
    deep belly laughs, and just enjoying the sea and the sunshine. Congrats…

  94. Joe Howard

    Imlach. Punch Imlach.

  95. John,

    Although you don’t know me, please know I’m so happy to hear you’ve recently made the decisions YOU wanted to make. It must feel so wonderful (and probably many other things, too) as you stand here on the “other side” contemplating your next choices.

    You are so fortunate to have Marty and Mike and other old friends as your stalwart companions.

    Very best wishes,

    Just Me

  96. freespirit

    Hi JB; I don’t know you but I do know what you are going through. you are courageous in what you did and smart to be where you are! You are in excellent hands. Relax a bit, enjoy the fishing, the sunsets and the not having to answer up to anyone but your own conscience! Take your time to chill out. Move on your time frame, don’t be afraid to exercise your own freedom of choice. Welcome to life!

  97. Hi and welcome JB, VVVWD to you, it is a huge step. Good on you Marty, yet again you foiled their plans.
    I think that I know why DM sent the Celebs, because he believes he is one. I was researching the Duffs and came across Celebrity Scientologists and lo and behold there it is. You have Jenna E, Chick K, Kirstie A then DM.

    I have put the link here but a warning, if you have a weak stomach then don’t read it as it could make you feel nauseous.

  98. Welcome to the real world, JB.

    If you have any knowledge of criminal activity by DM or anyone else, please report it to law enforcement – AFTER a long, satisfying wog-world-level vaca, and a few nights of honky-tonkin to full EP, of course!

    Very well done to you. It took a great amount of courage, what you did. That little voice inside you that told you to do it?

    That was YOU.

    And thank you very much to Marty and Mosey and every one else for being there for him.


  99. Penny Krieger

    Your reference is the “The Criminal Mind”, HCOB 15 Sept. 1981, by LRH.
    It speaks volumes.

  100. Concerned Citizen


    That there girl really does know ‘er fishing. And that’s a keeper she’s got if I e’er seen one

  101. OMG!!! You’re right! Absolutely nauseating! Man, what a crock o’ you know what. I wonder where that “I trust you as you trust me ” quote came from. Unbelievable.

  102. JB, welcome. I also found sanctuary and a community after years of being perplexed over many outpoints observed within the “corporate” Church.

    My life and well being have been exponentially expanding since meeting Marty. When first starting to sort things out, the first thing that I recognized in Marty was genuine dedication to LRH and the tech. Then off the hook theta is his purpose … what LRH did it for: care for his fellows and our civilization.

    My first hand experiences over these months? Marty is as stand up, compassionate, and brilliant as it gets (and I know some capable, theta and amazing people) My (beaming stellar consistent) wins and other products he gets attest to his on source duplication and application of tech and ethics as an amazing friend to Life, LRH, Love and … that’s why so many of us around the world love and respect him.

    JB, Thanks for being true to what Scientology is about, for being true to your integrity and perception… I am with you and appreciate what you said in the first message from you Marty posted: “I love people and want to help them.”

  103. Shoot, you’re getting me all emotional now about motorpool, from both angles – On one hand, JB did some awesome work on my car, on the other hand, I scrubbed an awful lot of busses…

  104. one of those who see

    Hi JB,

    Hope you are having a fun weekend with M & M in Texas.
    It was late last night here on the west coast, I was alone and i just had a thought – that over in Texas Marty & Mosey and JB, their new guest are peacefully sleeping in freedom.

    You are going to like this group, JB. We are all so very much in comm.

  105. IMHO, he has no compassion and no capacity to LOVE another. I’m no expert, but that is certainly a requisite to raising a child. I think his wife was intelligent enough to prevent replicating him in any way, so took the necessary precautions. Maybe that’s too simple, but it makes sense to me. I knew Shelly. And down deep, she is one of the most compassionate and caring persons I have known.

  106. AlexMetheny

    Marty….FEED ME!!!

    I have data hunger…

  107. Well gee, JB is already inspiring some great products!

  108. You crack me up, CD!

  109. Joe Doakes

    I’ll have to search for the blog entry about Shelly Miscavige. Interesting…

    But I’m very anxious to hear what’s gone on from JB’s perspective on many different issues. The big one being what you just brought up. There were only so many involved in that whole ordeal — and there’s not been very many talkin’ all these years.

    I for one found it very odd that we could never talk about or investigate the past — for a group so bound and determined to have everything “in writing” and recorded, it seemed a big gigantic black hole of information…

  110. Hey Nancy,

    Great to see you here! I read and very much enjoyed your book. Hope to “see” you around here more. Your contributions would certainly be welcomed.

  111. Welcome JB! Welcome to your life as you want to live it. You have many who support you and are thrilled that you are free of the clutches of the cult. Enjoy, rest, recuperate. Oh and tell Mosey to give you some of the goodies in the freezer. 🙂

  112. I’ll have you know, I have a Wii *and* a PS2.

    “Never defend, always attack!” 🙂

  113. Freetothink

    Bunkai, I really like the analogy LOL

    Welcome to freedom JB! Don’t worry if you feel a bit weird at first. Your anchor points will be shifting. Soon you will create new ones that will open a much bigger Universe that you could ever imagine. Enjoy!

  114. War and Peace

    Mark ~~
    Talking about Clarisse Barnett/Brousseau (CB)
    makes me want to originate something that should be known re Human Rights.

    I knew Michelle Barnett AKA Shelly Miscavige and CB from the time they were very young teenagers. They had no traditional education, they were Messengers at a very young age, and all they knew was the SO, nothing else.

    CB and Shelly do not know their rights. They do not know such things as the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the basics of what rights a US citizen is entitled to. They had little to no formal schooling.

    They have never really studied much outside Flag and Base issues.

    CB does not know she can walk out of Gold Manufacturing and demand to walk through the gates and legally she can. Holding her against her will is kidnap. Both these sisters have endured much from DM.

    I talked to another early messenger the other day about this. Very very young recruits who never experienced Life outside the SO do not have a clue of their legal rights. They do not know they can refuse to be sec checked hours a day and that they do not have to endure Behaviour Modification (which is what Shelly is going through) and that they cannot be held against their will as it violates the laws of the land.

    Shelly Miscavige is incarcerated but does not know her rights. It is a Federal violation of kidnap.

    CB and Shelly do not know the Laws of the Land and their Rights.

    I for sure did not know my Constitutional Rights were violated when I was in lock down at INT BASE. I did not even think of it as illegal.
    Such is the mind set.

    The sisters also do not have a clue that their are friends and support outside.

    This will come to an end. The reptilian predator DM will not hold power longer than another 365 days…anyone want to bet ? This is not a guess. Much is happening behind the scenes…..

    Anyway, this blog is welcome to JB. JB once again, you have much support. Marty knows who I am and how I can support you.

  115. Posting Shelly, If that is thrue, good for her. Might explain his anger towards her.

    And I have nothing against gays. The reason anon stresses this with Tom Cruise and David Miscavige is to enturbulate them. One of them still has a chanche for recovery when the other one is removed.

    PS: Tommy Davis if you are reading this Gary Scarf or Smurf thinks you are cute. He is an Ex who worked with Kenny Moxon and is a protester in LA.

  116. If I take out the stuff about the FBI and doctors ,psychiatrist, psychologists and the goverment, taking in account that it is written in 1981, I see great simularity with how the Psychopath is described.

    I only have positive experiences with doctors , psychyatrists, psychologists.

    If pressed for it I must say I like the overal governance of my country

    And with the FBI tend to think of all the Child molesters they bring to justice. How many missing persons they find. How many hardened criminals they pursue and how they try to prevent terrorism.

  117. Last comment was talking about the present FBI(in this Time-unit) and I do think alsoo that the patriot act is unconstitutional.

  118. “So forgive me for not managing the Church when it almost fell into hostile hands. It all came out all right. Why? Because real Scientologists made sure it did. My faith was justified.”

    That real Scientologist L. Ron Hubbard spoke of was David Miscavige.

    Euuuuuw! Gross! Note the change of plural “Scientologists” to singular “Scientologist” and… oops omitted to provide the source reference. Gag!

  119. James Mortland

    Marty, Please say hi to JB for me. From the HU through the Creston days andlater Estates. He always helped me a lot. If he or you need help. Let me know.

  120. freebeing11

    Margaret and Jim that was hilarious and appropriate. Thanks for the laugh!

  121. More incredibly, that site describes how LRH supposedly, personally appointed DM to his post of COB. A complete fabrication. A total myth. Utterly false.

    Throgmagog appointed DM to his post, invented it for him too. Indeed, he guides him daily.

  122. Wow! The self-delusion knows no bounds. This is amazing, even by Dear Leader’s standards. He does actually believe himself a celeb! What a site! Nauseating is right on the money. The fawning sycophancy is vomit-inducing. Not to mention completely fallacious:

    “To oversee his personal affairs for the remainder of his life, L. Ron Hubbard also appointed David Miscavige as chairman of the organization charged with handling those matters.”

    Oh really? I’d like to asee the evidence for that.

  123. Amy Scobee 26th of april 2010

  124. martyrathbun09

    Martin, They have published a LIE, knowingly.

  125. V, Sure Love your Love

  126. martyrathbun09

    James M, Hey man! Great to hear from you. Send your phone number to and I’ll get it to him.

  127. Moma said, JB is as JB does. Gump

  128. martyrathbun09

    Good eye Sam.

  129. martyrathbun09

    W and P, thanks. However, believe me, Shelly knows her rights. There are other factors in her mind holding her prisoner. JB represents a potentially huge blow to those factors.

  130. martyrathbun09

    Mary Jo, Hey. Your goodies are better than B1 and triptophane combined. And they taste great. Believe me, they are appreciated. As you are!

  131. JB, like so many before him, has broken through to the other side. To all of those who remain in the grips of an enforced delusion, here is my comm to you:

    It’s okay. You can “BREAK ON THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE.” There is freedom on the other side. You can take back your imagination. It’s okay. And, there’s lots of love and support here on the other side.

  132. Shelly,

    Sometimes when I see your comments (like this one and another below), I fantasize that you’re “the Shelly” we’re all talking about.

    I also sometimes fantasize that Shelly’s doing something SHE wants to do–even if she cannot do it with complete freedom.

    I have NO data–just a lively fantasy life.

    Just Me

  133. AlexMetheny

    Love Jim Morrison!! Talk about a wildman..

  134. AlexMetheny

    Hi Nancy,

    I enjoyed your book also. Hope all is well!!


  135. Nancy — big hug to you. Loved your video – sent it on to a friend who was able to connect and thereby help her sister.

    Glad you are well!!


  136. JB,

    This was my theme song, the first few months out of the SO:

  137. Thank you Marty–
    And we think you are due for a refill… some will be coming soon!

  138. martyrathbun09

    Mary Jo,
    Hey. Take good care of my friend from the Mountain states who will call you today, will you? She is a winner.

  139. JB: Welcome to freedom! Decompress, take time to enjoy life, and know that you never have to go back there ever again. I know Marty will take good care of you. I am very happy you have arrived here in your life. I am very happy that you have chosen freedom. I hope all is going well!


  140. Thanks John Doe, that was lovely! It really puts things in perspective…

  141. It strenghtens my case about childabuse and shows Amy’s bravery, she was raped at age 14 and the Church covered it up. Much more have come forward if one cares to listen. And it is just the tip of the iceberg becauyse it is one of the hardest things to talk about.

  142. I hadn’t seen this Cat Daddy … thanks for posting!

  143. Cat Daddy-Thanks for posting that video of Amy as I didn’t see it prior to here.

    JB-VWD on your escape. I can’t wait to read the forthcoming blogs on here.


  144. Wow! I am almost overwhelmed by all your responses. Thank you! There are at least 20 of you that I definitely know and remember. I will try and list them all out below:

    Chuck, of course I remember you and thank you! Jackson!! OMFG what a great feeling to hear from you! Jim Logan, you were definitely always someone I could relate to and terrific to hear from you! Shelly, we shared some, shall we say, predicaments together! Janela too! Great to hear your welcome! Colwell! Dude, awesome to hear from you. Mat, you and I had a brief time together long ago and I had a lot of ARC for you! Say hi to Amy too! Sarge ol buddy! Man did we doo all kinds of crap together, or what?!! Thoughtful, I definitely remember you though we seldom crossed paths! Bulletproof, we for sure go back a LONG time ago and it is great to hear from you! Russ W, you too and we had a period of close contact at HV which was quite and “adventure” I guess you could call it! SK! Wow cool and thanks so much! Say a big hi to Hiro too! Joe Howard, a long time track man! Thanks for your welcome and say a hi from me to your other! Jackie, also some times way, way back! Naomi S, I OF COURSE remember you totally! Thanks for the welcome! Jan! OMG! What a long time ago and great to hear from you!! Sinar! We shared some times together for sure! Mark Fisher! Wow, great! Thanks a lot! James Mortland, we sure found some true LRH together here and there and I remember it and am so pleased to hear from you! And Linda, I do remember you and thanks very much for your welcome!

    John Doe, I am still puzzling and trying to remember you! May need some more clues!

    And Mary Jo, I am reporting compliance on the freezer goodies! Now that I know they are there they will NOT last long and more are in order!

    If I left anyone out, well I am sorry. Just get pissed off and tell me and I will make it up OK?

    I really don’t know what to say. This is great! Give me a bit of time to finish getting my stuff in order. Its only 10 days since “out” for me!

    Your welcome comments were terrific and I am sure we will all catch up now as time goes on. For now though, as so many of you have suggested, I am absorbing the great hospitality and chillin’!


  145. JB~ENJOY! Look forward to meeting you one day.

  146. The audio version so awesome, this liver version. Is awesome too.

  147. Compliance report back to you! Goodies baked and delivered… enjoy!

  148. Shelly (the posting one)

    JB – Predicaments, yes! I wonder if you remember when you spray painted my hair blue (I believe it was on the street sweeper out at OGH) and it took Rikke hours to get it out? One of the funniest things that ever happened to me.


  149. Congrats! I can’t wait to hear more of your story!

  150. Pingback: John Brousseau | Moving On Up a Little Higher

  151. Pingback: “Tom Cruise Worships David Miscavige Like a God”: A Scientology Insider Gives First Full-Length Interview to the Voice « 31 Factors

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